Boyd_McCullough’s Jamboree_Erotic Jaguar Shapeshifter Romance
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“You’re going to give me your all.” She told him that she had. “No. Not even close. When I’m finished with you, you’ll be putty in my hands and limp with exhaustion. And then I’ll start anew. I will give you more than you’ve ever had.”
He lifted her off the counter, his cock still deep inside of her. Boyd lifted her, lowering her again and again while he navigated the stairs. Twice he had to pause on the steps to sit her on the oak banister and take her hard, bring her again and again until she had to hang onto him or fall to the floor.
The bedroom door was flung back against the wall. She felt heated by the sound, like her body was responding to some kind of bell to make herself feel hotter, wetter, and closer to coming again. When he laid her down, joining her on the bed, it was like she had come home, home to a man that loved her without any doubts.
“You’re all mine. Say it again for me.” Reilly told him that she was forever his and held him close as he made love to her. “I love you with all that I am, Reilly. Be my wife, have children with me.”
“Yes. All that and more.” He touched her everywhere, his body slick with his need, with his sweat, sweet tasting to her when she licked his chest. “I love you.”
Boyd’s touch was like a brand to her flesh, his hands touching off emotions and feelings all over her body. His mouth was like a hot iron that marked her as his. And when he lifted her up a little, his hand cupping her ass, he moved faster inside of her, taking her to heights that she’d never reached before.
His mouth moved over her throat. And when he licked her there, as much as she had him, her body tightened in a way that she knew when she came she was going to pass out. The anticipation of having him come inside of her gave her need a spike, and her body responded accordingly.
When he bit her throat, everything stopped. Her breath lodged in her throat. Her heart, beating so quickly before, seemed to freeze inside of her chest for a few instants. Even her blood that she had been feeling rush over her seemed to have stopped moving. Just for a moment. Just a second or two, then everything came together.
A scream tore from her throat, seemingly coming from the bottom of her feet. Blood that had been stuck someplace in her body jettisoned to her heart and made it beat, what felt like a thousand beats per second. She was going to die, Reilly was sure of it. And when she came apart, her body just shattering when he filled her, Reilly felt the world center on him. Then there was nothing else.
When she woke, Boyd was laying over her. His heart, pounding as hard as hers, was right over hers. Lifting her hands up to wrap around him cost her more than she thought she had then; her energy and will to move were gone. When he laughed a little, rolling to his back, she went with him and Reilly marveled at the strength that he’d had after that.
“Christ, that was fucking fantastic. As soon as I can move, I’ll show you how much I love you.” She just stared at him, thinking he could not need more. “The next time we make love, you’ll bite me. I’m sure that’ll make it better for you.”
“Are you joking right now? If that had been any better, you’d be scraping me off the ceiling right now. I have never come so many times in my life, nor have I ever, and I mean never, enjoyed sex as much as I did just then.” She kissed his chest when she laid her head back down. “Now, be still so I can rest up. There is no way I’m going to be able to move until next week sometime.”
He moved his fingers along her back, telling her what he had on his books for tomorrow. Boyd’s voice was soothing and warm, just the tonic she needed to fall into a deep sleep. The blankets were pulled over her at some point, and she came to enough to tell Boyd that she loved him again. But she was exhausted and fell back to sleep quickly.
When she woke the room was flooded in light and she was alone in the big bed. A note on his pillow had her smiling hugely, and she opened it up to see where he had gone. Until that moment, she’d forgotten that he was a doctor and would be called in when needed.
Mrs. Davies decided to have her baby at two this morning. This is her fourth child, and I’m excited that she’s finally going to have a son. I don’t know when I’ll be home, but if you need me, call the hospital, or you could reach out to me. Think of me and I’ll be in your mind with you. I love you, Boyd.
It was just a few minutes after seven when she got out of the bed and made her way to the shower. They had purchased some new towels for this room, and needed to go and get more things, personal items, to fill out the house. As she stood under the spray, she thought about her dad and decided that he was going to be first on her list of things to do this morning. She’d have to get a ride from someone, she thought, and decided that she needed something to drive. Reilly was going to take Bea up on her offer to use her car while she was doing things today, and then she was going to figure out something for herself.
Going down to the kitchen, she found two boxes of cereal as well as another note from Boyd. There was a set of keys on the counter too. Picking up the note, she read it while she made herself some breakfast.
I ordered this for you yesterday, and they delivered it late last night. It’s in the garage. Which, by the way, has an opener near the door inside this room. I love that. When I’m finished up today, I’ll meet you in town and we can get some groceries. This might be fun. Love, Boyd.
She knew that it had to be a car, and was excited to have something that she could use on her own. Reilly didn’t even care what it was so long as it was safe for her to use. The weather was getting worse every day. After eating a bowl of cereal, she pulled on her coat and boots and went to explore her car.
“Oh my goodness.” It was a brand-new SUV, with four-wheel drive and four doors. When she got inside of the sucker, she wasn’t surprised to find that it was loaded with every option known to new cars. The seats could even be heated, and she had a small television on the dash so she could back up safely. Excitement coursed through her blood as she tried reaching out for Boyd.
I could feel your excitement. Do you love it? She told him it was the best she’d ever had. Good, I’m so glad. When I looked inside of it this morning before I left, I decided to get me one just like it. Different color. I don’t think I’d look good in baby blue.
Oh Boyd, I so love it. I was going to talk to you about it today. I couldn’t keep borrowing your mom’s car when I need to go out. I love-love this. He laughed, and it warmed her to her toes. I’m going to see my dad and hang out with him. My shadow is going to be with me too. I wonder if Hawk had more important things to do with his time. But I feel safe. When I saw Dad yesterday, he was still groggy, but feeling good.
I saw him earlier too. He’s doing much better than I expected, and Mac said that she was going to move him to a regular room today, so ask before you go to intensive care to see him. She told him she would as she backed carefully out of the garage. I was thinking that when I’m done here, we could meet at the mall and then do some shopping for food. There is literally nothing in the house. Mom brought the cereal and milk over last night, she told me.
I did wonder about that. Oh, I’m so happy right now, I could bust. He laughed again and told her that he had to go. Babies were coming. I love you so much, Boyd.
The hospital wasn’t far from the house—she thought they were closer than his condo had been—but it was still a hazardous drive with the snow coming down and traffic being nuts. She also forgot to put the car in four-wheel, and as soon as she did that, the driving became a good deal easier for her.
Getting to the hospital, she went to the desk and asked about her dad. Mac had moved him, but had also asked for her to call her before she went up. Asking about the phone there, she called the other woman and told her who she was.
“Thank you for calling me. I was wondering something after going over your dad’s care. Will he be staying with you for a little while after he’s released, or should I make arrangements to have him put into a nursing home? He’s going to need a lot of care when he first is released. Bandages being changed,
his blood being monitored, and things like that. It might be too much for you, at first.” She told her that she hadn’t thought of it but would ask Boyd. “You have a few weeks. I’m going to keep him until I can get his blood stable. Sometimes with a trauma like the one he suffered, it takes a toll on things like meds.”
“I’m just going up to see him now. I thank you for putting him in a private room, so I can.” Mac said that she was family and they took care of each other. “Well, I thank you anyway. And I love this family.”
“You’ll learn that they can be a pain in the ass at times, but when the rough stuff comes around, there is no one better to have in your corner than them.” She told her that she’d figured that out. “Oh, and I’ve talked to Boyd, but this Friday we’re all having dinner at his parents’ house to plan the Christmas day things. The holiday is in just a few days, you know.”
“Yes, I’d forgotten about it, really.” She’d not gotten a single gift for anyone, not even her dad so far. “I’ll have to get with Boyd about that too. I’m afraid that I’m a little behind.”
“Don’t worry about it, Reilly. It’s a big family, and they just enjoy being together where there is food.” Laughing even after she hung up, Reilly made her way to her dad’s room.
It would be nice to have him home with her, but that was going to be something that her and Boyd would have to talk about. They were new to their relationship, and while she was secure in her love for him, her dad was going to need her too.
Ross was sick of no one answering his questions. He supposed in their own way they were, but they weren’t giving him what he wanted to hear. As soon as he was out of here, by hook or crook his grandma used to say, he was going to go on a murdering spree that would make the world sit up and take notice of him. He just had to figure out how to get out of this fucking cell and out into the real world.
The door opened and closed at the end of the hall. There wasn’t anyone else in the cells with him—the two men who had been in the cells closest to the doors had left a couple of days ago. He knew by the smell that it was his lunch coming, and he was actually looking forward to it.
Whoever was making the meals for the prisoners today was really a great cook. This morning for breakfast he’d had creamy oats with brown sugar on them. Four slices of toast, as well as a scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and a glass of orange juice, as well as a fantastic cup of coffee.
The smells coming from the tray that was being carried made his mouth water and his belly growl. But he didn’t move from his position at the wall. He’d learned that the hard way his first day in here.
When one of the guards came to his cell, he was to move back from the door as far as he could go. Ross had refused to do that the first couple of times and they’d told him to move back. Then on the morning of the third day, he’d not gotten up from his cot and was still there when the man came with his breakfast. He’d been tased after being told six times to move to the wall, and that had made him piss himself. The second time they had to take action against him, he’d had the same thing happen to him and he’d not gotten his lunch or dinner that day. He was careful now to keep to the rules.
Ross had a mental list of things he was going to do when he was out of here. But he had to talk to his dad about things first. His mom was forever pissed off at him, so he knew that whatever he asked of her, he’d not get it. When his tray was slid under the cell doors, he asked again about his dad coming to see him.
“I’ve done a little searching for you, not that you deserve it, but your family has left town. Forever.” He told him that wasn’t right. “Right or not, they’re gone, and the house has been closed up and put on the market.”
“The market? That house is mine.” The guy started to walk away, and Ross used that to go to the bars and yell at him. “What happens to my things? I have all my clothes and stuff still in that house. Fuck this shit, I want my things.”
No answer. Not that he had expected to get one, but he sat down and looked at his tray of forgotten food. His things were in that house. His things. And they were going to just trash it all. That was so unfair. And to not even tell him that they were leaving? It had to be a joke. A mean and cruel one, but a joke nonetheless.
Picking up his tray, he opened the metal shells that covered it up and looked at the burger and fries. There was apple pie, as well as a plate with lettuce, tomato, onions, and pickles on it. Small packets of mustard and other condiments were there as well. He was halfway through eating the best burger he’d ever tasted when he remembered what else he’d stashed in his room. His movies.
Ross knew that his father was too stupid to figure it out, so he wasn’t worried that he’d find them. The DVD player in the living room, which was seldom used, didn’t even have the correct time on it. No, he just didn’t want them to fall into anyone’s hands. Someone that would watch them and turn him in. Or worse yet, they’d try to do what he’d been perfecting since he’d been nine years old and killed a woman with the butcher knife in the yard. And then taken the lawn mower over her body until she was nothing more than a flat pancake of blood and gore.
The feelings that he had gotten had sustained his need for a little while. But the need to kill was stronger than ever after a couple of weeks. Sneaking out of the house had never been a problem for him, and it hadn’t been since. He could be and do whatever he wanted once he was beyond the people of the house.
Ross hadn’t been able to record what he’d done until later in life, and he wished every day that he’d had something to make a copy of his first kill. The look on her face, the way that she’d tried to fight him when he’d slit her throat, was a memory that had given him the best dreams over and over.
He knew that he’d messed up by trying to kill Reilly. Not that he hadn’t planned on killing her all along, but out where he was seen, that’s where he’d made his mistake. But his temper had already been tested by his father, and there wasn’t much he could have done there to make himself see reason. So, when she’d told him that she was going to leave, all his mind could center on was killing her. And he’d nearly done that too.
She’d been so fucking nice and sweet. He hated that about her most of all. And she was pretty. Her long dark hair, the way she would bend over something that she was working on, he wanted to walk up behind her naked and cut her head from her body. Several others of his fantasies about her had him jerking her hair so that her head would come up and he’d cut her throat that way. Either way, he had wanted her dead.
Eating the rest of his sandwich, he tried to think how he could get out of here and finish the job. There was no doubt in his mind that she was going to have to die. It was just a matter of when he got to do it that had him thinking about leaving here. His shit for brains father wasn’t going to be helping now, so he had to think of another plan.
He backed up when he heard the door opening at the other end of the hall. Time for someone to pick up his tray. As he leaned against the wall, he wondered how fast he’d have to be to get to the man while he was bent over before he saw him move. Counting the seconds as they ticked off, he realized that he had as many as twelve seconds. He could do this.
But he had to be careful that he did it on the first try. He’d never get a second chance. Twelve seconds to kill someone. He knew that his upper body strength was very good. He’d been working out so that he could eventually snap a neck. Ross knew that it would take super human strength to do it, and that was his goal. Stretching his muscles, preparing himself for the deed, he moved around his cell and counted down the minutes until his dinner tray came. He had about five hours to get ready.
No snapping the neck. He’d not been able to perfect it yet, so that wasn’t going to be the mode of ending this shit. Unless it was all he could do at the time. He knew that he could bang the guy’s head against the bars, but how much noise would that make, and would it draw others to him? Things to consider.
He did pushups while he waited, but he
was also judging the distance between the bars where his meals came in. Could he grab something off the man there, drag him in, and then kill him? It would be safer for him to do that. No one would see him; the body would be out of the way. And this just occurred to him—he could put the uniform on and be able to slip out of here without anyone being the wiser.
This was getting better and better all the time. If he kept to his plan, made sure that there was no noise to bring anyone to them, then he’d be home by dinner. Maybe his parents had left him alone to deal with this on his own, but Ross knew several different ways to get into the house and back out again. He’d perfected that as well.
When he heard the door open at the end of the hall, he knew that it couldn’t be time yet. He didn’t know if they were bringing in someone else to be locked up, or maybe his dad was coming to see him. No, that couldn’t be it. They’d take him to Dad, not bring his dad to him. It had to be another inmate. But when the beautiful woman appeared in front of him, he felt his cock shrivel up and his balls curl up closer to his body.
“Hello, numb nuts. How’s it hanging? My name is Special Agent for the President Lauren McCullough.” Ross covered his cock up—something about this bitch had him thinking that she would kill him without thinking twice about it. “Move back, cock sucker, before I have to show you my way of dealing with fuckers like you.”
He didn’t hesitate but moved back against the wall. She sat down in the chair that he just noticed in her hands. When she was seated, he could see the shit kicker boots she had on, and knew that they weren’t on her to make her look cool. She wore them to do some actual shit kicking. He also saw that she was armed.
“You coming here to do some hunting? If so, I’m afraid you’re shit out of luck. Nothing here but me.” Lauren laughed, and it wasn’t a friendly kind that made him think he was humorous. No, this was a laugh that made him think that she knew he was full of shit in his bravo.