Book Read Free


Page 9

by Lea Hart


  Ace walked out of the team compound at NAB and knew the prep for the next mission rehearsal was ready. Seeing a familiar face at the end of the hall, he whistled and watched Mark stop and give him a wave in response. “Brother, are they luring you back to the dark side again?”

  “Not a chance.”

  Ace shook his former commander’s hand and slapped his back. What brings you over?”

  “Had lunch with Frisco so I could see how he’s settling into life at TOC.”

  “Heard he’s kicking ass and running missions like he was born doing it.”

  “Yeah, he’s made the right move.” He slapped Ace on the back and nodded. “How are you doing, brother? Heard you had a long ass deployment that landed you and the boys in Yemen.”

  “All true.” Pushing his hands in his pockets, he rocked back on his heels. “Turned out to be the best assignment of my life.”

  Lifting an eyebrow, Mark made the gimme motion with his hand. “Lay it on me.”

  “Ran into a journalist and well…”

  “No shit, man?”

  “Yeah, and she’s as deadly as any tango I’ve ever run into.”

  “That good?”

  “Fatal.” He opened the door and walked out into the sunshine and crossed his arms over his chest as Mark came up and stood beside him. “I remember the day you met Birdie and was wondering…”

  “How in the hell I made it from there to where we are today?”

  He ran his hand over the back of his head and nodded. “You two seem really happy, and I’d love to know what the secret is to making it work.”

  “The best answer I can give you is that I work my ass off to make my wife and kids happy. Nothing works better than sustained effort, and I’ve found marriage isn’t much different than being on the Teams.”

  “You two make it look easy, though.”

  “Some days it is, and some days it’s not. Right now, we’re hip-deep in kids and sleep deprivation, so we’re definitely in a tough cycle. But I’m lucky because the woman I married is stronger than anyone I know.” He let out a laugh and rolled his shoulders. “Seeing her give birth to our kids and take care of them the way she does has shown me in no uncertain terms that the toughest person in the Frazier household is her. She’s also incredibly caring and shows me every day how much she needs and loves me.”

  “You won the fricking wife lottery; that’s for sure.”

  “A lot of our buddies have too; I think it’s just a matter of finding someone who has a crazy that complements yours.”

  “That’s good advice, brother.”

  “Only kind I have,” Mark replied with a laugh as he checked his watch. “I should head out, so I can get my paperwork done for the class that just made it through hell week.”

  Nodding, Ace put his hand out and shook Mark’s. “Thanks for the talk, man.”

  “Any time.”

  “See you at the monster mash on Friday.”

  Mark saluted and then walked in the direction of the parking lot as Ace leaned against the building. He pulled out his phone and sent off a quick text to Lisa and wondered if their crazy matched up as well as he suspected.

  If it did, then there wouldn’t be an obstacle they couldn’t overcome, including the situation with Victoria. Hearing his phone buzz, he pulled it out and saw the devil herself had texted him, letting him know she was on her way to the hospital.

  Sliding his hands on his hips, he looked up at the sky and tried to talk himself out of going. When it didn’t work, he texted Victoria back and let her know he was on his way.

  He strode across the expanse of grass that separated the buildings from the parking lot and hoped this wasn’t an omen for how the next several months were going to go.


  Ace checked his watch and saw that it was past nine and knocked lightly on Lisa’s door. When she didn’t answer, he tried again and let out a breath of relief when she opened it. “Hi.”

  “Did everything go okay?”

  “Yeah.” Leaning his hand against the doorway, he lifted his chin and grinned. “Can I come in?”

  “For a little bit.”

  “I’m grateful for whatever time you’re willing to give me.”

  He stepped in, kissed her cheek, and then closed the door with his foot. “Sorry about having to cancel tonight.”

  “It’s okay.” Pulling her sweater tight, she walked over to the couch and collapsed. “It gave me a chance to get some work done.”

  He sat down and put his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. “What are you working on?”

  “Background on a series my editor over at the Guardian is interested in. It’s possible it could run in both the US and European editions.”

  “I thought you were done taking assignments and were going to try the teaching thing.”

  “I am, but decided I had enough time to fit this last one in before classes start.”

  “Then, I guess congratulations are in order.”

  “Don’t say that yet; we’re still working out the details.”

  “What’s the series on?”

  “The current administration’s immigration policies. I’ll probably do a swing through South America and do a couple of articles on the current conditions that contribute to people wanting to seek refuge, and then spend some time along the border between Mexico, California, and Texas.”

  “That’s really…”


  “Well, I was thinking more along the lines of dangerous. There’s a ton of violence going on in the border towns and the idea of you being down there is…”

  “What I do, Ace.” Turning, so they were face to face, she crossed her arms. “I’m not a lifestyle reporter and going where the news is happening is how I do my job.”

  “I know, Lisa. In case you forgot, I had a front row seat to you doing your job in Yemen, and it wasn’t something I’ll likely forget.”

  Scooting back, she let out a huff. “I think you should go. I’m tired and not feeling very patient. So, let’s avoid an unnecessary argument and discuss this later.”

  He took her hands and let out a breath. “I’ll leave it be if you don’t kick me out.”

  “I still think you should go because I’m ready to crash. A certain man didn’t let me get much sleep, and I’m dead on my feet.”

  “Can I stay if I promise to behave?”

  Slumping her shoulders, she laid her head against the couch. “I doubt you’ll behave for more than a minute.”

  Ace sat up and squared his shoulders. “Are you suggesting I’m not capable of keeping my word?”

  “No, but I am suggesting you won’t keep your hands and…other body parts to yourself.”

  “Let me prove it to you.”

  “Why is this so important to you?”

  “Because I want to wipe the last six hours out of my mind and connect with you and what’s important.” He watched her stand and waited, hoping his words had worked.

  “All right, then.” She held out her hand and smiled. “But we’re sleeping.”

  “Absolutely,” he replied with a smile. When she didn’t move and raised an eyebrow, he held up his hand. “Promise.” And he meant it because spending together was all he wanted.


  Lisa tangled her feet with Ace’s as he ran his hand slowly over her back. “How did everything go at the hospital yesterday?”

  “It went okay.”

  Looking up, she noticed the tight lines of his face in the morning light and wondered how he defined okay. “Did the other baby daddy candidates show up?”

  “They sure did. I met Kevin the lawyer and Dean the programmer/surfer. As freaking weird as it was, we managed to come up with an agreement on how we want to handle the situation.”

  “That’s got to be a relief.”

  “Yeah, I definitely feel better about the whole thing.” He kissed her head and then rolled onto his back. “Kevin is real intereste
d in finding out who the father is and did some research on non-invasive prenatal paternity tests.”

  “Didn’t know something like that existed.”

  “Apparently, there are several companies that have decent reputations and can return results within a matter of days.”

  “Are you going to do it?”

  “Absolutely. Kevin is going to do some more research and let us know which companies provide results that will stand up in court.”

  “Does he think that will become necessary?”

  “Since he’s a lawyer, I’m guessing he does. He seems pretty buttoned up and probably doesn’t want to take chances.”

  “How does the test work?”

  “A blood sample is taken from the mother, and the baby’s DNA is separated from the mother’s blood. It’s then matched up against the DNA collected from a mouth swab from the man.”

  “So, Kevin’s going to do it right away and then let you guys know?”

  “That’s his plan since he’s dating a woman that he wants to get serious with.”

  “What about Dean?”

  “He didn’t say either way. I get the impression he has feelings for Victoria and wouldn’t mind if the kid ended up being his.”

  “How did Victoria land in the hospital?”

  “Apparently, she tripped on the high heels she was wearing and took a tumble.” He turned on his side and took Lisa’s hand. “When I got to the hospital, she was as happy as a clam, and I think that’s because she had the three of us gathered around. The woman craves attention like air and having three men at her bidding is probably her idea of bliss.”

  “If that’s the case, then why would she submit to a paternity test?”

  “Because, according to Kevin, she wouldn’t really have a choice if he filed a lawsuit to obtain a blood sample.”

  “He’d do that?”

  “Given his profession, of course, he would. The guy gave us a thirty-minute download on all the different issues we could be facing over the course of the pregnancy, and he’s not going to set himself up for any more liability than he has to.”

  “The situation sucks for everyone.”

  “I don’t think Victoria is upset at all and is enjoying the drama since she lives for it.”

  Shaking her head, she rolled away. “On that happy note, what are you doing today?”

  “We’re running some drills in the team compound. We’ve got a couple of new guys on the platoon, so we need to start getting our rhythm down before we go downrange again.” He took a lock of her hair and twirled it around his finger. “What about you?”

  “Conference call with my editor to hammer out the details of my trip, and then I’m having dinner tonight with my mom and sister.”

  “Is your dad around?”

  “No, he passed away three years ago.”

  “I’m sorry, honey.”

  “Me too, he was a larger than life figure and was taken way too early. He was fifty-seven and died from a massive heart attack.” She ran her foot along his leg and sighed. “It’s important to live life to the fullest because you never know how long you have on this earth.”

  “Speaking of living life to the fullest…”


  “I was thinking of asking for leave, so I could go on your trip to South America.”

  “Why?” Moving away from him, she sat up. “Is it because you think I’m going to get myself in trouble?”


  She crossed her arms and snorted. “I don’t believe you.”

  “Well, you should,” he replied firmly as he sat up. “I thought it would be fun to have an adventure together, so we can get to know one another. I want to show you I can be a good partner and give you a bunch of reasons to keep me around.”

  “Oh, well, that’s very sweet.”

  “I want us to bond, and I think a trip together would be the perfect opportunity.”


  “Please, don’t say sweet again.”

  Moving closer, she pushed him over and held his face in her hands. “But, I like seeing the sweet side of my big warrior. I think it’s sexy and makes my heart go pit-a-pat.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “In that case, I’m going to be nothing but sweet with you because getting your heart to beat for me is all I want.”

  “Feel free to mix up the sweet with some naughty, and I’ll never want to get rid of you.”

  He flipped them over and grinned. “Get ready then because I have a lot to show you.”

  “I’d love nothing more,” she murmured against his mouth as she held on tightly.


  Lisa stood in her mother’s kitchen and tossed the salad, waiting for her to pounce. It was only a matter of time before the interrogation began, and if she could have another glass of wine when it happened, it would be much easier.

  “So, darling, tell me what you’re tacking next.”

  Giving her mom a smile, she shook her head. “You usually let me eat before you start grilling me for details.”

  “A mother asking about her daughter’s job can in no way be characterized as grilling. I’m merely interested in your life and want nothing more than for you to be happy.”

  “Except your questions feel a lot like I’m being cross-examined.”

  Gabriella Martin waved her hand and laughed. “That’s ridiculous.”

  Lifting the bowl and her glass of wine, she walked toward the patio and snorted. “Mom, you sometimes forget the subtle differences.”

  “That’s not true, and you know it.”

  She watched her mom pick up the plate of pasta that she’d just doused in grated parmesan cheese and laughed. “Sure, sure.” Walking through the French doors, she stepped out to the patio and inhaled the scent of the ocean as she set the salad down and took a seat. There was no prettier view in the world than the one from her childhood home. The classic Southern California beach house sat above Sunset Cliffs and had a view of the ocean from almost every room.

  Something she appreciated more and more after traveling around the world. “Is Carissa coming?”

  “No, darling. She’s running an event over at the Marriott tonight, and it’s the first one that James has allowed her to do on her own.”

  “She didn’t tell me that this morning when she left for work.”

  “Probably because it wasn’t decided until late this afternoon. Apparently, James has decided that your sister has met his exacting standards and can be let out into the wild to handle events on her own.”

  “That’s exciting. I’ll have to get all the details tomorrow.”

  “Speaking of details, tell me about this latest assignment.”

  Watching her mother serve them each a generous portion of pasta, she sipped her wine and then put salad on both their plates. “My editor wants at least six articles on the current state of immigration along our southern border. I’m going to spend a week in South America and then another week in a few Mexican border towns. And then probably end with a couple of days in Texas.”

  “I’m so proud of the work you’re doing and know how important it is to keep this topic relevant.”


  “I worry, of course, about your safety. You didn’t say very much after you returned from Yemen, and that means you haven’t processed whatever you experienced.”

  “Yemen certainly had some harrowing moments, but that’s not what has me a little spun out.” Seeing her mother lift an eyebrow, she smiled. “I met a man, and it turns out he lives here in San Diego.”

  “Why haven’t you said anything before this?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “How can it be complicated already?”

  “I’ll share the good things first and then tell you why it’s complicated.”

  Gabriella winced and filled her fork with pasta. “Let me fill myself with carbs and cheese first.”

  Lisa lifted the bottle of wine and topped both o
f their glasses off. “You might need this too, Mom.”

  “Oh, dear.”

  “The good news is that he’s a real-life American hero and puts his life on the line.”

  “Which branch of the armed forces does he call home?”

  “Navy, he’s a SEAL, and he and his fire team pulled me out of a couple of sticky situations in Yemen.”

  “How sticky?”

  “That’s not the point; focus, Mom.”

  “I am and know when my daughter describes something as sticky, she really means life-threatening. It’s a wonder I’ve survived the career you’ve chosen and not lost my marbles in the process.”

  “Do we really need to have this conversation for the three-thousandth time? Because, if so, then I won’t tell you about the man who has me all twitter-pated.”

  “We’ll skip it this time, but I reserve the right to circle back to it.”

  Eating a bite of pasta, she nodded and then wiped her mouth. “Ace Henderson is a dreamboat, Mom. He’s soooo handsome and has sexiness to spare.”

  “That sounds like fun. What else does he have going for him?”

  “The usual attributes: intelligence, courage, and determination.”

  “What are some of the challenges?”

  “He’s over-protective, dictatorial, and overbearing.”

  “That will keep you on your toes.”

  “He also has an ex-girlfriend who’s pregnant, and he’s one of three possible baby daddies.”

  Leaning back, Gabriella folded her hands. “That does cause certain wrinkles, especially when you two don’t know one another well.”

  “That’s a very diplomatic response, Mom.”

  “Thank you.” She lifted her glass of wine and took several sips. “The thing I really wanted to say would make you cringe.”

  “Figured as much.” Playing with her salad, she glanced over at her mom. “Am I an idiot for getting involved with him?”

  “No, honey. But you are putting yourself in a situation that could cause you a lot of pain down the road. Not because anyone intends for it to happen, but because a man, a baby, and another woman hardly ever has a happy resolution.”

  “My brain is telling me to run as far away from him as I can.”


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