Page 17
'What?' Dane exploded, his eyes widening, then narrowing as comprehension
'Chief Cedric obviously considers that it's time you bought yourself a wife,'
Peter pressed home the nature of this gift with a casualness which only barely
concealed his amusement, and, for the first time since knowing Dane, Jessica
saw him at a loss for words.
Their eyes met, and she realised, too late, that Dane did not need to be psychic
to know where this last bit of information came from, and she looked away un-
comfortably to where the truck driver had seated himself on the step of the cab.
Unconcerned by their varied reactions, he was intent upon rolling himself a
cigarette. He was carrying out the instructions of his revered Chief, and that was
all that mattered to him.
'Shall we ask the driver to deliver the cattle to your home?' Peter queried
calmly, breaking the strained, unnatural silence, but Dane rounded on him in
something close to fury.
'You know damn well that I can't have these—these animals roaming about my
Visualising these skinny, sweating animals roaming through Dane's
ornamental garden was too much for Jessica and, unable to control herself she
burst out laughing.
'You could always send them along to your lady friend's parents in Pretoria,'
she suggested daringly, trying to control herself, but finding it difficult when
Peter and Emily Hansen were both trying to smother their laughter behind their
'Dammit!' Dane exploded furiously, his eyes like blue slivers of ice slicing
through Jessica. 'I don't want a wife, and when I do I won't need to buy her with
'Well, you'll have to come to some decision about what you want done with
them,' Peter reminded him as soon as he was able to subdue his laughter. 'It
doesn't take an expert to come to the conclusion that these animals can't stay on
that truck much longer.'
'Quite frankly, I don't care a fig in hell what happens to them!'
'You shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, Dane,' Jessica mocked him
reprovingly, 'and you couldn't insult the Chief by not accepting his gift.'
Dane rounded on her with a look in his eyes that was instantly sobering. 'If
you're so concerned, then why don't you do something about them.'
'It's the man who pays lobola for the woman of his choice, remember, and not
the other way round,' she reminded him, smotheripg yet another bout of laughter.
'I have a suggestion,' Peter intervened, drawing Dane's ferocious attention
away from Jessica. 'The driver could offload the cattle on the common at the
show grounds, then I would ask Bernard to take them out to Mountain View for a
while until you've decided what to do with them.'
'That's a very good suggestion,' Jessica giggled. 'But I can just imagine these
miserable-looking animals parading about among Bernard's stud cattle.'
Peter rolled his eyes in mock horror, but his expression sobered suddenly as he
faced Dane. 'I'll do my best to see to it that they're looked after for you.'
Dane thrust his clenched fists into the pockets of his pants and nodded abruptly.
'I'd appreciate that.'
'Sister Hansen,' Peter turned to the woman beside him, 'would you explain to
this man in his own language how to get to the common while I get in touch with
'Certainly, Doctor,' Emily Hansen smiled, and marching across to where the
driver sat smoking, she directed
him towards the common at the show grounds with Dane looking on *o
confirm that he was in agreement with what j was to be done with the cattle.
'Come along, Jessica,' Peter gestured her inside and out of the hot sun.
'When I've spoken to Bernard we'll get on with that medical of yours.'
While Peter used the telephone on Sister Hansen's desk, Jessica waited in
his consulting-room. Five minutes passed, and still she waited. She decided
eventually that Peter must be having difficulty in persuading Bernard to
give Dane's cattle grazing, and she stifled a giggle. Ten minutes passed, and
she was becoming restless when the door behind her opened and closed, and
she swung round to face the man who had entered, but the smile on her lips
froze when she found herself confronting Dane.
'What are you doing here?' she asked in a choked voice, her eyes on the
hand that dipped into his pocket with something that looked suspiciously
like a key, but she had to be mistaken, she told herself.
Dane walked round to the other side of the desk to scrutinise the forms
lying on the blotter before he said casually, 'Peter received an urgent call
from the hospital, and he asked me if I would do your medical for your
pilot's licence.'
'He did what?' she demanded in a voice that squeaked with agitation, and
she went hot and cold inside when Dane's icy gaze met hers.
'Take off your clothes.'
She stared at him in something close to horror. 'I beg your pardon?'
'I said take off your clothes.'
'You must be mad!' she gasped, her eyes dark and stormy, and her heart
pounding out a frightened tattoo against her ribs. 'There's no necessity for
me to do that!'
'When I examine someone I make a thorough job of it,' Dane replied
coldly, the line of his jaw as hard and
unrelenting as the wall behind him. Take off your clothes.'
Panic rose within her to mingle with her anger. 'I'm damned if I will!'
There was a frightening little silence as their glances clashed, and the look in
those cold grey eyes sent a shiver of apprehension through her long before he
stepped round the desk and advanced towards her purposefully.
'Are you going to take them off yourself, or do I have to take them off for
you?' His smile was the smile of the devil himself. 'It wouldn't be the first time
I've undressed you, would it?'
She backed away from him towards the door with jerky movements, her
hands against her flaming cheeks. 'If you so much as touch me I'll scream,' she
hissed through her teeth.
'Scream all you want,' he drawled lazily, but his smile was cold now, and
infinitely dangerous. 'Sister Hansen has gone off to lunch, and that door is
locked, by the way.'
Her hands fell limply to her sides, and the colour drained from her cheeks to
leave her deathly pale. 'You fiend!'
. '
'Don't be tedious, Jessica,' he sighed harshly. 'Take off your clothes, and let's
get on with the examination.'
She had never been afraid of Dane before, but she was afraid now, and the
saliva dried up in her mouth when his cold eyes travelled over her with
systematic slowness, stripping her mentally down to her skin until she actually
felt as if she were standing naked before him. The blood surged painfully back
into her cheeks, and she shrank from him inwardly even as she suspected the
reason for his behaviour.
'All right, Dane, you've had your fun,' she managed huskily, passing the tip of
her tongue over her dry lips, and totally unaware of the provocativeness of her
'It was unforgivable of me to laugh at your discomfort because the Chief has<
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this silly notion that you need a wife, and I admit that I told Peter about it. That
was wrong of me, and now you're getting back at me in this way, but I think it's
time we call it quits, don't you?'
'It seems as though you actually want me to undress you,' he remarked coldly,
ignoring the plea in her voice, but, when he advanced towards her, her hand
rose from her side of its own volition to strike him a stinging blow across his
lean, hard cheek.
Horrified by her own actions, she stared up into eyes which had become
narrowed to angry slits. She tried to speak, but no sound seemed to pass her
lips. She had done something totally unforgivable, but, heaven knew, she had
not meant to. She had been driven to it by fear, but she doubted whether Dane
would understand this in his present mood.
'I swore that I'd never touch you again, but I'm damned if I'll let you get away
with that,' he ground out the words, then punishing fingers gripped her wrists
and she was jerked up against him.
Her arms were twisted behind her back until they ached with the pressure he
put on them, and her breasts hurt against the hardness of his chest, but this was
nothing compared to the brutal savagery of his kiss. Her lips were crushed
against her teeth until she tasted the saltiness of her own blood in her mouth,
and her head was forced back to such an extent that she feared her neck would
snap. Her cry of agony was no more than a whimpering sound deep down in her
throat, but it seemed to bring Dane to his senses, and he released her so abruptly
that she staggered back against the instrument cabinet in a dazed fashion.
'You may go,' he said in a clipped voice, unlocking the door and opening it
wide with surprisingly controlled movements which she envied while she stood
there shaking
like a leaf with her breath coming jerkily over parted, swollen lips. ‘As you said,
we're quits.'
Tears sprang to her eyes, but fortunately he did not see them. He was standing
with his back turned towards her, staring out of the window with his clenched
fists resting on the windowsill, and she did not wait for a second invitation to
In the privacy of her bathroom at the cottage, she examined her lips in the
mirror above the basin. They looked bruised, and slightly swollen, and on the
inside of her top lip she could see distinctly where her teeth had pierced the flesh.
It would heal within a day or two, but the bruises on her wrists would take a little
It was strange, she thought, brushing away the tears which threatened to
overflow once more. She had credited Dane with a sense of humour, and she had
seen flashes of it during the past months, but for some reason it must have
deserted him entirely on this occasion.
'Damn!' she muttered to herself, holding a cold, damp cloth to her lips. 'He
didn't have to behave in such a beastly manner!'
She sat down heavily on the edge of the bath and tried to view the entire
episode sensibly. Dane did not take kindly to being laughed at, and she could
almost understand his desire to vent his anger on her. Perhaps, if she had taken
his retaliation, nothing untoward would have happened, but she had allowed
herself to become frightened, and she had reacted instinctively by striking him.
That had been her second and final mistake, and when she considered it in that
light she supposed that she had got off lightly. Dane was not the kind of man who
would tolerate that sort of treatment from a woman, and even though her
impulsive action had been motivated by fear, it was not something he would take
without a murmur.
Jessica sighed and flung the cloth into the basin. She owed Dane an apology,
and it was not going to be easy.
'Jessica . . Peter entered her consulting-room late that afternoon, waving a
form at her. 'About this medical of yours ...'
'Why in heaven's name did you ask Dane to do it?' she demanded before he
could continue.
'I never did anything of the kind,' Peter denied at once. 'I asked him to tell you
that I was called away to the hospital, and that I'd do your medical later this
'I see,' she murmured, her annoyance evaporating swiftly.
'He played a trick on you, did he?' Peter questioned, his blue eyes dancing
with mischief, and Jessica nodded slowly.
'I don't think he enjoyed being laughed at, and he tried to get his own back on
'Did he succeed?'
Without actually realising what she was doing, she ran a tentative finger
across her lips and smiled ruefully. 'Have you ever known him to fail?'
When Peter left her room ten minutes later, leaving the completed form on
her desk, she scraped together her flagging courage and went along to Dane's
rooms. He was shrugging himself into his jacket when she entered, and it was
only when he turned that he saw her standing just inside the door.
His eyebrows rose sharply. 'Was there something you wanted?'
'I owe you an apology, Dane,' she said quickly before she lost her nerve, and
there was a flicker of surprise in the eyes appraising her so coolly.
'Are you apologising for not undressing -when I asked you to?'
Her anger flared at his mockery. 'You know very well that I'm referring to the
fact that I struck you.'
'Don't be silly, Jessica,' he countered abruptly. 'You know damn well you
enjoyed it.'
Something tightened in her chest. 'Did you enjoy the punishment you dished
'At the time, yes.' His eyes flicked over her small, slender frame, and lingered
finally on her bruised lips. 'You deserved it, but right now you deserve something
Before she had time to realise his intentions, he had closed the door and she was
a prisoner in his arms. Resistance was a fleeting thought that fluttered and died
the moment his lips met hers, and this time there was no brutality in his kiss. His
lips teased and caressed, awakening a throbbing response within her, but when
his hand clasped her breast through the silk of her blouse, she came to her senses
and struggled against him.
'No ... don't. . .' she managed, her breath coming fast over her parted lips, and
she was released at once.
Dane's expression hardened. 'What are you afraid of this time, Jessica?
He had picked up his bag and was striding from the room before she could
think of anything to say, and what could she have said, she wondered afterwards.
Contrary to what she had imagined, Dane had known of the fear he had instilled
in her earlier that day, but she dared not let him suspect to what extent she feared
her own emotions— the humiliation would be too much to bear.
Two weeks later Jessica's parents arrived to spend the weekend with her, and
they brought with them the adoption papers which Peter and Vivien had to sign at
the local magistrate's offices. Jonathan Neal had somehow managed the
impossible, and a laborious, usually lengthy procedure had been shortened
A braai was arranged at the O'Brien home on the Saturday evening to celebrate
the occasion,
and Jessica counted close on thirty people seated around the
barbecue in the well-lit, spacious garden. Other than the O'Briens
and Jessica's parents, there were familiar faces such as Oom Hennie and Tante
Maria Delport, and Bernard and Olivia King, but the rest of the guests were
virtually strangers to Jessica.
She was sitting with Olivia's chubby little baby on her lap when Dane arrived,
but Peter spared her the task of introducing him to her parents, and she could
not help noticing how her mother seemed to melt beneath Dane's charm.
When the mouthwatering aroma of meat roasting on the open fires permeated
the air, Peter drew Vivien and Megan to his side, and commanded everyone's
'I'd like to propose a toast,' he announced, placing a hand on Megan's
shoulder and raising his glass. 'To our daughter, Megan Leigh O'Brien. I'd like
her to know how happy we are to be able to call her our own, and we want to
share our happiness with all of you.'
'To Megan,' everyone chorussed loudly, and happily, raising their glasses to
their lips, and Jessicas could not help thinking that she had never seen three
happier people than Peter, Vivien and Megan.
'There is one other thing,' Peter's voice rose above the excited chatter of the
well-wishes. 'I'd like to drink a toast to Jessica Neal for bringing Megan into
our lives.'
'To Jessica,' the voices of the guests rose in unison, and Jessica felt her cheeks
grow warm with everyone's attention riveted on her.
Across the garden Dane's eyes met hers, and although she could not read his
expression she was certain that it could only be mockery curving his mouth as
he raised his glass to her and swallowed down the remainder of his drink.
Jessica looked away, a frown of annoyance on her brow and, when the
excitement finally died down, Tante Maria leaned across Olivia to say, 'It's
time you found yourself a husband, kindjie. You would look lovely with a child
your own in your arms.'
'Tante Maria's right,' Olivia teased. 'You're incredibly good with children and
you shouldn't waste too much time settling down and having a few of your own.'
Jessica hid her pain successfully behind a smile. 'I have to find the right
husband first.'
'What about Dane?' Tante Maria persisted wickedly. 'I've always said that he's
good husband material.'
Olivia, with the advantage over Tante Maria in the sense that she knew Jessica