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George, Mary Lou - Prey (BookStrand Publishing Romance)

Page 14

by Mary Lou George

  Travis rubbed her back. “Don’t apologize. You’ve provided us with the only description we have so far.”

  Chase said, “My research turned up very little. In the New England states, nothing quite like these attacks has been reported in the last hundred years. There was a lot of X-Files sort of stuff but it was totally uncorroborated.” He shook his head ruefully. “And of course the ever popular Bigfoot sightings. My best guess is this thing is some sort of shape shifter.”

  Reggie disagreed. “I’m not sure you’re right, Poindexter. Constance said that shape shifters don’t morph into monsters. They can only assume the shape of a natural creature.”

  Sam took over from there. “The evil geeks over at Daniels Pharmaceuticals weren’t able to tell me anything solid. Yes, there have been experiments, and sometimes the results are positively gruesome. I won’t bother you with the details. If I did, even you wouldn’t eat for a week, Reg.” She ignored his jibe and licked barbeque sauce off her thumb. He said, “Dear old Dad of course shrugged it all off, but when I mentioned the possibility of some experiment going awry, I saw real fear in his reptilian eyes. I think he actually blinked. I’ve got a man inside as of yesterday. Evil geeks can be bought.”

  It was Jade’s turn. “Well I know for sure Dodger had nothing to do with the attacks. That dog is a gentle soul.” She looked around daring anyone to challenge her. “We can’t let them lay the blame at his paws.”

  Travis said, “Don’t worry, sweetheart. There is no way a dog could have done that to two full grown women in tandem. The kills were clean and quick. Too much blood was missing. That dog did not drink all that blood. It’s ridiculous to suggest otherwise and very easy for Sam to disprove.” He exchanged a look with Sam and continued, “We lifted a partial print off the bear trap. We’re running it, but so far there’s no match.”

  “Have you found any other traps when they searched?” Jade asked.

  Travis shook his head with relief. “Thankfully, no other traps were found.”

  Reggie said, “Don’t you think it’s just a little too coincidental that the trap was so near where the girls were murdered? What are the chances?”

  Travis nodded. “I’ve thought of that. They could very well be connected. I’m just not sure how.”

  “What about Ernestine? What’s she got to say about all of this?” Sam asked.

  Jade said, “I saw her last night at the school. She was watching the Christmas pageant dress rehearsal, but I didn’t ask her for any information. You know if she’s got information we should have, she’d tell us.”

  “You’re right of course, but just for the hell of it, I’m going to pay her a little visit tomorrow,” Travis said.

  “People in town are nervous. They’d like to believe Dodger is to blame.” Gillian shifted closer to Travis as she spoke. “The Old Families know that’s not the case and have been pestering Ernestine. I don’t think she’s going to be too acquiescent, Travis.”

  He shrugged. “When is she ever acquiescent?”

  * * * *

  Unsatisfied, it raced through the forest. The natural creatures didn’t dare cross its path. A trail of blood was left in its wake. The kill wasn’t enough tonight. It wanted more, needed more. The time was drawing near, it had to mate with its chosen one or lose the opportunity for another year. It wouldn’t survive a year of wanting. The self inflicted wounds were already so deep.

  Chapter 18

  Jade drove home in silence. Rags slept in the back seat. She checked her rearview mirror. Yup, they were still there. The headlights of Sam’s truck followed her at a discreet distance. She hadn’t asked him to do it. He did it on his own initiative. Jade rolled her eyes. Damn it, after Tammara and Erick, she couldn’t be mad at him. The sweet sight of those two beloved animals was the most glorious thing she’d ever seen. Jade blinked away the tears. It was hard to see through water, she’d learned that on the drive over to McCann House earlier.

  Jade gave up trying to be anything but happy. She was still too bemused over Sam’s extravagant surprise to be mad at him for following her home like a teenager. When she pulled up outside her house she stayed in her car. That would smoke him out.

  Sure enough, she didn’t have to wait long. After about ninety seconds Sam appeared at the driver’s side window. He bent and looked at her with concern. Jade opened the door, forcing him to take a step back.

  “Jade, what’s wrong?” He checked the back seat. Rags was sitting up and acted happy to see him.

  Leaning against the car, Jade said. “Nothing’s wrong. I just knew you were behind me, and I wanted to thank you again for Tamarra and Erick.” She shook her head, and the tears came again. “I don’t have the words to tell you what it means to me. I…I…”

  Sam stopped her words with his lips. She responded wholeheartedly figuring if she didn’t have technique, she sure had enthusiasm. Sam’s hand stroked the back of her neck and she shivered. He pulled back and said, “You’re cold. I should let you go.”

  The very thought brought Jade’s heart into her throat, and she pulled his head down and kissed him. This time she tried something new to her. Kissing him quick, she pulled back and looked him in the eye and sucked his bottom lip into her mouth. She liked how that felt so she applied her teeth ever so gently. Sam moaned, splayed one hand on her lower back and used the other to cup the back of her head. She wasn’t going anywhere.

  His tongue mated with hers then pulled back, teasing her, tempting her beyond sanity. Jade struggled to get closer to him but they wore too many clothes. She couldn’t get close enough. Sam solved the problem by unzipping his jacket then her own. He pulled her against him and Jade knew a heat, the like of which she’d never imagined existed. He warmed her from the inside, igniting a flame that grew in intensity with every touch.

  There was no denying it. He was aroused. Jade could feel it, and she loved how he groaned when she moved her hips against him boldly. Jade couldn’t believe she’d lived her life without knowing this kind of desire. God, this kiss alone made life worth living.

  Rags started to bark, and they pulled apart and looked dazedly at each other. Sam recovered first. He opened the door, and Rags jettisoned from the backseat. The dog started to bark furiously, running back and forth from the front door to Jade’s car and back again. It didn’t take an ability to talk to animals to know that Rags wanted them to get inside and quick.

  Sam took Jade’s elbow. “Come on, Jinx, I’m getting you inside.” He swept her away.

  Inside the house, he locked the door and stopped her from turning a light on. He moved to the front window and peered outside.

  “Jade, was Rags barking because he smelled something wrong or am I over reacting?”

  She stood close beside him and whispered. “He’s confused. There was something out there, but he’s not sure if it was the creature that committed the murders. It was different, and Rags didn’t want to take any chances.”

  Sam bent and patted Rags vigorously. “Good boy, Rags.”

  As usual, the dog soaked it in.

  Jade asked. “So what do we do now?”

  “I’m going to check it out.”

  Jade was horrified. “The hell you are! You’re not going out there alone. I’m coming with you.” She moved to the door.

  He moved in a blink of an eye and blocked her exit. “How ‘bout this? I call Travis and Chase.”

  She narrowed her eyes, wise to him. “Okay. But you don’t set foot outside this house until they get here.” She put her hand on his chest to punctuate her point.

  Reluctantly he nodded his head, but she still wasn’t moving. “Go on and call them.” She leaned against the door and crossed her arms. “I’ll wait.”

  Sam followed her instructions, mumbling to himself something about bossy women. Chase and Travis made it to Jade’s within fifteen minutes. As soon as they pulled up outside, Jade moved away from the door and let Sam out of the house. She followed him. He glared at her over his shoulder.

  She looked at him with mock innocence. “What?”

  He walked back to her and took her hand in his. Chase and Travis met them halfway, and Sam explained the situation. Travis put a call in to Deputy Brown, his right hand man. They searched the entire area in no time. They found nothing but some deer tracks.

  Jade felt foolish. “I’m sorry, you guys. I guess Rags was mistaken.”

  Chase hugged her close and lifted her off the ground. Jade didn’t struggle. He said, “You did the right thing.” He put her down and looked at Sam with a frown. “I guess it was a good thing you were here.”

  Sam nodded. “It was a very good thing I was here. I think she would have gone out and investigated herself had I not been here to stop her.”

  Jade looked at him incredulously. “I’m not the one who wanted to go charging out here alone.”

  Sam dismissed her with a teasing smile. “Details, details.”

  Travis walked over to their little group. “We’ve found nothing, Jade. It looks like a false alarm.”

  “Sorry, Travis.”

  “Are you kidding? You did the right thing and don’t hesitate to do it again if necessary. I guess I should get back to Gillian. She’ll be frantic by now.” He hugged Jade swiftly, lifting her off the ground for a fraction of a second. “Come on, guys. It’s all safe here.”

  They waited for Jade to go back inside her house, and they left one by one. She sighed as Sam drove off just before Chase did.

  “Rags,” she said, “I appreciate the vigilance, but your timing needs a little work.”

  Jade got ready for bed. Looking through her collection of nighties she frowned. It was a little too cool for most of them alone, but some had matching robes. She selected a red one in honor of the season. It was a good choice. Yes, it was sexy and there wasn’t too much to it, but it came with a lined robe and that’s what tipped the scales.

  Slipping between the sheets Jade pulled the covers up and over her shoulder to her ear. She closed her eyes. She’d always had a pretty clear conscience so sleep wasn’t usually a problem for her. It was this night however, and it wasn’t from fear of the creature stalking New Crescent’s citizens. It was Sam and their mind-shattering kiss.

  She tossed and turned. She tried counting sheep but bored and neglected, the wooly little darlings slipped away in her mind while she mooned over Sam.

  It was 12:30 am when she finally gave up. Her chest was so tight she thought it might implode. Her roommates didn’t understand her distress. When they wanted something they asked for it in their own unique way. They couldn’t understand why she didn’t do the same. They encouraged her to end her misery. Did they have a point? The seed of a daring thought gestated in her fertile mind. With heart pounding and hands shaking, she grabbed a long warm coat from the front closet.

  * * * *

  Sam’s house was in darkness. She almost lost her nerve and turned around. She’d started to back up when she caught sight of a small light in one of the upstairs windows. Jade put the car in park. A reading lamp, Sam was still awake. She took a deep breath and turned off the ignition. She looked at Rags who sat watching her calmly from the back seat. He couldn’t understand her nervousness, but he offered his support anyway. When she opened the car door for him he jumped out and walked directly to Sam’s front door.

  Jade was terrified. She gained new respect for her thirteen year old self. She sure as hell had courage back then. Did the adult Jade have the same? Maybe. She got out of the car. There was a bright moon in the sky. She needed no other illumination to navigate the path to the door.

  She wasn’t sure how long she hesitated, her finger an inch from the door bell. Rags whined, and Jade took the plunge. Just as her finger pressed the button, the door swung open. He must have heard her pull up. Sam stood there astonished.

  Holding up a slim hand, she silenced him. She took a deep breath and spoke her mind.

  “I’m sick of being treated as Chase’s little glass sister. I am an adult and have been for years. You don’t live with a man like my father and not get savvy. I’ve got a mind of my own, and if you’ve got something to teach me then I want to learn.” She could see his pupils dilate, and she knew she had him. Her gaze dipped lower. “I want you. You want me…your pants tell me that. So what’s the problem? Let’s worry about the rest later.” Still, he stayed silent. She could see the inner battle he waged and added reinforcement to what she knew would be the winning side. “You question why I’m coming to you now at this particular time. You think it might be gratitude for Tammar and Erick but, does it really matter? Should it?”

  His eyes practically dined on her. Finally he said in an anguished voice, “Damn you, Jade, what do you think I’m made of?”

  “I’m not sure. Why don’t you show me?” She had him, and she knew it. The power that knowledge gave her was seductive but couldn’t hold a candle to the fire her need for him had ignited. She waited.

  Roughly he grabbed her upper arms and pulled her in the house. She lost her balance, but he was there to break her fall. With both arms, he hauled body against his. Jade was right. His pants spoke volumes. He slammed the door with his foot, and Jade giggled.

  Against her lips he said, “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to do.”

  She grabbed a handful of his hair, her nails grazed his scalp and he moaned. Jade said, “Well then, what are you waiting for? Take me to bed.”

  He smiled. “Don’t rush me, Jinx. We have all night.” He kissed her like he’d been waiting to do just that for a life time. Jade was breathless and weak. He stripped her winter coat off and Jade heard the little sound of pleasure her night wear inspired in him. Sam put his hands on her butt and dragged her up his hard body. She wrapped her legs around his waist and used her thigh muscles to great effect.

  He moaned between kisses. “Ok so maybe I’ll just take you to bed now.” With Jade wrapped around him, he climbed the stairs and walked to his bedroom. The reading light was still on but neither bothered to notice, they had better things to do.

  Sam sat on the side of the bed with Jade still straddling him. It felt so good. Jade squeezed him again using the strength in her thighs to move her hips up in a circular motion then down with the same motion.

  His hands were magic, instinctively knowing when to be rough and when to be gentle. She had no idea of how he knew, she was just grateful he did. He drove her beyond endurance then eased back and looked at her. She blinked at him and gloried in the desire that showed on his face.

  Without thinking she said hoarsely, “I put that there.”

  He questioned her with a look and she said, “Never mind. Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

  He laughed. “Thank God, I thought for a second you wanted me to stop. I knew I’d have to walk through the window in order to stop, but I would have done it, Jinx.”

  She shook her head, “I like you right where you are right now.” He moved his hand, and she threw her head back and moaned.

  His lips covered every inch of her body, pausing at particularly juicy spots. Jade cried out a release more than once. Finally, she could take no more of his teasing and she rolled on top of him and took him inside with one sure movement. They were perfectly still, savoring the moment, then Sam flipped her beneath him and carved out a part of the world that was theirs and theirs alone.

  Chapter 19

  Jade thought, ‘So that’s what all the fuss is about. Wow!” But to Sam she said nothing. Her body did the talking for her. He pulled her to his side, and she rested her head on his chest. She could still feel residual waves of pleasure and moved her body sensually against his, glorying in the differences in their bodies. How could their bodies be so different yet fit together so perfectly? Damn, but that Mother Nature sure knew what she was doing.

  He moaned as she moved again. It surprised them both when his body responded to hers so quickly and so surely. It was unmistakable and not something Jade was prepared to ignore. This time, she introduced h
er mouth and lips to his body. Sam didn’t give her free rein for long though before he took her, hard and fast. She loved it. Out of breath they shared the silent aftermath.

  He held her as close as he could without actually being inside her. He smoothed her hair and kissed her head. “Sleep now, Jinx. It’s late.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Jade woke to the sound of Sam’s shower. She glanced at the clock by his bed. It was late! Naked, she rushed around the room gathering up her clothes.

  Sam caught her. “Now that’s what I like to see in the morning. A woman in such a hurry to get away that she forgets things.” Her nightie dangled from his finger. She didn’t say anything as he approached her. He pulled on the knot she’d hastily tied in the belt of her robe. Still neither of them said a word. He opened the robe and looked at what was beneath. Sam’s eyes traveled from her green gaze down the entire length of her body.

  In retaliation, Jade stuck a finger between his towel and the hard muscled bumps on his abdomen. His towel joined her robe on the floor. For them, this was all the foreplay they needed. Sam pushed her up against the wall. He put a hand on either side of her head as she looked up at him. He took her mouth with his and they started all over again.

  Sam was late for work that day, but Jade was really late. The boss didn’t seem to mind.

  * * * *

  She didn’t see much of him the next day at the clinic. A part of her was almost relieved. She flushed crimson every time she thought of the night they’d spent together. She was red faced for most of the day.

  The animals knew of course. They could smell it on her. More knowledgeable than humans regarding nature and how it worked, the animals accepted it without fuss. In fact, they thought it was about time. The attraction between Sam and Jade had been palpable. With their strong senses it was impossible for the animals in the clinic to miss it.


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