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Brother's Best Friend for Christmas: A Bad Boy Second Chance Romance

Page 100

by Amy Brent

  “Just wanted to give them a Christmas gift before they leave. Is that okay?” I regret not fixing my hair or reapplying makeup and rushing here.

  “I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to receive you.” He escorts me into the parlor of their suite. “Take a seat and I’ll let them know you’re here.”

  I sit in the same corner as before and wait. There are two giant oak doors on either side of the parlor, and for the first time I wonder which side leads to their personal rooms. The present feels small in my hands, making me feel silly for even thinking something as cliche as a snow globe would be good enough for the twins.

  “Remy?” My head snaps up as Jake closes the door on the right side. I hadn’t even heard him come in. “What are you doing here?”

  “Um.” I stutter over my words, tightening my hold on the present. It’s wrapped in gold paper with a red bow, but looks cheap compared to the tailored suit that compliments Jake’s body. “I wanted to say sorry.” I say finally. “About last night.”

  “You’re apologizing for that asshole?” Jake’s voice raises. Emmet enters the room behind him and raises his eyebrows when he sees me.

  “You’re definitely not the Chinese food delivery guy.” He notes.

  I stand on uneasy feet and hold out the present. “I’m sorry the restaurant closed early and that the blood ended up being double the price to remove and I’m sorry if I’m not welcomed but I would be even more sorry if I just let the two of you without saying anything. So I’m not sorry that I’m here.”

  “Remy,” Jake whispers. He glances at Emmet who shares a knowing look.

  “You’re more than welcomed here.” Emmet takes the present from me. His suit rivals Jake’s, and I realize they must have just signed the agreement for the new restaurant. “More than you know.” He says and takes my hand in his as he sits the present down on the banquet table.

  “We actually we’re just talking about you.” Emmet says when I’m in between the two.

  “You act like we ever stopped.” Jake mutters and takes my free hand. Together they pull me towards the door on the right of the room, which enters into a small hallway that divides another three doors.

  “Where the hell are we going?” I ask when they stop.

  “We were pissed off yesterday.” Jake admits as he stands in front of the middle door. “But not at you, and after discussing it, that asshole that got a deserving beating wasn’t the end of it.”

  Emmet shows me a faint bruise near his chin as Jake pulls his sleeve up to reveal another red and purple spot.

  “You guys fought each other?” I nearly laugh. “What’s wrong with you two?”

  “You.” Jake says. “Damn it, Remy, you’re what’s wrong with us.” I back up towards the parlor but Emmet moves behind me. His arms wrap around my shoulder and his breath is close to my earlobe.

  “We’re both in love with you, and it turns out we both have been holding back.” My hand flies to cover my mouth. His words repeat in my head.

  We’re in love with you.

  “And it’s been fucking awful pretending we’re not.” Jake finishes.

  He opens the door behind him, showing just half of an enormous room. “And we planned on asking you to choose between us.” He says and Emmet lightly pushes me forward.

  “But let’s be honest, would you be able to choose?” Emmet asks. They both stand in front of me, two blonde twins holding out one hand towards me. Their eyes, always similar yet slightly different, sparkle in the low lighting of the room, and I know I couldn’t ever pick just one. My mouth refuses to work, and I shake my head.

  “Then maybe we can try and convince you.” Jake says and they both pull me into the room and slam the door behind us.

  Chapter Twelve

  As soon as the door closes Jake becomes as aggressive as he was in the alley. He takes me into his arms and kisses me, unbuttoning my coat as we stumble towards the bed. Shoes and leggings quickly meet the pile of clothes and Emmet adds his shirt.

  “Are you sure?” I ask in between his lips meeting mine. He growls against my throat and pulls strands of hair at the nape of my neck. I gasp at both the pain and pleasure.

  “We couldn’t think of any other way.” Emmet’s hands circle my waist and turns me to face him. Jake stays behind me, nipping at my neck as his hands roam my behind. Emmet kisses me softly and removes my blouse. My fingers trace his hard stomach to his chest, pressing hard when Jake’s hand suddenly dips in between my thighs.

  “Say you’ll choose me.” Jake says. He removes his shirts behind me and my hands reach to feel the side of his abs. The desire is killing me, and I don’t think I’ve ever wanted anything more than these two brothers. I turn to watch as Jake removes his pants and squeal when Emmet slides my skirt around my feet. His toned arms pick me up beneath my back and knees, and he swiftly carries me to the bed as if I’m nothing but a feather. And I know for a fact I’m far heavier than that.

  “Choose me, please.” Emmet begs. He lies me down in only a bra and panties now, and takes his own pants off. A very noticeable bulge beneath a tuft of hair that starts at his navel gets my attention as he lowers himself on top of me. My hands get lost within the fine, blonde hair that spreads across his chest.

  His erection presses against my thigh as his lips capture mine, and I squirm beneath him. Oh god, I want him.

  “Remy,” He moans in my ear. I press kisses against his chin, rubbing my cheek against the stubble of his jaw. “You have no idea how in love I am with you.”

  “Emmet.” I repeat his name. His lips trail down my neck to my neck and stops at my breasts. A single finger teases the top of my bra. He lifts my upper body with one hand and unhooks my bra with the other, and as soon as it’s thrown onto the floor he lowers his face between my breasts and excites my nipples with both hands. My black skin contrasts his body, making it even more pale. I cry out as his tongue finds a nipple and begins to suck. My hips thrust against his until it becomes a rocking motion and the pleasure builds so high I faintly recognize my release.

  But Jake pushes Emmet aside and turns my body to face him. We lie on our sides towards one another as he fondles my ass, and I take the opportunity to trace a thick tattooed line that starts at his shoulder and snakes around his toned arms.

  “I waited long enough.” He says and kisses me. It’s much more harsh than Emmet, and the ferocity soaks my panties until I’m certain I must be dripping onto the bed. He pulls me close enough to shield everything from us until it starts to feel like we’re the only ones in the room. Soft kisses against my neck reminds me that Emmet is behind us, patiently waiting his turn to prove himself to me.

  Not wasting time, Jake’s fingers dip into my panties and finds my clit drenched in my own desire. His body reacts to mine and he starts sliding his finger up and down, up and down, until I’m panting so hard that I have to arch my body for a deep breath. My hips writhe against his as my hand burrows beneath his waistband and strokes his enormous length. It twitches in my palm, and the faster I pump it the louder Jake moans.

  But before we’re able to finish together Emmet interjects himself, pulling my body towards him and away from Jake. The frustration irks me and I climb on top of him this time to stay in control. His rod pops out from his briefs and I lower my soaked panties against it, pressing hard against my own clit. My hips jiggle as I use his own member to pleasure myself and Emmet grabs them. His eyes meet mine, blue-green on brown, and I see lust reflected in them. He leans on his elbows and takes turns sucking on both nipples, but when his package begins to twitch and I start squirming a little more, Jake decides it’s his turn.

  And like spoiled brothers who grew up with everything being handed to them, they refuse to share. Jake grabs me from behind and sits me in between his legs, dipping his fingers inside my panties and caressing my vulva before he pushes one into my entrance. I gasp sharply, but pleasure overrides pain and I ease into him when he adds another finger and begins to slide in and out. His other han
d plays with my breast, but it’s not as pleasing as when Emmet pays them attention and I offer my hand to him.

  He looks between us hesitantly. I grab Jake’s manhood and reach for Emmet’s but he shakes his head and instead tries to pull me away from Jake.

  “You wanted me.” Emmet says, and I realize they’re still wanting me to pick. “Just admit that you choose me.’

  “I could make you scream louder than he ever could, you know that.” Jake says behind me and tightens his hold around my waist.

  I try comparing them both but it’s useless. They’re so different, and separately they rouse different parts of me that together makes it feel complete. Jake is far more aggressive, pleasuring my sex directly while taking care of his needs. Emmet’s the passionate one, who uses his mouth to show his love for me, and so far seems to have a bigger interest in my ample bosom. I pull myself away from Jake and put distance between the both of them. It’s impossible, I realize. I could never choose between them.

  “Jake makes me laugh when I feel like I’ll never laugh again.” I say. “He brings up the fighter in me, and reminds myself of all the hard work I’ve done to get where I am.” Jake lights up, but I shake my head.

  “But Emmet, you make me feel safe. And your love is so pure that it’s like a physical wind I feel every time you look at me.”

  “What are you saying then, Remy?” He asks.

  “I’m not sure how it happened, but I love the both of you. And it’s not love that’s split in half. It’s full, undivided love that makes it hard to breathe when I’m near just one of you.” I leave the bed and start putting my clothes back on. The twins remain silent. “And though I’m pretty sure I’ll always love you both, I’m not okay with being told to pick and throwing yourselves at me like it’s some sort of competition. It’s not.” I button up my coat and storm out of the master bedroom and rush to the parlor.

  “Remy!” They call behind me. I wipe tears that fall freely down my cheeks and pause when I see the gold wrapped present on the table.

  “Merry Christmas.” I choke on my words and storm out of the executive suite. They don’t chase me far, and thankfully neither the floor host nor Albert questions me as I run out in mortified tears.

  And I only cry harder when I close my apartment door behind me, realizing that I would never see the Kennedys again.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Boxed wine becomes my best friend the following night once again as I flip through channels of romantic Christmas movies full of happy endings. My popcorn bucket tips over onto the carpet when I fling the remote off of my futon. It’s useless, and I end up watching the last half of Love Actually. Camila calls, and upon hearing the TV in the background she promptly arrives with more wine and candied chocolates.

  “You’re the real Santa Claus.” I say. We drink until we’re tipsy.

  “David’s been a lot more calm since the owners left, gracias a Dios.” Camila gives me a wary look. “But you’ve been depressed. Anything you’re not telling me?”

  I realize I hadn’t told Camila anything about my fatal romance. I’ve done my best at keeping the twins at the back of my mind, a crisis to be dealt with later. But the words come flowing out before I can stop myself, and soon Camila is biting her lip and gasping when I tell her how close I had gotten to sleeping with the both of them.

  “But it was obvious they didn’t actually care about pleasuring me. They only cared that the other brother wasn’t.” I complain. Camila finally blinks and lifts her jaw.

  “Dios chica, you’ve been living a real telenovela without telling me? It’s a miracle you even passed your classes!” She’s not wrong. I’m surprised I didn’t fail mid terms. “But what now? Are you going to see them again?”

  “I blocked their numbers.” I say, and she groans.

  “Idiota!” She yells. “You blocked the numbers of two rich hot brothers who both are in love with you?”

  “What am I supposed to do? Be with both of them?” I argue back. “Camila this isn’t a Spanish TV show. That’s not how the real world works. I was ready to give both of them my virginity but how would we have done that? They hate taking turns!”

  “They love you and you love them. That’s all that should matter.” She insists.

  “It doesn’t matter. I’m over it.” I lie, and Camila sees right through me. She rolls her eyes but drops the subject, and we finish our sleep over with the rest of the wine and chocolates.

  Camila wakes me first in the morning, and we both rush to get ready for our early shift together. It’s below freezing outside and we hurry to the subway, blowing hot air into our hands. It’s the day before Christmas Eve now, and it shows as every other person no the train holds bags upon bags stuffed with presents on their laps. Camila’s parents have flown in already, and she discusses the Christmas dinner that she’s been prepping nearly all year.

  “Are you coming over?” She asks me as we get off our exit. “I’ve only asked you a million times and mami even brought an extra packet of socks to give you.”

  “No thanks, Camila. Don’t think I could handle your crazy family.” We arrive at Kennedy’s before David does and begin opening. The breakfast crowd rushes in, and the first moment I get I hide in the storage room and scarf down a plate of our holiday peppermint french toast and candied bacon. I eat until I feel like my blouse is going to pop off and run to care for my tables. It’s our last business day of the week and the busiest so far. After only a few hours I’m covered in a light sweat with a pretty good amount of tips.

  “Haven’t seen such a beautiful smile in a while.” A man at one of my tables says. He’s tan with dark hair and a thick beard, and his muscles prove that he spends a decent amount at the gym.

  “Well, thank you.” I say, but it’s not as chipper or flirty as it would have been before the twins.

  He ends up leaving an alright tip, and I know it would have been higher had I given in to him. But the disappointment quickly turns into desperation when I glance the back of two blonde men similar in height. They turn to me as I walk towards the hostess stand and I stop in my tracks. They’re not the twins.

  The mailman arrives when breakfast turns into lunch and drops a stack inside David’s office. He intercepts me on his way out and hands me a thin letter. My name is written in neat cursive, but there’s no return address or name. I slip it into my apron and wait until my tables are taken care of before sneaking into the break room.

  I pull out a postcard that has a short and simple note.

  Remy, before we go we would like to apologize in person.

  Christmas Eve night, Six P.M.

  We’ll wait here for you, and hope you come.

  An address finishes the note, and after looking it up on my phone I find out it’s a building downtown near their suite.

  The letter falls from my hand onto the floor. They just want to apologize, I tell myself. Maybe say a proper goodbye. I can say goodbye to the Kennedy twins one more time.

  I kneel and pick it up, brushing against the handwritten note most likely written by Emmet. Christmas Eve, it said. I’ll spend Christmas Eve with Emmet and Jake, and then say goodbye.

  Chapter Fourteen

  I used to love Christmas Eve. I used to wake up and demand my parents get ready for breakfast. Afterwards, we would gather around the tree as they hand me one single present to open. It never mattered what it was, I still loved it because I got to open it early. Then we would go play in the snow, and every year our snowman would grow taller and taller. Until our first Christmas without my mom. Her car accident was nearly six months prior, but my dad was still in a drunken stupor and didn’t come home from the night before Christmas Eve until after New Years.

  But this Christmas Eve is different. I’m not setting up expectations or assuming there’ll be anything more than kind words exchanged. I try to keep in with the holiday spirit with a red sweater that hugs my curves and fits over my waist, soft black leggings and a green scarf. I start to pull my ha
ir into a bun but remember Jake’s words as he played with my corkscrews behind the restaurant. My hair falls down around my shoulders in tight curls as I slip into thick boots and a winter coat.

  The cab drops me off at a high-rise on the other side of town compared to their suite. It’s shiny and brand new and looking at the people walking in and out, I realize they’re condos for the wealthy.

  The inside is heavily decorated with wreaths, tinsel, candy canes and a giant snow frosted tree in the middle of the lobby. Two golden elevators sit on opposite ends, and after asking the receptionist, I get off the fifty fifth floor. There’s only one door on the very end of the floor. A soft knock pushes it open, and I walk inside and close it behind me.

  My boots kick a foot of fake snow that swarms my ankles, and I take a deep whiff of pine needle, cinnamon and vanilla. Every inch of the condo is decorated with garland and Santa hats and even little mistletoes that hang from lowered ceilings. But the most amazing part is not the wrapping paper crudely taped onto walls or the twinkling Christmas tree nestled in the corner, but the Parisian music that plays from a room around a corner and the plate of French pastries that sit on a small iron table with fake cigarettes.

  “I forgot to add this.” Jake says as he enters through the hallway. He wears a thin shirt and regular pants, far more normal and humble that anything I’ve ever seen on either of them, and offers me a small smile as he fits a string of roses around the top of my head.


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