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Private Tuition

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by Jay Merson

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  Copyright ©2009 by Jay Merson

  First published in 2009, 2009

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  NOTICE: This work is copyrighted. It is licensed only for use by the original purchaser. Making copies of this work or distributing it to any unauthorized person by any means, including without limit email, floppy disk, file transfer, paper print out, or any other method constitutes a violation of International copyright law and subjects the violator to severe fines or imprisonment.

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  Private Tuition





















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  Private Tuition

  (Revised Edition)


  Jay Merson

  ©Copyright: Jay Merson

  First Published: 1999

  This Edition Published: 2009

  The right of Jay Merson to be identified as the author of this work

  has been asserted under the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  Illegal copying or distribution of this title in any form or by any means

  is strictly prohibited, full legal action will be taken against offenders

  for breach of copyright and claims for commercial loss would ensue.

  All characters in this story are aged eighteen years and over.

  This electronic book published by A1AdultEbooks

  Private Tuition


  Paula Williams stepped out of the lift of the luxury block of flats, bringing her to the third floor. She paused on the thick pile carpet in the hallway to gather her thoughts. Here at last was the opportunity to meet, and hopefully to work for, the man she had idolised for years. His photograph, many actually, cut from magazines, adorned her dressing table.

  She faced the polished oak front door, straightened her skirt and checked that her black stockings were smoothed and un-laddered. Looking in her small compact mirror, she brushed her long auburn hair with her hand and inspected her make-up. When all was in order, she drew a deep breath, pulled herself up to her full five feet eight inch height and pressed the ornate brass doorbell.

  "Professor Lane?” she enquired nervously as the smart, silver-haired man answered the door. He was everything she had expected.

  "And who might you be, young lady?"

  "Paula Williams ... I wrote in answer to your advertisement."

  "Oh yes! Please come in."

  The apartment was huge, bright and airy, clean and well cared for. Expensive antique furniture lined the walls as he guided her through the long hallway and into the spacious lounge. Thick carpet covered the floors, adding to the feeling of warmth.

  "Oh this is wonderful, so absolutely wonderful!” Paula gasped in sincere amazement. The building from the outside had looked anything but luxurious.

  "I like it,” the professor said proudly. “It overlooks the park and I like to sit on the balcony and watch the world go by.” He indicated the way out on to the balcony via the huge patio doors that spanned the length of one wall. “Sit down, on the settee there, opposite me."

  "Thank you for agreeing to see me professor. I'm so pleased to have the opportunity of..."

  "First things first my dear. Why did you apply to me?"

  "Well, you are tops in psychology,” she gushed. “I am a student of it and you need a housekeeper. I thought..."

  "Why are you wearing a short skirt?"

  "What? Don't you like it?” His interruption and the subject of his question threw Paula a little. She had so wanted to impress him.

  "I like it very much, but you haven't answered my question. Why did you wear a short skirt?"

  "I don't really know. I didn't really think about it."

  "Didn't you?” he asked in disbelief. “It's an important interview for you and you didn't give it much thought?"

  "Well, perhaps I did.” Paula was trying to decide whether he did or didn't like her style of dress.

  "Perhaps you thought you might sway an old man to accepting you in preference to other applicants if you displayed your thighs for him?"

  "No! You're not old; fifty is hardly an old man!” She had blurted the words before she had realised.

  "Didn't you?” he persisted, a knowing look on his handsome face.

  "Well okay, maybe I did."

  "That's better. We can talk more easily when we are totally honest with one another. Practising psychology eh?"

  "Yes of course! I understand now."

  "And what did you hope to achieve today by wearing that lovely short skirt? Did you wish to interest me in your thighs, to excite and arouse me perhaps, an old man desiring a lovely young girl? You deliberately set out to draw my attention to your legs and thereby sway me in my decision didn't you?—Ah well, tell me about yourself."

  He sat back in the huge armchair and moved his gaze to Paula's nylon clad thighs while she tried to get her breath back.

  "Well. I'm nineteen years old, I come from Hampshire, and I'm here to study and to finish my degree. I haven't found digs yet and need some work to help the grant to pay for my studies."


  "No. When I saw you advertisement, I thought that if I could get the job, it would combine all three with extra tuition from you as a bonus."

  "So you hope to use me to gain your degree."

  "No! Sorry, I didn't mean that!"

  "Oh but you did! And what exactly could you offer me in return for my assistance?” His eyes focused on her knees, where the short skirt had ridden-up to give a good expanse of her slim thighs for his hungry gaze. He made no effort to conceal the fact that he was looking at them. Paula tried hard to keep her knees pressed tightly together.

  "Outside my studies, I'd cook and clean, wash and do your shopping. You would find me a good worker and get the occasional glimpse of thighs."

  He laughed aloud, enjoying the sense of humour that she showed. “I expect complete confidence and loyalty. Above all else, I demand complete obedience."

  "Sounds good to me."

  "Should you be successful, the position carries your own room with complete privacy, a salary over and above that which you could find in bar-work or as a waitress. Time free for yourself and assistance with your studies. Over and above those items, you could expect me to provide clothing suitable for your work, a reference that would get you into any future position you may seek once you have graduated and private tuition from me should you require it."

  Paula sat forward, resting her elbows on her knees as she listened to his conditions and benefits. Her eyes fixed firmly on the rugged face, she liked him, she liked him very much.

  "Everything I've been looking for!"

  "So why should I offer it to you and not to another applicant, Paula?"

  Paula sat back in the settee, deliberately stretching her long legs for his hungry gaze.

  "Because I'm bright, willing and eager to learn. And hard working."

  "Why Paula?” he repeated slowly and deliberately.

  "Because I'm very obedient and because I have nice thighs."

  The professor
stood and offered her his hand. “Congratulations Paula, I am certain that the science of psychology will benefit greatly from you in the future. When can you move in?"

  * * * *

  "You jammy little sod, Paula. Two days you've been here and in that time you have a job, a flat and extra tuition as a bonus. Two weeks it took me to get a crummy little room above the dry-cleaners that I can't even cook myself a meal in. How on earth did you do it?"

  "Psychology, my dear Louise, psychology."

  "Shagging the old fella's lights out more like."

  "No I didn't! He did like my legs though."

  "Looking at them all the time was he?” Louise asked sarcastically.

  "Yes actually. I wore my short black skirt. He sat opposite me, kept shifting in his seat to get a better look up my leg."

  "You'll have to watch that one, Paula."

  "He's okay. Got a good sense of humour and in his way, and he's not bad looking."

  "Oh I see! Falling are we, or planning to?"

  "Not at all. He's kind and friendly that's all I meant."

  "Any more rooms there for me?"

  "Louise! It's my first day there. Give me time. A couple of months down the road and perhaps I'll ask him for you."

  "Yeah, sure. God is that the time! I can't be late for my first lecture! Catch you later."

  * * * *

  "Jeans are not acceptable to me Paula,” the professor scolded. The degree of displeasure that he felt was etched in his accompanying expression.

  "Sorry professor, I thought them more practical."

  "Skirts short and revealing—we had an agreement remember? Lovely thighs such as yours shouldn't be hidden. Tomorrow you will shop, at my expense, for skirts and anything else you may need to wear here. I require you to dress to please me, understood?"

  "Very well and thank you."

  "You have done well on your first day, I'm impressed by your work, it appears that I have made a wise choice in selecting you ... are you not going out this evening?"

  "No, I've finished my studies and the housework. I'd like to sit and talk to you if that wouldn't be disturbing you."

  "Oh you disturb me Paula, but not in the way that you meant. It would be a pleasure to have your company this evening. But first, change into a skirt for me."

  "No problem, professor,” she said casually and went into her room to change.

  She liked the apartment, she liked her room, but most of all she liked him. He was all she had hoped he would be, and more. She also enjoyed him admiring her.

  Short, grey and pleated was the skirt that she chose, not over short, the hem ending mid-way up her thigh. Her pert bottom was accentuated by the hang of the skirt. The same cream blouse that she had been wearing didn't quite go with the skirt, but she had no other until tomorrow.

  "Wonderful!” the professor enthused from the settee as she entered the lounge. “Turn around and show me."

  Paula felt a surge of pleasure at his reaction. She turned, smiling as he looked her over. Tingling sensations washed over her and her vulva throbbed as she posed for his hungry gaze.

  "Perfect, it emphasises your legs beautifully. Sit down, astride the arm of the armchair, so that I can see those lovely thighs of yours."

  Paula did as he asked, her legs parted, facing him. The flowing skirt fell between her legs to maintain her modesty.

  "Ready for a lesson in psychology?"

  "Ready when you are professor,” Paula said easily, more relaxed as she sat opposite him, her hands resting one on each of her thighs.

  "Are you a virgin?"

  "What?” She was shocked. “You certainly don't mince your words, do you?"

  "And does that shock you?"

  "A little, yes."

  "Does it embarrass you?"

  "A bit."

  "And are you? A virgin?"

  "No actually. But I'm not experienced either.” Irritation sounded in her voice.


  "This is just psychology isn't it professor?” she asked hesitantly.

  "Sex is psychology."

  "Very well, if you must know I have only had sex once, with my ex-boyfriend."

  "And did you enjoy it?

  "No, not really. When he broke, you know, well he finished straight away."

  "So, no full penetration then?” His tone seemed to turn more to interest at this revelation.

  "Yes and no. He did enter fully, but only for a second or two."

  "Excellent, excellent!"

  "Why do you say that?"

  "Because true learning begins with inexperience."

  "I thought that men were put-off by sexual inexperience?"

  "Some perhaps, but not all. The learning of and acquiring such knowledge is the really wonderful part of anything sexual.” The professor sat back deeper into the soft settee. “Show me a little more of your thighs."

  "Are you trying to shock me professor?"

  "I see that your studies have not been wasted so far. No I'm trying to educate you. You wanted private tuition and this is what I am aiming at. The art of seduction and tantalisation is something that has to be worked at if you are to perfect it and use it to good effect."

  Paula slowly pulled the hem of her skirt further up her thighs, revealing the tops of her hold-up stockings and the creamy soft flesh above them. The professor's eyes lingered on the exposed flesh. She felt instantly more excited, she loved to please him, perhaps also to tease him. Her nipples hardened as she displayed herself for him.

  "Does it excite you to tease me, Paula?"

  "I suppose it does a bit.” Sexual pleasure was coursing through her. Her nipples tingled and hardened more. She felt electric sensations of wonderful intensity darting through her. It was a thrill she had never before experienced.

  "Lift your skirt up,” he said.

  Slowly Paula raised the hem of her skirt to the waist. Small white panties stretched tightly over her prominent mons. Her thighs were wide apart as she sat astride the arm of the chair. The professor cleared his throat, his gaze fixed between her legs, Paula felt more and different sensations, bursting within her, her vulva throbbed. Her face flushed with the excitement she sat silently as he looked at her.

  "Perfect, you are so perfect,” he said quietly.

  Paula tried to speak but no words came from her. Her mouth was dry. She cleared her throat.

  "Does it excite you to watch me, professor?” she asked, her excitement and confidence growing. She wanted reassurance from him that he liked what he saw.

  "Don't try to turn the tables on me like a good psychology student should. Take them off."

  "The panties you mean?"

  "The skirt and the panties,” he replied without looking up from her crotch.

  Paula stood slowly, un-hooked her skirt and let it drop to the floor. She felt alive with excitement. Her body was pulsing with feelings that she had never before experienced. She hooked her thumbs into the side-strings of her panties and pulled them down over her hips and thighs, kicking them aside as she stood before him, naked from the waist down. She watched his handsome face as he looked at her exposed pussy.

  "Turn around for me slowly.” His voice cracked slightly as he spoke, his eyes roaming her soft flesh. “And take off that blouse."

  Paula turned. Her fingers were trembling as she undid the buttons and removed the blouse. She was aware that he was inspecting her, it added to her excitement. Feelings, new to her, were playing to all her most intimate parts.

  "Now the bra."

  She did as she was bid, throwing the bra aside to join the other clothes on the thick carpet, her nipples were fully erect, her vulva ached. She could feel her cheeks burning, not with embarrassment, but with heightened pleasure.

  "Bend over, legs apart,” he commanded.

  For a moment she hesitated, then spread her legs and leaned over to place her hands on the floor in front of her. The surge of powerful sensation that rippled through her caused her to draw breath, she deligh
ted in displaying her most secret parts to him, open and uncovered, he could see it all.

  "Sit down in the chair,” he said, his voice now full of excitement that he couldn't hope to disguise.

  Paula turned, he had dropped his trousers and underpants. He was sitting as he was before, with his stiff cock sticking up from his lap, angry looking and purple coloured, the foreskin pulled tightly back against the shaft. She moved to the chair and sat down.

  "Put one leg over each of the arms of the chair,” he said simply.

  She obeyed, spreading her legs wide and opening her labia to expose the soft inner folds for his pleasure. She felt a dampness inside her at the effect she was having on him.

  "That looks good Paula, very good indeed. Does it feel good?"

  "Mmmm.... yes."

  "Touch yourself."

  "But I've never..."

  "Touch yourself,” he repeated in his commanding tone.

  The painted fingernails of her hand slipped hesitantly down over her stomach to rest against her open pussy.

  "Stroke it Paula. Stroke it."

  Her fingers began to pass lightly over the soft wet lips. She heard him groan as her hand moved.

  "Good Paula, good. Push a finger inside now.” She could see a drop of lubrication appear from the end of his erect cock. Her index finger entered her inner folds. She gasped at the contact.

  "In further!"

  In and up it went until her whole middle finger was inside her. By instinct she began to move it around, inside her at first, then slowly she began an in-and-out motion.

  "Does that feel nice Paula?"


  "I love your breasts, so firm and sweet, your nipples long and hard. The way they jiggle as your body moves."

  Paula gasped as the feelings increased within her. Her hand was moving faster now.

  "Stop now, my sexy little girl, and touch your clitoris."

  Reluctantly she withdrew the finger and moved it up to touch her hardened bud. Her eyes closed and her head sank back to rest against the back of the chair.

  "Grip it with your finger and thumb, pull it, stretch it and press it,” he coaxed softly. Paula noted a change in his voice pattern, she half opened her eyes to see him gripping his stiff rod and rubbing furiously. This sight spurred her on, rubbing and pressing, stroking and grinding, she became lost in her own world of pleasure.


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