Save Me

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Save Me Page 4

by Amanda Heath

  She huffs. “Excuse me. I didn’t realize I needed an invitation to lose it on your front porch.”

  I close my eyes searching my soul for patience. I find none because I lost my patience when I was thirteen and Wes and Annabella decided to steal Victor’s car and go for a joy ride. “Then sit there and cry. I don’t give a fuck.” Then I slam the door and head back into my house.

  I stop when I hear the tears start back up and wonder why in the fuck she’s even at my house. I close my eyes and grit my teeth. If there’s one thing in the world I can’t ignore, it’s a crying female. It’s one of those things I get flashbacks from. I spin on my feet and wrench open the door again.

  “You have five seconds to get in this house, or I’m bringing you in myself,” I growl, my eyes on the back of her head.

  This earns me a middle finger. I have to choke back laughter because it’s just ridiculous her flipping me off with those nails. You can’t even take her seriously with those nails. And since five seconds have long since passed, I walk the three steps to her and bend down to scoop her up. She was sitting on the top step, her face in her knees, so I push an arm under her knees and one around her lower back lifting her into my arms. For such a tall girl and one with generous tits and ass, she doesn’t weigh much. I kind of like that she’s all that but I can still carry her around easily.

  “What the hell are you doing?” She starts smacking my chest but I don’t pay her any mind. Her hands soon stop smacking me and go around my neck. Her wet face shoves into my neck and it feels natural, like her face was made to go there.

  For some dumbass reason I take her back to my room, instead of sitting down on the couch. I turn on my bedside lamp and then I plant my ass in my bed and lay back on the pillows smoothing out Rachel’s legs until she’s laying to my side, her face still in my neck.

  “Now do you want to tell me what the hell is going on?” I question her, my arms caging her in next to me; not that she had tried to move. When she doesn’t answer me, I look down and see her eyes looking down at my naked chest.

  Heat courses throughout me with just her eyes on me like that. Then she looks up at me and sighs, her eyes flaming. “I didn’t know you were hiding all this under your shirts. You should really model underwear. Jesus, you would make a killing.”

  Working out is one thing I will never get tired of. It’s one of the best ways to let out aggression and I have a lot of that. It’s nice to know my hard work is finally appreciated. “Thanks G.” I feel my brows pinch together after that remark. G equals gorgeous because let’s face it, she’s gorgeous. I’ve just never given anyone a pet name. I’ve had quite a few girlfriends and I never even called them “baby.”

  She raises one of her brows and bites her lip. I mentally scratch that look into my brain hoping I never lose it. “G? What, is that a code name or something?”

  I clear my throat before answering. “Gorgeous.” Then I take in the tears still wet on her cheeks and I move my hands slowly up her body and cup her cheeks. I use my thumbs to clear them away and take in the way her chest suddenly starts moving up and down fast.

  “You know I’ve always thought you were a dick. But now I’m starting to think it’s all a front.” She whispers this, her hand trailing down my chest to my abs.

  “No, I’m a dick,” I say quietly, trying not to break this spell we’ve been cast under. My hands leave her face and move back down her back until they cage her in at the waist.

  She bites her lip again and I want to groan, but I repress it. There is no way I’m making a move on Rachel Sanders. I don’t care how gorgeous she is. Channing and Royal would have my head on a spike.

  “Why are you here?” I ask, my voice louder.

  This makes her blink and then push up on my chest. I don’t let her get far because I know once she leaves my arms she won’t tell me shit. “I don’t know. I got upset and ended up here.” She pushes some more, but I’m way stronger, and she doesn’t get much space. “Will you let me go?”

  I shake my head and smile. “Not until you tell me what upset you. There’s a reason you’re here and there’s a reason you’re upset. I’m going to find out both and then decide if I need to call your brother.”

  Her eyes turn angry but she stops pushing. “Don’t call him. He’s had enough trying to calm down Wesley. He doesn’t need to deal with me right now.” She goes silent, and I let her for awhile, but then I shake her. She glares at me but I don’t care. “Fine! Kellan broke up with me!” she exclaims, and I feel shock run through me.

  “What?” I ask, that shock sounding in my voice.

  She tries to sit up and I finally let her because she told me what I wanted to hear. Well, some of it anyway. “I don’t know, I got really upset about it. Then I got in my car and drove here. I wanted to see your face, see how fucked up you are because I knew it would make me feel better.”

  This is when I sit up and go from shocked to pissed off. “You know, you’re a fucking bitch when you want to be,” I snap out, getting off the bed.

  She moves into the middle of my bed and brings her knees up to her chest. Tears start shining in her eyes but I don’t feel like comforting her anymore. “I know. When I got here I realized no lights were on and I couldn’t tell if your Charger was in the garage. Then I realized I didn’t even know what I was upset about. I actually kind of felt awesome. Kellan was bringing me down all the time. I felt free and realized I didn’t actually love him.” Then the tears start rolling down her face. “Then I realized I’m always going to be alone because I’m such a bitch. That’s why he broke up with me. Those were his words.”

  I’m standing there with my arms crossed over my chest in my black boxers and I don’t know what to do or say. So, I just start telling her the truth. “Honestly, you’re not that much of a bitch. Annabella is a bitch and she was bitch before she broke my heart. She used to drive me fucking crazy with it. Everything had to be her way and if it wasn’t she wanted everyone to know it. So, she let them know and she wasn’t nice about it.” Her eyes come up to meet mine and I try not to chuckle, but I do anyway. “You are blunt. You feel the emotions of everyone around you. You are blunt and make things awkward when you shouldn’t. And even when things get awkward you don’t care. That doesn’t make you a bad person; it just means you make everyone around you uncomfortable. I like that about you. Like tonight at your house, you took my mind off Annabella and how shitty my life has become. I’ve honestly always liked that about you.”

  “Wow. I think that’s the most I have ever heard you speak. Have you been waiting for this moment?” She laughs and sits up on her knees. Wiping the tears from her eyes she looks me dead in the eyes and states, “I like that you’re a dick. You don’t take shit from anyone, and I mean anyone. Channing wasn’t even hurting you and you went to bat for your sister. He shouldn’t have been a dick to Ashley but that’s all over now. Channing wouldn’t shut up about her after you left. I think he might even like you now because you were right all along.”

  I give her a grin but I don’t know what to say about that. Family is one of the most important things in life and you have to take care of them.

  Her head moves over my room taking in the dark green walls, matching bedspread with lots of pillows on my king sized bed, the cream carpet, my dark wood dresser, my dark wood entertainment center with my big flat screen TV, and the pictures everywhere of all the people in my family. Her head moves back to the TV and she asks, “Can we watch a movie?”

  “Sure,” I find myself saying, and she rewards me with a real big smile. It goes right to my heart and I have no idea why, but I’ll keep it there. I don’t get a lot of real smiles thrown my way and I’m happy to keep Rachel’s safe with me.

  She climbs off my bed and rummages around the DVDs before pulling one out. I climb on my bed and lay down, moving pillows around until I have enough to prop me up. Rachel puts the movie in and climbs back into the bed with me. Then she surprises me by laying her head on my chest and w
rapping her arm around my stomach. I put my right arm around her hip right before Zombieland starts playing.

  At the end, when Woody Harrelson finds the Twinkies, is when it happens. We talked a bit during the movie, nothing too serious, but it was nice. I don’t know what it is but we just ease into this. Whatever it is.

  “I seriously want a Twinkie right now,” Rachel says, making me laugh.

  I shrug my shoulders “That happens when you watch this movie. Luckily, they still make them, unluckily, I don’t have any.”

  She pokes me in the side, giggling, and I move my hand from her hip up her side and start tickling her. She erupts into a fit of more giggles. Her face is carefree and I can tell she’s enjoying herself. Something I’m not used to. Annabella wouldn’t enjoy herself ever. She was constantly going on about something and making herself feel like shit.

  Somehow I end up over Rachel and we pause looking each other in the eye. I can’t tell you who kissed who, but it doesn’t matter. I just know we are kissing. As in, her mouth is open when it touches mine and my tongue went right in. Her lips are just as soft as they look and fit mine perfectly. My hands stop tickling her sides and go down, then up her shirt. Her skin is as smooth as silk and it’s hard for me to control myself. I don’t know her, she doesn’t know me, so I think I really shouldn’t feel her up. But just so you know, I really want to.

  Her hands though don’t have a problem feeling me up. They seem to be everywhere and nowhere, all at once; over my stomach and chest, to my lower back, upper back, around my neck and in my short hair. They move over my hair, back and forth, and I assume she likes the way my hair tickles her palms. She breaks away from my lips and I feel disappointment in my gut as she whispers, “You’re really good at that,” against my lips.

  I can’t help but chuckle and she smiles up at me, the gesture lighting up her entire face and I wonder if she’s an angel. “Thanks,” I tell her, before I fuse my lips back to hers.

  This time when I kiss her I can tell it’s different. Her hands leave my hair and travel down to my ass where she dips her hands under my boxers to cup my lower cheeks. This feels so damn good I can’t help but move my hands up under her bra and pinch a nipple. This earns me a whimper and her legs open up to let me between them.


  I lift her shirt up and find my hand under a lacy pink bra. The clasp is in the front and I wonder if I’ve found heaven in the form of Rachel Sanders. I push the now open bra away and my head descends to capture a rosy nipple in my mouth. Her hips move up to brush against the erection she’s grown in my boxers. My eyes never leave hers and I find the look on her face is too much. Her eyes are glazed over in lust and her lips are parted on a silent moan.

  I’m going to blow if I don’t get inside her, like, right now. I lift up and reach into my nightstand to grab a condom. I place it on the bed beside her hip and I love that she doesn’t even blink. I didn’t know things were going to go here and I know she didn’t either. It’s just one of those things fate felt we should experience, and I’m not going to mess with fate.

  She unbuttons her jeans while I unstrap the buckles on her heels throwing them over my shoulder once they are off. I kiss her ankles before I reach down to yank the jeans off. Panties matching the bra come into my view and my dick, which is already hard, starts to ache. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything this beautiful. Rachel Sanders is lying on my bed, mostly naked, and looking at me like I’m a fucking god.

  Rachel bites her lip when I yank the panties off. I lower down, keeping my weight on my left arm, and slipping my right hand between her legs. Finding her wet, I give a smirk and watch her eyes go half-mast.


  I quickly put the condom on before lowering all the way down on top of her. Her lips meet mine as I start to sink in to her. Her wet heat is tighter than a glove, tighter than I’ve ever had. “Fuck,” I say against her kiss-swollen lips. I find I can’t stay in control and start thrusting hard and fast, my thoughts on nothing but her face.

  I’ve stopped kissing her but our eyes are still locked. Lust, passion, and excitement shine in hers. I can only imagine what mine say. Her legs cling tight to my hips, her heels digging into my ass pushing me deeper inside.


  I rise up on one arm so my other can touch between her legs. I’m going to blow in a minute and I’ll be damned if she isn’t going to get off. This is when I realize I could have sex with Rachel Sanders every day for the rest of my life. And that’s simply because she shoves her face into my neck and whispers, “Court…” before I feel her hips jerk under mine and her sex clutch around me. Half a second later I get a sharp tingle down my spine as I climax. I think I lose feeling in the lower half of my body because I just drop down on top of her.

  “That…that…I can’t even,” she tells me, out of breath and panting.

  “Yeah,” I say, feeling exactly the same way. Every girl I have ever been with couldn’t even compare with that. They ranged from out of control to limp and lifeless. Rachel was right there with me, our actions playing off each other. We came together and it was fucking magical. Even sex with Annabella wasn’t that good.


  I roll off her so she can breathe and that’s when my stomach drops out of my ass. I look down and see that the condom broke. “Fuck!” I snap, getting up and grabbing her hand.

  “What the fuck, Pierce?” she asks on a yelp when I pull her out of bed and walk her into the bathroom adjoining my room.

  “The condom broke and unless you’re on the pill I suggest you piss right now.” The color drains out of her face and she steps away. I close the door while she does her business. I feel regret but only because I didn’t feel the damn thing break. I would never regret having sex with Rachel. That was too amazing to ever regret.

  She comes back out a minute later while I sit on the bed watching the door. She doesn’t say anything but moves to my dresser drawers, opening them and closing them. “What are you doing?” I ask, watching her with my eyes. I mean, she’s completely naked now; it’s a good show.

  “Looking for a shirt I can sleep in.” Then her shoulders tense up and she turns toward me. “Unless you want me to go home…” she trails off.

  I shake my head and get off the bed. I grab my boxers off the floor and put them back on. I head into my closet and find my football shirt from last year. I come back out and toss it at her. Then she bends down and grabs her panties before heading back into my bathroom.

  She leaves the door open so I lay down on my bed and watch as she dresses in front of the mirror. The panties slowly come up her legs until they fit around her wide hips. Then she puts the shirt on over her head and it falls down to her mid thighs. “That’s fucking hot,” I blurt out, and I feel my eyes go wide. “I can’t believe I just said that out loud.”

  Rachel snorts and turns the light off before climbing in the bed with me. I reach over and turn my lamp off as she snuggles into my side. “Don’t worry, you are way hotter than me. Way hotter than I’ll ever be.”

  “Gorgeous. I don’t care what anyone says. You are fucking gorgeous.” And I’m not even blowing smoke. Rach is so fucking gorgeous it hurts me to look at her.

  “I might be gorgeous, to you anyway, but you have these eyes and it’s like looking into a deep green pool and getting lost. Plus, this body, oh my god, this body. I could worship at your body.” Then she shifts around, throwing her arm over my stomach, shoving her face in my neck and placing a leg over my thighs. “But you have this brooding thing going on. It’s like, so intense to be around you and it’s all I can do to breathe.”

  “Wow. I’m not even sure what to say here,” I whisper, placing a kiss on her forehead.

  “Just telling it like it is. But, seriously, we need to go to sleep. If my mom finds out I’m not at home, she’ll blow up. I have to get home before she wakes up.” Then she kisses my neck and I feel my face pull up in a tiny smile.

  “Sounds good to me.” And before I kn
ow it, we’re both asleep.


  “Courtney!” my mother snaps somewhere outside my consciousness

  I blink my eyes open and find that Rachel is still in bed with me. Her face is still in my neck but her body is now on its stomach with my arm around her back and my hand in her panties.


  “Ma,” I state, finding her standing at my bedroom door.

  Her light brown hair is pulled up and her green eyes shoot fire at me. “Explain why Dr. Sanders’s daughter is in your bed, in your shirt and a pair of panties.”

  I groan and look down at Rach to see her eyes open and looking up at me. Her cheeks are red and I want to laugh because I didn’t figure Rach for a blusher. “Ma. Give us a minute.”

  My mom throws her hands up in the air and glares at me. “No, I’m not giving you a minute! Oh god, please tell me you weren’t screwing Annabella! I mean, I kind of figured you were sexually active but I just can’t process you and Donovan both with that girl.” Then she shudders. And so does Rach. “I just hoped I never had to see you like this. It’s more than I can take!” Then, seeing as she’s my mom, she walks out and slams the door.

  I sigh and rub a hand over my face. “I don’t think you got up in time. Ma doesn’t ever get home before noon.”

  “She’s a bit dramatic. No wonder you like Annabella.” Then she giggles. “And me.”

  I roll over her and shove my face in her neck. “I like you because you’re the most real person I’ve ever met.”

  “You don’t even know me,” she says, trying to push me off.

  I lift my head and look down at her. “I know enough. We’ve been at the same school since kindergarten. I’ve had several classes with you. Yeah, I might not have spoken to you all that much but I know enough about you. That’s how I know you’re blunt and I like blunt.”

  Her face relaxes into a soft smile and she wraps her arms around my shoulders and pulls my face down to kiss her. Then her eyes pop open. “I seriously have to go home. I’m going to be grounded for life.”


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