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The Taxman Killeth

Page 18

by Mitchell, Mary Ann

  Todd turned his head in the direction Morgan was staring with open mouth. The dancer had bundled herself into an exotic contortion which Todd would rather have ignored.

  “She’s a beauty, ain’t she?” a guy to the right of Morgan asked. Beer seemed to be dribbling out one side of his mouth. The rest of his beer was spilling onto his shirt from the mug he haphazardly held in his hand.

  Todd caught a glimpse of silent flashing lights passing outside the bar’s tinted windows. He breathed a bit easier.

  “Where the cops going?” asked the same dribbling mouth.

  “They’ve been down the street, probably heading back to the precinct.” Morgan turned to Todd to tell his story. “While I was in the men’s room I heard this racket. Leo, the clean-up guy, comes in, interrupts me in mid-stream, and tells me two guys are having at it with knives. Tells me to stay put, so I did, until right before you came in. By then the place had quieted down considerably. The guy must have gotten peeved again when he saw the cops come in. It was probably Walt who called the cops. He doesn’t know how to handle a crowd, not like Arlene,” he said, nodding his head in her direction.

  “But then, she has charms that can be used to great effect on certain people, I’m sure,” said Todd.

  “She sure could use them on me,” Morgan said, elbowing Todd.

  “I’d like to see the photograph, if you have it.”

  Morgan slugged down the whiskey and washed his mouth with a gulp of beer.

  “What you in such a hurry for? I thought you might like to hang out here for a while.”

  “Even if I did, I’d still like to see the photograph.” Todd was afraid Morgan might get drunk and disappear into the growing crowd and vanish with Arlene, who could be going off duty soon.

  There was a loud round of applause and some whistles and hoots as the current act retreated off stage. Over a loudspeaker someone thanked Belle Plaisir for her talented performance, then introduced Nikita Red. At this point an unbelievable redhead with generous proportions appeared on stage. The crowd went wild, pushing, shoving and spilling drinks. Todd considered all the money that could be made selling booze in a place like this, and one would hardly ever have to worry about staggering drunks, since customers spilled most of the booze either on themselves or on the floor. Todd grabbed Morgan’s arm and pulled him back away from the stage.

  “She’s new,” Morgan protested.

  “The photograph. I want to see it now.”

  “I don’t know why you’re getting so antsy. After all, you’ll probably not know who the hell she is anyway.” Morgan slammed his mug down on the bar and received a wilting look from Arlene. “Another shot.” His voice was tremulous.

  Todd saw Arlene carefully size Morgan up. Morgan stood as tall and steady as he could while being ping-ponged between the crowd and Todd. He smiled without opening his mouth. Todd knew Morgan was self-conscious about the gaps in between his teeth.

  “He’s sober, for now. Give him another,” Todd told the bartender.

  Finally she poured out another shot.

  “Thanks, Todd. Boy, she can really be mean.”

  “You like her that way.”

  Morgan snorted.

  “I know. I know. The photograph.” Morgan searched several pockets of his jacket before he pulled the picture from the hip pocket of his jeans.

  “This is the best one he had. Not bad looking, huh?”


  Todd bolted the bar and searched for a cab. He didn’t have much time. She might already be there.

  Chapter 25

  A Surprise Visit

  Trudy was late. It was almost nine-thirty. But then, Amy reasoned, Trudy was not a punctual person. She had been given several disciplinary memos at work because of her tardiness. Amy decided to call Trudy’s apartment if she didn’t show within another half hour. The doorbell sounded just as Amy opened the oven door to check on the dinner she was keeping warm.

  “Typical Trudy,” she said as she smiled and opened her apartment door. But the smile disappeared when she saw the man standing behind her friend.

  Trudy calmly pushed her way past Amy, while her male shadow forced the door open before Amy could lock it.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked.

  Michael slammed the door closed behind him and neatly did up the lock with one hand.

  “Call the police, Trudy.”

  “Oh my, look at this, Michael, she’s cooked up a real feast,” Trudy said, peeking under the casserole lids in the oven.

  “We don’t have time to eat, Trud. Amy’s got to do some fast talking for us.” He smiled at his prey.

  “No way I’m going to do without dinner. You take care of business. Me, I’m going to sample some of this stuff.” Trudy pulled a plate out of the cupboard then searched the drawers for utensils. “I’ve been here, what, at least five or six times, and I can never remember where you keep things. Your mind works so different from mine.”

  Amy gawked at her invited guest. She couldn’t comprehend what Trudy was doing with Jennie’s husband. Suddenly, what Teddy had said about Trudy dating a married man hit home. Jennie had complained about Michael seeing another woman. Amy looked back at Michael, who was wiping the palms of his hands agitatedly against the material covering his thick, flabby thighs.

  “Where are they?”


  Michael laughed.

  “Hey, Trud, she thinks I’m ignorant, don’t you? I’ve known who you were from the first day we met. I saw you a couple of times when Trud and I were working up our plans.”

  “What plans?” Amy directed her question in the direction of Trudy, but her friend was busy serving herself a meal.

  “I approved of her choice. I knew Todd would jump your bones as soon as he saw you. Given the opportunity, so would I.”

  “Her skinny bones are off limits to you.”

  So Trudy was listening, Amy realized.

  “Why would you want to plan anything with this disgusting animal? Do you know what he did to his wife?”

  Trudy sat down at the counter and stuffed her face with the food on her plate.

  “I want my family back,” Michael demanded. “I thought they might be here. But it’s too quiet. At least one of my brats is always whining.”

  “Then why would you want them back?”

  “Because they’re my property. I know they came here. I found that slip of paper you gave her with your telephone number and address on it. Jen didn’t have many friends except for that cow, Flora, and she can’t think for herself, never mind tell Jen what to do. Where are they?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “For heaven’s sake, Amy, tell him. Be reasonable. How long do you think you can hold out if he begins knocking you around? It’s really not worth the bruises or possible scars. Did you get that desert you were threatening to pick up?”

  Trudy didn’t wait for an answer. She slid off the stool and marched over to the freezer to check its contents.

  “Trud’s bright.”

  “That why she doesn’t have two blackened eyes like your wife?”

  “Exactly. You’re catching on, babe.”

  “Well, you can’t have them. I took your wife and children to a crisis center, and they didn’t bother to tell me where they were hiding them. See, I don’t know. It’s been an unpleasant visit but...” Amy moved in the direction of the front door but was stopped by the painful contact of a closed fist. Amy fell to the floor semi-conscious and unable to call out. She slipped into darkness when the same fist contacted her right temple.


  “Why can’t you finish her? I don’t like hanging around here. What if someone comes?”

  “I got that gag pushed so far down her throat, she’s lucky she can breathe.”

  He’s right, Amy thought. She was on her back on the floor, and her wrists were poking into the base of her spine. She couldn’t separate her hands. Her wrists had been tied together with some sort of r
ough cord or rope. Her legs and ankles were unfettered.

  “God, you get your jollies from such twisted activities.”

  “We need to make it look bad, like Joey,” Michael said.

  “Yeah, I know, you’re going to pistol whip her like Joey and leave Todd’s gun behind. Todd gets blamed for another killing. But do you really think Flora will help you blame Todd for Amy’s death? Just because she saw Todd threaten you doesn’t mean she’ll jump to that conclusion. Anyway, I don’t like this. She’s nice. I didn’t particularly care about Joey, always rubbing his hand across my ass whenever he could.”

  Michael laughed, and Amy saw him rub his palm across the same territory Joey had coveted.

  “Oh, for heaven’s sake, just get it over with.” Trudy walked away from Michael.

  “Hey, look, she’s awake. You must have a hard head; I thought you’d be out a hell of a lot longer.” Michael lifted her to her feet by the shirt she was wearing. She heard the material rip. “What’s this cheap shit you’re wearing? See this, Trud, she’s got a little tear on the seam of the shoulder.” Michael shook his head then poked two of his fingers inside the hole and quickly whipped his hand downward, ripping the cloth from her right breast. “Nice lacy bra. Do the panties match? That’s a real turn-on for me, isn’t it Trud?’

  “Michael, you said you were going to beat her up a little and stab her the way you did Joey. That’s all.”

  “You aim to deprive me of a little fun?”

  Amy’s head was awhirl with the knowledge she was slowly grasping. Michael had killed Joey. Trudy had known Joey. But how did they all tie in together?

  “She looks confused.”

  “Yeah, you would, too, if someone had banged you on the head a couple of times,” said Trudy.

  “Wonder what it is all about?” Michael laughed. “You weren’t meant to get any more involved than to be a distracting dinner date for Todd. He was supposed to wine and dine you while...”

  “O God, do we have to go into long explanations? It won’t matter to her tomorrow morning when they find her body. Just do it, Michael, and let’s get out of here.”

  “The bitch robbed me of my family. Think I’m going to let her ride out easy?”

  “You’ll find them. Besides, what do you need them for, when you have me?”

  “Me and how many other guys have you?”

  “It wouldn’t be that way if you dropped the hag you’re living with. You promised that once I talked Joey into blackmailing Stu, you’d be finished with Jennie. Instead, you end up killing Joey and blaming the death on her brother. Why bother? Is it because you never intended to dump the little snip and squallers at all? You used me to get Todd out of your life, but what do I get?”

  “You get to walk around in one piece and you keep your coke pipeline open. How much did you get out of that small-time lawyer? Zippo. As soon as he was approached for a little bribe to keep his side operation secret, he confessed everything to the partners. Drugs is where the money is, Trud, not in mealy-mouthed lawyers. Oh, and let’s not forget me. I’m an extra bonus that you share with my little Jen.”

  Amy watched Michael throw his chest out like a parading peacock. She wondered why Trudy would get so deeply involved with him, unless the money was her real priority. Of course! Why share anything with a wife and three kids when Trudy could have it all? Amy had often frowned on Trudy’s conniving ways with men. The dentist was one of a long list of suckers for Trudy. Perhaps Joey was another.

  Michael shoved Amy down on the sofa.

  “Trud, check the drawer. See what this babe has in cutlery.”

  “I don’t want my prints on the knife. You look yourself.”

  “Shit, we can wipe the handle off after we use it.”

  “After you use it, you mean.”

  “I remember you getting one or two slices in on Joey.”

  “I did not. He fell against me and...”

  “And what?”

  “You know he scared the hell out of me. I thought he’d hurt me.”

  “He wasn’t in any shape to do you any harm, Trud. You’re bullshitting in front of your friend, here.”

  Amy watched as Michael moved into the kitchen area. Her wrists were stinging, and her fingers were starting to become numb. She checked the door. He had only latched one lock, but how the hell could she undo it? She tried to slip her hands through the rope, but the knot only tightened. The telephone was a short distance away from her. Certainly neither Trudy nor Michael were going to give her time to dial anyone. She needed to make noise. Loud noise.

  “This looks good.”

  “Oh, God, Michael, that’s bigger than the one you used on Joey.”

  “Yeah, it would be sure to hit something vital on the first or second try. Naw, I want something that will take some time. We don’t want to rush it, do we, babe?”

  The moment of silence chilled Amy. She had managed to make it over to the window, which overlooked a small garden. Third floor but doable. One might end up with a few broken bones but still be alive. The window was closed, and Amy shut her eyes and flung her shoulder full force against the glass. She heard the pane crack but not break. Michael was dragging her across the floor before she could see if anyone had seen or heard her.

  “Do it, for Pete’s sake, and let’s get out of here before she manages to attract attention.”

  “Lights are out across the way and no one’s in the yard.”

  “Michael, please. This doesn’t feel right, and you didn’t waste this much time on that bastard, Joey.”

  “Joey didn’t take my family away from me,” Michael yelled. “This bitch did.” He hit Amy several times with the flat of his hand. “And you’re going to pay for it. I’m going to skin you with this.” Michael held up her mother’s Christmas gift—a six-inch slicer. He ran the edge of it across the shoulder, which was covered partially by her shredded blouse. She heard the material give under the power and sharpness of the blade.

  Michael’s breath was hot against her cheek. She saw his eyes vacant with rage, his nostrils flared wide, his tongue moistening his dry lips.

  “Finish her and let’s get out of here,” Trudy whispered.

  Michael dropped his head and barely touched Amy’s ear with his lips.

  “No. Slow and painful,” he breathed.

  There was a sharp pain on her left shoulder, and she gagged on the material in her mouth which had slipped deeper into her throat. Amy kicked at air until Trudy grabbed her legs and pressed them down on the sofa. A wet stream was soaking Amy’s blouse, and Michael drew the metallic salty blade across her lips to confirm the horror of the wound at her shoulder. The taste barely reached her tongue, which peeked out from beneath the crumpled material used to silence her.


  Trudy let go of her legs and Michael rose to his feet. Someone was breaking the door down. Amy tried to sit up, but her shoulder hurt too much. There was a loud crash. Michael moved out of view. She had to see what was happening. Amy was fighting the blinding pain in her shoulder when Trudy hesitated, then quickly decided to change her allegiance.

  “I’m sorry, Amy. He forced me. He said he would hurt me bad if I didn’t help him. You’ve seen what he can do.”

  Trudy assisted Amy to a seated position and undid the bonds on her wrists. Amy’s arms ached. Her fingers tingled from the restoration of blood. She forced one hand to her face, where she removed the wadded material from her mouth.

  Her blurred vision focused on the two men fighting on the floor. Todd had just forced the knife out of Michael’s hand. Amy leapt for it. She wasn’t about to let either Trudy or Michael retrieve it first. She lay across the cold steel and forced her numbed hand to grab the handle. Someone touched her and Amy swung out haphazardly, but she felt the blade make contact.

  “She’s okay. She’s okay. Don’t worry,” Trudy was speaking to someone.

  Amy turned her head and saw Todd reaching for her. Behind him stood Trudy, with blood running down
her left arm.

  “What the hell did he do to you?” Todd fingered the bruises and welts on her face then ran his hand over the wound on her shoulder. “Thank God, it’s not deep.”

  “I told him not to...”

  “Waste time,” Amy finished for Trudy.

  “Amy, I wouldn’t have let him... I figured he’d scare you a little, so you’d tell him where his wife and kids are. That’s all.”

  “Like you scared my partner, Joey Landis,” Todd said.

  “How did you know about her and Joey?” Amy asked.

  “Morgan showed me a photograph of the two of them together taken at the bar.”

  Trudy started to run. Todd didn’t bother to chase. He didn’t have to, because the police were just reaching the top of the landing when she exited the apartment.

  Todd held Amy close. He kissed the bloodied wound and demanded an ambulance as soon as a policeman entered the room.

  Chapter 26

  The Hospital

  Amy waited impatiently in bed for her treating physician to sign the appropriate papers to release her from the hospital. She wasn’t an invalid, only badly bruised with a bit of skin missing from her right shoulder. She had been warned by the medical staff that the latter might leave a small scar, but it was far better than the drastic measure of jumping out the window, which she had desperately attempted.

  There was a light knock on the door, and then Jennie poked her head into the room.

  “You’re awake. Good. I didn’t want to disturb you if you were asleep,” she said, pushing the door open. In her arms was the brightest display of yellow and white daisies Amy had ever seen.

  “They’re lovely. I’m so glad you came.”

  “It’s my fault you’re here.”

  “No. It’s Michael’s, and Trudy put in her fair share also.”

  “None of this would have happened if I hadn’t opened my mouth.”

  “What are you talking about?”


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