Book Read Free

Sweet Carolina

Page 9

by Debbie White

  “Don’t give that another thought. She’ll love you guys like you’re her biological parents, and it won’t matter that she’s a little browner than you. She has the loveliest skin tone.”

  “I don’t know which parent was black or which one was white. And it doesn’t matter to us.”

  “And nor should it. She’s a sweet little girl.”

  “I’m learning how to care for her hair. It’s been an experience.” Vicky lifted her curls and bounced them in the palm of her hand.

  “Her little ponytails are cute. You’re doing a great job.” Annie tilted her head and with one hand, held her floppy hat in place and looked up. “It’s a beautiful day.”

  “It’s going to be hotter than you know what, later. One hundred degrees I heard,” Vicky said, brushing sand off of Jasmine’s face.

  “We should be getting the kids back to the air conditioning soon. Let’s let them dip their feet in the water one last time, shall we?” Annie grabbed Ashton by the hand. “Let’s go put our toes in the water, Ashton,” she said, pulling him along.

  Vicky and Jasmine followed them, and for a few minutes, they walked along the edge of the cold water. Annie washed the sand off of Ashton’s butt and legs. He sat down in the water, and a wave came up, almost knocking him over. Annie quickly picked him up before he swallowed any water. “More,” he said.

  Annie shook her head. “This boy is crazy.” She let him sit back down and soon another wave came. Annie held him up so he wouldn’t wash away. He laughed as he played in the water. “And Mary thinks Ashton is going to be the ring bearer at her wedding. Can you see that going down smoothly?”

  “Is Crystal going to be the flower girl?”

  Annie nodded. “She’ll be okay. It’s this little guy that I’m worried about. He’ll probably toss the ring into the pews.”

  Vicky laughed.

  Although Ashton wailed and stomped his feet, the two women gathered up all the toys and items they’d brought and headed back to the house. Annie knew that as soon as she bathed him, he’d take a nice long nap.

  “Thanks again for the lovely playdate. I don’t know if I get more out of it or if the kids do,” Annie said, shaking her head at Ashton.

  “We need to get the guys together soon, too. Scott’s been mentioning a barbecue.”

  “That sounds great. I could get into some of your delicious margaritas.”

  “You got it. By the way, we didn’t talk about them, but have you hooked up with our college sisters at all?” Vicky asked, now holding Jasmine who was rubbing her eyes.

  Annie raised her head and smiled, then reached out and brushed Jasmine’s cheek with her fingers. “Someone is tired. No, I haven’t heard from them. I saw Jessica at the grocery store with Reece. He’s getting to be such a big boy. I think he’s four years old or maybe even a little older. She promises to get together soon, but it never happens. I’m just as much at fault.”

  Vicky nodded. “I got a call from Cassie about three months ago. I told her all about the adoption and how I was praying it would go through. I thought maybe she’d follow up on it, but so far nothing.”

  “Before this summer is over with, we have to get together with them.” Annie paused before she breathed in a large amount of humid air. “I know. That barbecue you were talking about … what if we invited them, too?”

  Vicky nodded and shrugged her shoulders. “If you think they’ll come.”

  “If they don’t, then we’ll know we’ve outgrown one another. I know life gets busy and time slips through our fingers, but if we don’t set aside some time or make time for our friendships, then they will disintegrate like burning paper, blowing in the breeze.”

  “Wow, that’s pretty deep. I could totally see your burning paper image,” Vicky said, tipping her chin up and down.

  Annie laughed. “You plan the barbecue, and I’ll send out the invites.”

  “You sure you don’t want to have it over at Sweet Magnolia? It’s such a beautiful property. We don’t have much of a backyard here, since we’re right up against the dunes. I mean, I guess we could have a beach party?”

  “We can have it at our place. I tell you what, I know Scott’s wanted to try out the new gas grill he got. He’s told Jack as much. Let’s get together over here, just us, and we can plan the big party to have at my place. How does that sound?” Annie quirked a brow as she waited for Vicky’s answer.

  Vicky switched Jasmine to her other hip. “Perfect. We’ll be in touch. But right now, I’m going to get this little angel out of this heat. Are you sure you don’t want to come in for some iced tea?” She took a step toward the front door.

  “Nope, this guy is getting rinsed off and a nap. Thank you, though.” Annie opened the car doors to let some of the heat out, and then started the engine. She turned the air conditioning on high to get the cool air started, and then strapped Ashton into his car seat. By the time they drove up to Sweet Magnolia, a whole three minutes later, Ashton had already fallen fast asleep.

  Annie huffed and puffed as she carried Ashton and the beach bag up the stairs. She pushed open the front door, where she was immediately greeted by Isla and Buffy.

  She dropped the beach bag on the floor and proceeded to the bathroom, where she drew a bath for Ashton with tepid water. She stripped him out of his wet and sandy beach clothes and placed him into the bath. She splashed some water on him and took the bar of soap to his skin. She quickly rinsed off the soapy water and wrapped him in a towel. Putting a loose fitting outfit on him, she laid him in his crib. He didn’t argue a single bit. “I know, that’s right, sleep, you’re a tired boy.”

  She started to head out of the room when he called out. “Water, Mommy.”

  She stopped and sighed. “Okay, I’ll be right back.”

  She entered the kitchen and filled up his sippy cup with water. She felt a bit dizzy but pushed through and gave him his water. He took two sips, then fell back down on the mattress and closed his eyes.

  After placing his cup on the dresser nearby, the room began to spin. Feeling faint, she grabbed onto the doorjamb and scooted along the wall, down the hall toward their bedroom. She made it to the bed and plopped down. She breathed heavily for a moment and could feel her heart racing a mile a minute. What on earth was happening? She took a couple of deep breaths and tried to steady her racing pulse. She leaned back against the pillows and pulled her legs up onto the mattress. She closed her eyes for a moment and doesn’t remember the rest.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Jack took the damp washcloth to the bathroom sink and wet it with more cool water. He caught a glimpse of his worried expression in the mirror. He continued to ring out the cloth, and then taking a deep breath for strength, entered the bedroom where Annie rested.

  Annie tried to smile to let Jack know she was feeling better. “Thanks, babe.” She reached over and placed her hand on top of his.

  “You gave me a scare. I’m glad I got off early and came home.”

  “I’m glad, too,” she whispered.

  “I have Ashton in the playpen. Let me go get him.”

  Annie pulled her body up into a sitting position. Her mouth was parched and she looked for a glass of water. There, on the nightstand, she spotted a glass filled to the brim with refreshing water. She sipped it slowly at first, and then took a couple of gulps.

  “Hey, hey, slow down there,” Jack said, plopping down onto the bed next to her, while holding Ashton. Ashton wiggled out of his arms and soon snuggled his mom’s neck.

  Annie wrapped her arms around him and breathed in his warm scent from the bath products she’d used on him earlier, holding him tightly.

  “How are you feeling?” Jack locked his eyes on her, while he waited for her answer, holding his breath just a little.

  “I feel a little weak. I guess I got dehydrated today.”

  “I think so. I called Vicky to see how you felt today while at the beach. She said she thought you were okay, but it was hot out, and she couldn’t recal
l you drinking any water.”

  “Yeah, I made sure Ashton got juice, but I forgot about myself. It was rather warm outside. I came in and washed the sand off of him and put him down for a nap. I felt a bit lightheaded, so I came in here. That’s the last I remember.”

  “Well, I called Michael, just to run your symptoms by him. He said to keep an eye on you, and if your symptoms worsen, I’m to bring you right in.”

  Annie shook her head. “No, really, I’m feeling pretty good. I just need a bit more fluids in me.” She reached for the glass again.

  “He’s going to stop by when he gets off his shift.” Jack looked down at his watch. “He should be here soon.”

  Annie furrowed her brows. “Michael? He’s coming to make a house call?” Annie snuggled with Ashton while she waited.

  Isla and Buffy barked. “I think he may be here, now.” Jack moved from the bed to the doorway. “Stay in bed,” he said, shaking his finger.

  Annie could hear the men talking in the other room. Her face turned red when Michael walked into the room and greeted her. “I feel so dumb. I know the dangers of heat and not drinking enough water. I should have been drowning in water. Well, not literally, but you know what I mean,” Annie said, pulling her twisted mouth to the right.

  “It’s an easy mistake to make. Unfortunately, it can be a deadly one, as well,” Michael said, taking out his stethoscope. “Let me take a listen.” He leaned over.

  “Jack,” Annie said, motioning him to take Ashton.

  “Your heart sounds pretty good. Your pulse is still a bit slow, but not critical. Get some more fluids in you, rest in bed for a bit longer, and I think you’ll be good as new.”

  “Thanks, Michael, for coming over. This is beyond the call of duty,” Jack said, placing his hand on Michael’s shoulder.

  “Hey, that’s what friends are for.”

  “By the way, how’s Rebecca doing?”

  “She’s doing great. She’s so over the pregnancy, though. She wants the baby out.” He laughed.

  “I know exactly how she feels. How many more days?” Annie rubbed little Ashton’s back, who now snuggled on her lap once again.

  Michael looked at his watch. “Let’s see … she’s due in four days. They’ll induce her if she hasn’t had her by the end of the week.”

  “I can’t wait to hold her,” Annie said, wrinkling up her nose. “I love babies.”

  Michael took a few steps toward the door. “You take care of yourself. No more days out on the beach without bottled water. It’s easy to sweat out the moisture, while out in the hot sun.”

  “Got it, Doc. Give my love to Rebecca.” Annie watched as the fellows left the room. She scooted down under the covers, while holding Ashton. She wrapped her arms around him even snugger, and kissed his little neck. She’d baby him as long as she could.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Annie stumbled into the living room to find Jack and Ashton eating animal crackers on the sofa, with both Isla and Buffy eagerly waiting for crumbs, or if they were lucky, the entire cookies that would slip out of Ashton’s tiny grip.

  “Ahem,” she said, startling the two snackers.

  “Hey, babe, how are you feeling? Did you have a nice nap?” Jack patted the seat cushion next to them.

  Annie strolled over to the sofa, but not before giving both pups a rub on the head. She plopped down with a loud, “Ugh.”

  “I see you fixed dinner,” she said, eyeing the cookies.

  “This is dessert. He had raviolis, green beans, and milk,” Jack said, smiling from ear to ear, clearly proud of his accomplishment on dinner detail.

  Annie held her hands out to Ashton. He looked at his cookie and quickly stuffed it into his mouth before he flew into her arms. Annie held him back and gazed into his sparkling eyes. “So, you think you’re getting away with something, don’t you, you little rascal.” Annie blew raspberries on his neck and made him laugh.

  “Really, honey. He ate a good dinner. I think he deserves these cookies,” Jack said coyly. He folded down the bag and stuck the cookies back into the box and sealed it. “But, he’s probably had enough,” he said, jumping up and moving toward the kitchen.

  “More,” Ashton yelled as he watched the cookies disappear out of his sight.

  “You’ve had enough,” Annie said, pressing her forehead to his.

  Jack entered the living room. “Why don’t you go take a shower and get comfy? I can entertain this guy some more.”

  Annie sighed. “I’m kind of hungry.” She pulled up from the sofa and put Ashton down on the floor. He toddled around the pups and headed for the kitchen. “I think he’s after those darn cookies,” she said, shaking her head.

  “What do you feel like eating? I can scramble up some eggs, warm up the leftover raviolis, make you a peanut butter—”

  “Jack, honey, I appreciate your thoughtfulness, but I’m not dying. I just got a little dehydrated.”

  Jack hung his head and stared at his bare feet.

  “Tsk. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.” Annie quickly stepped toward him and brought him into her hold. “I love how you dote on me, I really do. I guess I’m not used to being the one helped. I’m always the helper. It’s a strange role reversal for me.” Her eyes never wavered from his.

  He kissed her softly, and she nearly melted into him. He stepped back and bushed her hair from her forehead. “You two are the most important people in my life. Let me love you. Let me help you when you need it. I know you’ll soon be back in the helper role.” He leaned forward and kissed her lips, sending chills up and down her spine.

  She began to feel lightheaded again, but this time she knew perfectly well it wasn’t from dehydration. It was from being so full of love. “I love you, Jack Powell, and I always will.”

  “Seven pounds three ounces. Head full of dark wavy hair,” the voice said on the other side of the phone.

  “Rebecca!” Annie screamed into the phone.

  Rebecca sighed into the receiver. “She’s beautiful, Annie. I can’t wait for you to meet her.”

  “What did you name her?”

  “It’s kind of old-school, but when your mom’s name is Rebecca, and your dad’s name is Michael, I guess you got it coming. Kathryn,” Rebecca said.

  “Kathryn … oh, I adore that. It’s so elegant. I love everything about it,” Annie said.

  “I know they’ll eventually call her Kate, but I’ll hold on to Kathryn as long as I can.”

  “Well, you never dithered from Rebecca, and I’ve known Michael a long time, and he’s never gone by anything but Michael.” Annie realized she might have said too much regarding knowing him a long time. She sputtered a bit before continuing. “Well, you know what I mean. I just meant …”

  “It’s okay, Annie. I know you and Michael share a past. It’s no big deal. You’re married to Jack, and I’m married to Michael. Let’s be big girls about this.”

  “You’re right, I don’t know why I blubbered on so. I’m sorry.”

  “Anyway, when are you going to come over and see Kathryn?”

  They waited until Rebecca and Kathryn had a chance to bond before they barraged her with visits. Annie organized the trip, and Grandmother, along with Auntie, Mary, Betsy, and even Morgan, who had stopped in to visit family, showed up bearing gifts.

  Each woman took turns holding the new bundle, while Rebecca opened gifts. “You all didn’t need to do this. You already gave me a wonderful baby shower,” she said, holding up the cutest dress ever in purple, with matching bloomers.

  “I know, but these are her coming home gifts,” Grandmother said boldly.

  Rebecca tipped her head toward Grandmother Lilly. “Thank you, ma’am.”

  “It’s our pleasure, dear,” Patty said, lifting her chin and then settling her eyes on Kathryn once again.

  “We don’t want to wear you out, or our welcome, so we’ll be going now,” Annie said, pulling up from the comfy chair.

  “When do you think we
can talk about the reception?” Mary said.

  Annie cut a look at Mary, making her lower her head. “Not now, Mary,” she said through clenched teeth.

  “Give me another week or so, and we’ll get together. I’ll call you.”

  Mary lifted her head and nodded. “Okay, when you’re ready. We still have plenty of time, it’s still only August.”

  “When is your date again?”

  “October tenth.”

  “Okay, we do have time. I’ve already given Grandmother a heads-up about it. I’ll check in with her, and we’ll get something together to present to you.”

  “Sounds great, Rebecca,” Annie and Mary said at the same time.

  Annie playfully bumped shoulders with Mary, then laughed. “In the meantime, we can discuss decorations for the church.” Annie put her arm around Mary and pulled her in for a hug.

  Mary nodded. “Sounds good.”

  “Okay, well, we’re off. Have a great day. Love this little girl with all your might. She’s a beauty. I bet Michael is just beside himself,” Annie said.

  Rebecca sighed. “He loves her, that’s for sure, but his schedule is so crazy. I had no idea being married to a doctor would be so lonely sometimes.”

  Annie brushed her hand up Rebecca’s arm and held it there. “Anytime you need to talk, I’m here.” She leaned in and kissed Rebecca on the cheek.

  The crew got back into the van and headed to Grandmother’s first to drop off her, Auntie, and Betsy. Once there, Morgan said she’d walk the rest of the way.

  “Kathryn is such a baby doll,” Mary said, shaking her head.

  “Just beautiful,” Annie said, echoing Mary’s sentiment.

  “I’m surprised she hadn’t thought of Michael’s career being so involved before now, aren’t you?” Mary asked.

  Annie raised her brow. “Sort of, but I guess when you’re in love, you don’t think about those things.”

  “I’m sure they’ll find their happy place and work it all out.” Mary grabbed her vibrating phone. “Hello?”


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