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Private Tuition

Page 8

by Jay Merson

  "Paula!” the professor called after her. She stopped, fearful that he had seen her smile or that perhaps he had in some way found out about their intentions. She turned slowly to face him.

  "I wish to see you both in half an hour precisely."

  "I'm afraid Louise is out and won't be back until after six, gone for a drink with her friends."

  "Very well then, tomorrow evening at six. Now that you both have advance warning there will be no excuses accepted.” He resumed reading his newspaper as though nothing had ever distracted him.

  * * * *

  The university canteen was too crowded to talk in peace. Carrying a cup of coffee each, the girls went outside and sat on the wall that surrounded the flowerbed beyond the glass doors of the main hall.

  "What's all that about then? Six o’ clock on the dot and don't be late?"

  "Don't know, he's never made a point of stating times before. It's as big a mystery to me as it is you. One thing I do know. We'd better not be late that's for sure.” Paula rubbed her backside to emphasis the point.

  "Mmmm,” Louise mumbled in agreement as she sipped her coffee. “You were right about that dildo."

  "So were you,” Paula said immediately and then wondered if she should have brought up the subject again. She sat silently.

  "Look Paula, let's try and clear the air on the subject of what we did together shall we. I can sense that you feel a little awkward about it and it's best we sort it out now, agreed?"

  "If you think so,” Paula replied, unsure of what was to come.

  "What you did to me was fantastic,” Louise stated firmly. “That doesn't mean that I am wanting a love affair with you. I'm definitely a man's woman, but enjoy the excitement of sex.” She smiled reassuringly at Paula. “Sex and nothing else, okay?"

  "Thanks Louise. I must admit it had been worrying me a bit. You know, a bit difficult to..."

  "Hush you dirty little cock sucker,” Louise whispered, and they both laughed loudly as the tension of the moment dissolved.

  "Did you get anywhere with old stiff-dick professor?” Louise asked, changing the subject.

  "Don't call him that you slut!” Paula replied, giggling. When the laughter had stopped she continued, “I've gained something useful that we can use later, but for now I'll keep it with me, let you know later, okay."

  "Ah! And the plot thickens!” Louise said in a mysterious tone. “Listen Paula I've had a great idea, I'll run it past you and see what you think ... when he next goes to Buckinghamshire, we'll follow him and see what he gets up to."

  Paula sat silently for a moment. “Bad idea” she said.

  "Why? We could have one over on him then."

  "And if he found out? You know what would happen."

  "How could he find out unless you or me told him, eh?"

  "No! Definitely not, count me out all together. We need time to gain his confidence, to allow him to think that we have knuckled under, this would blow it for good. No, it's bad news, Louise."

  "Okay, okay, just a thought.” Louise raised her hands defensively. The girls stood and walked together, Louise chatting and Paula deep in thought, distant even.

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  The professor walked into the lounge at precisely six o’ clock to find both girls standing in the centre of the room waiting for him. They were dressed in white panties, collars and waist belts.

  "Paula, secure Louise's hands,” he commanded, looking hungrily at the way Louise's long rubbery nipples stuck out from her breasts.

  Once she had finished he secured Paula's wrists likewise in the straps at the back of her belt and clipped a dog lead to the front D-ring of each of their collars. He then moved his head down to take one of Louise's nipples in his mouth. She gasped as he did so. So long were her hardened nipples that he could grip it between his finger and thumb and still get the tip in his mouth. For many moments he played and sucked on her rubbery teat, his other hand feeling and kneading the other breast. Paula watched as the play continued.

  "Marvellous,” he breathed breaking away from her. Louise delighted in the fact that he found her breasts so attractive. She had enjoyed his fondling and was prepared for more to come.

  The professor sat down on the settee, looking them over silently.

  "Louise, lovely Louise, I have a special task for you,” he drawled slowly. Paula couldn't disguise her disappointment, at him choosing her friend in preference to her.

  The professor noted her expression.

  "Inexperienced though you are, I think you will perform well. Your training will need to be accelerated to meet the deadline."

  Louise stood thinking over what he had said, expressionless as waited for him to continue.

  "I have a special guest, a very special guest coming to see me on the twenty-sixth of the month and I want you to be here to serve him. This is quite separate from the guest night planned for early next month."

  Louise's face broke into a big smile, it pleased her that she had been chosen. The professor's tone became more serious as he continued.

  "He is the hub of my business affairs and central to my income, ultimately also in being able to continue to finance this flat. Have I emphasised sufficiently the importance of his visit and the need for you to be on your best behaviour?"

  "Yes, you have,” Louise said gravely.

  "Now Paula, dear Paula, you are destined for a special task also.” Paula lit up, her faith restored. The pleasure showed on her now smiling face.

  "I can't tell you more now, but your training and education will increase until you are ready, then you will know more. You will be the first to accompany me to Buckinghamshire.” He used the velvety tone that masked a usually darker undertone.

  Paula's smile was radiant, “thank you,” she said simply, her tone full of sincerity.

  He stood abruptly and gathered both leashes. Pulling the girls behind him, he walked through to the kitchen. The girls stumbled awkwardly against one another to keep up as they were dragged along through the doorway and past furniture. He gave no thought to their difficulties, pulling hard on the leashes and maintaining his fast pace. He filled a cereal bowl with milk and placed it on the tiled floor of the kitchen.

  "Drink,” he said simply.

  The girls looked at one another, then with difficulty began to kneel. With their hands strapped firmly behind them, progress was slow, too slow for the professor.

  "Quickly, quickly,” he snapped.

  Kneeling now, Paula leaned forwards, her face in the bowl, and began lapping like a cat at the milk. A swift kick of the professor's foot jolted Louise into joining her friend and cheek-to-cheek they lapped noisily at the liquid in tandem.

  With their backsides presented in the air, the professor ran a palm of his hand down between the legs of both girls, feeling their pussies through the material of their tightly stretched panties, rubbing and tracing the shape of their labia as they knelt.

  "Enough,” he announced suddenly, and, pulling on the leashes, dragged them on their knees back into the lounge. Louise groaned at the way the hard surface of the floor rubbed her kneecaps as she struggled to keep pace. Once in the lounge the professor released Paula's hands and sat on the settee.

  "Release her,” he said, waving his hand dismissively. Once free, Louise rubbed her kneecaps, sore from the hard tiles and carpet burns. She stood next to Paula before the professor.

  "Take off the belts and panties,” he commanded.

  Both girls obeyed and stood naked before him, just the collars remained. He looked the two girls over slowly and hungrily.

  "Paula, sit,” he snapped. She sat down where she was.

  "Open your legs and pull your pussy open,"

  Using both hands, Paula did as instructed, her painted fingernails stretching the soft pussy lips apart to reveal the pink inner folds.

  "Louise, go to the table and bend over, I want to see your pussy also."

  She did as she was bi
d, adopting a wide stance, her feet planted firmly apart, exposing her soft delicate pussy to his gaze. She felt a terrific charge at displaying herself so blatantly for him. How she liked being ordered around!

  "Good! I am pleased, come and kneel before me,” he said, an expression of impressed delight on his face. “Your apparent obedience pleases me, let us hope that it continues that way.” The warning contained within the statement registered with both girls, particularly as he emphasised the word ‘hope’ in that menacing manner that he had.

  The professor undid and slipped down his trousers, and remained seated, his stiff cock standing up proudly. He layback resting his head on the back of the settee, his hips pushed upwards, his cock ready and twitching.

  "Wank me Louise."

  Louise moved closer and gripped his shaft.

  "No no! Sexily, handle it like it's a prized possession. Welcome it, adore it, love it and treat it tenderly. Put all of your sexuality into the process."

  She started again, slowly and sensuously, curling her delicate long fingers around his pulsing shaft, her long red-painted fingernails glowing brightly against the lighter coloured skin of his thick cock.

  "Mmmm, better, much better,” he moaned.

  Louise loved the feel of his rigid cock, warm and exciting. The blood pulsing in it made her watch in fascination as she squeezed. Her vulva jolted at the power of the feelings that coursed through it. She began wanking his shaft, watching spellbound as the foreskin moved beneath her grip. She had held a cock before, but never had she had the opportunity to see one in such detail or in such a sexy situation.

  "Harder, squeeze harder,” he moaned, watching her.

  As she moved on his cock, her other hand slid between his legs to cup his balls gently. He groaned loudly as she weighed them tenderly. She paused in her wanking, still gripping his shaft, rubbed her thumb across the very tip. She smiled broadly at his reaction; the loud groan of appreciation from him spurred her on. Her clitoris jolted in response to his gasps and groans.

  Alternating wanking him and flicking the tip, she continued, all the time cupping his balls in her other hand, caressing them softly.

  "Suck me."

  With a slight hesitation she brought her mouth down to cover the top of his cock.

  "No no, not like that!” he snapped.

  Louise recoiled, hurt at his sudden outburst.

  "Show her, Paula,” he said impatiently.

  Paula moved close, her arms resting on his thighs, and ran her fingernail up the underside of his cock. Moaning softly she turned her head on the side and did the same with the tip of her soft tongue, tracing a path up his shaft.

  He groaned loudly. All around and under the shaped head of his glans the soft pink tongue probed, delighting and pleasing.

  Louise watched, her face close as Paula's tongue worked on him. She was amazed at the hungry, loving way that Paula licked his cock. As though it were the tastiest thing that she had ever encountered, as though it were delicate and might break if she pressed too hard. A surge of pleasure, tinged with jealousy, ran through her as she watched her friend's sexy actions.

  Paula's red lips, soft and so inviting, kissed the tip softly and then parted to drill the tip of her tongue into the eye-hole of his cock. He bucked his hips and groaned in pleasure at her tormenting as she repeated the action three more times, his hands gripping onto the cushions of the settee.

  Slowly she opened her lips and slid them down over the head of his rigid cock ... he moaned softly at the warm, wet covering that enveloped his cock.

  Her lips were loose and open as she pushed downwards, taking more and more of his cock into her mouth, so much so that she almost reached the base. Slowly, with her lips now gripping his shaft, she moved back up the length of it. As she reached the tip, she flicked her tongue lightly across the top and spread her saliva with her red lips over his glans, and then she descended again.

  Again and again she repeated the action, gripping his shaft with her lips only on the upward journey, milking his stiff cock and drawing his sperm ever nearer. faster she moved, her eyes wide and teasing as she looked at him.

  His constant moans and groans became faster and turned to a throaty gurgle as he came, tensing his body and shooting come deep into her throat.

  "Oh God!” Louise recoiled in disgust and moved back a little way. “How could you do that Paula!"

  She realised her mistake too late. The professor's dark look told her that she had spoken out in error. As Paula continued to lick the remaining sperm from his flaccid cock, Louise shuddered in revulsion but tried not to let it show.

  "You see how it is done Louise? Next time it will be your turn and if you fail to please me then you will suffer for it,” he said casually pushing Paula's head gently away.

  He stood and, moving around behind Louise, clipped the leash onto the D-ring at the back of her collar. Taking her left wrist and twisting it cruelly behind her back and up between her shoulder blades; he tied it to the end of the leash. Louise grimaced but said nothing. He then did the same with her right wrist. The difficulty she had forcing her arms up her back to ease the pressure on the collar was apparent on her face, the discomfort she felt all too obvious.

  The professor then did the same to Paula and pushed both girls down onto their knees.

  "Someone has left a bowl of milk on the kitchen floor,” he stated loudly. “One of you must suffer for it. I will clear it away and when I return I expect one of you to own up. She will receive the punishment."

  "That's not fair!,” Louise said with some difficulty when he had gone.

  "Nothing is fair where he is concerned.” Paula struggled to get her words out with the pressure on her throat. She raised her hands a little and found the relief she sought.

  "I don't want another caning Paula,” Louise mumbled solemnly.

  "Nor me but one of us has to take it."

  "I got the last one!,” Louise was quick to point out.

  "I can't argue with you now, I'll take it and just you remember that I did."

  The professor walked into the room and laid the long cane down carefully on the coffee table. Both girls eyed it fearfully.

  "Well, who is it to be?” he demanded.

  "Me,” Paula said with some difficulty.

  He paused a moment, looking down at both of them and then spoke.

  "Follow me both of you."

  He didn't wait, just walked towards his bedroom. Both girls struggled to get to their feet. Walking to the bedroom was equally as difficult and as they entered they were released in turn.

  He bound Louise's wrists tightly behind her back with lengths of the soft cord, causing her to draw breath as he pulled it tight. He then tied her feet together and pushed her to her knees where he secured her hands to the rope binding her ankles. She was upright on her knees, but unable to move forwards or very far backwards. The anticipation of what was to come excited Louise tremendously. Her pussy ached to be touched, her long nipples stuck out firm and expectant. She throbbed with excitement at the unknown, sexual expectation filling her every sense.

  Paula however, whilst excited, also knew what was to come and didn't relish the pain, nor did she want two or three days of difficulty moving around afterwards. Visions of her last beating came to her and she trembled at the thought.

  The professor removed two small picture from the wall of his bedroom to reveal two strong metal rings hanging down from the stout fixings that held them securely to the wall. Grasping Paula's arm, he tied a length of cord around her left wrist and then secured it to one of the metal rings. Her arm was stretched out above her shoulder height as he did the same with her right arm, she was left standing with her back pressed against the cool of the wall and her arms spread as though being crucified. Her buttocks pressed against the wall forcing her mons out and forwards.

  Paula's feeling of dread increased as he removed a length of skirting board from behind her feet and tied each of her ankles to similarly placed hoo
ks that were sunk back into the plaster where the board had been. She was spread-eagled, standing up, helpless and worried. He couldn't possibly cane her front, she thought—could he?

  She whimpered softly.

  The feeling of total vulnerability came to Paula. Her legs spread wide, she had no protection whatsoever. Her pussy pushed forwards and so open, no defence against whatever it was he intended to do to her. Her concern increased as the professor began to undress. Nude and with his cock semi-rigid again he gripped Louise under the arms, lifted and carried her over to kneel in front of Paula's pussy.

  "Lick her,” he said flatly.

  Louise looked at him with distaste. She hesitated for a moment and then began moving her head inwards. The bonds holding her made it difficult, but she could just reach. The smell of Paula's pussy was evident as soon as she approached, her wetness had left that familiar odour of musky sex. She shuddered visibly as she parted her soft lips and moved her tongue towards the open pussy before her. Revulsion filled her as she edged ever closer, she had never even considered doing this to a woman. She didn't want to now.

  Slightly bitter and a thick type of sweetness were her first thoughts as the tip of her tongue tasted the juice of her friend. Paula gasped, she had expected a beating, but it was to be pleasure of a different type. The first female tongue to ever touch her! She throbbed with the heady excitement and was grateful that it was the lovely Louise's tongue that was to delight her.

  In further the soft tongue went, probing, curling up and around as Louise began to relax into the heady atmosphere of sexuality that charged the room, adapting quickly to what she had thought might make her throw up.

  Lapping and licking, Louise grew steadily bolder, covering the outside of Paula's lips and then her hardened clitoris. She took it in her mouth and chewed it gently between her teeth, using her tongue to flick and excite it further still.

  Paula moaned loudly as her pleasure continued. Louise was eating her pussy hungrily, greedy for the new fruit that she had discovered. The professor was fully hard again—he stood watching as the two girls enjoyed the new experience.


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