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The Selection

Page 13

by Jason J. Nugent

  "Get off me!" Eron said.

  "Not today. I finally get to kill you. Cowards don't make it through the Selection. I’ll make sure you don't." Bello smashed his head into Eron's nose. After a dull crunch, blood flowed from his nose and streamed down his cheeks. The blood seemed to excite Bello.

  "That's it, coward, bleed for me! Only cowards bleed like that!" He slammed his head into Eron's nose again. Eron screamed. He fought to free himself, but the more he struggled, the harder Bello clamped on his wrists.

  Blood covered Eron's eyes and face. He could see it on Bello's head. The larger boy looked down on him with crazed eyes. Eron gathered enough courage to speak.

  "Bello, you don't have to do this. We can survive together. You don't have to kill me."

  "Shut up, coward! You will die! I owe you for what you've done to me! You won't get away again."

  Bello let go of Eron's wrists and pulled the boy up to his feet. "I'm gonna teach you a lesson. A real man dies facing his foe. He dies on his feet fighting back. Fight me, coward! Fight!" Eron staggered, unable to make sense of what was going on. Blood obscured his vision. Excruciating pain radiated outward from his nose. His sight faded in and out.

  "Coward! Fight back like a real man! Come on!" Bello screamed. The larger boy stood a few steps back from Eron with his hands down at his side, waiting for Eron to make his move. He couldn't. Pain overwhelmed him.

  "Bello, we don't have to do this. We can live alongside each--" Bello cut him off, punching him in the stomach, forcing him to double over.

  "Quit talking, coward! Your whole family is nothing but cowards. Your dad abandoned you, and your brother screamed like a coward. He never was man enough for the Selection. I don't know why you thought you were. Cowards don't get to live."

  Eron shook as Bello screamed at him. He thought of Timo. He thought of all he wanted in life. Anger rose and pushed the pain away.

  "I'm done with you calling me a coward, Bello. I won't stand by any longer--" Eron began.

  Phelan was disregarded by both Bello and Eron and he slunk through the grass, searching for his knife. Eron's words were cut short as Phelan's blade plunged into Bello's temple and he fell over, eyes rolling back into his skull.



  Eron opened his eyes to the sight of bright red and orange leaves above him. A gracer flew across his view. His face was engulfed in throbbing pain; pressure in his head to the breaking point. His legs burned, alerting him of more injuries he was unaware of.

  "About time you got up. We're starting to get behind schedule. I'm not going to become a Forgotten."

  The voice sounded familiar.

  "Connor?" Eron said.

  A blue face peered at him. "Nope. It's just me." He squinted at Phelan through his puffy eyes.

  "Phelan, where am I?" Panic set in. "Where's Bello? Watch out for Bello!" Eron said.

  "You're in bad shape, Eron. Don't you remember what happened?"

  Eron tried to shake his head, but visions held his attention.

  Soldiers. Shots. Timo.

  His brother had turned, intending to run home. Nearby soldiers threatened to open fire if he didn't go into the forest. Timo froze. He looked to either side. One of the soldiers had an itchy trigger finger and let loose a couple rounds. Timo slumped over, screaming in agony. Eron was frightened by the deafening screams. His strong older brother was in pain and he couldn't help. To his left, he heard laughter. Turning from his brother's screams, he saw a faint glimpse of someone else in hiding. Someone else was there to watch the boys off.

  It was Bello.

  "Bello," Eron said in a hoarse voice.

  "Yeah. Bello attacked us. He ambushed us. You tried talking to him, and he beat you up pretty good. Got me, too. Last time he does that. I got him for you, Eron. I did what you couldn't. I killed Bello."

  Eron closed his eyes. "No! Why? Why did you kill him? He should've been allowed to live!" Even as he said it, he knew it was a lie. Bello was there when they shot his brother--and laughed. Bello was after Eron, too, and wouldn't stop until he killed him. Bello was the one that needed to die. But why? Why did anyone have to die? The Selection was wrong. Nature should go its own way. Tampering with it led to serious consequences.

  "He had to die, Eron. You're too soft sometimes. You killed others to survive; how was he different? Why should he have lived?"

  Eron's mind reeled. He had no answers. Killing wasn't the solution. Weeding out males was wrong. Why didn't anyone see that?

  "We all deserve to live," Eron said. It was difficult to talk through the pain. Dried blood cracked on his face. "We should all have the chance to live. All of us." He coughed hard, his body trying to expel whatever was inside. "Even Laird. And Bello."

  "You're wrong, Eron. We do what we can to survive. Even if it's not something you always agree with. Survival isn't easy. Sometimes we have to make extremely difficult decisions. Sometimes we do things we don't like just to get by. Bello needed to die."

  Phelan walked away. Eron waited for him to return and when he did, Phelan held his cupped hands out to him.

  "Here, drink. I found some water. You need to get your energy back quick. I've seen the Forgotten roaming around in the forest. I'm going to need your help if he comes for us. And we're so close to the end. Two days, three tops. Then we're free. No more killing, no more worrying if someone is after us."

  "And Mina," Eron said.

  "Yeah, and Mina. Come on; drink, Eron. We've got to get moving."

  Eron struggled to stand, almost falling over. His head throbbed. Most likely, his nose was broken, and if not set soon, it would be crooked for the rest of his life. Getting to the end was more crucial now than ever. What if Mina was disgusted by his appearance? He couldn't risk it.

  "Where are we?" he said to Phelan. The other boy was clearing the way for them.

  "In the forest, of course. Not too far in. After Bello attacked us and I killed him, I brought you here. The Forgotten has been more active, too. He's a bit bolder. Keeps showing up and pointing the way for us. I'm not sure if he's trying to help or telling us to go."

  Eron turned to look through the forest, hoping to see the Forgotten. Electric pain caused him to stumble. Phelan ran to him, lifting him up under his arms.

  "Hey, it's all right; I've got you," he said to Eron. Though Eron was smaller, Phelan struggled to hold him up.

  "I'm sorry, Phelan. I should've done it. I couldn't kill him, and it cost us. We're both injured, and getting to the end will be much harder now. I'm so sorry."

  Phelan shook his head. "Don't apologize. It's who you are. You aren't made for this kind of thing. Lucky for you we met. We make a good team."

  "We sure do," Eron said. If only his family could see him now. They'd know he'd become a man. He was going to make it. He found a new friend, and together they battled beasts and boys to make their way to the end. When he finally was reunited with Mina, if she looked past his facial deformity, they'd live a long and happy life together.

  "Eron, how strong do you think you are? Can you make it the rest of the way?" Phelan asked.

  "I have to. I won't lie, Phelan; I'm in a lot of pain, but I have to make it."

  “Keep that thought, Eron. Use it to push yourself. If your mind decides you've given up, the rest of your body will follow. We're close now. Soon, Eron. Soon."

  "I can't wait, Phelan. I hope we're done with problems. I'm not sure how much more I can take."


  The Forgotten stalked them. Eron saw him to his left. He stood watching them from a distance. Once, he stared directly at Phelan and growled. The fierce and deep growl made the boys hesitate, expecting an attack, but he remained still. He seemed to prefer to keep his distance from them. They'd be all right if they didn't have to fight another enemy.

  Later in the day, the Forgotten stood a little closer than earlier and stopped. He stared at Eron, his head tilted. He was sil
ent. Then he opened his eyes wide and became agitated. He jumped up and down, beating his chest. Waving his arms, he looked like an animal caught in a trap. Eron's grip on his staff tightened, the muscles in his arms becoming tense.

  "Phelan, what's he doing?" he said.

  "I don't know. Did you do something to him?"

  "No! I didn't tease him. I've been watching for him, but nothing else. Did you do something to tick him off?"

  "No, but I might if he doesn't leave us alone." Phelan had removed his knife and was tossing it in the air, making a great show to the Forgotten. He continued to growl and jump around, but didn't seem frightened. Eron thought for sure he heard a scream come from him which sounded very much like Timo, but he knew that was impossible. He closed his eyes and covered them with his hand, trying to clear his mind of Timo.

  "Phelan, do you know where we're going? We've been walking all day and I don't think we've gotten far at all."

  "We haven't. With you in such bad shape we haven't made much progress. I could leave you and make it to the end just fine." Phelan stopped and grinned at Eron. “We’re through the hardest part. Why do I need you?”

  "What?" Eron said. "You're gonna leave me? After all we've been through? I thought you were better than that."

  Phelan's smile widened. "I'm just telling you what I could do."

  Eron shook his head. Sometimes Phelan confused him. The entire Selection confused him.

  "Hey, over there," said Phelan pointing to the side, "I think it's a craate. I hate those things."

  Eron watched as a craate stalked in the brush, turning toward them, long fangs bared as a warning.

  "There's bound to be more," Eron said. "They always travel in packs."

  "I've never understood that. Why travel in packs where the weakest one could expose the entire group to danger? Why not travel alone where it can fight and live or die based on its own merits? Weak animals leach off the stronger ones."

  Eron narrowed his eyes. "What are you trying to say? Am I the weak one that's exposing you to danger? Why don't you come out and say it? Why not leave me?"

  "Eron, what are you saying? I'm talking about craates, not us! Calm down."

  Phelan's words didn't sound genuine. There was something in his tone that didn't sit well with Eron. Something changed with Phelan. Maybe it was all in Eron's head. He'd been through a lot. He was past his breaking point. The boy he was at the start of the Selection seemed so naive and unprepared compared to the man he was now. He'd moved past being afraid all the time.

  The craate howled. Four more craates had joined the first one, the pack facing them.

  "Oh no," Eron said. "The pack. Get ready, Phelan."

  The other boy laughed. "You know what? I am ready."

  His voice was strange. Eron turned just in time to see the other boy lunging at him with his knife. Eron ducked the slash, stepping to the side.

  "Phelan! What are you doing?"

  Picking himself off the ground, the blue boy dusted himself off. "I have told you, Eron, to survive the Selection, you have to do whatever you can. I intend on making it out of here. Your usefulness is over. You're keeping me back. I will not be one of the Forgotten,” he said, waving his knife. "I won't, Eron. Sometimes tough choices need to be made. You've been incapable of making any since we met. I figured this would happen at some point, and now is the time."

  Eron's eyes were large, white circles of fear.

  "But, Phelan! We're friends! We've helped each other survive! We've killed others to protect each other. How can you do this?" Eron's arms shook. His heart raced. With craates behind him, a Forgotten stalking them, and Phelan threatening him, he lost hope of ever seeing Mina again.

  "Phelan, please. Don't do this. We can work it out. I'll leave you; go my own way if I have to. Just please, don't do this," Eron said.

  Phelan tossed his knife back and forth in front of him. His dark blue lips were curled in an evil grin. "Eron, you're too weak for this world. I thought maybe you'd grow out of it, but I don't think so. You aren't made to survive the Selection. That's clear to me now. Maybe Bello was right about you after all."

  "No! He was wrong, and so are you! I'm not weak! I'm not a coward!"

  Phelan walked slowly around Eron as if circling his prey. "Yes, you are Eron. You've known this all along, haven't you? Saving me when we met felt like a fluke. Since then, you've demonstrated how weak you are. Your unwillingness to kill when it's necessary is a big sign to me how much you don't belong."

  Craates closed in behind them. Leaves crunched and twigs snapped as the pack approached the boys. Phelan turned when one of the craates growled. It was a couple of meters away and the pack spread out, blocking their escape.

  "Because of you, Eron, we're in this mess! Your weakness will kill us both if I don't kill you first."

  Eron spun, his staff warding off the craates. They dodged but kept their formation.

  "That's not true, Phelan! Neither one of us has to die. If we work together like we've done before, we can survive this and anything else that comes our way. Together we're better. Alone, we die."

  "Then that's the risk I'm willing to take," said Phelan. He lunged at Eron just as the craates rushed them.


  In an instant, Eron's world changed. His partner throughout the Selection had turned on him. Already beat down from his fight with Bello, Eron didn't have much stamina left.

  And then there were the craates.

  As Eron dodged Phelan's lumbering attack, he could hear the snarling craates moving closer. There was no turning his back on them. He had Phelan with his knife, waiting to plunge it into his weakened body and the pack of craates threatening him. For the first time during his journey through the Selection, Eron felt certain death was near.

  "I'm going to do to you what Bello never could! Did you honestly think I was going to let you live, Eron? This is survival! It's you or me, but not both of us. Weaklings are meant to die here. And that is what you are."

  "Phelan, listen to yourself! We've helped each other. You needed me to save you from the craates. You couldn't have done it on your own. We've needed each other since we met. Don't you see that?" Eron's head pounded. Soon the craates would be on them, and he'd have to decide how far he was willing to go in order to survive. If he could.

  "Shut up!" Phelan said, punching Eron in the mouth. A shock of pain pulsated through Eron's face. Bright flashes of light erupted in front of him. He fell backwards, landing on the ground, gasping for breath and thrashing.

  "No, Phelan, please! This isn't you," he said through short, painful breaths.

  "What do you know? How can you possibly know me?" Phelan stood over Eron, knife pointed at his chest. "You know nothing about me! I was taught to survive. Not to make friends. You're only useful to me as the means to an end. Now that end has come, and I don't need you anymore. I've known since we met I'd probably kill you. If you were a true survivor worthy of living, you would've left me in that tree. But you didn't."

  Eyes shut tight, remembering the day they met, Eron saw how scared Phelan looked in the tree, waiting for help to arrive. This couldn't be the same person.

  Around them, the craates crept closer. Growls grew louder and snarls more menacing. Eron saw movement at the edge of his vision, though with Phelan over him, he was reluctant to tear his gaze from his former friend.

  "I saved you because that's what we do. We save each other. We humans have to believe that lives matter. All life matters. If we take that lightly, we lose what makes us human. We become nothing more than animals."

  "Look at me!" Phelan screamed. "Do I look human to you?"

  A create lunged, snarling and nearly ripping off a piece of Eron's ear. Phelan laughed. "I should let them take you out."

  Eron screamed. He wanted so badly to be free of this moment. Overwhelming tragedy had already affected his mind and this pushed the limits of his sanity.

  "Yes, you do
look human Phelan. You're as human as me or anyone else."

  "Then you're as dumb as Bello believed you were. We kill to live, Eron. That's all it's ever been. Only the strongest among us earn the right, and you aren't one of us. You're the kind we feed on."

  The craates moved even closer, snarling. Phelan looked at the beasts, then back at Eron. He flicked his knife in their direction, forcing them back.

  "And we're right where we started. Tell me, how do you save me now? How do you free me from them?"

  Eron said nothing.

  "I thought so," Phelan said.

  In a slow, deliberate movement, Phelan picked Eron's staff from the ground and swung it in a wide arc, striking several craates. They yelped and shrieked, backing away.

  "That's it, you stupid things! Get back! Get away!" He swung the staff again in a large circle, pushing the craates back. He caught one with the staff and fractured its jaw. The craate howled and thrashed before Phelan crushed its skull with the staff, ending its life.

  "You see, Eron! Only the strong survive! I'm the stronger one, not them. Not you!"

  A craate rushed Phelan and nipped him in the leg. The boy screamed and swung the staff, missing the craate entirely.

  "I'll kill you for that!" he yelled. The craate growled, its long fangs dripping with saliva.

  Eron raised himself slowly to sit.

  "Don't you dare move, Eron! I'm not done with you." Phelan spat the words at him.

  Two craates charged Phelan. They barked and snarled when they lunged at him. The boy swung the staff to fend off the attack, but instead of hitting them, he smacked Eron in the ribs. Eron doubled over from the blow. Phelan lost his grip on the staff and it landed next to Eron.

  Phelan stumbled backwards a few steps before catching his balance.

  "Don't you dare pick that up!" He threw his knife at Eron. Its long, bloodied blade sunk into Eron's left hand, pinning him to the ground.

  Eron screamed. Phelan jumped towards him and pulled the knife free. "That's not for you!" he said. He then picked up the staff and pushed back on the craates until they were a few meters away.


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