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Inked Chaos

Page 16

by Grace, M. J.

  “But I left to clear my head. I wasn’t leaving him.” I exclaim.

  “Sweetie, do you not understand that now your relationship is out in the open, you may be recognised. Fans sometimes don’t appreciate how overpowering they can be. They may only want an autograph or a picture, but if you have too many of them at once, surrounding you, you could get hurt. Remember how it’s been when you have been with AJ. You have witnessed it first-hand.”

  “But that’s because they are after AJ not me. I’m not expecting to be confronted with that sort of mayhem. I’m just me.”

  “You are now part of his world, just as I am in Razors. Fans will want a piece of you too. I won’t go into the possibility of crazy people kidnapping you. Don’t forget AJ is a very wealthy man. The security are there because they have to be. Think about it.”

  She’s right. I have never thought of that perspective on the situation before. I had to some extent been irresponsible. From now on I assure Jen I’ll be more aware.

  Whilst telling me she was relieved that I was okay, we are interrupted by Tiny waiting to escort us to our seats. Standing up, I walk over to the doorway where he is waiting, and place my hand on his arm, stopping directly in front of him.

  “I truly am sorry I caused so much worry Tiny. I didn’t understand the ramifications. It won’t happen again.”

  On impulse, I wrap my arms around his vast body, and rest my cheek on his chest, feeling his hesitation before he places his arms around me and returns my hug. All very briefly but he does it. I smile at him, as we turn and head towards the same seats we sat in the night before.

  The concert goes like a storm, the only difference being that AJ doesn’t sing his solo to me. Leaving me hoping that it was just because we had already had our moment, and nothing more.

  All too quickly the concert is over, and we are back in our hotel room. It feels strained on entering the room, but within minutes I am in AJ’s arms. We order room service and after eating, head to bed. AJ’s love making takes on a new quality. The way he softly runs his fingers over my body, I feel cherished, adored. This was making love in the truest sense of the word.

  Afterwards, we lie contentedly in each other’s arms. I don’t want to fall asleep. In the morning once again we are going our separate ways. AJ to finish the tour, me to prepare for my book release. So we talk and talk, making our arrangements to meet up in LA in two weeks’ time. Trying to hold back the time when we have to say goodbye.


  Sitting out in my garden, watching the sun go down and listening to the birds chirping away, I sigh contentedly. The last three weeks have gone well. I’ve managed to achieve a good start on my next book, and AJ and I have spoken every day, sometimes two or three times, and I feared for his phone bill.

  The only fly in the ointment, was that my agent had called to say my book had been released early, and apparently was attracting some attention. In fact a lot of attention. Don’t misunderstand me, this is wonderful news. The only problem is, it meant I had to postpone my flight to LA, due to some television interviews being arranged, not to mention a book signing.

  To say I was shocked was putting it mildly. I’m an unknown author just published, but when I made this point, my agent had said and I quote “But you’re not unknown honey. You’re AJ Lewis’ girlfriend.” This I have to say, did not go down well. I want my book to be a success because it’s good, not because of my association with AJ. I got my point across, and she said she understood, but unfortunately things couldn’t be cancelled and “didn’t I understand this was going to have my books flying off the shelves.”

  I didn’t look forward to telling AJ the news, who, it has to be said, took it well; although I could tell he was disappointed, but the worst was telling Jen. This blew all our wedding arrangements out of the window.

  “It will be okay, Boo, I will just move the appointments to the week after.”

  “But it will leave just three weeks before the wedding.” I said panicking.

  “It will be fine. It’s not an impossible task honey, honestly.”

  I had offered to pull out of the wedding party, to which her response is truly unrepeatable.

  Feeling such guilt, I vowed to be on a flight the following week, come hell or high water.

  My thoughts pass over the last three weeks since AJ and I parted. The morning after the concert, he had woken me up AJ style, taking me to heights I had only known with him. Then we had eaten breakfast in bed before dressing and gathering our belongings. We had parted company at the hotel; AJ for Heathrow airport, me to the train station.

  My journey had been uneventful, which just made me surer than ever, that AJ and everyone’s panic about security was unfounded.

  The first of the interviews a few days later, had been on a lunchtime chat show. I had been so nervous I could feel myself shaking. Everyone had been supportive, including Davy, who had travelled with me for encouragement; and AJ and Jen had both been calling and texting me all day long.

  I had been briefed by my agent on how to handle the interview. Apparently they had been informed that no questions regarding AJ and our relationship were to be asked; that the interview was purely about the book. I found this a great relief, and felt myself relax a little, knowing that I wouldn’t have to fend off intrusive questions.

  How wrong was I? The interview had started well, but it had soon become uncomfortable for me. The interviewer totally broke the brief, asking me if I anticipated my book doing well because of my association with my “famous boyfriend.” Oh, she was cute, she never mentioned AJ by name, but the veiled references and questions left no one in doubt about who she was talking about.

  Those ten minutes seemed like hours, and at the end of them, I felt like I had been put through the wringer.

  To say AJ was not pleased when I reported the outcome to him, was an understatement, saying he “would get his people onto it.” What that meant I didn’t know, and I didn’t want to. I just wanted to put the whole experience behind me and move onto the next.

  My book signing went well. Don’t misunderstand me, there wasn’t hundreds of people there, but it wasn’t a bad showing either. There were no awkward questions, and I have to say I really enjoyed meeting people, and it helped that I wasn’t the only author there, but one of many.

  My second interview had been a wonderful experience. The total opposite of the previous one. The host had been funny and kind, and although my relationship with AJ had been casually mentioned it was done in a way that no offence could be taken. When I pointed out the total difference in techniques to my agent, she informed me that AJ’s team had been on the case. When I queried what she meant by team, she clarified that lawyers were part of AJs team. This at first shocked me that he could and would, arrange this protection from LA; but I was pleased that he had done so. To which I told him so, the first chance I could.

  I’d also celebrated a birthday. Davy had come to visit, staying over for a girlie night and we had reminisced, recalling all that had happened in the last year since Davy had given me my ticket to the concert.

  And so tomorrow I fly out to LA. My agent has said she is going to try to arrange some interviews and signings for me while I am out there.

  “Utilise the market while we can,” she said laughing. I did explain that I am going to be busy with Jen and the wedding, but I fear it fell on deaf ears.

  With a wry smile on my face, I head upstairs to bed, and just before I switch out the light, I look at my phone and re-read the last message from AJ.

  “Nite Gorgeous C U 2moz.”

  And with a happy smile I turn out the light and settle for the night.


  As usual, I exit the plane several hours’ later feeling frazzled. The fact that we had encountered quite a bit of turbulence, not helping my flight phobia one little bit, and I am on the point of vowing never to fly again.

  With the routine of going through customs, and then gathering my luggage, seeming
ly more tedious than usual. By the time I walk through, towards where I expect Tiny to be waiting with the car, my nerves are stretched to breaking point.

  Heading towards the exit, I halt at the sound of my name being called. On turning, I observe an airport official and a guard walking towards me, with quite frankly, serious expressions on their faces. Feeling apprehensive, I wait for them to reach me before speaking.

  “Yes, can I help you gentleman?”

  “Would you accompany us, please miss. We need to speak with you privately.”

  “Can you tell me what this is about first?” I enquire.

  “Please Miss Morgan, come this way.” The official requests, gesturing with his arm outstretched.

  Obviously having no choice but to go with them, I turn in the direction they gesture and follow them, dragging my luggage behind me. Doing this, while my brain works overtime on what the hell is going on. I’ve been through customs, so I know I have absolutely nothing to worry about in that department. So my brain starts working overtime, as I worry that something has happened to AJ, Jen or even Tiny.

  After walking quickly through the concourse, we pass through a door that says “Staff Only”, and then proceed down a long corridor, which having no windows, seems to be endless, before stopping outside a door.

  “If you’ll wait in here, please Miss?” the official says opening the door and standing to the side so that I can enter, then closing the door behind me.

  On entering I had been looking at the official, but on turning to face the room, without thought and with total abandon I find myself running, for there standing in front of me is AJ, arms folded and legs apart, wearing a stupid grin. A stance that he quickly has to change with the incoming of my body, which I launch as I get nearer. Fair play to the guy he catches me, only going back on one foot before regaining his balance.

  “Hi babe.” I smile, my face close to his, my arms around his shoulders and my legs wrapped around his hips.

  “Hi.” He whispers before dipping his head and kissing me. Letting go of my legs so that I can stand, his arms go around my back pulling me tight to his body, holding me in place while he takes what he wants, and I give in return.

  Taking his lips from mine, he slides his hand up to cup the side of my face as I hear his heavy breathing equalling my own.

  “Damn, I missed you Birdie.” He states.

  Smiling, I reply that I missed him too, I also inform him that I had been worried to death, by being accosted by the airport official and guard.

  “It was unfortunately necessary babe. I wanted just for once to meet you from the airport, but I couldn’t risk the mayhem. So pleaded with them to help me out.”

  “I forgive you.” I laugh. Lets’ face it, who wouldn’t? It was worth five minutes of unease to walk into this room, and find him waiting for me.

  A knock on the door announces the guard, who on hearing AJ shout “come in” enters and asks if we are ready to be escorted out of the building.

  Grabbing hold of my hand AJ moves us towards the doorway. I reach for my luggage, only to be told that it would be collected shortly and delivered to AJs. So leaving it in the room, AJ and I follow the guard down the corridor, in the opposite direction from which I had walked earlier, before stopping at a doorway highlighted “exit”. The guard looks at AJ, and receiving an affirmative nod of the head opens the door, and I see Wade and Tiny and another man waiting outside next to AJs McLaren, with two Range Rovers parked behind. AJ and I climb into his McLaren, whilst Tiny and Wade climb into the car behind, and it seems the other guy is going to collect my luggage and follow later.

  Thanking the guard for his help through the open window, AJ turns towards me, visually checks that I have buckled up and hits the accelerator, zooming off towards the freeway.

  It doesn’t take long before we have left LA behind us, and we are climbing the hills towards AJs house. No words have passed between us, but it’s a comfortable silence. A silence full of sexual tension, where AJ holds my hand as much as he can. A silence where we smile at each other, happy that finally, we are back in each other’s company. A silence where no words are needed, because we know that as soon as we arrive home, we have all the time in the world, to talk, catch up and well, for other things.

  Pulling up in front of the gates, and watching as they swing open, I feel myself smile. I am so happy to be back. It feels like coming home. A home I share with AJ.

  AJ stops the car in front of the garages and jumps out, and being the gentleman that he is, walks around to help me out of the car, before we walk hand in hand into the house.

  On reaching the entrance hall AJ stops, and turning to me enquires, “Do you want a drink?”

  “No thanks.” I reply

  “Do you want anything to eat?”

  “No thanks.” I repeat.

  “You’re not hungry?”

  “I didn’t say that.” I reply as I let go of his hand and with a smile in his direction, I start to climb the stairs, leaving him in no doubt whatsoever what I am hungry for. It doesn’t take more than a few seconds for him to smile and start to follow me, but not before I see the heat spark in his eyes as he understands my meaning.

  “I find I’m quite hungry too.” He quips, and once again takes my hand, and I almost have to run up the stairs to keep up with him.

  On reaching his room, as he opens the door, I am already attempting to pull his T-shirt up over his head, as he is pulling up mine, shuffling me backwards towards the bed.

  Feeling the bed hit the back of my knees I fall backwards, with AJ following me down.

  Holding his face between my hands I start to guide his lips towards my own, only for AJ to stop, just as our lips are so close, barely touching.

  “Welcome home Babe.” He whispers, his lips brushing my own, his eyes dark staring into mine, before lowering his head those vital few millimetres to kiss me, so slowly and tenderly, leaving me in no doubt to his feelings. A kiss that didn’t take long to make me catch fire, so much so, that within moments we are both naked, and he is running his hands softly over my body. His mouth following every inch his hands caress, tenderly leaving butterfly kisses; as if he is trying to memorise every inch of my body with his hands, and his lips. Gently bringing me to the height of sensation; commanding my body to dance to the tune that his hands and lips are creating.

  Arching my back off the bed, I subconsciously offer myself to him, as he places an arm around my back and I find myself sitting in his lap, my legs wrapped around his hips, as he drives his hips upwards, pulling my hips downwards at the same time, impaling me, filling me to the hilt, and taking my breath away.

  Adjusting my legs so that I am resting on my knees, I cling onto his shoulders as I start to move, rising and falling, grinding down in total abandon, reaching for the ultimate release, with my mouth a breath away from his own.

  Feeling it building, I start to switch up the pace, but AJ takes over, and I find myself hauled onto my back, with AJ pounding deep, and I explode into a thousand pieces as my orgasm hits. With AJ reaching his own release moments later.

  AJ lies beside me, and with his arm around my waist, he gently pulls me backwards into his lap, spooning me. His arms encircling me as I place my own on top of his, linking our hands.

  As I lie catching my breath, AJ lovingly kisses my back and then buries his face into the back of my neck, pulling his arms even tighter around me.

  “Missed you honey.” He whispers into my neck.

  “Ditto babes.” I reply breathlessly, turning my head to kiss his jaw, before AJ bends down and touches his lips to my own. Then moving away he sits with his back to the headboard, where he watches, as with a smile I move away and head to the bathroom.

  Peering into the mirror, it’s plain to see that I’ve just had the most amazing sex. It’s written all over my face, and I adore it. I adore the fact that I feel safe and loved, and I relish the fact that I totally trust AJ with my heart. Smiling at myself in the mirror, I head bac
k into the bedroom, and as AJ sees me, he heads towards the bathroom.

  Jumping into bed, I pull the covers over myself and wait for him.

  I watch as he strolls out of the bathroom naked. God, he takes my breath away. He truly is a beautiful man from top to toe. There’s not an inch of fat, his body toned and hard, with his tattoos showing his muscles off to perfection. With his dark hair shining, and his stunning blue eyes, edged with the longest lashes I have ever seen on a man. Just a smidgen of chest hair, lean hips and strong legs. Yep, he’s the total package, and I smile to myself knowing that he is mine.

  Noticing my smile, AJ raises a quizzical eyebrow as he climbs into bed and pulls me into his arms.

  “You seem pleased with yourself.” He laughs as I snuggle close and rest my head on his shoulder.

  “Oh, I am.” I smile. “I’m just so pleased with myself for having a really sexy man.”

  Feeling his body shake, I glance at him to find he is silently laughing.

  “You’re good for my ego.” He laughs.

  “Seriously? Do you not know how hot you are?”

  “It’s all hype Birdie, I’m just me.”

  “But you’re a hot you.” I retort.

  “Okay, I’m a hot me.” He replies, laughing.

  “I give up.” I reply, snuggling in even closer.

  “Good. Now how was your flight?”

  After telling him about the nightmare that was my flight, we fill each other in about each other’s life, over the last few days. AJ being particularly interested in the interviews and book signings I had attended. To my surprise, he is all for me doing promotional work while I am here, even though it will interfere with our time together. Although as I haven’t a return flight booked, it does seem irrelevant.

  AJ imparts that the tour had gone well. They have a few gigs set up over the next few weeks, trying to have everything organised before Razor and Jens wedding; so that they can clear their diaries for the big event, and the following honeymoon. I ask if he knows where they are going, but he denies all knowledge, but admits that “no offence Birdie, but even if I knew I wouldn’t tell you. I’d have been sworn to secrecy by Razor, and I wouldn’t risk his wrath if Jen were to find out.” This leaves me debating if he knows or not, but happy that he was loyal to his best friend.


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