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Just the Man She Needed

Page 15

by Karen Rose Smith

  There was a loud knock on the dressing room door. “Who is it?” Mavis asked.

  “It’s Dallas. Can I come in?”

  “Come on in,” Emily called.

  When he stepped into the room, he just stared at her for a few moments. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you,” she murmured, glad Dallas could be here for this day.

  “You’ll be surrounded by well-wishers after the wedding,” he concluded. “And I just wanted to tell you—” he paused for a moment “—that I hope you’re always as happy as you look today. Last night I could tell that Slade’s going to be the kind of husband you deserve.”

  Hunter had flown in yesterday, and last evening Emily had invited the O’Neills over to meet him. The tension that had once been there between Slade and Dallas had completely disappeared by the time the night was over. “I’m glad you can see that. He’s going to be a terrific dad, too.”

  “It’s obvious to anyone watching that you two are head over heels in love.” He cleared his throat and went on, “His brother seems a decent sort. When I heard he was an international lawyer, I didn’t think he’d fit in around here, but he’s easy to talk to.”

  Emily had found Hunter more guarded than Slade, but friendly nonetheless. He seemed eager to get to know his brother, and that pleased her because she knew Slade wanted that, too. After the O’Neills had left last night, she’d found Hunter reading the wedding card Mavis had given her. He’d looked so sad. But when she’d asked him if something was wrong, the emotions had slipped from his face as if they’d never been there, and he’d said again how pleased he was that she and Slade had invited him to be part of their wedding. He considered it an honor to be Slade’s best man.

  Organ music began to filter into the dressing room.

  Dallas smiled. “I’d better find a seat.” Then he kissed Emily on the cheek. “I promise I won’t cut in when you and Slade are dancing at the reception.”

  After Dallas left the small room, Emily took a deep breath. “I guess it’s time.”

  “It’s time,” Mavis agreed.

  Rod was waiting in the vestibule. Emily had asked him to give her away. He’d been her dad’s closest friend and it had seemed fitting. After Mavis handed Emily her bouquet of pink and white roses, the organist gave a cue and Mavis started down the aisle. Rod patted Emily’s hand and said, “Here we go.”

  Emily began the walk up the aisle.

  Only about ten of the church pews were filled with people. But Emily and Slade had decided to keep the ceremony small. Her friends were here, friends she hoped would become his friends. Grace Harrison and Mark stood in the front pew with Amanda, watching over her for Emily. Dallas was in the pew across from them where Rod would take his place as soon as he delivered her to Slade. When Emily looked up at the altar, she saw Hunter, his trouser leg slit over the cast that went from his foot to above his knee. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, feeling as if she’d found a brother, too.

  But her gaze didn’t rest on Hunter long. It moved to Slade, her husband-to-be. Walking toward him eagerly, she smiled up at him when Rod entrusted her to his care.

  Slade leaned close to her and whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

  She took his hand. “I love you, too.”

  As they faced the minister, nothing had ever felt more right.

  Completely aware of Slade and the binding words of the marriage ceremony, Emily’s heart felt as if it would burst with happiness. Pictures of Slade’s arrival at the Double Blaze, his help delivering Amanda, his tender words and passionate kisses, all played through her mind. When it came time for their vows, she turned to him and gazed into his eyes, longing to express everything in her heart. They’d decided to write their own promises to each other.

  After Slade took both of her hands in his, she began, “I, Emily, take you, Slade, as my husband and partner and friend.” She felt tears come to her eyes, but she kept going. “I promise to stand beside you no matter what life brings, to support you and listen to you, and to respect you every day of our lives. God sent you to me when I needed you most. You took care of me and Mark and Amanda as if we were precious to you. There are so many things about you that I love—your honesty, your strength, your gentleness.”

  Taking a deep breath, she ignored the tears rolling down her cheeks. “I vow to be faithful to you, to care for you and to trust you from this day forward as long as we both shall live.”

  The grip of Slade’s hands told Emily that her words had touched him. He gazed down at her, his blue eyes tender and serious and loving. “Emily, I don’t have fancy words for you. I just want to tell you what’s in my heart. You are my home. I never had one of those. Growing up, dreams got lost in disappointment and in wanting to belong somewhere so badly, that I wasn’t even sure what belonging meant. Because of you, I know.”

  His hands squeezed hers and he stopped for a moment as emotion welled up in his eyes. But he cleared his throat and went on. “You’ve become my sunshine, my peace, my reason to look toward the future. I love everything about you, from your sweetness to your stubbornness to your pioneer spirit. I pledge my love to you through good days, and bad days, and every other day in between. I promise to take care of you and protect you and to love Mark and Amanda as my own. And I vow to be faithful to you always. I love you, Emily, and I give you all that I am and all that I ever hope to be.”

  Gazing into each other’s eyes, they absorbed the promises and their sacred commitment to each other, until Hunter tapped Slade on the shoulder and handed him a ring. Mavis gave one to Emily. Then they exchanged rings with the same fervor with which they’d exchanged vows. When the minister asked them to face forward for the final blessing, their hands were tightly entwined as were their hearts for all eternity.

  At the end of the ceremony, the minister directed them to face the congregation. His voice rang out loud and clear. “I present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Slade Coleburn.”

  Applause rang out and Mark came racing over.

  “Are you my dad now?” he asked.

  Slade chuckled as Grace handed Amanda to Emily, and Slade put his arm around his new wife. “Yep. I’m your dad.”

  Mark grinned up at him. “Then we’re a real family.”

  “A real family,” Slade repeated.

  Clapping his brother on the shoulder, Hunter grinned. “I think you forgot something. Isn’t the groom supposed to kiss the bride?”

  Emily knew Slade was being considerate of her in front of all these people, but she was proud of their union and needed to show him. She answered, “Yes, he is,” and looked up at her new husband with all the passion and love she felt.

  When Slade’s lips touched hers, she kissed him fervently, looking forward to tonight with him, looking forward to all their days and nights. She’d found her life partner and her soul mate.

  And she couldn’t wait for their future to begin.

  Be sure to look for the next book from Karen Rose Smith. Don’t miss Hunter’s story in JUST THE HUSBAND SHE CHOSE, available in June from Silhouette Romance.

  ISBN 978-1-4603-5214-4


  Copyright © 2000 by Karen Rose Smith

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  *Darling Daddies

  †The Best Men

  ‡Do You Take This Stranger?




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