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Tainted (Netherworld Book II)

Page 26

by Christie Rich

  His fingers hush my question. “If I could keep you here for eternity, I would, but you must fulfill your calling. Your mother would be proud of you.”

  The tears flow freely now. “Mom died, Dad. Where were you?”

  His expression softens. “Mortality is not my realm anymore, sweetie. I can’t stay here long, but I had to come. You were in so much pain.”

  I shake, not able to control the upheaval inside me. “Who is Malcolm Blake? Why do I remember two different lives?”

  My real father paces in front of me. “Orphic. His desires are selfish. He has only ever worked toward his goal of ruling. He never had your mother, Amelia. The false impressions will fade over time.”

  “Am I . . . ”

  He shakes his head. “You are neither Orphic nor Sibylline. You are Delphic.”

  My jaw drops. “Kelsby was right?”

  He nods. “Those who are true to you shall always be. You have the discernment to know the difference.”

  I hiss in a breath. “How can we escape? I don’t know what to do.”

  Although his tone is soft, there is an unyielding strength to it. “I am unable to guide you in such matters. Your course is yours to make — your future yours to mold.”

  “But — ”

  “It is the way of the universe, Amelia. Too much knowledge at the wrong time can only corrupt. You must learn piece by piece until the puzzle takes shape in front of you.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t want to be here. Take me with you.”

  His eyes soften. “What of your Seth?”

  He had to bring him up, didn’t he? I swallow the lump in my throat. “I love him.”

  He smiles. “As you should. He is a good man.”

  “We’re losing. The Erobos are — ”

  “Corrupted. They can be saved. You can save them.”

  His confidence shines so brightly. I wish I could bottle it. “How?”

  “The only way wars are ever won. Battle by battle. Each victory will bring you closer to the desired goal.”

  Doubt rages inside. “What if I lose?”

  “You are my daughter. You won’t.”

  A bolt of courage instills my heart with light. “How? How do I do it?”

  He brushes his fingers along my jaw as his form dissolves into tiny specs of light. “Trust your instincts. Only trust those who are trustworthy.”

  I race after him. “Don’t go . . . Dad!”

  My eyes blink open, a face coming into view. “I’m right here, baby. Daddy’s here.”

  I nearly vomit right on Malcolm Blake. Somehow I manage to straighten and take in the gigantic room with rows and rows of seats spread below us. My eyes sweep right, revealing intricate moldings along the elaborate ceiling high above.

  Thankfully, he gives me some space, so I stand to walk to the dais. A massive black throne sits atop a pearly white floor so glossy my reflection stares back at me when I examine it. I turn my attention back to the assembly hall stretching farther than I can quite make out with the lights above filling my vision. I turn. “What is this?”

  He stares at me as if I should already know. “Your homecoming.”

  I nod, glancing behind me at the high stretch of white satin curtains. “What’s back there?”

  He smiles. It’s just icky enough to make my stomach lurch. “A surprise.”

  I’m tired of the pretenses, so I get right to it. “What’s really going on, Dad?” To get the answers I need, I’ll give him the title he so craves, but he will never occupy the place in my heart reserved for my father again. “This seems a little elaborate for a welcome party.”

  “You were always a bright child. I had to keep you watched all the time. You were always into mischief.”

  I hide my cringe by spinning away. “Brock?”

  He laughs. “The boy has had a crush on you since you two were six.”

  If his antics are what a crush looks like, I’d rather pass. White columns invade my mind. Big brown eyes follow. He was mean. “The palace?”

  “It’s good to see your memories returning. We weren’t sure how you would fare, but we had to do something to protect you from the creature. When I found out about him, I had to act.” He comes closer, and it’s all I can do to remain where I am. “Brock got there just in time.”

  He came to me in my dreams just before Seth showed up in Justine’s apartment. I push back the anger, faking a smile and a casual nod. “What did he do to me?”

  Malcolm’s face flushes. “You’re angry?”

  I fold my arms across my chest and shake my head. “I don’t like being messed with, Dad, especially when it’s someone who is supposed to protect me.”

  His voice turns defensive. “He did protect you.”

  My fists bunch, so I make my fingers relax. “How? What did he do?”

  He groans, slamming a palm against the wall beside him. The noise ricochets through the space, startling me. “What he had to. You couldn’t be taken the way you were. You were already in love with the thing. But you’ve been able to see what they are. We haven’t interfered, even though we should have.”

  I’m done fighting my emotions, so I let the anger slide into place. “Seth is not a creature. He is a wonderful, kind man who would do anything for me.”

  His eyes bulge with rage. “He’s using you!”

  I scoff. “Like you aren’t?” I spread my arms wide. “What is all this?”

  A calm façade falls over his face. “The others will be here soon. You need to collect yourself . . . change.”

  He’s lost his mind. “What?”

  “Amelia, I’ve got a surprise for you. One I’m sure you’re going to like. Brock has been very good to you, but things change. Other decisions had to be made.”

  “What the hell are you rambling about?”

  Malcolm’s face has taken on a demonic scowl. “He’s cursed! You can’t tie yourself to such a creature. You will be lost to me . . . to us all. I won’t let it happen.”

  Two men come into view, both brawny. Each is dressed in a fancy uniform that remind me of old time fairy tales. They ascend the stairs, the rhythm of each step synchronized as if they’ve been doing this their whole lives.

  Without even looking my way, they continue their march toward me. Panic moves my feet until I jump off the dais onto the slick floor below. I take off, making for what I hope is the exit.

  I stop short when I see Ian and Maybell gagged and tied on the floor. Seth is slumped in a suspended cage, ten feet above. Two others remain empty. A strangled cry escapes me as tears form in my eyes. This was a trap, but it wasn’t set for me.

  I whirl, my mind desperate for a plan. The two guards are behind me. Their steely hands grab my arms to haul me back to Malcolm. “Let them go!” I plead.

  The creep I grew up with shrugs before he bends down to tie his shoe. “They will be fine, as long as you cooperate.”

  “What kind of screwed up homecoming is this?” I ask, trying to shake the man shackles around my wrists. “Let them go!”

  He smiles. “You already said that.”

  I clamp my eyes shut. “Then what are you waiting for! I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “Once the deed is over, I shall release them.”

  “What deed?”

  Footsteps clank against the tiles behind me. I whip my head toward the person, which sends a flash of pain through my neck. Peter? He’s in a black tux, pulling on the white cuffs at his wrists. Fear fills me until I can hardly speak the words. “What are you doing here?”

  He flashes a smile. “You’ve chosen the wrong man, Amelia. You should know as much by now.”

  “You set this up? Why?” Every muscle in my face pulls downward. “You can’t make me love you, and I don’t. Whatever you’ve got planned is a waste of your time and mine.” His smirk makes me want to punch him. Since I can’t move even an inch, my desires are pointless. I can’t bring myself to look at him a second longer.

  “Give me some credit,
” says Malcolm.

  Sadness consumes me until tears spill over my lids and down my cheeks. “I can’t make myself feel something I don’t.”

  Peter’s voice rings out again. “Some things are more important than love, Amelia.”

  I stare at him, not believing what he said. The guards are dragging me by this point. I let my feet trail behind and release my weight to make it harder on them. The only thing I manage to do is crack my knee against the stone before they hoist me higher until only my toes touch. Peter walks past us to Malcolm, who waits with pride in his eyes.

  Betrayal is the worst bitter pill to swallow. Ever.

  Brock pushes through the curtains, holding a flowing red gown. Seriously? At least it isn’t white.

  One word wants to push to my lips. If I say it, all of this will end. I’ll go back to Seth’s, and he’ll find a way to get out of the cage. Ian’s shifty; he can do it. Maybell could probably break the thing by standing up.

  Peter comes nearer until he’s directly in front of me. He leans forward until his lips press against my ear. His breath sends chills of revulsion through me. “If you sever the connection, I’ll deliver them straight to Volos.”

  He may have been tainted, but he couldn’t be so depraved. I move away to get a better look. His steady hazel eyes flow over my face. I search, but the Eros are gone. He has no reason to be this corrupted. The only thing driving this man to do evil is good, old-fashioned revenge.

  The guards let go when I reach out to touch his face. “You won’t find happiness with me, Peter. Not when my heart belongs to your brother.”

  His face fills with hatred. “It doesn’t matter. I no longer desire love. Knowing Seth will never have you is enough for me. You can continue to help us overturn the Erobos, but you will never be at his side. He’s cursed.”

  My response rushes out before I can clip it. “Better cursed than damned.”

  His hand cracks against my cheek. The sting is sudden, but withers away quickly, leaving me staring blankly at the man. He’s warped in so many ways. Nothing I could do would ever change him. If he is to overcome his demons, he will have to face them alone.

  People start filling the room, sending curious stares our way. I straighten and hold out my arm to Brock. “Who are all these people?”

  He shakes his head, handing me the dress. “You don’t need to worry about it. All you need to do is get ready for the ceremony.”

  My head spins with hushed voices and a throbbing pain at my temples. I have not been unconscious for years, maybe even centuries. Whatever the timeframe, I do not remember exactly when it last happened. Sensations bombard me until my mind takes focus.

  My eyes snap open, but I hold in Amelia’s name before it screams past my lips. I make no move to rise as I let my gaze sweep below and out into the distance toward the dais where Peter holds Amelia close, whispering something into her ear.

  Why is he here? What has happened? Is he negotiating our release?

  Malcolm’s gaze connects with mine. If I had my sword, the man would no longer have his head. Despite my attempts to call my weapons, they have not obeyed. The place is spelled, most likely by the little girl on his ship. My guess is she is somewhere near, hiding in the shadows, doing the bidding of a man she detests.

  Perhaps I engage in wishful thinking. No matter what the relationship between the girl and this monster, I must get her away from him.

  First, I have to sort out Amelia. Peter is a welcome sight to be sure.

  Tired of this cage, I turn my mind to morphing. My body won’t respond. The sting of a needle still lingers in my tissues. Whatever they injected me with has locked me to this form.

  Malcolm clears his throat, which brings Peter’s gaze my way. Instead of the thankful brother who left headquarters, the man’s countenance slithers with darkness. Yet he does not exhibit the signs of contamination. “Good to see you’re with us, Seth. Now all we need is Ian and Maybell to assure this party is underway.”

  “Started,” says Amelia. “It’s ‘get this party started.’ Are you all this inept at conversation?”

  Peter chuckles. “We’ll have plenty of time for you to teach me the fine arts of language . . . perhaps more?”

  His love-struck countenance has shifted to mockery. She grits her teeth but doesn’t comment. What has happened? Why hasn’t she disconnected?

  Peter’s hard stare should be enough of an answer, but he elaborates. “You took my light, Seth. I cannot replace Rhea, but I’m willing to try with Amelia. She’s interesting, nice to gaze upon, and with her talents, I will be able to do what you could never accomplish.”

  Amelia shakes with what looks like poorly concealed rage. “And what’s that, Peter? You’re sick. The last thing you need is delusions of grandeur.”

  Peter’s face contorts into a mask of fury. So easily provoked. How did this happen? Instead of addressing Amelia, he turns on me. “How can you ask such a question? I’ve lived hundreds of years without the woman I loved. Loved, Seth. How many years will it take without Amelia before you go mad? You’re a fool for trying to protect her. All you’ve done is leave her open to others, such as I. If you want to know how such a horrible event could happen, it all started when you decided to lust after my recruit. I’m only returning the favor.”

  “I was merely the first! You said so yourself. Hatred will never restore your loved one. Even now, Volos has almost used her up. If we worked together — ”

  “Together?” Peter hisses. “I cannot stand to gaze upon you. You are the last person I could ever work with, Seth. You’ve done nothing but corrupt our nation until one by one we have lost our brothers to the darkness. Maybe once you were a great leader, but no more. I cannot allow you to go forward with this woman. She is too important to our race.”

  Amelia speaks up. “Seth doesn’t do anything without thinking about you guys first. He’s waited to make me his mate because of you. If you ask me, he wanted your blessing.” Her focus shifts from me to Peter. “Are you so strong you can withstand the Erobos army on your own? Do you think a single person in this room is going to trust you ever again? I thought Maybell had something wrong with her, but I’m beginning to think she was on to you.”

  Peter smirks. “You really do have great instincts. Maybell, why don’t you tell Amelia about your idea?”

  Amelia snaps her head to the empty cage beside me. Maybell is already halfway up the aisle. Ian is still out or pretending. I’m hoping it’s the latter. Since Peter is in tune with my thoughts, I turn my focus to cutting them off.

  Even though I cannot see Maybell’s expression, Amelia’s tells me all I need to know. She stares in horror as Maybell continues toward her. When Maybell speaks, her tone is cold. I’ve never known her to be without feeling until now. “Your father promised to give us the good you. It will be an even trade.”

  “What?” says Amelia, disbelief covering her features. “Can a single person in this place speak English? I mean, I’m no saint, but how am I not good?”

  Maybell’s tone softens. “You haven’t acted like we thought you would. You’re too concerned with what you’ve lost to see what you’ve gained. Without the memories you find so hard to handle, you’ll be better off. Don’t you see? We’re doing this to help you.”

  “What about Seth? Are you doing this to help him?”

  Maybell stops, turns, and glances at me, wincing when she catches my gaze. “He’s too focused on making sure you’re okay to keep on task. We’re losing more people all the time, and we almost lost Peter. We can’t afford to lose another Oneiroi. You’re not more important than they are.”

  Amelia scoffs. “He’s playing you, and you fell for it. Do you really think Peter’s all about unity? Look at him, Maybell! He’s dark. I don’t care if there aren’t Eros inside him; he’s managed to change all on his own.”

  Peter’s fingers clamp around Amelia’s throat. “You are too outspoken for your own good, girl.”

  “Let her go,” I demand, p
ressing my feet against the bars to anchor myself before I pull with all my strength.

  A maniacal laugh launches out of my brother, but Brock is there in an instant. He takes Peter’s other hand and twists it up behind his back. Soon, my brother lets out a gasp of pain. He also releases Amelia, who rubs her neck with tentative fingers. She retreats a step. One more will put her in the guard’s embrace.

  I’ve got to get out of this makeshift prison. Not once in my existence have I been this helpless. The bars won’t budge, no matter how much pressure I use. Peter pushes Brock away and rushes to stand under my cage. “How does it feel, Seth? You left me in my prison for months while you worried about your charge. You let my worlds fester until I’m not sure I can reclaim them.” His features tighten with rage but cannot come close the dark tenor of his voice. “How does it feel?”

  With no other option, I reach into my pocket for Gregory’s weapon. My fingers search only to come up empty. When I look back at Peter, the pistol is pointed at my head. “Looking for this?”

  How did he activate it? How did he know it was a weapon? The answer lies in the workings of this world. He has to be in some kind of control here. He can’t be allowed to have Amelia. When I look her way, Maybell is still trying to explain why I am compromised with her as my recruit.

  Maybell isn’t tainted; she’s just plain dumb. All those hours alone with Peter when he was consumed by the Eros made their mark on her. She mentioned before how her people cannibalized each other, and I’m beginning to see what she meant.

  No matter how messed up she is right now, I’ve got to get her out of here. Until I uncover the source that’s keeping me from changing things, I’m useless. I send another intention to Seth’s cage to weaken the metal. All I give myself each time I try it is an instant. I’m hoping something will work. I lock myself off when I do it. At least, it’s what I hope I’m doing.


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