Book Read Free


Page 25

by Nancy Gaskin

Oma and Opa

  Dagmar woke up with the sun full on her face and as she opened her eyes she saw her Oma sitting on the edge of the bed. “Good morning my liebchen. How are you feeling?” asked the woman as she got up to give the girl room to get out of bed. “Good morning Oma. I am fine. How are you and Opa?” the girl asked. The woman walked to a table where a tray had been placed that was loaded with plates and bowls and began setting them out for the girl to inspect. The girl crawled out of bed and put on a soft light dressing gown over her night gown and went to the table to have a look what was on offer. The woman sat down at the table and poured herself a goblet of fruit juice. The girl also sat down and chose a bowl of oat cereal with tiny berries mixed through. They sat in silence whilst Dagmar ate.

  Eventually the woman cleared her throat and spoke “Dagmar, we are truly sorry that this has happened. We had no idea that your father was alive let alone that you had a twin. If we would have known, we would have returned to the realm and raised you here.” The girl listened as she ate the last few spoonful, and then replied “Why didn’t you come back any way? Why did you never tell me?” her voice rose slightly as she spoke the last few words. Her grandmother reached over the table and took the girls hand into her own, gently rubbing Dagmars fingers wither own. “Ah, hind sight is wonderful. What we did and what we could have even should have done. Opa and I had many heated discussions over the years and if you want to be angry with anyone, then it is me. I convinced Opa that it would be safer to keep the truth from you. I now know that was the wrong decision. We had not had contact with the realm in many cycles and had no idea that the feud which had been going on for many, many cycles was finally resolved.”

  Dagmar looked at her grandmother and saw tears silently rolling down the womans cheeks, the girl stood, walked around the tables and knelt in front of her grandmother and hugged her. They remained like for a long time savouring the closeness. After a while they were interrupted by a deep yet familiar voice “AH, my two most favourite ladies, making peace. It is now my turn to ask for forgiveness.” The girls grandfather approached them “I did knock! You two were far too busy to answer.” He said as he stood near the table opposite where Tittianna and Dagmar were “Opa!” said the girl as she released her grandmother, stood and ran into his open arms. She snuggled her face into his chest, inhaling deeply, smelling the familiar earthy fragrance which was always present. They stood this way for some time with Dagmars face buried in her grandfather’s chest and his cheek gently resting on the top of her head. As they separated, the man said “I am truly sorry my liebchen. We should not have kept all this from you. we were planning on telling you closer to your time of awakening the gifts but all that obviously changed when you arrived here. Do you know what happened little one?” he asked. “Ah. Let ME try and explain THAT. Mother, I mean Titania and I have tried to work that out.” Interrupted Tittianna “We think that it was your fae blood which called to the realm and our blessed Mother Moon heard and brought you to the in-between, the meadow before the curtain. And we also suspect it all happened because you were close to your awakening AND Ragnars blood would also have called to yours because he was also nearing his time.” explained the woman looking alternatively at her granddaughter and her husband.

  The girl and her grandfather had separated and found seats during this explanation. Nodding Dagmar said “That does make sense. Ragnar had his the same time I had mine. We can mind speak, so why not our blood calling to its other half.” Both adults looked at the girl “you can mind speak? Your gifts ARE strong.” said the grandfather with amazement in his voice. “Last night we spent some time alone together and we worked it out.” answered the girl. They sat talking for a while and then parted company with the two adults attending to personal tasks and the girl went in search of her twin.

  Dagmar walked through the gardens greeting others as they called out to her. She arrived at Ragnars room just as the Wise Ones did. “Good Morning sweetling!” both adults said at the same time. “How are you this morning?” asked Falcon as Rhiannon knocked on one of the big doors. “Good Morning gentle mother and father. I am fine thank you. How are you this morning?” she asked in return as Ragnar opened the door and greeted them all with a big smile “Good Morning gentle mother and father. Good morning my lovely sister.” He was saying as he reached for her to give her a kiss on the cheek, which she returned. “I am glad we have you both together. Rhiannon and I have been thinking about all that has happened to you children. We understand that it is all due to lack of communication and assumptions. We were wondering what your thoughts are about it all. We have all had our say BUT it is you two this whole mess has impacted the most. How are you both coping?” finished Falcon. As the man was speaking they had all moved to the left of the doors and sat at the big table.

  Ragnar spoke first “It was a shock but it all made sense to me on a deeper level than just in my head. I feel as if I am complete now. Before, I always felt as if there was something missing but I could never work out what it was. I knew Niamh and Router were my foster parents. They told me a long time ago that my parents had gone to the Summerlands. I knew they are my aunt and uncle and I accepted that.” He finished speaking and looked at his twin. Dagmar had sat watching him whilst he spoke and she noticed similarities in mannerisms to her own. She began to speak “I understand how Ragnar felt about the feeling of something missing and how we now feel complete. I felt something when we first met at Four Falls. I heard you, remember and your lips didn’t move? Neither of us knew at that time we could mind speak. It is a bit overwhelming but after talking to Oma and Opa this morning, things are not so bad anymore.” Rhiannon smiled at that saying “Oh sweetling I am glad you spoke with your grandparents. They were beside themselves when they realised what had happened. They were feeling very bad about not telling you as you were growing up. They honestly thought that they were doing the right thing. As parents and grandparents we have a responsibility to make sure we are open and honest with our young ones so that they learn from our example to be also open and honest. I am very sure if they could turn back time they would make very sure you knew the truth BUT hindsight is a marvellous thing and many lessons can be learnt for the next time.” Dagmar turned to Ragnar and said “Have you spent time with Oma and Opa yet. To get to know them a little?” the boy shook his head “Well then we had better do something about that. How about after you have had your breakfast we go and find them. They are wonderful people and very loving.” said the girl. “That is a very good idea sweetling. We will let you break your fast and then you two go and find your grandparents and spend some time getting to know them Ragnar” said Rhiannon as the two adults rose and began walking to the door. Both children stood and gave both adults a hug and kiss “Thank you for being you.” they both said at the same time and burst out laughing.

  After the Wise Ones left the twins chatted for a little while Ragnar ate “Oma is a wonderful cook and also very clever with herbs, all the people who live in the village come and see her for remedies. Opa is very clever in the garden and he also is very talented carving small animals out of small bits of wood” Dagmar explained. After the boy had finished eating they went in search of Oma and Opa. It did not take the twins long to find them, they were in the main garden talking to Feeorin. They were greeted with hugs and kisses by both grandparents who then suggested they adjourn to another garden which provide a little more privacy. Once they arrived they spent many hours chatting and the two adults began to get to know their grandson. One question which did arise when Ragnar asked. “I have always wondered why I don’t have a fae name, is it because we were born in the human realm?” “Oh sweetling we are not sure about that. When the soldiers brought Dagmar they did say that your mother whispered your names just before she went to the Summerlands. It was ‘Isilotse’ and now thinking about it I suppose that she may have chosen ‘Lothithil’ for you Ragnar, both me
an ‘Moon Flower’ male and female version. When we chose Dagmar we had no idea that Lillianna and Router would choose Ragnar which is also the male version of Dagmar. But being that Lillianna and I are also twins possibly it was part of our special link. The Goddess had her hand in this every which way. “She said with a chuckle “Yes, and before you ask, we can also mind speak but only if we are in the same room.” said Oma in response to Ragnars question. Both children looked at each other ‘Isilotse?’ said Dagmar in mind speak to Ragnar and then him saying ‘Lothithil?’ both shook their heads and laughed. “I know I like Dagmar and if the other name needs to be used maybe only if very official and special occasion requires it.” Ragnar only nodded vigorously as his twin was speaking. Oma smiled and said “You have become very good at the mind speak as the looks of things. How far apart can you be and still hear each other?” “We have not experimented with that yet BUT it is a fantastic idea Oma we will have to find out how far away we can be from each other before we are out of range.” said Ragnar as he looked at his twin for agreement, which he received with a nod.

  After the mid-day meal the twins decided to see how far apart they could be and still communicate. Ragnar left Dagmar in her small private garden chatting to her all the while as he walked to the forest ‘I like Oma and Opa. They are very nice people and I am sure with time I will grow to love them as you do.’ He mind spoke as he walked along ‘They are brother. They have much to tell us about our mother and we can learn a lot from them.’ replied the girl. As he arrived at the first trees of the forest he told his sister ‘I am at the tree line now and I can still hear you so I will keep walking for a while. I will tell you what I see to keep things from getting boring. Is that alright with you?’ to which Dagmar responded ‘That sounds like a good idea. I was wondering if we can share things we see.’ ‘Oh THAT is a wonderful thought!’ with that he promptly found some very pretty flowers and he began concentrating hard ‘OUCH! Don’t shout Ragnar’ said the girl as he tried to send her the image of the flowers. ‘So sorry sister. I was concentrating really hard to send you an image. This means that if we think hard we yell?’ ‘Umm I don’t know. Ooh…are you looking at pretty bright pink flowers?’ ‘Yes I am! You can see them? WOW! This could come in handy!’ they both laughed out loud at that. He walked further into the small forest and they found that they still had the link no matter how far the boy walked. ‘Come back brother. I think we now know that we can talk from a great distance. If you could dig up those flowers we can plant them in one of our gardens as a reminder of today. Would you like that?’ asked Dagmar. Ragnar grinned at that because he was already doing just that ‘I am way ahead of you dear sweet sister. I have been digging it out and you know what! There are two plants so we can have one each!’ Ragnar replied with a happy smile. The twins spent the rest of the day exploring their gifts and having much fun doing so.


  The afternoon of the formal welcome feast was a busy time. Dagmar had been asked if she would visit Niamh’s rooms, as she arrived the doors were wide open and Niamh stood near them “Merry Meet and welcome sweetling. I am so pleased you accepted my invitation. I need to apologise to you for not spending any time with you and I want to make up for it somehow.” said Niamh in a rush. “Merry Meet aunt Niamh” replied the girl “It’s alright. I have been very busy myself as you can well imagine and thank you for the invitation.” Niamh smiled and indicated for the girl to enter. “Ragnar has told me all about you. he is a different person since he has found you, little sweetling and I am very happy for you both.” She said but Dagmar could see that her aunt’s eyes were moist with unshed tears. “Aunt, he still loves you. You were there to give him the motherly love when he had no one else. Please don’t be sad. He loves you very much and I think that he is also as confused as I am about our father and how we feel.” said the girl trying to comfort the woman who had in the meantime let the tears silently roll down her cheeks “You are very perceptive and I very much appreciate what you have just said. You have in a small way reassured me and that is a wonderful gift for my aching heart.” answered Niamh, as she wiped her tears away with the back of her hand. The girl moved closer and gave her aunt a hug. Niamh responded to the hug and returned it as a small stifled sob escaped her throat. Abruptly Niamh moved away from the girl, straightening her shoulders and smiled “Enough of this! It is a time of joy and celebration and I am just a foolish mother who is feeling a little insecure. Come my darling I have something for you. This way, sweetling! ”grasping Dagmar’s hand, Niamh led her through a set of double doors to the right of the main doors.

  The room they entered was enormous with huge windows that let in the daylight and provided a magnificent view of the garden. The girl let out a small gasp of surprise as she took in the sight. A waterfall identical to Four Falls was the central water feature with several small bubbling fountains scattered about. Dagmar looked at it in amazement with her eyes big and round darting from place to place, as she took it all in. Niamh was watching her niece and smiled at the girls reaction. “Come sweetling, you can explore the garden any time you want” Niamh said as she gently tugged at the girls hand and led the way to yet another set of double doors at the far end of the room. As the girl caught sight of the room her eyes grew even larger and rounder. The room itself was not large but it was filled with all manner of clothing, all neatly hung up in sections with Wouter’s clothing on one side with all his shirts in a cluster as were his pants, his formal garments were from what Dagmar guessed were in a separate area. There were every day dresses, shirts and pants, boots and cloaks all neatly hanging in their separate sections. Niamh led the girl to a section dedicated to gowns made of the most delicate spider web silk. There was one item which hang separately, shrouded in a dark cloth and it was here that the woman stopped.

  “Tonight is going to be a very formal affair little one. You will be welcomed and officially acknowledged as a child of the real and a daughter of this family. You will have to let your wings out; we do that for very important or official events.” Niamh smiled at her niece and let her own wings out slowly “I have a gift” with that statement the woman reached up and pulled the cover off. Underneath was the most amazing gown which glittered with mother of pearl beads as well as tiny sparkling crystals. It had a blinding white under dress with long sleeves and the points at the bottom dragged on the ground. It was long and looked to be puffed up and wide from the waist down. All the other gowns the girl had seen hung down from the waist in a plainer looking style after seeing this particular gown. Niamh was watching the girl as she took it all in “This dress was the gown I wore on my gifting. I would like to give it to you for your welcoming as MY welcoming gift,” Dagmar turned and stared at her aunt, mouth slightly ajar “Aunt, it’s BEAUTIFUL!! Oh thank you SO much!” gushed the girl, unable to believe her ears and eyes. “I knew it was a special feast but nobody told me it was an official feast.” said the girl. “That is my fault sweetling” laughed Niamh “with everything that has unfolded I suggested that we not tell you about it until the day so that you didn’t have yet more on your mind. There is nothing to worry about darling. Oberon will say a few words and then do the acknowledgement. There is a short oath which we all take after our gifting. Then the feasting begins with music, dancing and entertainment after wards.”

  “Come and try it on darling. Let us see how beautiful you will look. Oh and your hair, those beautiful ringlets! I just adore your hair sweetling.” said Niamh as she gently touched her nieces’ hair. Niamh led Dagmar to a privacy screen and brought the dress over to her “Here sweetling. Try it on and we will see if there are any adjustments to be made. I honestly don’t think there will be because you have a very similar shape to what I had at your age.” she said as she turned away to give the girl some privacy “If you need help just call out darling.”

  Dagmar looked closely at the gown and saw that she may need help wi
th some of the lacing at the back. She slipped out of her mid-calf dress and carefully removed the under dress from its hanger and stepped into it, wriggling it over her small hips and slipping her arms into the long sleeves. The material as it slid down her arm felt cool and smooth. The skirt was a fluffy affair with many layers of light material that gave the gown the wide skirt. There were no noticeable laces to do up so Dagmar carefully took the gown and carefully placed it on the carpet and stepped into it, pulling it up she had a little struggle with the hem of the under dress which was very wide, “Aunt Niamh, could you come and help me please?” “On my way” called the woman from the other room. Niamh came and helped the girl and then adjusted a lace opening at the back “Let out your wings sweetling. I have adjusted the splits in the right spots but it depends how wide the base of your wings is as to if you will be comfortable or we have minor adjustments. The dress looks as if it was made for you darling.” The woman stepped back to give the girl room to let her wings out, as she did it, was obvious that no alterations needed to be made. Niamh was ecstatic as she stepped back to admire her niece in the gown “Oh my! This gown WAS made for you! It suits you in every way. Come over here sweetling, I have a floor length mirror where you can have a look yourself.”

  As the girl saw her reflection she could not believe her eyes “Oh Aunt” she breathed “it is just beautiful!” Dagmar continued. “Since it is already near mid-day, would you like to join me and then you can either go to your rooms and bathe or stay here and you can bathe here and we can then dress your hair and get you dressed.” “I would love to share the mid-day meal with you and I think it is a good idea to have your help with my hair and dress. Thank you Aunt Niamh.” responded the girl. “Well then, let us get you out of this and we can see what lovely things Feeorin has given us for our meal.” suggested the woman as she began to undo lacing and assist the girl out of the two dresses.

  After a leisurely lunch, which they had in the garden and a little time of general chatting and relaxing the bath arrived and was being filled. Niamh began to fuss about organising new under garments to be brought to the rooms for the girl, who was having a luxurious hot bath. Niamh washed Dagmar’s hair and rinsed it, she then helped the girl get out of the bath, wrapping her into a massive fluffy sheet which absorbed the water on her body leaving her skin dry. The woman led her niece to a small table with a mirror and indicated for her to sit down; she then picked up a long wide toothed comb and began untangling the girls’ wet hair. In no time Dagmar’s hair was untangled and hanging half way to the floor from where the girl was sitting, in gentle ringlets. Niamh then began using a small cloth of very absorbent material and gently rubbed each ringlet separately, drying each piece of hair as she went along. Once Niamh was satisfied she began to braid and comb the girls’ hair until it was a glittering mass of silver white. Dagmar looked into the mirror and her aunt stood behind her with a smaller hand mirror, to show the girl the back of her hair. She saw many small beads in a simple braid with hair hanging loose in coils some cascading down her back and some tumbling over her shoulders and landing in the girls lap.

  Dagmar enjoyed spending time with her aunt, who taught her many things a lady needed to know. Niamh showed the girl how to make her cheeks be rosy and how to apply a black oily charcoal on her eye lashes and near the eyes to make her eye shape a little more slanted which Niamh called kohl. They sniffed all the different perfumes Niamh had on another small table and laughed as they began to sneeze helplessly. The garden was also explored and Niamh got to know her niece and learnt about her life with the girls’ grandparents. The woman was very impressed with the in-depth education Dagmar had received from her grandmother about herbal lore and medicinal uses. She also found that the girl had a cheeky sense of humour which was very similar to Ragnars as were the many mannerisms that were identical to her foster son. As the sun was going down they went inside and began preparations for the feast. Niamh suggested they help each other to which Dagmar readily agreed. They both went behind their individual privacy screens and changed into their underdresses. It did not take the girl long even though she did have to do a little tugging to have the skirt fluffy “Would you like some help Aunt Niamh?” asked the girl “yes please sweetling. I seem to have some trouble here.” replied the woman as she stepped out from behind the privacy screen. “I seem to have tangled the lacing on this sleeve. The Goddess only knows why there are such long ribbons used on a sleeve gathering!” said Niamh in and exasperated voice. They spent the next little while untangling the ribbon.

  Dagmar then went behind the screen to fetch her aunt’s gown and returned with an emerald green dress that had intricate stitching with green crystals incorporated into the pattern. The underdress, which was a deep sea green almost blue, brought out the glistening spider silk over dress. Niamh’s gown did not have a fluffy skirt, as the girl had begun to call that look, as she looked down at her own skirt. Once all was adjusted and laced it was Niamh's turn to assist the girl and a lot of tugging and adjusting ensued once the overdress was in place, laces were tied and wings gently let out. Niamh stood back and admired their handiwork “Oh! I almost forgot the slippers and accessories. Stay right there sweetling. Don’t move a muscle.” she said as she turned and rushed out of the room, returning a few moments later with several boxes in her arms. She deposited them on a table nearby and began sifting through the pile “Ah here they are these are the slippers for your gown. Here try them on, sit on that stool sweetling.” Niamh suggested pointing at a low stool not far from where they stood as she handed the girl the slippers and turned to the pile again sorting out items. Dagmar sat and tried on the slippers which fitted again as if made for her, she stood and did a small pirouette in front of the tall mirror. Niamh laughed and indicated for the girl to sit down so she can finish dressing her hair and finish making up the girls face as the woman called it. She fussed over the girls face “I am so enjoying this time we have spent together little one. I now imagine what it would be like to have a daughter. You are VERY much like Ragnar and it is an absolute joy to be your aunt.” said Niamh as she reached for yet another item resting on the table and then began to make adjustments to Dagmar’s hair. “I have had a wonderful time with you aunt Niamh and I am so glad you are here so I can ask you things about how to be a lady. You have taught me so much today.” replied the girl. “AH! There! I think that’s it. Let me have a look now.” Niamh stood the girl up and looked at her critically from all angles and then a satisfied smile crept onto the womans face. She took the girl by the shoulders and turned her towards the tall mirror and stepped back.

  The young woman who looked back at the girl was a total stranger to Dagmar. She looked down at this stranger and saw a gown which looked at if the girl was surrounded by a white, glittering cloud and as her eyes travelled up she saw a stunning bodice, which she did not notice on the dressing. It had a simple design of spirals and circles inter twined with leaves, similar to the tattooing on her face. The bodice glittered with many tiny clear crystals sewn into the design with every breath the girl took. Her eyes travelled up to the hair, there she saw something glittering and upon closer inspection she saw that it was a small crown “Well sweetling? What do you think?” asked Niamh as she stepped behind Dagmar. “I…I…I don’t know what to say aunt. Who is this beautiful young lady? I am very sure it is not me!” answered the girl staring at her reflection. With a satisfied smile the woman said “I am SO happy that you like what you see darling. You ARE beautiful my sweet.” The girl reached up to the crown “What is this aunt?” Niamh replied “Your crown, sweetling. You are a princess and this crown is your birth right.” The girl spun around and looked at her aunt “I had no idea. Yes I have heard people say Queen Titania but … but how does that…..” she trailed off “Titania is YOUR grandmother and so she is your mother and my Oma’s mother, am I right?” “Yes sweetling Queen Titania is your great grandmother” answered Niamh
“and with that you are Princess Isilotse daughter of the realm, a title you will have to get used to because tonight you will be introduced like that BUT we will still call you Dagmar. The same will be happening with Ragnar” informed the woman as she made her face up with small pots of colour and small brushes at her fingertips.

  As they made their way from Niamh's rooms to the feast, to which they flew low to the ground at a stately manner, much bowing and genuflecting with Niamh and the girl waving in response. “You are doing very well darling. When we have official feasts and other things we fly as we are at the moment and we will be greeted differently to when we are walking around. You are doing very well indeed, a natural. Oh look there is Ragnar!” said the woman as she immediately veered to the left and towards her son, with Dagmar close on her heels. Ragnar greeted them with a huge grin “WOW! You two look BEAUTIFUL!” he said as he bowed low as he took Niamh's hand and kissed it gently and then turning to his twin doing the same thing. He stopped and looked at her admiringly ‘You ARE very beautiful, sister’ he thought and winked at his twin as he saw her blushing.

  They all moved to the central platform which was set with chairs in a row. Titania was already there and she greeted them with hugs and kisses and then showed the twins to their respective seats with Ragnar to Titanias right and Dagmar next to Oberon who was seated to the left of Titania. Lillianna sat next to Ragnar with her husband Router to her right and Niamh sat next to him with Wouter, her husband on her right. To the left of Dagmar sat her Oma, Tittianna and next to her was Walker who had Beriothien as his neighbour. Everyone had gathered and found their respective seats, the crowd began to quieten. As Dagmar looked out she had never imagined that there would be so many faeries living in the realm.

  Oberon stood and began to speak “Gentle Fae. We have reason for much celebration. As you know our long lost children have been returned to us safely. Beriothien son of Tud and Addylyn after many years living in the human realm returned to us with many sad tales but we have also a happy ending.” With that statement Oberon turned and indicated for the twins to join him “This is the happy ending” he said putting his arms around the twin’s shoulders “I wish to introduce you to” he turned towards Dagmar “Princess Isilotse first born twin daughter of Princess Earwin and Crown Prince Beriothien of the Elves; Granddaughter of Crown Princess Tittianna and Walker, Crown Princess Addylyn and Prince Tud of the Elves AND Great granddaughter of King Zebulon and Queen Evangeline of the Elves and Queen Titania and myself King Oberon of the Fae.” everyone cheered and then he turned to Ragnar and said I wish to now introduce you to Prince Lothithil second born twin son of Princess Earwin and Crown Prince Beriothien of the Elves; foster son of Princess Uruviel and Prince Bellmaethorion; Grandson of Crown Princess Tittianna and Walker, Crown Princess Addylyn and Prince Tud of the Elves AND Great grandson of King Zebulon and Queen Evangeline of the Elves and Queen Titania and myself King Oberon of the Fae.” and the crowd went wild again.

  Oberon indicted for the twins to return to their seats “As you all know there has been much tragedy over the past twelve cycles BUT out of tragedy comes joy as we have seen with the return of one thought gone to the Summerlands and return of one not known to exist.” He turned to the twins and said “there is an oath which all sweetlings take after their gifting and I would like to invite you both to make that same oath now.” Both children leaned forward to see each other past the other people seated, locked eyes, nodded, got up walked to the king “Yes your Highness we are” they said as one. Oberon pulled himself to his full height and towered over the top of the twins “The Gifting Oath. Do you Princess Isilotse and you Prince Lothithil promise by the Goddesses Luna and Gaya to use your gifts to heal and protect, to do as you see fit but to harm none?” “I do” the twins yet again said as one “So Mote It Be!” replied Oberon and the gathered crowd which then began to cheer wildly. “Now that the formalities are completed, we still have another minor formality to conduct and that is for us to rejoice, feast and make merry!” said King Oberon in a loud voice.

  The crowd on the platform began to rise and move to the steps or fly to the ground and moved to a large table set in the centre of many smaller tables where all the visitors, guests and castle residents sat, the feast was becoming a noisy affair with much laughter. The twins sat together and enjoyed the variety of sweet breads and other marvellous creations by the chief cook Feeorin. Titania got up near the end of the feast and walked around to where the twins were seated and gave them both a small parcel delicately wrapped in spider silk with little flowers tucked into the folds “A small gift to remember this night by my darlings.” she stooped and gave them both a small kiss on the top of their heads and went back to her seat. The twins looked at each other and then carefully began to open the parcels, both reaching their objective at the same time and both gasping. Cushioned in soft cotton wool were nestled small identical pendants with a five pointed star in a circle attached to a delicate yet very strong chain. Both looked in their great grandmother’s direction and mouthed ‘thank you’. Both slipped the chains over their heads and hung their gifts around their necks.

  The celebrations lasted long into the night with much dancing and entertainments such as jugglers, acrobats and singers. The twins danced much and accepted many congratulation handshakes and blessings. ‘I don’t know about you but I am exhausted brother. I think I will try and get away and go to bed.’ thought Dagmar as she was looking for her brother in the crowd ‘I am way ahead of you sister. I have already bid all the elders good night and am sitting under the arch near the small unicorn fountain waiting for you.’ The girl smiled at that and began looking for at least some of the elders to say good night and not be rude and just go to bed. She spotted Oma made her way to her “Oma I am getting very tired and I want to go to bed. Could you say ‘Good Night’ to everyone for me please? It will take me for ever to try and catch everyone“ asked the girl as she was giving the woman a hug. “Of course liebchen! Sleep well my precious darling and we will see you in the morning.” She kissed the girl on the fore head and then eyelids and then a small kiss on the lips then turned her gently and gave her a small shove to get her off to bed.

  The twins met up near the unicorn fountain and sat quietly listening to the faint sound of music and laughter which the breeze brought to them. “I am very tired Ragnar. I am going to go to bed. What are planning to do?” “The same I think. I am exhausted and just want to sleep. I will walk you to your room if you want.” Replied the boy as they began to walk towards Dagmar’s room. “I wonder if we can have our rooms a little closer.” Said Dagmar all of a sudden “Hahahaha I was just thinking the same thing. It would be nice to have you next door. We can ask in the morning if you want.” replied Ragnar laughing. As they reached the girls room both were yawning so hard they had tears in their eyes. “Sweet dreams brother dearest.” said the girl as she kissed her twin on the eye lids and then the cheeks and then the lips to which he responded with identical actions, both smiled and Dagmar turned to open the door and enter her room.


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