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Inked Chaos

Page 26

by Grace, M. J.

One of my favourite photos is in black and white; showing AJs head resting on my protruding stomach, as he’d been softly singing to the twins. It’s a moment I will treasure forever, and I look at that photo every day, where it sits pride of place on the mantle.

  Watching them now, my heart swells with love for my family. AJ is sitting at the table, his guitar on his lap. Bella and Ethan standing at his side taking turns to twang the strings of his guitar. Bella with her already beautiful long hair, tied up in bunches on top of her head. Ethan with the same glint in his eye as his father. Yes, my munchkins are the image of their daddy. They both have his dark hair, and his beautiful blue eyes. They definitely have more of AJs genes than my own.

  With them is AJ’s mum Jeanie. Sitting with a contented smile on her face as she watches them. She and I have become very close and she often stays for weeks at a time, which I confess I love.

  I once asked her, why she had thanked me the day we told her I was pregnant. Her answer was “Because you have made my boy so happy”. Yes, there had been tears, and yes, I feel very lucky to have this special lady in my life.

  I named the day the twins were born, the day of miracles. A miracle they were ever born at all. A miracle that AJ survived the day due to his stress levels, and the fact that I threatened to kill him several times whilst in labour.

  The moment they had placed a twin in each of AJs arms, his eyes had filled with tears, and he had looked at me with such love, that my heart had swelled with so much emotion, I feared it would burst.

  My mind comes back to the present when I hear AJ laugh out loud, and I see Bella, standing hands on hips, with a pout on her lips. I smile as I watch her. This is her favourite pose when she can’t win her own way with daddy, and it works every time. Yep, that little madam knows just how to win over her daddy and so does her brother.

  Moving through the doors, on hearing my heels on the patio, all four heads turn in my direction. The twins shout “Momma” and run headlong into my legs. Jeanie smiles at me and waves, and AJ stands up, walks towards me, and gives me a smacker right on the lips.

  “Hi babe.” He says softly against my mouth.

  “Hi.” I smile.

  I’m thinking I might just go in for a follow up kiss, when I’m distracted by Bella, yanking down on the leg of my jeans to gain my attention, whilst her other hand is strategically placed on her hip.

  “Momma, daddy won’t let me play the guitar.”

  Yep pouts in place I see, as I hunch down to her level.

  “But sweetie, I just saw you and Ethan playing with daddy’s guitar.”

  “Yes, but I want to play it.” She explains forcefully.

  Confused, I look up at AJ questioningly.

  “Little Bella wants to come on stage, and play the guitar at the concert tomorrow.” He explains.

  “Ah.” I sigh gazing at my daughter. “But darling the concert tomorrow is going to be when you’re in bed sleeping, so that’s not possible is it.”

  She acquires a stubborn expression on her face, as she sweeps her gaze from myself to AJ. Just when I think she might cry, AJ pipes up with the plan of the twins going to the stadium tomorrow morning, just so Bella can “check everything is just as it should be”. I have to bite back my laughter as she straightens her back, looks at her father and declares.

  “I can do that.” Before running over to her grandmother informing her of tomorrow’s plans.

  I stand up straight and look at AJ.

  “Boy, are you going to regret that idea.” I state.

  Just as he goes to reply, a little voice from below asks, “And me, Daddy?”

  “Told you.” I titter as I walk away, listening to AJ assuring his son, that of course he was included too.

  I walk over to Jeanie, kiss her on the cheek and enquire after her day.

  “Total fun. You know how I love spending time with my grandbabies.”

  She isn’t lying, every moment she possibly can, she spends with them. As their only grandmother, I’m thankful that they have such a huge input into each other’s lives.

  Taking a seat, I turn and smile at AJ as he returns to his chair, taking my hand in his own as he does so. I count to five in my head and right on cue, he starts playing with the rings on my wedding finger. The beautiful engagement ring he gave me on the beach. The stunning diamond eternity ring, he gave me the day Bella and Ethan were born, and the wedding ring he slid onto my finger twelve months after the twins’ birth. It’s a habit he acquired shortly after our marriage. A habit I adore.

  He’s also acquired a new tattoo. A beautiful tiny humming bird on his left pectoral, signifying that I possess his heart. I love it. In fact, I love it so much, I have a tiny matching tattoo on my right hip.

  Our wedding took place when the twins were a year old, in the chapel of a stately home in Cornwall. AJ had actually surprised me by suggesting that we marry in England. At first I had declined. Apart from Davy, Ben and Eva, everyone we knew lived in the states. I couldn’t envisage not having them at the wedding, but after talking things through, we compromised. AJ flew his family, Razor and Jen and the other members of the band to England for a small wedding. Followed by a retaking of our vows and blessing a few weeks later, attended by everyone, over in LA.

  On both days we had been blessed with perfect weather, but I wouldn’t have cared if it had rained. I swear, I doubt if I would have noticed, since all I saw was AJ waiting for me at the end of the aisle. We had taken our vows gazing into each other’s eyes, oblivious to our audience. Only to be made aware of them, by the clapping after we had shared our first kiss as husband and wife.

  After AJ surprised me with a honeymoon touring the Caribbean, we had returned to our normal daily lives. That’s if you can call it normal. AJ and the band have toured both in America and worldwide. The band going from strength to strength, having won Grammys, and other accolades.

  We spend our time between LA and the house in Cornwall. AJ loves Cornwall, and the time spent there with Davy and Ben; watching the twins play with Eva and Leo, Davy and Ben’s son are memories we treasure.

  There had been the court case regarding the kidnapping. Which as you can imagine sent the press into a frenzy. The case was on every channel on the television, or at least it seemed to be. Of course, once the extra titbit of news about the pregnancy had broken, it seemed like AJ and I had little privacy for months.

  Having to attend court and give evidence against Brooke and Martinez had been daunting. It had also been tiring attending court daily as my pregnancy progressed. Nevertheless, I was determined to see it through. So when the jury passed the sentence of guilty, I felt intense relief. Grateful that I could finally relax and enjoy the remainder of my pregnancy, knowing we were safe.

  My own career has taken off too. My first, second and just recently my third book all reaching the New York best sellers list.

  I have accomplished so much in my chosen career, and sometimes find it hard to believe, that people appreciate my little stories so much.

  Yes, I feel blessed. I have the love of a good man. A hot sexy man, and yes, I do still wonder what he sees in little old me. A man who also loves his children, and isn’t afraid to show it. Children, which are our pride and joy. Children I never thought to have.

  Yes, it has to be said. I count myself very lucky every day, and I send my sister a huge bouquet of flowers every year on my birthday, reminding us both, that but for her buying me that precious concert ticket; I would never have found the love of my life.

  For he truly is The Love of My Life.




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