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Hero of Mine: The Men in Uniform Series

Page 8

by Codi Gary

  “Most definitely.”

  Tyler picked up his second sandwich and took a bite, making happy noises as he watched the three dogs staring at him.

  “Okay, now you’re just teasing them,” Dani said.

  “Damn straight, think they can just take my sandwich—”

  Tyler jerked his sandwich back just as a giggling Noah reached for it.

  “You trying to swipe my food now, too?”

  “Noah—” Dani started to say, but Tyler interrupted her.

  “You’re gonna take the dogs’ side, huh? I see how it is.” Shoving the sandwich into his mouth and holding it there, he reached out to tickle Noah. The little boy squealed as Tyler’s fingers attacked his ribs.


  “I’m coming, Noah.” Dani’s voice was filled with laughter as she came around the table behind Tyler to help her son.

  The sandwich fell onto the table, and Tyler swallowed the bite in his mouth. “You two are tag-teaming me now?” He grabbed Dani when she tried to get by and pulled her onto his lap. “That’s fine, I’ll get you, too!”

  But with Dani’s mouth just a hairbreadth from his, her soft round ass pressing into him, both of them stilled. Their breath mingled, and Tyler’s eyes locked with her bright green ones.


  Noah had crawled out of his chair and was struggling to climb on top of Dani. Once the toddler had put himself between them, he wrapped his chubby arms around her neck. “My mama.”

  The spell broken, Tyler helped them both off of his lap, trying to ignore the hard-on that had sprung to life.

  “Sorry, I got carried away,” Tyler said.

  Dani’s cheeks and neck were scarlet. “No, it’s fine. It was fun. I don’t know why you say you aren’t good with kids. You’re a natural.”

  Words that should have sent prickles of warning down his spine. Instead, he held out his hand and changed the subject. “Do you have your phone on you?”

  THAT NIGHT, DANI stood in her kitchen, sipping a glass of wine and staring at the number in her phone. She’d already carried Noah to bed after watching two episodes of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with him and having him fall asleep snuggled into her lap. Now, with the place so quiet, she was really tempted to press the little phone icon and call Tyler.

  Are you crazy? You just saw him earlier today! You do not want to freak him out.

  God, was it wrong to like him so much? Despite every warning bell ringing in her head that he was a player and a jerk, the way he was with Noah today . . . playing with him, making him laugh.

  But it wasn’t just that. The fissions of electricity between them had made her almost lose her mind and kiss him. In front of Noah. She knew enough from reading the stack of parenting books and magazines her mom gave her that you never introduced your kid to anyone you weren’t serious about.

  This situation is a little different. He met Noah by accident twice. You can always keep them separated until you figure out if he’s playing you.

  Just the thought of putting herself out there again, of trusting someone with not just her heart but Noah’s, too, made her palms sweat buckets.

  Setting her phone facedown on the counter, she took her glass of wine and went to sit on the couch. She had time. She didn’t have to decide right now what she wanted to do with that number.

  TYLER WAS AT Mick’s Bar playing pool downstairs, and against his will, he checked his phone again.

  “You waiting on a call or something?” Kline asked as he took his shot, knocking one of Tyler’s balls in. “Fuck, I quit!”

  “You can’t quit until I beat you.” Tyler slipped his phone into his pocket, refusing to talk about Dani with Kline or anyone. Hell, he wasn’t even sure why he’d given her the damn number anyway, but the ball was in her court.

  Besides, it was Thursday night at Mick’s, which meant Ladies’ Night. The place would be packed with women looking to get drunk and hook up.

  So why was he sweating Dani so hard?

  “We’re out of beer,” Sparks said. “Your turn, Best.”

  Tyler laid his pool cue down and took the pitcher from Sparks. “Don’t touch my stick.”

  “Not even for a million dollars.”

  Tyler chuckled as he climbed the stairs to the upper level and pushed his way through the throng of people toward the bar. The place was filled with women in skimpy tube and halter tops, their sweet body sprays and perfumes making the air almost cloying.

  Since when aren’t you into tube tops?

  Since he’d seen Dani in her gray oversized sweater today.

  The bartender waved him forward, and he held out a twenty. “Pitcher of Bud.”

  He nodded and went to fill one up. While Tyler waited, he caught the eye of a tall, stacked brunette with red dick-sucking lips. She smiled coyly at him, and it was a message he recognized.

  Come on over.

  Yet here he stood, not even tempted to make a move.

  “Here ya go, man.” The bartender took Tyler’s money, and Tyler headed back downstairs, not giving the woman at the bar a second thought.

  “Holy shit, he came back! Isn’t this the time of night where you’re ditching us for some chick?” Kline asked.

  Yes, it usually was, and he’d had a clear-cut invitation upstairs. So why hadn’t he taken it?

  Maybe because she wasn’t Dani?

  Tyler set the beer down with a hard thunk of irritation and picked up his cue stick. “I told you. I can’t leave until I kick your ass.”

  “Whoa, what’s got you in a mood? You strike out or something?” Sparks asked.

  “No, I didn’t. Now shut the fuck up so I can concentrate.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “MOM, I TOLD you, I’m on vacation, so you don’t have to take Noah.” Dani stood in the kitchen just after five thirty in the evening, gripping the back of a chair to keep a rein on her temper. She’d taken Thursday to Thursday off for two straight weeks of fun with Noah and had even reminded her mom about it. Every other weekend, her parents took Noah; they told Dani it was so she could go out and socialize, but Dani suspected her mom hoped she’d finally take them up on dating one of the men they kept throwing at her.

  “Well, I’m already here, so why don’t you just enjoy? Sleep in, read a book . . . maybe call one of those numbers I gave you?”

  “Mom . . . ”

  “Really, Dani, I am sorry I forgot, but I drove all the way over here. At least let me take my grandson for the night. He loves spending time with his Mapa.”

  By the way her son had his arms wrapped around her mom’s leg, there was no arguing that point.

  “Ugh, fine, let me go pack a bag.”

  “No need, I’ve got everything. I bought more diapers this week and some clothes to keep at my house, so you don’t have to do a thing.” Her mom bent over to pick Noah up, exaggerating a groan. “Oh man, you need to stop growing or Mapa won’t be able to carry you anymore.”

  Dani released the chair and walked over to give her mom a kiss on the cheek. She really was lucky that her mom genuinely wanted to spend time with her grandkid. “Thanks, Mom.” Laying a smacking kiss on her son’s cheek next, she said, “Have a good time, handsome.”

  “Say, ‘You, too, Mommy.’ ” Leveling Dani with a serious expression, she added, “Really, Dani, why don’t you go shower, put some makeup on, and go out with a friend? Be young for a night.” To her surprise, her mom patted her cheek. “You are such a good mom, but you aren’t just a mom.”

  Most of the time, Dani thought she was screwing everything up, but here her mom was, giving her praise.


  As Dani watched her mom buckle Noah into her car through the window, she ran her thumb over the screen of her phone, scrolling through the names until she landed on Tyler’s.

  It was a Friday night. He probably had plans . . .

  Before she realized what she was doing, she’d tapped the call button.

  “Shit.” Bringing the phone to her ea
r, she listened to the ring, whispering out loud, “This is so fucking stupid.”

  “Sergeant Best.”

  His deep voice sent a shiver along her skin, raising gooseflesh. “Hi, Tyler, it’s . . . it’s Dani. Noah’s mom.” Oh, geez, as if he doesn’t know who you are.

  “Hey, how are you?”

  He sounded happy to hear from her, didn’t he? “I’m good. How are you?”

  “Great, just getting ready to leave work in a little bit.”

  “Oh, well, I don’t want to bother you. I know you’re probably busy—”

  “No, it’s fine. What’s up?”

  Dani’s mouth suddenly dried up, and she could hardly get the words out. “Well, see, my mom has Noah this weekend. Actually, she takes him every other weekend, even though I told her she didn’t have to since I’m on vacation . . . ” Shut up, you idiot. “That’s not important. I was just wondering, if you don’t have plans, maybe you’d want to grab dinner and a movie with me?”

  The line was quiet, and Dani looked at the screen, but he was still there. “Hello?”

  “You’ve never asked out a man before, have you?” Dani could practically see his smile, and her cheeks burned.

  “No, I haven’t ever needed to. Most guys ask for my number, not just give me theirs.”

  “Whoa, sounds like you’re calling in my man card.”

  Relaxing at the banter, she went to sit on the couch. “Maybe I am.”

  “So, how about I try to earn it back by picking you up and paying?”

  Fighting back the urge to giggle, she said, “I might be amenable.”

  “All right. How about seven thirty? Give me a chance to go home, shower, and change?”

  Thinking about her woolly mammoth legs, Dani said, “Let’s make it eight.”

  “Eight works. Just text me your address.”

  “Okay, see you then.”

  Dani ended the call and flopped back onto the couch, kicking her legs excitedly. When the dogs came over and started showering her with doggy kisses, she spluttered as she got back onto her feet.

  Then the heavy lump of doubt settled in her stomach.

  Looking at her dogs, she asked aloud, “Is this a really bad idea?”

  Shasta sniffed, and Bella snorted.

  Shaking her head, she raced upstairs and started tearing through her closet for something to wear, her stomach fluttering. It was the first time in almost three years she was actually excited about something that had nothing to do with Noah. That was okay, right? Her mom had told her that she wasn’t just Noah’s mother . . . she was also a woman.

  Besides, it was just one date . . . with a hot, sexy man who radiated confidence and charm. Who rescued dogs and toddlers and loved his mama without it being a huge turnoff.

  It was official: She had nothing to wear.

  Oh God, she was in so much trouble.

  TYLER STOOD ON the porch of the townhouse, double-checking the address Dani had texted him. He had to admit that he might have changed his shirt a couple times. This was actually his first date, besides his junior prom, but considering they’d never made it to dinner and spent most of the night in the backseat of his car, he wasn’t really counting it.

  He knocked on the door and heard Shasta’s deep bark on the other side, followed by Bella’s high-pitched howl.


  He smoothed a hand over his short, shaved hair just as she swung the door open.

  “Wow.” Tyler’s gaze roamed over the black sweater dress that hugged her body like a second skin, the cowl neck hanging off her left shoulder to tease him with the line of her collarbone. Her blonde hair fell smooth and straight just past her shoulders, and her eyes were outlined by dark shadows, making the green seem brighter.

  With a husky laugh, she said, “This old thing? You’re sweet.”

  She stepped out onto the porch with her purse in hand and turned her back on him to lock the door. He noticed the white sales tag sticking out the back and smiled. “You planning on taking it back if the date doesn’t go well?”

  She reached up to where the tag was, and he narrowly missed getting smacked in the nose.

  “Balls, I meant to take that off.”

  “Did you just say ‘balls’?” Cracking up, he snapped the tag off and tucked it into his pocket. “There. I have to admit, that is the first time I’ve ever heard a woman use the term ‘balls.’ ”

  She turned to face him, and in the porch light, the blush on her cheeks glowed becomingly. “I tried to stop cussing once Noah was born, but I couldn’t do it completely, so I made up my own.”

  “Wait, you did not make up ‘balls.’ ”

  “No, but I figured it was okay to alleviate my frustration.”

  “Isn’t ‘balls’ just as bad as anything else?”

  “He doesn’t know it’s that kind of balls.”

  Tyler chuckled. “Until he says it at school and someone enlightens him.”

  “Please, don’t take it from me. All the other bad words really are off-limits. Just this one.”

  “You got it.” They headed down the steps toward his car, and Tyler grabbed the passenger door, holding it open for her.

  Just before she climbed in, she said, “You know, you really should thank your mama for teaching you manners.”

  “I’ll leave that to you when you meet her.”

  She gave him a startled look from the seat, and the moment her foot was in, he slammed the door. Cursing himself, he rounded the front of the car.

  Why the hell had he said that?

  He opened his door with a heavy sigh. “I didn’t mean it like that. I was trying to be cute.”

  Tyler glanced her way, catching her smile, and it nearly knocked him for a loop, it was so bright.

  “Mission accomplished,” she whispered.

  Fuck, he wanted to kiss her. To reach across the seat and grab her by the back of her neck. To mold his lips to hers and strip her down until she was naked and straddling him.

  But no, this was different. It would be different.

  Clearing his throat, he started the car and pulled out of her drive, heading toward Watt Avenue. “What are you in the mood for?”

  “Anything, I am starving. Plus, I wouldn’t mind a drink or two. Just to loosen up, you know?”

  Jesus, was she trying to kill him?

  “Cheesecake Factory or B.J.’s Brewery?” he asked.

  “Mmm, Cheesecake Factory, but only if we can skip to dessert.”

  Why did everything coming out of her mouth sound so dirty?

  “Whatever you want.”

  Suddenly, her hand was on his arm, squeezing it. “You need to lighten up. Am I making you nervous or something?”

  Scoffing, he shot her a look of disbelief. “Hell no, I’m calm as a cucumber.”

  “Really? ’Cause I think Mr. Big, Bad Ladies’ Man is scared of little ole me.”

  Gunning the engine, he weaved over and pulled into the Cheesecake Factory parking lot. He parked in the first available spot he saw, and as soon as he cut the engine, he turned to face her.

  “I’m not scared of you.”

  She leaned over the seat until she was mere inches from him.

  “Prove it.”

  DANI KNEW SHE should not have had those two shots before Tyler picked her up, but she’d been a nervous wreck. After hauling ass to the mall to find something to wear and then speeding back to get ready, she was shaking. She’d actually cut her leg shaving. So, while she was drying her hair, she’d had one tiny shot of vodka and chased it twenty minutes later with a second one while she waited for him in the living room. It had warmed her up and eased the tension in her muscles.

  Maybe a little too much. Because right now, she knew she was asking for it—every delicious, forbidden thing Tyler had to offer. From the moment she’d opened that door and caught his appreciative stare, she’d felt her old, wild self coursing through her body. She wanted to have fun and be daring, and most of all, she wanted Tyler to t
ouch her.

  Yet each time she was sure he was about to break, he backed away. Granted, the night had only just begun, but she didn’t want to admit that beneath all the bravado and slight liquid courage, she was still a nervous wreck. Was afraid that once the adrenaline and alcohol wore off, she’d revert back to who she was now—cautious and scared.

  As Tyler leaned closer, her eyes shut, and she waited for his lips to touch hers, but they never did. Instead, he kissed her forehead, and before her eyes even opened, he was out of the car and heading around to her door.

  As she stepped out, slightly disgruntled, she asked, “What was that?”

  “I’m not going to be goaded into kissing you, Dani.” He shut the door at her back and advanced, pressing into her as he stared down at her with heat in his gaze. “I know that you’re used to being in control, worrying about everything that could happen. But tonight, I want you to let go and let me lead you.” He ran his thumb across her lower lip, and she was tempted to bite the tip. “I guarantee you, once you let me, you’re going to have fun.”

  Tyler took a step away from her, placing his hand at the small of her back as he guided her toward the restaurant door. Dani was still a little dazed by his forceful tone and embarrassed she’d come on so strong.

  “If you wanted to lead the whole night, then why ask what I wanted to eat?”

  “Because I don’t care about where we are or what we do. I just want to be with you, but at my pace.” He held the door open for her. “And I want to take things slow.”

  “You’d be the first,” Dani muttered as she passed through into the crowded, noisy lobby.

  “What was that?”


  Chapter Twelve

  TYLER SAT BACK as the waiter set down two plates, each with a beautifully dressed slice of cheesecake. Since they’d been seated, Dani had actually seemed to relax a little, less on guard and aggressive. He had recognized her attitude earlier for what it was: a defense mechanism. He had the same one, although his was set to indifferent asshole instead of sexual dynamo.

  Still, he wouldn’t be human if he said he wasn’t tempted, but this was him, Tyler Wyatt Best, trying to be the good guy. To do the right thing.


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