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Patient for a Day

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by K. J. Ward

  Patient for a Day

  “Anna,” the nurse called from the doorway into the waiting room. Anna stood up a bit shakily, both nervous and excited all at once. She wasn't there for a typical exam that day – she was there because she wanted to be. She had gone through the company Your Day International for a special day – a day in which she was a patient, probed and examined for a longer period of time, by a number of people. But even more than that, it was a day in which the doctors would take the exam beyond a simple exam. She wasn't sure how. She had reluctantly shared with Randy, the salesperson who worked with her, what her desires were and that they went beyond a simple exam. He had suggested this to her, even let her sleep on it before she decided to add it to the contract. So she wasn't entirely sure what to expect, but he'd promised her it would be quite enjoyable. Considering how turned on she was just sitting in the waiting room for her appointment, she had a feeling that would be the case.

  As Anna followed the thin blonde nurse down the hall into the exam room, her excitement only built further. Once inside the exam room the nurse gave her a reassuring smile as she closed the door to the room behind them, “I'm going to need you to get undressed. I can leave the room if you'd like, but considering how much you're going to be exposed today, you may as well do so in front of me.”

  Anna swallowed hard, her hands visibly shaking as she started to unbutton her blouse, with both anticipation and a little fear of what was planned for her that day. Even so, she took off her blouse in front of the nurse, folding it and putting it off to the side with her purse, and then unbuttoning and unzipping her pants. She slipped her shoes off of her bare feet and pulled down her pants slowly before stepping out of them and folding them up, adding them to the pile of clothing. She stood in her plain white bra and panties, blushing as she realized the nurse had been watching her the whole time, “Bra and panties too?”

  “Yes, you'll need to be completely naked for the exam,” the nurse answered with a smile, this one less reassuring. The nurse clearly was going to be enjoying what Anna would be experiencing as much as Anna herself would.

  Anna took a deep breath as she reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, blushing a bit as she took it off. Her breasts were fairly large but at forty years old they sagged a bit and weren’t nearly as perky as she would have liked. She put the bra with the rest of her clothing and then slid her panties down, putting them on top of the pile. Once she was naked, she didn’t even bother trying to cover her body since the nurse was going to see it all whether she tried to cover herself or not. The nurse motioned over toward the scale and Anna stepped forward onto it. The nurse weighed her and checked her height as well before writing both down on the chart.

  “Have a seat on the exam table,” the nurse instructed. Anna did as she was told, taking a seat on the table. The nurse checked her blood pressure and her pulse, very professionally. The only difference for Anna so far between this and a regular exam, besides the fact that she knew that this exam was going to be special was that she was naked. That was right up until the nurse finished with her blood pressure and her pulse and told her, “Lay down on your stomach, I need to take your temperature.”

  “Lay on my stomach? Why would I need to do that to have my temperature taken?” Anna asked the nurse even as she moved to comply with her request, moving so her back was to the nurse before lying on her stomach, folding her hands beneath her head.

  “Because I’m going to take your temperature rectally, of course,” the nurse answered as though it was obvious. Anna didn’t object, though it did catch her off guard that the nurse would be taking her temperature that way. But the thought of it didn’t bother her; in fact, it made her toes curl with anticipation and her womanhood began to grow damp. She could hear the nurse open a cabinet and take a few things out, but she couldn’t see what the nurse was doing in the position she was in. Less than a minute passed before she suddenly felt the nurse’s hand on her backside, parting her ass cheeks slightly and exposing her puckered opening. Then she heard the nurse speak, “Just relax, this will only take a few minutes.”

  Anna let out an audible gasp as she felt the cold, Vaseline-covered thermometer against her ass pucker before it was slowly slid into her. She remembered when she was a child having this done and that the thermometer didn’t go all that far in. So naturally it was quite a shock when the nurse pushed it in a few inches. Her heart raced as the cold invader came to rest in her rectum and the nurse held it in place inside her. A soft groan escaped her lips at that point as she shifted a bit on the table, which prompted the nurse to tell her, “Try to stay still for this, we want to make sure it’s an accurate reading.”

  Seconds turned to minutes as Anna lay on the table waiting for the thermometer to finish. She wasn’t sure why it was taking so long – or why the nurse kept moving the thermometer in her ass, spinning it slowly within her and moving it in and out of her. She would pull its length nearly all the way out until just the tip was beyond her sphincter, and then shove it back in uncomfortably and hold it in place again. Anna bit her lip to keep from moaning out as the nurse did this. All that she knew was that each time the thermometer moved within her, whether it was from the nurse twisting it around or pulling it out and pushing it back in that shockwaves ran through her body. If this was only the beginning of what they would do to her that day, it would be a long, enjoyable day indeed.

  Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the nurse pulled the thermometer out entirely and said softly, “Temperature is normal. You can sit up now.” As Anna sat up, she saw the nurse throwing away the probe cover she’d used and then got a look at the thermometer. It was an old-style glass thermometer – the kind that needed minutes to register a temperature rather than seconds. That was why it had been in her for as long as it was. The nurse put it back in a holder in the cabinet and turned back to her, “The doctor will be in shortly. Just wait here please.”

  “Of course,” Anna responded as the nurse stepped out of the room, pulling the door shut. She didn’t offer her a gown of any kind, though Anna didn’t expect her to. She shivered a bit on the table but not from the cold in the room. Having her temperature taken like that and being naked like this was really driving her wild. She blushed as she thought of the doctor touching and looking at her while she was dripping wet like this. Then again, that was the whole point to why she was there in the first place.

  Anna didn’t have long to wait before the doctor opened the door and walked in, though she was surprised by the doctor she got. She thought it was going to be a man that would be examining her, but it turned out that the doctor was a woman. She was absolutely beautiful, with black hair tied back in a ponytail, deep dark brown eyes, a nice tan, and from what Anna could see of her body, curves in all the right places too. Anna felt her cheeks flush a bit as she saw the doctor looking over at her. Somehow it would have been easier sitting there naked if it had been a man, but Anna truly didn’t care about the doctor’s gender so much as she did about being examined by them – and right now, the prospect of being examined by this doctor got Anna’s juices flowing anew.

  “Anna Wilkinson? I’m Dr. Jessica Paul. I’ll be examining you today,” the doctor told her as she shut the door. She headed over to the sink in the room to wash her hands, glancing down at the chart, “I see that you’re here for a breast exam, pelvic exam, and vaginal and anal stretching and measuring.” Anna could only nod at what she heard. The idea of having an erotic sort of breast and pelvic exam was what had truly gotten her interested in having a day like this. The addition of this vaginal and anal stretching the doctor referred to felt both scary and exciting all at once. She noticed that the doctor looked over at her, seeming to be waiting for some kind of confirmation that she did
want all of that done to her.

  “Yes, that’s what I signed up for,” Anna answered after a moment, blushing a bit as the doctor walked over to her.

  “I figured you did – though I know hearing some of that is new to you also. Just relax – I promise you’re going to enjoy this. Now lie back, we might as well get started,” the doctor told her as she gave her a reassuring smile. Anna took a deep breath and did as she told her, lying on her back on the table, not covering up her body at all but blushing just a bit. Her blush only deepened when the doctor said to her, “We’ll start with a breast exam.”

  Anna felt the doctor’s bare hands on her right breast, gently but firmly pressing and squeezing at the tissue beneath her skin. Immediately her nipples hardened on both breasts and her womanhood dampened further as the doctor’s touch ignited sparks of desire within her. Her breath caught in her throat as the doctor felt around the outside of her breast first before making her way further in toward her nipple. Anna felt both tense and at ease, aroused and yet nervous as she’d always tried to hide that fact from her doctors in the past. But this was her day, so when Dr. Paul saw how tense she was she smiled to her reassuringly again, “Anna, relax. This is your day, remember? I know you’re aroused by this and it’s okay to be. You don’t have to hide it – go ahead and enjoy it.”

  As she spoke the doctor reached her nipple and took it between two fingers, pinching it gently and giving it a soft tug before pressing on it. That was too much for Anna to contain, as the doctor knew it might be. She let out low, long moan and then a soft sigh of pleasure as the doctor removed her hand. She was instructed to lift her arm over her head, which she did before the doctor continued to work her way around her breast, this time outward from her nipple. By the time the doctor had made her way back around her breast she was breathing much more heavily. But Dr. Paul ignored her plight, merely starting to examine the other breast in the same way – outside first and around toward the middle, then pinching and pulling her nipple, and finally making her way back out from the nipple with Anna’s arm up. By the time she finished, Anna was letting out soft moans with each breath. Dr. Paul gave her a coy grin as she placed her hands on her patient’s stomach, beginning to press firmly to check her internal organs. Her hands slowly moved down over her navel, all the way down to the top of her slit. Even the mere movement of the doctor’s soft fingers against Anna’s skin and the way she pressed on her abdomen was a turn on. What she said next excited Anna to no end, “Let’s get your legs into the stirrups for your pelvic exam.”

  With that Anna sat up as the Dr. Paul pulled out the stirrups from the sides of the exam table and locked them into place. She then had Anna lie back down and put her feet into the stirrups before telling her to slide down on the table. Anna did so until she thought she had moved far enough, but the doctor shook her head, “Slide down further, until you feel my hand.” Anna did so, sliding her hips just past the edge of the table until she felt her pussy and ass pressing against the doctor’s bare, waiting palm. She gasped and let out a soft moan at the feeling of the doctor’s hand against her intimate areas. The doctor merely smiled and moved her hand away slowly, “And to think, I haven’t even gotten started yet.”

  As the doctor spoke, Anna heard the door open and glancing over she saw the same nurse from before enter the room and close the door behind her. She brought with her a tray with all the instruments that the doctor would be using, some of which Anna was familiar with but others that she had never seen before. Dr. Paul took a seat on a stool between her legs and smiled to her as she began the exam by gently touching Anna's outer lips, running her fingers over them and then holding them open. The doctor's touch combined with being closely looked at by both the doctor and the nurse caused Anna to arch her back on the table and let out a soft moan. The nurse smiled and glanced at the doctor, “She is very reactive, isn't she?”

  “Yes, she's quite sensitive it seems,” Dr. Paul said as she looked at her inner folds and then slowly ran a finger over Anna's clit. Electricity flowed through her entire body and her eyes widened as she let out a loud, long moan, her back arched, her feet pressing into the stirrups hard as her toes curled slightly. Dr. Paul simply smiled and continued to examine her clitoris, running her fingers over and around it as clinically as she could, ignoring Anna's moans and occasional cries of pleasure.

  “Oh doctor... Oh my god...” Anna managed through gasps of breath as she moaned. Dr. Paul didn't respond, simply moving her fingers lower to her vagina. She waited for a few moments before plunging two fingers into her canal. Anna went absolutely wild; her body writhed on the table as the sensations of the doctor's fingers inside her nearly sent her over the edge. Her juices flowed and muscles pulsed around the Dr. Paul's fingers. The doctor moved her fingers in and out slowly, feeling her walls and rubbing gently inside her before pulling her fingers out, now covered with Anna's juices.

  “She's quite wet – I don't think we'll need to lubricate this at all...” Dr. Paul said to the nurse as she wiped her fingers clean and picked up an instrument off the tray, though Anna couldn't see what it was. But she certainly felt it and could tell it was a speculum when Dr. Paul slid it past her lips and into her womanhood. She felt the pressure within as Dr. Paul began to open its jaws, a sensation most women found uncomfortable or painful but she simply found erotic. She moaned softly and unconsciously rocked her hips. Dr. Paul made sure not to move the speculum in or out though, driving Anna crazy because all she wanted was to be taken in that moment. She gasped at the sensation of a probe of some kind being pushed into her and then removed. Anna let out a soft sigh as the doctor closed the speculum within her and then pulled it out gently. The doctor paused for a moment and looked up at her, “Time for the bimanual exam...”

  Anna briefly wondered if the doctor was going to use gloves but then quickly got her answer when the doctor slipped a bare finger into her wetness. The doctor moved the finger around and then removed it, and suddenly Anna felt it against her ass pucker. Her eyes widened as she realized that Dr. Paul was using her own juices as lubrication to stick a finger in her ass. Knowing that her pussy was wet enough to lubricate something for her ass turned Anna on in a way as well. Or perhaps it was the anticipation of getting that finger in her ass. After a moment, Dr. Paul slowly pushed her finger past her sphincter, while at the same time shoving two fingers into the wetness of her pussy. Anna moaned loudly and arched her back as the nurse smiled, “I should have warned you that the patient likes it up her ass – she went nuts when I checked her temperature earlier.”

  “My guess is she's turned on by being examined, whether it’s her rectum, vagina, or any other part of her body,” Dr. Paul said with a smirk as she looked up at Anna, who simply nodded to confirm what the doctor was saying about her. The doctor moved her fingers around within her ass and pussy, feeling her internally before she started to slowly move both sets of fingers in and out. Anna arched her back and moaned as she heard the doctor speaking to the nurse, “Let's give her a quick test to see just how sensitive she is and how easily she orgasms. I think it'll be rather quick – just rub her clitoris a bit for me.”

  Anna couldn't believe her ears – it was more than she ever imagined would happen at an exam. She really couldn't believe it when she felt the nurse's hand move between her legs and two fingers rest on her clit, which she started to move in a gently circle around that pearl of her pleasure. Anna let out a loud cry and arched her back as the doctor, seeing the nurse touching her in that way, pulled her fingers almost all the way out of her pussy and ass and then slammed them in again, in and out like that, hard and fast. Meanwhile the nurse continued to rub circles around her clit. It was too much for Anna, being stimulated in stirrups like that by her doctor and her nurse – she let out a scream of pleasure as her entire body tensed up, and her muscles clamped down on the doctor’s fingers while her juices flowed. The doctor nodded to the nurse – Anna expected them to stop, to let her down but they both just kept going, the nu
rse rubbing and the doctor moving her fingers in and out of her. She couldn't keep her hips from rocking nor could she stop her body from writhing on the table. She gripped the sides of it tightly, her knuckles white as her toes curled in the stirrups. She let out another squeal as she came hard again, after just a few minutes of the doctor and nurse stimulating her pussy and ass. This time, however, both of their movements slowed and they stopped, the nurse removing her hand from her and the doctor pulling her fingers out of her. Anna took a deep breath to try to steady her racing heart as she fell back on the table, perspiration covering her body.

  The doctor and nurse gave her a few minutes to catch her breath before they did anything else, though the nurse did instruct her to stay in the stirrups. Anna couldn't believe that they weren't done with her as she heard the doctor washing her hands. When Dr. Paul walked back over she told Anna, “We're going to measure your vagina and anus, to see how long an object you can handle in each, and how wide an object you can take. Just relax – it's likely going to be a bit uncomfortable for you.”

  “I understand,” Anna replied, knowing that some of what she went through while being examined could be uncomfortable and sometimes even painful, but she was fine with that. As the doctor sat down again between her legs, the nurse handed her what looked like an extremely long, thin dildo made of metal. The doctor rubbed a bit of lube onto it, though Anna was certain that was just for show considering she'd just orgasmed and was still very wet. The doctor slowly started to push it into Anna's vagina and she let out a soft moan, though she jumped from the feeling of how cold it was on her hot inner surfaces.

  The doctor put one hand on her thigh, “Try to relax, and tell me if it hurts too much.” With that she felt the doctor keep on pushing it in, inch by inch, until she felt it against her cervix. It was a bit uncomfortable, but not really painful until the doctor kept pushing. Anna let out a soft cry as she felt it push against her cervix. The doctor rubbed her thigh gently, “Just relax, Anna. I'm going to stretch you a bit this way until we fit as much as we can inside you.” Anna whimpered softly with the painful stretching of the dildo pushing her cervix back, the doctor making sure to get as much into her vagina as possible. And yet even that was a turn on for Anna – the very fact that the doctor was doing a procedure was enough to turn her on, even if it was uncomfortable or painful. Eventually Dr. Paul stopped pushing and finally pulled the instrument out, noting how far she'd been able to push it into Anna's vagina so the nurse could write it on her chart.


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