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Private Tuition

Page 20

by Jay Merson

  He ignored that. Pulling her roughly by the rope that bound her wrists together, he dragged her into the thick undergrowth that blotted out all distant vision of the estate grounds. He stopped and faced her, his nostrils flared and his breathing rapid. Louise was worried now. She had seen him annoyed before, but never like this. She trembled, not from cold but from growing fear.

  He stooped to pick up a thin piece of branch that had broken and fallen from the tree. Thin and springy, it looked every bit as though it were grown specially for its intended purpose. He then sliced it down hard across her bare buttocks to test its suitability.

  Louise yelped in shock at the immense pain it created, its thin width cutting rather than slapping. This was pain in the extreme, cruel and uncaring.

  "Run bitch!” the professor snarled.

  "Don't be silly!” Louise laughed nervously at the suggestion.

  A stinging swipe with the branch sent her hips jutting forwards as she received the pain again. This she didn't like, this wasn't sexual in the least, this was cruelty. Again the branch cut through the air towards her. Louise only managed to start to run before she cried out at the searing pain as it bit into her again, catching her across the hip and side buttock as she tried to avoid it.

  He was behind her as she ran, the branch slicing through the air in an effort to hit her, swinging wildly back and forth. Louise panted as she crashed through the wet undergrowth in an effort to escape the cutting whip. The rough branches of the trees scratched at her soft skin as she ploughed headlong under or through them, matting her hair and coating her body with a fine layer of damp rain mixed with broken leaves and twigs that stuck to her now perspiring body.

  "God no please!” she wailed in terror as she ran, her heart pounding fast, her breasts swinging uneasily from side to side as she propelled herself forwards. Hot pain shot through her upper hip as he delivered a stinging blow to her body—tangled momentarily as she was, he had caught up with her. Again it bit into her. She screamed in pain and forced herself forwards through the thick bushes, her tender thighs red and scratched as her legs pounded her forwards in her flight. The pain that the bushes gave her was a lot less painful than the whip and she charged forwards frantically, ignoring the clawing branches.

  By holding her tied hands in front of her face and by leaping now rather than stepping over obstacles she found she was getting ahead of him, her youth beginning to show the difference in physical ability. He was hitting her less now and she spurred herself on to avoid any more of the pain he was set to give her.

  She was ahead now, she knew it, her sobbing turned to nervous laughter. She looked over her shoulder and could see him some way behind her now.

  "Fucking bastard you are,” she taunted, turning around and running slowly backwards. “Too much for you is it, old man?"

  She laughed loudly in her misery, trying to inflict upon him some of the humiliation that she had been feeling. She allowed herself a moment's pleasure; she stopped and gyrated her hips at him, taunting the puffing professor as he came near. Again laughing, she broke and ran. Mascara streaked her wet face; red blotches coated the soft white skin. Bright red welts across her backside showed the effects of the whip when it had caught her, her buttocks bounced rhythmically as she ran.

  Panic rose in her now as she tried to outrun him, but he was alongside her. She weaved from side to side as she ran, he matched her twisting and turning, cutting at her thighs with the whip. Sharp and excruciating pain further drained her tiring thigh muscles. She began sobbing again and began to wish that she hadn't stopped to mock him. Again the stick whipped across her, stinging her tender breasts as it hit her from the left. It was as though he was directing her towards a particular spot. First he was on her left, and then on her right, changing as her direction changed.

  Louise stumbled, sprawling head long onto the muddy grass in front of her. All hope of escape seemed to elude her at that moment and her will seemed to evaporate, she lay face down sobbing uncontrollably into the fresh wet grass, feelings of hopelessness filled her.

  The professor stood over her, looking down at the long slim body that shook with emotion, his breathing hard and laboured. For some time he panted, regaining his breath, Louise steeled herself for the swishing stick and the pain that it would bring to her in her helpless state, expecting at any second to feel that terrible bite on her soft flesh.

  "Defiant little bitch,” he cursed at last, still a little out of breath. “Get up!"

  "Can't!” Louise sobbed. “I bloody well can't!"

  The professor grasped the rope binding her wrists and dragged her forcefully after him as he walked.

  "Oh! Don't! Are you mad?” Louise screamed as her tender nipples scraped along on the rough grass. Her mons was suffering similarly, as were her knees. On he dragged her to the edge of the muddy area and pushed her straight into the soft cold mud, throwing her hands roughly down and away from him, propelling her headlong forwards to stumble and land face down in the mire. Louise used her elbows to raise herself and her face out of the stinking mess, sobbing and whimpering.

  "Prick, fucking idiot!” she screamed venomously at him. She gained her knees and tried to stand, a difficult manoeuvre in the slippery filth. The professor took his turn to laugh at the mud spattered screaming beauty that knelt struggling before him, most of her white body coated with thick wet grime.

  Full of anger and with much effort, driven on by a burning hatred, she gained the firmer grassed area and she was able to stand. She looked wretched and pitiful as she stood shaking with anger and frustration.

  The professor dropped the whip and approached her slowly. He untied her wrists and gave her a moment to rub some of the grime from her face and to gingerly stroke her tender backside before guiding her to a large tree.

  His mood seemed to have changed, now he was tender and caring. She sniffed and rubbed some of her tears away from her eyes. He could do that, change, she didn't know how, but he could switch his emotions on and off so readily. One minute anger, the next moment normality and tenderness.

  The professor guided her to face the tree and with her arms around the great trunk, secured both hands so that she was pressed tightly against its cold wet bark, her ample breasts squashed hard against its rough surface. He then tied her ankles in a similar fashion and stood back to view the spectacle.

  It looked for all the world as though she was caught up in a passionate embrace with the great tree. Her arms and legs gripped tightly around it as though she was trying to get all of it inside her. The professor smiled at the thought.

  "You continue to defy me, bitch!” His voice was calm and full of meaning.

  "I haven't, really I haven't!” she protested nervously. Again his mood had changed. He grabbed two hands full of leaves and twigs from the ground beneath the tree. Coming close behind Louise, his arms circled her body and wedged themselves between her breasts and the rough bark of the tree. He pressed his hard cock into the crease of her buttocks and began massaging the dirty twigs into her breasts and nipples.

  Louise cried out as the coarse twigs and soil ground into her soft tender flesh, bringing shards of raw pain surging through her. Painfully and hard he ground the gritty mixture onto her, all the time delighting in the agony that she showed.

  "You deny then that you have thoughts contrary to those we agreed then, Louise? And do remember, little bitch, it was a definite agreement that we made!” Through gritted teeth, close to her ear he spat the words.

  "Yes! Yes!” she cried out in agony. “I deny it!"

  "Poor little slut,” he said, almost too kindly. His right hand moved down her body to cup her mons. Louise gasped and tensed even more as it dawned on her what was to follow. His hand crushed the soil-twig mixture onto her soft bud of clitoris. She screamed loudly, urgently for anyone that might help to end her suffering.

  "Don't lie to me bitch."

  His fingers began forcing the handful of soil and twigs up into the soft folds of her pu
ssy. A long howling scream echoed around the silent woods, pitiful and pleading.

  His left hand now freed his cock from his trousers and with a little difficulty the head was poised at the entrance to her tight little anus.

  "Oh God no please,” Louise sobbed, unable to move or to resist.

  "Lying bitch,” he spat at her and forced his cock inside, stretching the soft skin of her anus around the thick shaft of his cock. The rubbing on her clitoris never stopped for a moment. Up and up he pushed, thrilling as her loud sobbing screams reverberated around the silent woodland. Her insides were on fire, her tender inner folds burning as he forced into her. The grinding of her clitoris was painful and sore, and the inner lips of her soft pussy were having burning sensations forced through them.

  "Okay I lied,” she cried out at last.

  "Too late bitch. You will learn to take me at my word."

  His fingers began forcing more of the rough mixture into her soft pussy. She looked straight up the tree to the canopy above, a hopeless and resigned look, soft gurgling noises came from her throat as she felt herself being so roughly invaded.

  Blessed relief came to her when his warm sperm jetted inside her, jerking and bucking, his hips forced into her soft buttocks, crushing her pussy even harder onto the hand that rubbed her. He groaned for many minutes afterwards, savouring his orgasm and then withdrew from her. She cried softly into the rough bark of the tree.

  He sat on the grass watching her as she sobbed into the wooden prison that crushed against her sore, beaten body.

  "You want to tease men and to work them up with your sexuality is that it?"

  "Yes,” she said quietly after a moment's pause.

  "And if I offer you the opportunity to do so regularly, would that take any defiance out of you?"

  "Yes,” she sobbed hopefully.

  "But little Louise, silly little Louise, this was always planned for you."

  "What?” she asked in surprise, trying to turn her head a little to look at him. “Are you serious?"

  "A beauty such as you is made to please men. And that is what you are destined for. Firstly though you must, and I repeat must, learn obedience."

  "When?” Her voice lifted full of hope.

  "Soon, very soon. When I am convinced of your total obedience. Then you shall use your body in the way you desire. Remember these conflicting thought trains when you sit your exams Louise. Remember the sweetness of pain, the titillating feelings of anticipation. The uncertainly and the disappointment, the sexual power that can come from pain, our minds are like large gardens—to allow them to grow and to flourish, we must first understand them, tend them and manipulate them. Learn these experiences, know them, welcome them and your studies will go well."

  He untied the ropes and she slumped to the ground. A few moments passed before he spoke again.

  "See those stable buildings over there?” Louise looked up and saw a series of low sheds about two hundred yards away across the grassed area.

  "You will crawl to them, bitch. On your hands and knees. When we arrive there we can wash you off and think about getting back."

  With a heavy heart, tinged with a glimmer of hope, Louise started her journey to the stables. It was painful on her knees and rough on her hands, and by the time she was half way there her knees felt as though they could take no more. The professor talked constantly as he walked slowly by her side, guiding her in her studies, she realised that now, he was helping her to understand, to assist her in gaining her degree. It spurred her forwards to the muddy area that lay in front of the stables.

  "Next week you will be able fulfil your fantasies, Louise, and flaunt you gorgeous body for the delight of men. I hope now that when I ask for unwavering obedience from you that I get exactly that. Much rests on your learning with me and I will accept nothing less than total commitment from you."

  He turned on the hose and directed the freezing cold water onto her shivering body as she knelt in the mud. The freezing liquid was directed at each and every part of her. She felt miserable and dejected, but at the same time the hope he had now given in the form of the promise seemed to make up for that.

  Onto her breasts and stomach, mons and buttocks, the water covered her, stinging in places where she was so very sore. Louise stood and moved onto the grass, she stood thinking as he hosed her. It was her way of coping with it, she thought of the delights to come and the horny feelings and experiences she could have doing what she loved; teasing and tantalising. The water didn't seem quite so cold to her now, lost as she was in her thoughts of pleasures to come.

  * * * *

  "And! And he drove me home naked! Only a car rug to cover me, good job it was dark by the time we got back here,” Louise said, finishing relating the day's events to Paula.

  Once again Paula took the role of nurse and tended to the many scratches and scrapes on Louise's body.

  "Those stripes on your arse look painful” Paula said in sympathy, rubbing the antiseptic cream into various scratches.

  "Bloody well were I can tell you!"

  "You know he's postponed our sessions until after the exams are over don't you?” Paula tried to break it kindly to Louise as the professor had asked her to.

  "Guessed he might actually. Good sense if you think about it. Bit of a shame in one way, I was looking forward to a bit of the other. But it will give me time to heal, I don't want to tease anyone looking like a scraped potato."

  "Yeah, we could both do with a little free time to just concentrate on the exams."

  "What happens after, Paula? I mean where do we go from there?"

  Paula was silent for a moment, it hadn't really occurred to her that their life as they knew it now might come to an end with the exams.

  "Don't really know. I'll ask him.” She sounded distant and unsure.

  "It can't end can it?” Louise probed, seeking reassurance.

  The loud knock on the door broke her thoughts; Paula opened the door to the professor who stood smiling as he waited.

  "The Principal is here to claim his rights,” he said, taking Paula's arm gently and guiding her towards his bedroom.

  "What happens after the exams professor? Do we have to leave?"

  The professor stopped, gripped her firmly by the shoulders and looked directly into her eyes.

  "Paula! Both you and Louise will be well looked after now and in the future. You need not fear. I can't tell you much now, but after the exams I will explain all and you will not be disappointed, trust me."

  He smiled kindly at her, planted a loving kiss on her forehead and guided her to the bedroom door.

  "Please the Principal now. Cement the relationship we have with him and the society. Both our futures are assured and all will be well."

  The professor opened the door and stood back to allow her to pass into the room. She trusted him and was happy to do as he bid. Reassured as she was, her nipples began to harden as she saw the naked man waiting for her.

  [Back to Table of Contents]


  Both girls sat a little nervously in the reception room of the great house. Louise had seen only the grounds on her visit here previously; the house was something else again. She and Paula had marvelled at the Victorian mansion as the car had stopped on the gravel driveway that swung in a huge circle round to the main entrance at the front.

  The inside of the house was surprisingly modern, not dull or old in any sense, but the furnishings and furniture were co-ordinated to create a light and airy atmosphere that they both felt comfortable in.

  "How long do you think he will be?” Paula asked in a half whisper as she looked around the lavishly furnished room.

  "Don't know,” Louise replied without turning around, her interest firmly held by the ornaments that decorated the huge room.

  "Something else this place isn't it?” Paula sighed longingly.

  "Sure is. A different world to..."

  She was stopped in her flow as the door opened and the pro
fessor called them to follow. His dinner suit looked formal and totally in keeping with the lavish surroundings. The girls followed him into the great room opposite the door they had just left and stood side by side at the head of a long dining table where the men were seated.

  Seven of them, the Principal both girls recognised, the others they didn't know other than to recall two familiar faces from the guest nights. All were dressed impeccably in dinner jackets and bow ties. All eyes roamed the girls’ bodies hungrily, exploring and searching each and every contour of the slim fresh girls before them.

  Short pleated skirts, black hold-up stockings and tight fitting blouses, just as the professor had asked. Black knee-length boots and their collars completed their required dress for the evening. As usual, bright red lipstick and nail varnish added to their overall look of beauty and sexuality. Both girls, but Louise more so, bathed in the attention the men were giving them.

  It had been a month since they last had any sexual encounters. The exams were finished and the celibate period had continued afterwards at the professor's insistence. And he had insisted even to the point of keeping the girls away from one another so as to ensure that now they would be rested and willing.

  Louise felt her clitoris throb, she guessed that Paula felt the same.

  The Principal rose to his feet at the other end of the table, and Paula looked at him, recalling how he had enjoyed her body on the professor's bed. She also recalled how much she had enjoyed his body and the delights that he had subjected her to. She liked him very much. There was something about older men that attracted her.

  "Young ladies,” he announced, “as you now may realise, the society is not unconnected with the university. Whilst I assure you that every effort was made to take no part in influencing your results, we are, via those connections in a position to be able to tell you your exam results should you wish to know them."

  "Yes please!” Paula answered instantly. Louise nodded her agreement, swallowing hard and feeling a nervous flutter in her stomach.


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