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Black And White Ops: A BWWM BBW Military Romance

Page 5

by BWWM Club

  “That’s insane!” she yelled. “Why can’t we take an airplane? Are they so cheap we have to use a train?”

  “The SVR will be watching the planes,” he told her. “They’ll be watching the trains too. But not so closely because the train makes a lot of stops. They’ll be suspicious about a Muslim couple from one of the Asian republics, but not as suspicious as they might be of an African American lady.”

  “You’ve got a change of identities?” she asked him.

  “All packed up and ready to go in storage not two miles from here,” he explained. “As long as I can stay one step ahead of the SVR, we’ll be safe. I know some Ugar, which will work as a cover. I’ll teach you some basic phrases in case anyone stops to ask you. I hope you don’t mind wearing the full-face chador, because it will avoid a lot of questions.”

  “Great,” Monique said. “Just like back in Philly.”

  “What do you mean?” Rick asked.

  “Lots of Black Muslims in Philly,” she told him. “You see the women walking around in full chadors all time. At least the more hardcore ones. Always thought of them as historical reenactors. Guess I get to find out what it’s like to be inside one of those things twenty-four seven. Nobody in my family ever went in that direction.”

  Rick gave the car some gas and went it the direction of the train station. He didn’t tell her everything he’d found out. There were other reasons the agency was taking over and directly handling their case. It wouldn’t do her any good to be troubled by the new information. Right now he needed her calm and in support of him. Any news he might give to her about how messed up this operation really was could get them either killed or captured by the SVR. In their situation, it might as well be the same thing.

  Rick turned and looked at Monique. She was very beautiful and he really wished he hadn’t run into her in this situation. It had taken every bit of self-control to keep his hands off her body when they were both in that bed. He’d been with a few black women in the past, but none with her magic quality. Monique was a woman he would like to have around long term. And he speculated he might be falling in love with her. Damn! He had to stop that! No falling for female operatives while on assignment. It was one thing to party it up later; another when doing so could compromise the assignment or put your life at risk. Too many agents in the field had fallen for some local talent and got themselves killed. It wasn’t worth the risk, dammit!

  Chapter 5

  The car turned again as Rick took an indirect route to where they had to go. No one seemed to be following them, but he knew that wouldn’t last long. The SVR was on to him and all they had to do was tighten the noose. He wanted to go to the Moscow Station and take a train out of the city, but right now they had to find a place to cool off before the SVR started to close in. It wouldn’t take long. If nothing else, Russia knew how to run surveillance the right way.

  “The Moscow station is the best way out of here,” he told her. “It hooks up with all Siberian and northern rail lines. All I need to do is find a way to get to it and we’ll be heading to the West. But I can’t go there just now. They’ll be looking for us and we need to find a place to chill for a few hours. I know just the place.” He turned the car again, trying to avoid all the traffic cameras lining the main streets.

  Rick had already disabled the car’s own external cameras and tracker. It was a feature of the country that all the insurance companies required cars in Russia to have tracking equipment and exterior cameras. Sometimes it could be helpful, such as a recent meteorite crash which was recorded everywhere in Siberia by dash cameras. But the ultimate reason for the cameras was to show who was at fault in a collision or how fast they were traveling. Needless to say, the SVR had plenty of ways to hack into the cameras and tracking devices when they had the reason.

  Rick’s destination was the Hermitage Museum near the Neva River. The museum had originally been constructed by Katherine the Great to house her growing collection of art. It was part of a complex of buildings attached to the Tsarist Winter Palace and was open to tourists. Because of the immense size of the building, it was very easy to spend days touring it. The museums had survived the German air strikes of WWII and were among the most favorite attractions of foreign visitors to the city. In other words, it was the perfect place to get lost inside.

  Rick pulled the car into the parking space for the museum and turned off the engine. He checked the parking lot and noticed plenty of cars in it. More than enough to hide his rental car. The police and SVR had only so many men working his detail and it would take them a long time to check the registration on every car in this lot. In a few hours they would start to become bored when no new sightings had been reported. Besides, they would be occupied by his recent visit to the warehouse and what had transpired there.

  “The important thing is that we have the super drive,” he told Monique. “With it we still have something to use to bargain our way out of this country. I wish I had the opportunity to put you in the Muslim clothes, but those disguises aren’t reachable until we reach the station and I find my locker. In the meantime we’re going to have to pretend to be another mixed race couple visiting the museum.”

  A shadow swept across the car and Rick grabbed Monique, pulling her under him and clamping his mouth to hers. Monique knew pleasure and fear at the same time. She felt his lips on hers and as he grabbed her shoulders and began to kiss her like a lover who had been absent too long. She felt weak inside as his lips moved over her face. For a few seconds Monique was back in her college room with her last boyfriend wanting him deep inside. She felt hot between the legs and pushed his hand between them. Rick responded by moving his fingers under her panties. She gasped, not caring who was watching. And then the shadow moved away. She didn’t want him to stop but he did. She felt his hand slide away.

  “He’s gone,” Rick told her. “The parking lot guard is gone. He was looking at us too carefully, so I thought I’d give him a little show. Guess he saw all he wanted to see.”

  Monique curled her head on his chest. She turned and looked up at him with her big eyes. Rick looked down and planted another kiss on her lips. And then another. Monique felt his hand slide down between her legs again. She moaned in his ear and he opened her up, probing deep. She couldn’t believe they were doing this in a parking lot in the middle of the day. The guard was gone, but he might be back. She decided she didn’t care and spread her legs as best she could in the passenger seat.

  This allowed Rick to slide two strong fingers up inside her and gently apply friction to her hot spot. “You do like that, don’t you?” he said. She whimpered an assent from beneath him as he nipped her ear. Monique felt the strong fingers work inside her that much deeper and spread. She wanted to warn him she had a tendency to squirt all over the place when very excited, but couldn’t find the words right now. As the pleasure waves began to flow through her, all Monique wanted to do was get his pants off and pull him on top. She wanted to feel his manhood all through her body. No, she wanted to hold it in her hand and stroke it until he was harder than he’d ever been before. Then she’d kiss up and down his throbbing shaft until he couldn’t stand it. When he was close, she would crawl up on top of him and ride it. She’d push him down in the seat and feel the hardness inside. She would make him wait as long as she needed till she was ready.

  “I don’t think so,” he told her, pulling his hand back again. “I want you, Monique. But we need a better place to do it than this car. Besides, you know the guard is coming back. I’m sure watching people have sex in cars is one of his job’s fringe benefits.”

  They found a public washroom before going into the museum which allowed each of them to freshen up before going inside it. They continued inside holding hands like any two lovers on a day out, not far from the truth. Monique stayed as close to Rick as she could. The attendant at the booth took the money from Rick and barely glanced at them, surprisingly enough. St. Petersburg was a cosmopolitan town and very similar in som
e ways to the other European part of Russia. Still holding hands, they walked into the museum and began looking at the exhibits.

  Rick and Monique soon found themselves in the Egyptian hall. It was tiled and the ceiling overhead had white arches. Monique stopped for a few minutes just to take it all in. Rick stepped a few paces in front of her and looked it over. Glass cases lined the walls and artifacts were presented by themselves on the floor of the hall. A large number of people were milling around, discussing the exhibits in all languages. Rick, with his command of language, picked up French, German, plenty of Russian and even Estonian in the comments he heard about him. The room they were inside was one of the hundreds which made up this particular building.

  He felt Monique’s ebony hand in his white one as they continued to roam through the exhibit. They walked up to one of the glass cases and peered in at the statue of Isis on the inside. Monique leaned on him again. She didn’t want to be too clingy, but he’d almost brought her to orgasm in the car. She wanted more and didn’t want to leave his side.

  Before long they found themselves in a hall filled with paintings from renaissance Italy. Each one had a plate describing it in several languages. Most were of religious figures, but some were of street scenes and contemporary life. The tsars had been collectors of art and had a fine eye for what was important. The hermitage complex contained millions of art pieces and even the curators didn’t know how many were held inside.

  They stopped at one particular painting. It showed an Arabian sitting with a very dark woman sleeping under a tree in Moorish dress. Above her, his horse tethered to the tree was a man in armor with a surprised look on his face. A close examination of the painting showed the Moorish African women to have one eye slightly open and fully aware the knight, his helmet open showing the look of surprise on his face as he approached her.

  Rick felt Monique’s hand on his shoulder as he looked at the painting. “You want to know what happened after he found her?” she asked him. “I do. She took all of his armor off. Then she took off what was under the armor. She led him next to the palm trees around the oasis and took off the robes she had on. Then they were down in the sand all night long.”

  Rick glanced around; making sure no one could hear what she had whispered to him. “There is a room here no one knows about,” he told her. “Would you like to see it?”

  “How do you know about it?” she very slyly asked him.

  “It helps to give small gifts to the staff at the museum,” he told her. “You can discover many things the tourists never get to see. The tsars liked to come here to and chill when the affairs of state became too taxing. I’ll show you Tsar Paul’s private getaway.” He glanced around to make sure none of the security cameras were pointed in his direction and took Monique’s hand.

  They walked behind a roped-off painting and, making certain no one would ever see them, Rick depressed a panel next to a large oil painting. A door opened and he took Monique through it to the other side. There was a click as it shut behind them.

  The light was very faint where they stood. But the walls and ceiling of the small room glistened with golden reflections and cast light to the large bed which dominated the room. A skylight allowed some sun to come inside which was the source of the illumination. And then she realized what made the room so unique: it was lined with tile made out of amber.

  “The original amber room,” Rick said in her ear as he tugged on the zipper of her dress, “was located in the Katherine Palace, not far from here. It was built in the eighteenth century using amber, gold leaf and mirrors. It was originally built for the Prussian King Frederick who gave it to Tsar Peter the Great as a peace offering. Tsar Paul liked it so much that he had this small version built for him alone a hundred years later.” Monique kicked off her shoes and let the dress she was wearing fall to her ankles.

  “The larger amber room was looted by the Nazis,” Rick continued talking as he undid her bra and let it fall to the floor. He pulled her panties down as he talked. “It disappeared at the end of World War II and no one seems to know what happened to it.” Monique felt chills down her spine as his lips traced down her back. The cool air made her feel very vulnerable in this hidden room.

  Monique continued to stare forward as Rick talked some more. “The Russians decided to rebuild it in the later 1970’s and used existing photographs of it. It was completed in 2004 after extensive work done by the best artisans in Europe and the rest of the world.” She heard his clothes hit the floor and felt Rick’s naked body press into her backside. His erection was hard and strong. “But hardly anyone knows about this smaller version.” His hands were coiling around her, opening her up once again. “Because you really have to know the right people to gain admittance. The sheets on the bed are kept clean because only special guests ever get to use it. You probably don’t know it, but Richard Burton fucked Elizabeth Taylor in front of the bed. She was so horny; he couldn’t get her to it, so he did her doggy style on the carpet. People wondered for days why she had those marks on her chin after their trip to St. Petersburg, called Leningrad in those days. You’re one of the few people to know it was from carpet burn.”

  Monique felt her tall form picked up by Rick who carried her through the small amber room to the magnificent bed in the middle. The bed was covered by silk sheets and pillows. She put her arms around his neck as he carried her to it, the golden rays of the room reflected off her chocolate body and his creamy one. All she could think about was him right now. The fact that they were on the run from every police and SVR agent in Russia was of no concern to her. She just wanted to enjoy the moment. She felt comfort and safety in his strong arms while he carried her across the carpeted floor.

  “Please take me to the bed,” she told him. “I don’t want to have you on the carpet.” A second later Rick dropped her into the silken bed.

  It swallowed her up. The frame might be from the eighteenth century, but the mattress was defiantly modern. She didn’t feel the cushion of springs and realized whoever had purchased the mattress had bought one of memory foam. Her body eased into it and she slowly sank into the bed.

  Monique felt Rick pull her legs over the bed and couldn’t understand what he was doing. They were dangling over the side of the rails. Then she saw his head working between her legs, she understood. Monique nearly convulsed as she felt his rough cheeks on her inner thighs and his tongue going to work on her. “Oh, Rick,” she cried out in her soft voice. “Do that again, I like it.” She felt his tongue probe inside her and pay close attention to her sweetness as she jerked back from the pleasure. He kept going and working the space between her legs, bringing her close, but not too close to orgasm. He was making her wait for it. Her teeth rattled in Monique’s head as the chills began to swarm inside her. She rested her heels on his back and played with the scalp of his head, making sure Rick knew where to apply the most attention.

  Then she felt him push her up into the center of the bed, the golden rays reflected off them both. He turned her over and grabbed her breast from behind, spooning Monique with his body. She worked to let him feel how she was gushing wet between her legs. Then she felt his hard manhood slide into her, causing Monique to whimper from the sensation. He pushed hard inside her to go as deep as he could and heard her moan as he slid back just a little bit.

  “How did you know about Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor fucking in this place?” she asked him as she pumped back, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

  “Because the old Russian secret service, the KGB recorded it,” he told her, pushing in deeper than before. “Don’t worry; the current director took those cameras out years ago. But the tapes of Burton fucking Liz are still around if you know who has them. He pulled out and came all over her back, you should see the film they took, and it was amazing. No sound, but you can see Liz scream her head off.”

  She locked her ankles around Rick’s legs and let him pound away. It had been too long since she had a man treat her so we
ll and Monique wanted to scream her head off too, but didn’t want to let anyone outside the room know they were in there. Slowly the pleasure began to build up inside her until she was one large balloon of orgasmic fury ready to explode. And when it did she began jerking madly all over the bed. Rick struggled to hold her down and let Monique gasp repeatedly as she climaxed again and again. She wanted him to stop and yet continue at the same time.

  Then she felt Rick push her down hard beneath him and grab her shoulders. He huffed and pushed as hard as he could, grinding away as she struggled beneath him under his weight. She felt him tense up inside her and jerk slowly. She knew what was coming next when Rick spasmed on top of her. She felt the hot sensation from his load inside her as it occurred to her neither one of them had taken precautions. Even if birth control wasn’t at the front of their minds right now.

  Rick lay on her and was silent. She held his wrist in front of her and kissed it. He had made sure she came first; this was the first time Monique ever had a man make certain her needs were taken care of before his. She was there for a long time feeling her wetness mix with his.

  “You’re an easy woman to fall in love with, Monique,” she heard Rick say from behind her. “I like my women with curves and you have more than enough for me.” She felt his mouth on her neck. Did he want to go for another round? She wouldn’t object.

  “Oh, Rick,” she told him. “That is so sweet of you. I’m falling in love with you too. We may never get out of this mess and I don’t care. It was enough to be with you.”

  “If I can make my connection in the museum,” he told her. “We may have another way out.”

  “I thought you just wanted to come here to kill time,” she told him, rolling over to look at her lover. “Was there another reason?”

  “I had a contact here to use if I ran into some real bad trouble,” he said. “I’ve used her before. I don’t know how much help she’ll be because of the current mess. She may not want to get involved. It was one thing to smuggle out some records, another to get involved in a bomb going off somewhere. But I can always try.”


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