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Inked Chaos

Page 10

by Grace, M. J.

  “Oh, you mean ‘cool down’. I say smiling, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

  With a burst of laughter, he places his hands on my shoulders, turns me around and gives me a gentle push towards the door.

  “Go get changed, you minx. I’ll have breakfast waiting when you get back.”

  Chuckling to myself, with a quick smile over my shoulder, I head towards my room to change.


  Dressed in my chocolate brown bikini I take a moment to view myself in the mirror. Now that I have a golden tan, I have to admit I don’t look too bad.

  As I’m tying my hair up in a messy bun, so it won’t get wet in the pool, my phone rings on the bedside cabinet. Looking at the caller ID I see its Jen calling. Guilt overcomes me, as I haven’t spoken to, or seen her in the last couple of days, having spent all my time with AJ.

  “Hi honey.” I say apprehensively taking the call.

  “Ah, she lives.” Jen laughs down the phone.

  “I know, I know I’m sorry, but developments have happened and time has just flown by. Please I feel guilty enough.” I plead.

  “It’s okay sweetie. I’ve heard all about the ‘developments’ and now I’ve seen evidence with my own eyes.”

  “I take it you’ve seen the press then?” I groan rubbing my frowning forehead with my fingers. I feel awful that she has found out about AJ and I via the press, and not from me personally.

  “Yep.” She says, popping the p. “I’ve also had a running commentary from Razor.” She reveals.

  “Razor? How does Razor know about it?”

  “AJ. They have been texting, but when I say a running commentary, all I know is that you’ve been on dates, and that it all seems good, but then of course I saw the press releases today. Have to say honey, you look stunning and very happy in those shots.”

  “I’ve only just seen them. I swear those pap’s are sneaky critters. I never once saw a camera, and I look happy because I am honey. He makes me laugh constantly. He’s caring, and affectionate, and considerate. I’m on such a high, I’m going to land down hard tomorrow when I have to leave.”

  “You could always come on tour. I’m going for the first couple of weeks. We could spend our time shopping and hanging out.” She suggests.

  “No, I can’t. I have some meetings with the publisher and my agent and besides, he hasn’t asked me. No way can I just invite myself along. It’s only going to be for a few weeks; I’ll see him in London, and after the tour he wants me to come back to LA.”

  “Point taken. So I guess you’re spending today with AJ. I’ll pop round in the morning and say bye. You can give me a quick fill in on all the juicy details then. I take it AJ is taking you to the airport.”

  “Nothing to tell other than what you’ve seen in the press, and I’m not sure about the airport yet. AJ hasn’t mentioned anything.”

  “Nothing to tell! Are you kidding me?” she splutters.

  “No Jen, nothing to tell. We’ve been out, we’ve had fun. We’ve kissed and that is it.” I reiterate.

  “So you’re telling me, that you and the awesome AJ Lewis, haven’t done the horizontal tango.” She replies.

  “Horizontal tango! Oh my God Jen, how old are you?” I say laughing. “And no, we haven’t. In fact, he’s the one who keeps calling a halt if things become too hot, saying he wants to take it slow. So I repeat, there is nothing to tell.” I laugh.

  “Well! Well! I’m gobsmacked.” She splutters. “Who’d have thought it of him? Well fair play to the guy. He said he would handle you with care, and I guess he wasn’t lying.”

  “He said he would handle me with care?” I whisper.

  “Yeah, when we had that talk after the party. I guess he really meant it honey.” She said wistfully.

  “I’ve got to go hon’, he’s waiting for me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Okay, enjoy you’re day. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.” She teases.

  “As if!” I laugh, as I end the call.

  I think about what Jen said about AJ handling me with care. That’s obviously why he’s decided to take things slow. Again he shows his caring, sensitive side, and once more I can’t believe how my luck seems to have changed.

  Grabbing a towel, I head down to the pool, and the guy that seems to be slowly but surely working his way into my heart.


  It’s been three weeks. Three very long weeks since I last saw AJ, but that will end shortly, when I finally arrive in London after this seemingly endless train journey.

  We have done everything possible to keep in touch. Phone calls, texting, emails…..but the separation for me has been a hard one.

  Over the weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to reminisce over the last day we spent together. I had arrived at the pool, to find AJ sitting at the patio table in his swimming shorts, looking sexy as hell as usual. The table laden with a selection of edible goodies laid out for breakfast.

  “Hi.” I’d smiled throwing my towel over a chair. “Sorry I was so long, Jen rang; she’s popping over in the morning before I leave is that okay?” I’d asked, watching as AJ stood and walked over to me, a smile on his face.

  I’d tilted my head back to look at him as he reached me, and he’d taken advantage, giving me a quick kiss, placing his arms around me, pulling me to him in a tight embrace.

  “As long as I have you to myself today, I don’t care.” He’d replied as he’d dropped his head for another kiss.

  I’d wrapped my arms around his hard well-toned body, conscious of the fact, that it was my first time seeing him shirtless in the flesh, and oh my, what a sight to behold.

  My own bare skin touched his, sending my nerve endings into disarray, and taking my breath away. His hands gently roamed over the skin of my back, one coming to rest at the back of my head, the other at the base of my spine holding my body close to his own.

  Boy can he kiss. I’ve obviously had my fair share of kisses, but they must have been off frogs, because in my arms was the prince of all kissers. He knows what he’s doing and how to do it.

  My heart pounding loudly, my body moved without my conscious permission, as I’d raised myself onto my tiptoes, in an effort to be as close to him as I feasibly could.

  With a groan deep in his throat, AJ pulled me to him even tighter than I thought possible, tilted his head and deepened the kiss, his tongue tasting and tempting my own. Showing me no mercy in his assault of my senses, he held me captive as he took all he could, making me respond in kind, and surrender everything I have to him. Everything except him melted away, until all I was aware of and sensed was AJ. I was totally oblivious to everything but him.

  Wrenching his mouth away from my own, hearing his laboured breathing as I’d opened my eyes, I’d tried to focus and pull my head out of the haze I found myself in. My body teetering, as I’d tried to regain my balance.

  “God girl you’re going to be the death of me.” He’d muttered.

  “AJ?” I’d groaned. Why did he stop? Again.

  “Can’t do it babe.” He’d said, running a thumb over my cheek bone “Can’t have a taste of you, only to not see you for weeks. I’m going to need time to have my fill of you.”

  Once again, he’d been honest and straight forward.

  Resting my head on his shoulder, my arms holding him tightly, I’d tried to catch my breath, and bring my own body under control.

  I’d thought, maybe it was because it had been so long since I’d had sex, but I know it wasn’t. Never had I felt like that, with any of the other men I have dated in the past. Never before, had my body become so aroused so quickly. Not even with James, and I’d supposedly been in love with him. No, it was my response to AJ. He has a power over me, like no other man I have known. Even those few words, made my body tingle in anticipation of what we would have together. My nipples already highly sensitive, becoming almost unbearable.

  Moving a fraction away from me, AJ had brushed the hair which had come loose from th
e bun away from my face, and placed a swift kiss on my lips.

  “Birdie, do you understand? I’m only so strong babe.” He’d whispered against my mouth. “When the time comes it will be special, but even more so for the wait.”

  Nodding my head, I’d squeezed him with my arms, before moving away and walking over to the table on unsteady legs, to pour myself a glass of orange juice with shaking fingers.

  Turning to face him, peeking over the top of my glass, I’d seen that he hadn’t moved; standing where I’d left him, his hands on his hips, his eyes downward to his feet, an almost dejected stance about him.

  Suddenly lifting his head, our eyes had met, resulting in my breath rushing from my body at the sight of the lust in his eyes. I was rooted to the spot, as his eyes seemed to pierce through my skin to the very core of my being, heightening my arousal beyond imagination.

  Breaking eye contact to look towards the house, while biting his bottom lip. He then appeared to come to a decision, and strode purposely towards me, his eyes maintaining contact with mine, until he’d stood close, taking the glass from my hand and placing it on the table.

  “I’m defeated Birdie. I surrender.” He’d declared in a whisper, as he’d lowered his head, his lips meeting mine in an all-consuming, assault of a kiss. His strong arms surrounding me, pulling me close to his body, enabling me to feel his arousal as it pressed against me.

  My own arms reached around his neck, one hand finding its way into his hair, clasping and forcing his head down towards my own; deepening the kiss, as he took all he wanted and I’d surrendered to him, totally, taking my fill in return. My breasts and nipples swollen, and aching so much, the sensation almost unbearable as they’d brushed against his chest, making me groan and rendering me breathless.

  “Are you with me Birdie?” He’d whispered against my lips, gazing into my eyes.

  I knew what he was asking. Was I ready to take the final step to where we were heading? Slowly nodding my head, I had given him his answer. I had never been surer of anything in my life. He had demolished my defensive wall into smithereens, surrounding me with his own kind of protection. A protection of love, consideration and care. Taking my hand, he’d strode purposefully towards and into the house, and straight up the stairs.

  “Millie?” I’d questioned, jogging to keep up with him. The last thing I wanted was for the housekeeper to walk in on us.

  “Day off.” Was his terse reply, as he came to a stop outside his bedroom door. “Are you sure?” he’d asked. I gave a brief nod and smiled shyly at him as opening the door, I had walked past him into his room.

  Looking around I had expected a more masculine room, but it was tastefully decorated in shades of grey and pale blue. Contemporary and modern, but with a hint of traditional too.

  My thoughts were broken, when AJ placed his arms around me from behind, kissing the crevice of my neck where it meets my shoulder.

  “Thought I was stronger babe, but I don’t want to be anymore.” He’d admitted on a whisper.

  Turning around, I’d placed my hands on either side of his face, and guided his mouth to my own, taking the initiative, letting him know that no more words were necessary. It didn’t take long before he took over the kiss; devouring my mouth like a starved man, whilst slowly walking me backwards, until the backs of my knees hit the bed and we fell, with him landing on top of me.

  My breath hitched, with every nerve in my body, coming alive with the sense of AJ, who seemed to read my body like a book. Sliding one hand slowly down my side until it reached my ass, he’d caressed the cheek, before pulling my body closer to his own, until I could feel his own arousal. His other hand caressing the side of my face, as he’d took his fill of my mouth, kissing me long and deep.

  Pushing at his shoulders, whilst using my feet for leverage I’d pressed him over onto his back; straddling him as he’d sat up curling his arms around me.

  Keeping his one hand on my back, his other resting just beneath my breast, he’d swept his thumb over my nipple, causing me to catch my breath, whilst arching my back; forcing my breast into his hand, my body unconsciously searching for more.

  His lips leaving my own, began to travel downward, covering my body with tender kisses, before arriving at my breast; which he’d proceeded to expose by pulling down my bikini top, before taking my nipple into his mouth.

  I couldn’t help but moan out loud, as he’d licked my nipple then sucked it deep into his mouth. Clasping his head to my chest as he feasted, I’d thrown my own head back as the sensations overtook me; as with both hands on my breasts, he took his fill; alternately licking and sucking, giving each breast equal amount of attention.

  Feeling his hard arousal between my legs, of its own volition, my body commenced grinding down onto his lap; trying to get closer, as reaching behind me, I’d unfastened my bikini top and threw it aside.

  Groaning, AJ lay down and rotated us until I was lying on my back with him at my side, and I’d watched as his eyes roamed down over my body.

  “Beautiful.” He’d murmured as his hands traced the path his eyes had taken, until coming to rest on my bikini bottoms. Bringing his gaze back to mine, he’d stilled his hands, waiting with an unspoken question of agreement; which I’d given by elevating my ass off the bed, enabling him to pull them down, and discard them.

  For several seconds he lay there, his eyes sparkling with lust, taking in their fill. Until finally, a hand resting on my hip, he’d kissed me; his tongue exploring every part of my mouth, once again heightening my senses.

  My pulse had quickened, as his hand lightly travelled lower over my body and down the tops of my thighs, before coming to rest at the juncture of my legs. I didn’t know how much more I could take. My body wound so tight with anticipation; feeling the wetness between my thighs, as his hand found the spot he was searching for.

  So sensitive with want, I couldn’t help but moan, my body craving more as he’d slipped first one finger inside me, moving it in and out, shortly followed by another.

  “Oh God baby.” He’d groaned as once more he took my mouth.

  I was lost; out of control like I had never been before. Wanting to feel him, all of him, I slid my hands underneath the waistband of his trunks, slowly pushing them downwards, until I could reach no further, and he had kicked them off.

  My captivated eyes had taken in all that was AJ. Beautiful, totally and utterly beautiful.

  I’d reached down touching him, and on hearing his sharp intake of breath, began stroking my hand up and down, sliding my thumb over the head of him, feeling the wetness of his arousal.

  AJ leant backwards away from me, causing me to momentarily release my hold on him, as he’d reached behind him to the bedside cabinet, and from the drawer removed a condom. I’d heard the crinkle of paper as he opened the packet, and watched as he rolled it on, before rolling back and over me, resting his legs between my own.

  Holding my hands down on either side of my head, fingers entwined, he’d teased my mouth by biting my bottom lip, then sucking it, before thrusting his tongue inside; simultaneously moving his hips towards my own, just enough to tempt and tease my hips to rise towards his; as wrapping my legs around his back, I’d drawn his body firmly towards my own.

  Raising his head, I was spellbound by his piercing blue gaze as he thrust inside me, knocking the breath from my body. Heavenly, is the only word to describe the feeling that washed over me. He filled me up, making me feel whole; two halves of the same being, brought together as one.

  Remaining rooted in that position momentarily, he’d then slid out and again thrust deep inside, harder and faster, as raising myself up as high as I could, I’d strained to meet and match each thrust; offering my total submission, as my own needs took over; losing myself in each thrust and sensation that was all consuming. Reaching for that ultimate goal of release.

  “Birdie.” He’d murmured. And it’s like my body responded to his call, as I’d instantaneously fell over the edge into oblivion
, and came harder than I ever have before.

  Slowly coming down, I’d opened my eyes, and found AJ staring into my own as he’d increased his pace, still holding my hands.

  Wanting so much to touch him, I’d whispered against his lips.

  “Let me go baby.”

  As he released my hands, I’d brought them up to his face, and pulled his mouth down to my own, just as he’d planted himself deep and groaned his release into my mouth.

  I was undone. The last brick in my wall had been smashed. AJ had full possession of my heart, and my soul and now my body, and knowing that, I’d kissed him hungrily trying to convey all I was feeling.

  Wrapping his arms around me and pulling me tight into his body, AJ had moved it up another level, like he was answering my unspoken message with his own, and I dared to hope that he was experiencing the same emotions as I; that what we just shared was something special.

  He’d lifted his head, kissed the tip of my nose and smiled at me.

  “Wow.” He’d declared as his smile became a full out grin.

  “Wow indeed.” I’d returned, finding myself mirroring his expression.

  Shifting to his side, he’d discarded the condom. Then manoeuvring me so I was facing him, with my head resting on his shoulder, he’d wrapped one arm around me, whilst brushing my hair away from my face with the other.

  “You okay?” he’d questioned. His eyes searching my face.

  “Just dandy!” was my reply as I’d wrapped my arms around him tightly. Everything seemed so surreal. There I was lying in AJ Lewis’ bed; totally exhausted, after just having the most amazing sex I had ever experienced. Me! Jorgi Morgan! How the hell did that happen?

  “Tired?” he’d asked as he was stroking his hand down over my


  “Mmm” I’d murmured as I snuggled closer, my eyes closing.

  “Then sleep baby.” He’d whispered.

  Feeling tired, but also safe and protected, and totally sated, without a second thought I’d dropped off to sleep, wrapped in AJs arms.


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