appearance, 147–48
see also beauty
approval, 62, 65
arrests, 86
Asher, Steve, 120
aspirational goals, 54
asthma, 105, 112
athletes, 81
attention, 55
attractiveness, see beauty
attributional style, 205–6
autism, 72–73
automatic behaviors, 149
automatic reactions, 149
averageness, 188
Averages, 36, 38–40
beauty, 55, 60, 65, 66, 81
humans as hardwired for bias toward, 186–89
Beck, Aaron, 213–14
behavioral inhibitions, 188
Berra, Yogi, 31
Berridge, Kent, 59–60
biases, 118–19, 129, 151, 153–54
cue-encoding, 155–59, 163, 165
in cue interpretation, 162–66
favorable, 167–68
toward beauty, 186–89
hostile attribution, 164–66
rejection sensitivity, 163–64
response, 166–67
Big Brother, 170
Billy, 40–41, 43, 44, 49, 50
bingeing, 97
blood pressure, 123
Bon Appétit, 179
Bowling Alone (Putnam), 74, 76
brain, 57, 171–72
adolescent development of, 149–50
and “likes,” 172
and pursuit of status, 58–59
brain wiring, 148
breakups, 110
breast cancer, 104–5
“brown eyes, blue eyes” demonstration, 121–22
Brumberg, Joan, 75
Bukowski, Bill, 32
bullying, bullies, 9, 166–67
measures against, 204–5
as proactive aggression, 69, 70
and school shootings, 204
status increased by, 69, 70–71, 206
upbringing of, 206–7
Burguières, Philip, 84
Bush, George W., 47
business decisions, 25
Calhoun, Casey, 105–6
cancer, 97, 104–5, 112
career success, 4, 7
of Accepteds, 44, 119–20
Carl, 41, 44, 49–50
Casey, B. J., 63
Caspi, Avshalom, 190–91
celebrities, 62, 71–74
addictions of, 82–83
depression and loneliness of, 83–84
elation of, 81–82
overwhelming feelings of, 82
resentment of, 82
wishing for something else, 84–85
cell death, 110–11
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 72
CEOs, 81
depression of, 84
cervical cancer, 97
Changsha, China, 77–78
character, 75
cheerleaders, 68–69, 208
children, 74
adults looked up to by, 47
popularity detected by, 33–37
chimpanzees, 67–68, 70
China, 77–78
cholesterol, 123
Choukas-Bradley, Sophie, 77
chronic fatigue, 105
class clowns, 48
Clemens, Daniel, 23–26
clothes, 61, 74, 77
CNN, 79
cocaine, 97
Cohen, Geoff, 97
Coie, John, 33–37, 38, 44
colds, 112
Cole, Steve, 111–12
collectivist cultures, 76–77
Columbine massacre, 204
community, 75, 76, 100, 127
Congo, Republic of the, 6
Congress, U.S., 72
consulting firms, 80
Controversials, 36, 39–40, 45
growth of, 48–49
high adolescent status of, 49
as teen moms, 49
conversations, 121
cooperation, 120
Coppotelli, Heide, 34
core beliefs, 214
coronary artery disease, 104
Cort, Alexandra, 30–31, 51–52
cortex, 59
cortisol, 105–7
Cover Girl, 179
Coyne, Jim, 139
C-reactive protein, 104
creativity, 121
criminal behavior, 7, 86, 120
of Rejecteds, 47
Croatia, 87
Crohn’s disease, 112
Crowe, Cameron, 66
Cruise, Tom, 71, 72
cue-encoding biases, 155–59, 163, 165
cue interpretation, 160–68
biases in, 162–66
of simple cues, 160–62
Cyberball, 109–10
Dan (Rejected), 41–42, 45–46, 47, 48, 49
layoff of, 50
dating, 3, 129
Davey, Chris, 62
David, 2
Denisovans, 100
depression, 7, 101, 214, 215
and excessive reassurance-seeking, 140
of high-achieving children, 46
and high status, 83–84
linked to low status, 81
of parents, 192–94
of Rejecteds, 47, 124
and self-blame, 206
depressive realism, 158
diabetes, 123
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), 5–6
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), 174
Diana, Princess of Wales, 74
disconnection, 102
dislikability, and likability, 34–36
DNA, 7, 111–13, 191, 214
Dodge, Ken, 34
dominance, 50, 55
parenting and, 186, 196, 202
social reward of, 71
in teens, 69
Donna, 19
dopamine, 43–44, 58
dorsal anterior cingular cortex (dACC), 109–10
dorsomedial prefrontal cortex, 159
Doug, 2
Downey, Geraldine, 163
dropouts, 120
drugs, 86–87, 97, 98
DUIs, 86
E! True Hollywood Story, 82–83
eating behaviors, 97
eating disorders, 97
eczema, 105
egalitarianism, 76
ego, 5
Eisenberger, Naomi, 108–10
elation, 81–82
Elliot, Jane, 121–22
Emory University, 115–18
emotional attachments, 59
emotional expressions, 159
emotional intelligence, 159
emotional salience network, 65
emotions, 64–65
and desire for social rewards, 64–65
empathy, 159
employment, 123
endorphins, 43–44
esteem, 75
euphoria, 44
Europe, 93
excessive reassurance-seeking, 139–40
extrinsic wishes, 55–56
extroversion, 43
Facebook, 56, 57, 61, 95, 171, 173
Facebook depression, 174
Facemash, 170
facial features, 186
fame, 55, 65–66, 75
Far East, 76
fathers, attachment to, 195
federal anti-bullying legislation, 204
feedback-seeking, 175
fight-or-flight response, 105
5 Seconds of Summer, 178
food, 75
food preferences, 64
Forbes, 179
Frank, 42–43, 48, 49, 50
Franklin, 15–17
Freudianism, 5
friends, 104, 129
fundamental motives, 54
Gamson, Joshua, 79
gastrointestinal disorders, 105
General Hospital, 27–29
genes, 111–12
beauty and, 186–87
depression and, 192
Germany, 87
Gest, Scott, 120
Gina, 154–55
Glass, Ira, 175
Gombe Forest, 67–68
Goodall, Jane, 67–68, 70
Google, 7, 24, 25, 170
Google Docs, 24
Google+, 173
Gore, Al, 47
governors, 81
Graham, Sandra, 206
Great Buddha temple, 77
hairstyles, 77
happiness, 55, 123
Accepted children and, 124
status and, 80
Harris, Kathleen Mullan, 103–4
health, 44, 55
unpopularity and, 92, 101–14
healthy behavior, 44
heart, 105
heart attacks, 104
heart disease, 105, 163
height, 147
hepatitis, 112
herd-following, 95–101
heroin, 97
hierarchy of needs, 75
high-status people:
admiration from, 62–63
looking at, 62
see also status
hippocampus, 65, 151
Holland, 96
Holloway, Wanda, 208
Holt-Lunstad, Julianne, 102, 103, 104, 113
hominins, 100
Homo floresiensis, 100
Hong, James, 169–70
hormones, 58, 97
hostile attribution bias, 164–66
Hot or Not, 169–71
humor, 43–44
hunting, 100–101
hypertension, 104
id, 5
identity, 64–65
IJzendoorn, Marinus van, 195
illness, 7
Imagine Dragons, 84
immune response, 44, 105
active genes’ effect on, 112
impulses, 63
income, 123
individualism, 76–77
infertility, 105
inflammation, 104, 112, 113
inflammatory bowel disease, 104
influence, 50, 66, 75
inhibitions, 63
injury, 7
In the Mix (documentary), 69
insecurity, 4
of high-achieving children, 46
Instagram, 60, 171, 180
likability and, 44
as unpopular, 45–47
intrinsic desires, 54–55
introversion, 43
IQs, 6, 123
isolation, 101, 102
Jason, 211–13
Jeff, 115–18, 130–32
Jennifer, 17–18
Jill, 2
Joe, 15–17
Joey, 107–8
Joiner, Thomas, 139
jokes, 43–44
journalists, 81
Juvonen, Jaana, 206
Kasser, Tim, 87–88
kindness, 75
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 121–22
Kupersmidt, Janis, 37, 38
Ladd, Gary, 198–99
La Greca, Annette, 46
Langlois, Judith, 187–88
language, 100
Lansford, Jennifer, 129–30
Lauer, Matt, 71
laughter, 43–44
layoffs, 39–43, 49–50
life expectancy, 102–3, 105
life longings, 54
Lightning McQueen, 208–9
likability, 8, 33–37, 38
of Accepteds, 44
career success and, 118–19
in China, 77–78
cooperation of, 120
difficulty of acting, 137–40
and dislikability, 34–36
experiments on, 33–37, 38–39, 44
fate predicted by, 50
fresh starts and, 36–38
longitudinal studies of, 122–24
popularity vs., 31–32, 50
positivity of, 135
social media and, 176–77
status vs., 50–51, 77–78, 214–15
and technical support agents, 136–37
transactional model of, see transactional model
T-shirt experiment on, 125–27
in U.S., 77–78
“like” buttons, 177, 180
limbic systems, 57, 171
Lindquist, Kristen, 59
LinkedIn, 173
Liuyang, China, 77–78
loneliness, 83–84, 101, 102, 206, 215
of high-achieving children, 46
positive scenes ignored by, 157
lupus, 112
McCarthy, Jenny, 72–73
McCorvey, Norma, 71–72
Machiavellianism, 48
MacKay, Charles, 95–96
McQuail, Denis, 79
marijuana, 86–87, 97, 98
Markel, Howard, 29, 51
marketers, 94
marriage, 6, 74
Mary Sue, 107–8
Maslow, Abraham, 75
mass media, 78–79
medial prefrontal cortex, 159
memories, 167
from adolescence, 150, 151, 152–53, 214
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (MacKay), 95–96
menstrual cycles, 101
mental health problems, 45, 120, 123
of Rejecteds, 47–48, 120
Merten, Don, 68, 69
Michigan, University of, 147
Mike (real estate developer), 19, 21
Mize, Jackie, 196
Mnookin, Seth, 72–73
Moffitt, Terrie, 190–91
molecular remodeling, 113
money, 148
monogamy, 128
mood, 121
mortality rates, and unpopularity, 102–3
depression of, 192–93
with hostile attribution bias, 165
salient memories of, 183–86
talking about children, 190–91
motivational magnets, 60, 66
motivational relevance network, 59
music legends, 81
myelin, 149–50
Nara, Japan, 77
National Institute of Mental Health, 5
Neanderthals, 100
negative mood magnets, 134
Neglecteds, 35, 36, 37, 38–40
success in life of, 44–45
neighbors, 104
Nesi, Jackie, 174–75
networking, popularity important to, 4–5
neural network, 151
neural outputs, 65
neurochemicals, 58
neurons, 149
neurotransmitters, 58, 171
New York, N.Y., 77
New York Times, 72
Nin, Anaïs, 157
Nook, Erik, 63–64
North America, 87, 93
North Carolina, University of, 125–27
obesity, 7, 105, 123, 186
Old Bethpage, N.Y., 1–2, 5
overdependency, 208
/> overwhelming feelings, 82
oxytocin, 58
pain, social vs. physical, 110
Pam, 137–39
Panic Virus, The (Mnookin), 72–73
parent-child relationship, 6
secure vs. insecure, 194–95
parenting, 181–209
and anti-bullying measures, 204–5
children modeling themselves on parents, 201
and child’s beauty, 186–89
child’s popularity affected by, 186–89
depression and, 192–94
dominance and, 186, 196, 202
monitoring from afar, 200–201
play and, 196–97
Parke, Ross, 196
Parker, Jeff, 120
Pasteur, Louis, 51
Paula, 13–15
peekaboo, 192–93
Peggy, 181–83
Pennsylvania, University of, 147
Pettit, Gregory, 196
Pew Research Center, 173
physical play, 196–97
Pinterest, 173
pitch meetings, 158
plastic surgery, 80
play, 196–97
playdates, 198–99, 200
beauty and, 186–89
breaking cycle of, 141
business decisions and, 24–25
chimpanzees’ pursuit of, 67–68
in China, 77–78
on creative platforms, 4
culture and, 77–78
downside of pursuit of, 66–88
etymology and history of word, 32
experiment on, 30–31
on Facebook, 56
failure to teach, 25–26
happiness and self-worth influenced by, 66
hierarchy of, 2–3
in human ancestors, 7
importance of, in adulthood, 21–22, 25
life changed by desire for, 5
likability vs., 31–32, 50
meaning of, 32–33
in networking, 4
paradox of, 5
parenting and, see parenting
rareness of, 3
response biases and, 166
types of, 7–8, 33
in U.S., 77–78
Yale class on, 21–23
popularity, adolescent:
hatred of, 7–8
long-term consequences of, 85–87
Yale course on, 22
popularity, childhood:
adult popularity and, 39–40
detection of, 33–37
experiments on, 33–37, 38–39, 44
and functioning of soldiers, 6
importance through life of, 3–4, 6–7
as valuable, 3
postpartum depression, 71, 72
power, 50, 55, 65, 75, 81
precuneus/posterior cingulate cortex, 159
prefrontal cortex, 180
prestige, 50, 75
proactive aggression, 69, 70
progesterone, 58
pseudo-mature teens, 86
psychiatry, 71
psychological growth, 54
psychology, changes in, 5–6
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