Book Read Free

The Second Time Around

Page 10

by Angie Daniels

  “I take it you like the pizza.”

  Giggling, she nodded.

  Sheyna reached for her glass. “Garamond’s has been here for about a year now. They have some of the best pizzas on the coast.”

  “It’s really good.” She reached for one of the colas on the table and popped the can open. “What made the two of you decide to come and help out?” she asked between sips.

  Jace finished chewing his food before answering. “Who didn’t know miss motor mouth here was moving. She’d been complaining about this day for weeks.”

  “I have not,” Sheyna objected with a frown.

  “Oh, yes you have,” he replied in a challenging tone. “Woe is me? I have to move. I hate moving,” he said in a false soprano voice, trying to mock Sheyna’s sultry tone.

  “Now he’s really lying,” she barked and tossed a sausage at his head.

  The table erupted with laughter.

  Brenna dabbed her mouth with the corner of her napkin. “He is right, Sheyna. You have been complaining.”

  Her friend’s eyes snapped to hers. “You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, she gave her a sheepish, “sorry.”

  “Speaking of sides,” Jabarie began then paused and took a sip. “As soon as we’re done setting up your bedroom, how about a friendly game of Spades?”

  Brenna glanced over at him and saw the challenge gleaming in his eyes. In high school, playing cards was how the four of them had spent many Friday nights.

  “Y’all don’t want to mess with us,” she heard Sheyna say.

  Jace gave a dismissive wave. “We’re about to spank that behind.”

  “Yeah, whatever. Then let’s make this game a little more exciting.”

  Leaning back in the chair with a look of confidence, he replied, “You’re on.”

  Waving her hand in the air, Brenna jumped in. “Ooh! Ooh! How does this sound? For every hand you lose, you’ve got to strip one article of clothing.”

  Her best friend nodded then folded her arm against her breasts. “That sounds like a plan.” She made the comment a dare.

  Jabarie and Jace looked at each other then turned to the women. Brenna immediately noticed the desire lurking in the depths of Jabarie’s eyes and wished she could take back what she’d said when she heard him say those two little words.

  “You’re on.”

  They had been playing for almost an hour and as Brenna stared down at the last three cards in her hands, she nibbled nervously, wondering if they had bitten off more than they could chew. So far they had five books. Two more and they’d win the hand. She glanced over at the chair to her left where Jabarie sat with his shirt off and his feet bare. As she waited for him to throw out a card, she nibbled on her bottom lip to stifle a moan. He looked delectable. Staring at his chocolate nipples, she had the strongest urge to lean across the table and lavish one with her tongue.

  “Come on, you don’t have all night,” Sheyna said impatiently as she sat in the chair fully dressed minus her shoes.

  Jabarie gave her a hard look before he tossed an ace of spades onto the table. Her pulse raced. Glancing down at her hand, she looked at the big joker. She was all out of spades. If Sheyna didn’t have the other joker then she would use it. She glanced across the table and met the look in her partner’s eyes. Silently, she was trying to find out what she had in her hand. Brenna raised a brow then watched as the corner of Sheyna’s lips turned upward before she slammed a ten of spades on the table.

  Brenna glanced over at Jace’s naked torso as he slid a jack of diamonds on the table, meaning he was all out of spades. Soaring inside, in one swift move she slapped her joker onto the table.

  “Ha!” she cried then leaned across the table and gave Sheyna a high five.

  “Yeah, yeah. It’s your turn,” Jabarie said in a playful voice.

  Reaching to her hand, she dropped an jack of hearts onto the table. Jabarie dropped a two, Sheyna a nine, then Jace’s eyes lit up as he dropped king.

  “That’s what I’m talking about!” Jabarie cried.

  Brenna rolled her eyes heavenward and tried to keep a straight face. “Whatever.” The men continued to yell across the table.

  Impatiently, Sheyna snapped her fingers. “Excuse me, but can we get on with this?”

  “Hold your horses, little mama,” Jace said, sobering.

  Brenna’s eyes traveled nervously down to her king of clubs then around the table. Both of them needed one book to win. If they lost, she and Sheyna would have to take off their shirts. For the men, it was time to remove their pants. One of them was still holding the other joker. Glancing at Sheyna, she tried to read the expression on her face, but she seemed to be distracted by Jace’s chest. Finally, he lowered an ace of clubs onto the table. Groaning inwardly, Brenna flung her king onto the stack. Jabarie followed with a ten of spades and Sheyna slapped the joker on top. They had won!

  Excitedly, Brenna sprung from her chair over to her friend and they joined hands and jumped up and down while screaming, “Take it off. Take it off!”

  Jabarie growled and rose from the chair. Jace followed.

  Sheyna shook her head. “Uh-uh. We’re gonna take this into the living room so we can get a better look.” She hooked her arm through Brenna’s and the two moved into the other room and flopped down on the couch. Shortly after, the men followed.

  “Ooh! Wait one more second.” Sheyna quickly rushed over to her entertainment center and put on “Shake Yo Money Maker” by Ludacris then returned to her seat. “Now we’re ready.”

  Brenna was in stitches as she saw the looks of discomfort on the brothers’ faces. “Don’t be scared,” she taunted.

  “Scared!” Jabarie repeated then turned to his brother. “I ain’t scared of nothing. Come on Jace, let’s show these women what we’re working with.”

  They started moving to the beat of the music in some old Temptations’ moves before turning around and shaking their butts at them. Brenna was laughing so hard, her side hurt. However, the second Jabarie started rocking his hips and reached for his belt buckle, she quickly sobered and tuned out everything else that was going on in the room. All she saw was Jabarie. She swallowed deeply then forced her eyes up to his face. Big mistake. Jabarie was staring intensely as his tongue slipped out between his teeth and slowly slid across his bottom lip. Her nipples hardened. Oh boy. Her eyes slid back down across his chest and down to where he was lowering his zipper. Her lips parted and her body quivered. With his eyes on her, he lowered his pants down to his feet before he kicked them away. There he stood in a pair of red cotton boxers. The fine hair sprinkled sparingly across his chest traveled downward, disappearing inside the waistband. Her breath caught in her throat. He continued to gyrate his hips to the music. His moves were sensual and taunting, and she had to admit he was better looking than any of those Chippendales.

  “Smile for the camera.”

  Brenna was shocked back into reality at Sheyna’s laughter and the sound of her camera phone as she snapped a picture of the two of them.

  “Give me that!” Jace demanded then lunged at Sheyna who dashed off the couch and down the hall.

  Brenna’s eyes followed her, laughing, before she turned to face Jabarie again. He was still standing in the same spot watching her. Her laughter faded abruptly.

  “Come here,” he said in a soft commanding voice. She rose from the couch and moved over to stand before him. As soon as she was within arm’s length, he snaked an arm around her waist and grabbed her like he was afraid she would slip away. Overwhelmed with desire, Brenna couldn’t have said no even if she had wanted to and she didn’t. She threw her arms around him.



  She wasn’t sure what she wanted to ask him, but he seemed to know the answer when he pressed his lips against hers. On contact, she felt an explosion stronger than any Fourth of July celebration. He explored her with his hands and his mouth. She groaned when he reac
hed beneath her shirt and rubbed her breasts. Moaning, she leaned into his touch. It wasn’t long before she felt the evidence of his arousal throbbing against her stomach.

  Hearing arguing in the other room finally brought an end to the kiss.

  Brenna shook her head. “I don’t think those two are going to ever get along.”

  Shaking his head, Jabarie leaned in and whispered against her lips. “I disagree. I think it is just a matter of time before they realize what has always been standing right in front of them.”

  Their eyes locked for another long intense moment before Jabarie groaned, reached down for his pants and they moved into the family room to referee.

  When Brenna got home she immediately moved to the shower, anxious to relieve her body of an entire days’ worth of sweat. She turned on the spray of water and while the water reached the right temperature, she shed her clothes then stepped in. Closing her eyes, she moved directly beneath the showerhead, soaking her hair and face. Taking a deep breath, she allowed the hot steam to relax her as thoughts of Jabarie invaded her mind again.

  This afternoon they had reached a turning point in their relationship. It was almost as if no time had passed and the four musketeers were back hanging out and laughing. That was the way it had been between them starting in the fifth grade. But they weren’t kids anymore. They were grown-ups. She was a woman, and Jabarie was a man. All six-foot-two, one hundred and ninety pounds of chocolate flesh.

  Brenna lathered her body and her skin tingled with thoughts of what tomorrow would bring. One thing for sure, it was nothing more than two people satisfying their sexual hunger. Nothing more. Absolutely nothing would change. As soon as the trip was over she would return and help her aunt, and as soon as she was better, she’d head back to Dallas to life as she knew it.

  She was in the shower for the longest time contemplating what she had agreed to do. One thing for sure, after Sunday, her life would never be the same again.

  Chapter 9

  Brenna wished she hadn’t agreed to spend the night with Jabarie.

  Last night, she couldn’t sleep. She spent most of the night tossing and turning and then she finally settled down, only to find herself waking up at the crack of dawn. To pass the time she took a long, hot bubble bath, hoping a book and the steam would calm her nerves, but instead she spent the entire time thinking of Jabarie. Finally she climbed out and after getting dressed made breakfast for her and her aunt. When they sat down to eat, she barely remembered what the two of them talked about. As soon as the dishes were washed and put away, she disappeared into her room and retrieved a tote bag from her closet. It took her almost an hour to decide what to pack before she finally fell back onto the mattress with a heavy sigh. I don’t have time for this.

  Her pulse hammered, palms sweat, and any thoughts about how the evening might end, made everything feminine in her come to life. She touched her queasy stomach and prayed her decision to go out with Jabarie didn’t come back to haunt her. But after yesterday at Sheyna’s, Brenna knew that anything was likely to happen now that she had agreed to spend the night with him aboard his yacht.

  The uneasiness at the back of her mind refused to be still. Dammit! This was why she had rather leave well enough alone. The way she was acting reminded her too much of when they had first started dating. The excitement, the anticipation of seeing Jabarie each day, she just couldn’t put herself through all that again. Besides, too many years had passed and it wasn’t a good idea to start something she had no intentions of finishing.

  When she finally had her bag packed, Brenna took a seat on the couch in the living room and took several deep calming breaths. She could do this. All she had to do was stay focused and remember they were ex-lovers, spending the night with no promises for anything more.

  The doorbell rang and Brenna practically jumped off the couch. Frantically, her eyes darted around the room. She knew there was no way she was going to survive the two-hour drive down the coast unless she had a distraction. Spotting her book on the coffee table, she grabbed it, tucked it under her arm and headed toward the door. Jabarie was standing on the porch, with his hands buried inside his pockets, smiling.

  “Hey,” she greeted breathlessly.

  “Hey, yourself,” he said with a smile. “Ready to go?”

  She nodded. “Let me grab my bag and I’ll be right out.” Brenna spun on her heels; heart pounding, she moved to her room to retrieve her bag. Before leaving the room she took several deep breaths. You can do this! All they were going to do was have a nice quiet day together like two friends, nothing more. But even as the thought filled her mind she knew that wasn’t true. Today was going to be a turning point in their relationship, and once they stepped over it, there was no turning back. If she was having any last-minute doubts then this was her final chance to back out. But as she pressed a palm to her stomach, she knew that there was no way she could cancel their night together, even if she had really wanted to, and she didn’t. As she swung her purse over her shoulder, Brenna remembered what Sheyna had told her. She was in control, which meant it was up to her to lay down all the rules. Nothing more could happen than what she allowed to take place. The most important thing was for her to keep her heart out of it. The last several days, Jabarie had managed to slip between her defenses and that was something she refused to let happen again. Sliding her sunglasses onto her eyes, she moved out onto the porch and locked the door behind her.

  Jabarie took her bag and carried it out to his Porsche. “Where’s Aunt Nellie?”

  She followed him to the sidewalk. “She said she felt good enough to go to church this morning.”

  “That’s a good sign.”

  Brenna nodded. Although her aunt still couldn’t apply a lot of pressure on her ankle, Brenna knew it was just a matter of time before she would be heading home again. Pressing her lips firmly together, she decided it would probably be a good idea if she kept that thought close to the front of her mind. A constant reminder that her visit here was only temporary would help make the next twenty-four hours that much easier to manage.

  “Beach traffic is going to be heavy.”

  She gave Jabarie a knowing look. “What else is new this time of year?” People from all the surrounding states migrated to the beaches on Friday and headed back on Sunday.

  As she waited by the curb, her eyes gazed admiring at the sleek vehicle with a beautiful metallic gray finish. “You have a beautiful car.”

  Jabarie’s lips curled upward. “Thank you. I bought her last month for my thirtieth birthday.” His eyes shifted to her hand. “Why are you bringing a book?” Jabarie asked as he opened the trunk and put her bag inside.

  “Because I’m at the middle of this mystery and dying to know what happens,” she lied. As much as she was enjoying the book, she hadn’t been able to concentrate on it since she had arrived at Sheraton Beach.

  “I’m dying to find out what happens, as well.”

  At the tone of his voice, she gazed up into his eyes to find him moving around to the passenger’s side while staring down intensely at her. She swallowed as she realized that he wasn’t referring to the book in her hand but their relationship. Even before he reached her, she knew he was planning to kiss her.

  “Hopefully this weekend, we can figure out the mystery together.”

  As his gaze zeroed in on her mouth, desire streamed through her, fast and hot, and she found herself tilting her head with anticipation. To hell with reason and logic. She never could think straight where Jabarie was concerned. The next twenty-four hours was going to be all about them and she was going to try to live for the moment and get everything she wanted. And what she wanted was Jabarie.

  When he stopped in front of her, her pulse raced. And when he lowered his head, she automatically parted her lips and met him halfway. As soon as their lips touched, she released a soft sigh as if she had been waiting all morning for this moment.

  While his hands ran along the contours of her back, his kiss was
as thorough and skillful as it always had been. One thing Jabarie knew was her mouth. He took his time mating their tongues before sweeping every corner of her mouth. The strong sensation sent heat traveling down to her inner thighs.

  Reluctantly, he ended the kiss, struggling for control.

  “Before this weekend is over, we’re going to sit down and talk about everything that happened between us.” He gave her a long look that let her know that he would no longer accept any excuses.

  Nodding, Brenna slid inside the car and lowered her purse onto the floor in front of her. As she got comfortable on the seat, she felt the heat of his gaze on her legs in a raspberry skort.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, finally finding the words to speak.

  Shaking his head, he made a long wolf whistle that made her giggle before shutting the door.

  Jabarie walked around the front of the car and she took a moment to take in his appearance. He wore khaki shorts and a polo shirt that looked fabulous on his body. Her heart was still pounding from the kiss and as she stared at him, she knew that when she returned home tomorrow things were going to be different. They would each finally have the answers they needed to move on with their lives.

  Brenna pushed her sunglasses back onto her nose, and smoothed her hair along her head for any strands that might have escaped the ponytail she’d pulled it into this morning.

  Within seconds, Jabarie had his seat belt fastened and pulled away from the curb. Brenna leaned back against the butter-soft leather seat and pushed her nervousness aside and enjoyed the drive. It was her first time in a Porsche, and she was amazed at how roomy it was. There was plenty of room for Jabarie’s long legs. Watching him, she was impressed at the way the car handled, especially since Jabarie was a speed demon. But she wasn’t worried. He had always been an excellent driver. Besides, she had never been any good at driving a stick.


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