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A Hot Mess

Page 5

by Christy Gissendaner

  Cait pranced down the gangway to the street level with a jaunty step. “That was awesome. Can we do it again?”

  Dylan couldn’t refuse. Her joy was contagious, and as they rode a second time, he laughed out loud from sheer happiness. He was in Vegas, a place where anything was possible, and he was with the woman of his dreams. His timing could be better, but he resolved not to leave without doing all he could to win Cait over.

  As the second ride came to a stop, he put his hand over Cait’s before she could undo her harness. He leaned in close, until their faces were mere inches away. “I want to ask you something.”

  Her light brown eyebrows drew together in a confused expression. “What?”

  “This.” Dylan swooped forward and claimed her lips for a kiss.

  He took his time wooing her. She did not pull back, but her body stiffened as if in shock. His mouth closed over hers, and he stroked her bottom lip with his. He released her hand and cupped her cheek instead. Her skin felt like silk as he tilted her head up.

  Cait made a tiny sound in the back of her throat, but it was not one of denial. Her tightly clamped lips softened and then opened to him. Dylan kissed her for several moments and then pulled away with reluctance.

  Cait’s eyes appeared dazed with surprise. It was an erotic sight to see her damp, red lips and know he’d made them so.

  She covered her mouth with two fingers and continued to stare at him. Her eyes were round as saucers. “You kissed me?”

  Dylan reached down and undid her harness since she didn’t make a move to do so. It was the closest his hands had ever been between her legs. His cock twitched at the thought.

  What he wouldn’t give to slip his hand between her thighs and urge her to open to him. He would be tempted to do so, if not for the dozen people waiting behind them to board the coaster.

  “Come on, Cait. We have to go.”

  They exited the ride again, and Cait did not ask to do it a third time. Her steps plodded down the gangway. Dylan put his hand on the small of her back, not that she needed his guidance but just because he couldn’t keep his hands off her. One small taste of Cait had him aching for more.

  They joined the foot traffic on the Strip and finally decided to stop at a café located not far from New York-New York. Dylan held the door open for Cait, and she brushed past him, unintentionally grazing his arm with her breast. Dylan’s dick jolted to attention at the brief, innocent contact.

  They were greeted at the entrance by an overly cheerful waitress. “Will there be just two of you dining with us today?”

  “Just two,” Dylan confirmed.

  “Okay. Follow me.”

  The waitress turned and led them to a booth.

  Once they were seated and had sent the waitress off with their drink order, Cait brought up the kiss. Dylan was surprised it had taken her that long to say something. She was not usually a reticent-type person.

  “Why did you do it?” Cait twirled a strand of hair around her finger as she peeped up at him.

  The waitress returned and put their diet cokes in front of them. Dylan reached for the straw and brought it to his mouth. He took a few swallows before he spoke. “Why did I do what?”

  “Stop playing around.” Cait pushed aside her glass without taking a sip and leaned forward to place her elbows on the table. She spoke in a loud whisper. “Why did you kiss me?”

  Dylan couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face. “Because I wanted to.”

  Cait slapped her hand on the table with exasperation. “Dylan, you and I … we’re just friends.”

  Dylan shrugged. “Keep telling yourself that if it will make you feel better, Cait.”

  Her mouth dropped open, and a shocked gasp escaped her. She pulled her arms back and placed her hands in her lap. “We are friends.”

  “Of course we are.” Dylan gave her a serious look. “But we could be so much more than that, and you know it.”

  “I have…” Cait’s voice trailed off, and she hurried to correct herself. “I had a boyfriend, a fiancé actually. It’s too early.”

  Now was the time for some harsh love. “Cait, you didn’t care about that idiot.”

  “Yes, I did!” Cait’s cheeks flamed with angry color. “I thought he loved me.”

  “He didn’t.”

  Dylan knew it was probably cruel of him, but he had to make Cait see reason. He wouldn’t be able to have a relationship with her if she were still hung up on Simon, the ass who had abandoned her. If he had even the sliver of a suspicion she actually cared about the scumbag, they wouldn’t be having this conversation.

  “Well I know that now, duh!” Cait exclaimed. She lifted a hand to rub the bridge of her nose, and then it fell to the table. “Where were you a couple of days ago?”

  Dylan held out his arms. “Right here, Cait. I’ve always been here waiting for you.”

  “Why now, Dylan?” Cait shrank into her seat. “Of all the days in the year, why are you telling me this now?”

  “Because I’m afraid if I don’t tell you now, I may never get the chance again.”

  Dylan wished she could see he was perfect for her. They were perfect for each other. No one knew him like Cait did. With her, he could be himself.

  “It’s too soon. I can’t…” Cait gave him a hopeless look. “Your timing couldn’t be any worse.”

  “No, it couldn’t be more perfect.” Dylan reached across the table and grabbed her hand. “You cannot deny there is a spark between us. There always has been.”

  Cait’s hand trembled beneath his grasp as she pulled it free. “There’s no spark.”

  Dylan nearly laughed out loud at her blatant lie. “Cait, you have always been a horrible liar.”

  Her chin set with defiance as she lifted the menu and pretended to study it. “I think I want dessert. Hmmm … chocolate lava cake. That sounds yummy.”

  Dylan touched the end of the menu and pulled it down so he could see her. “Our conversation isn’t over, Cait.”

  “It is for now.” Her eyes shot green fire at him.

  “Later, then.” He lifted his menu and searched it as his mind filled with thoughts of the woman who sat across from him.

  Dylan could settle for later. He wanted Cait to enjoy this day. She was a smart girl. She would realize he was perfect for her.

  Even if it took all day for her to realize it, or a week or a month or a year. Dylan was prepared to wait however long it took.

  Chapter 5

  He had kissed her.

  Dylan Parker Russell had kissed her. Cait couldn’t force her mind to accept the truth. A small part of her rebelled at the thought that it had been arousing. Dylan was her friend.

  But an even larger part of her wanted him to do it again. She had been so surprised when he’d done it that she had not kissed him back, and she wanted to. She wanted to kiss him very badly.

  Cait sat at the booth in the cafe they’d chosen for lunch and eyed him while he appeared to be distracted by the huge cheeseburger he’d ordered. It was a double patty, double cheeseburger with a plateful of fries. How he stayed so fit, she would never know.

  She focused on his mouth, watching as Dylan chewed his food. He had such sensual lips, a full bottom one that practically called for her to nibble on it.

  Simon’s lips were thin and dry, chapped most of the time. They were nothing like Dylan’s. He oozed sexuality just sitting there chomping on a burger. Imagine what it would be like if he actually turned on the charm. Cait would be helpless to resist.

  Cait knew herself. She was ninety-nine point nine percent sure she would have sex with Dylan before the day was out. Now that the floodgates had been opened, there was no stopping the tidal wave. The only question was when.

  Since Dylan obviously guessed she wanted to sleep with him, why was she hesitant to let him know? It couldn’t be a fear of rejection. Dylan had made it quite obvious he was interested. It was true they risked their friendship, but this was Dylan. They were too close to le
t a brief moment of passion in Vegas ruin what they had. She could chalk it up to distress over losing Simon, and everything could go back to how it was.

  Content there would be no repercussions, Cait resolved the next time he made a move she would respond in kind. A flirtation was just what she needed to get over Simon, to wipe that cheating bastard from her mind once and for all.

  “How’s your cake?”

  Dylan’s voice grabbed her attention. She glanced down at her plate and couldn’t remember what the chocolate even tasted like. She’d been preoccupied with thoughts of Dylan. She lifted a forkful of the desert to her lips. “It’s delicious. How’s your burger?”

  “It’s good.” Dylan held it out to her. “Want some?”

  Cait stared at the delicious-looking sandwich, with its melted cheese and large tomato slice, and nearly groaned. It looked so good. “Maybe just a bite.”

  She leaned over the table and took a bite from the burger Dylan still held. She didn’t mean to, but her lips grazed his thumb, and she saw his eyes flare with heat.

  Cait drew back, chewing the mouthful of food, and reached for her napkin to blot her lips.

  Dylan’s dark eyes raked over her face. “So what do you think?”

  Cait knew he meant something other than the food, but she reined in her raging hormones. “Pretty yummy. Want a bite of my cake?”

  Dylan patted his enviably flat belly. “Better not. Trying to watch my weight.”

  Cait nearly spat out the Diet Coke she’d just sucked through her straw. “Excuse me? As if you need to diet.”

  Dylan was quick to latch onto her compliment. “So you think I have a nice body?”

  Cait rolled her eyes. “Geez, Dylan. Of course I think so. I’m not blind, you know?”

  “Hmm … I wonder,” was Dylan’s noncommittal reply.

  After they finished their lunch, they decided to go back to their hotel and hit the casino. Cait had never gambled other than a scratch-off lottery or two, but since she was in Vegas she decided to let go and live a little.

  Dylan stopped at the casino entrance to ask, “What do you want to play?”

  Cait surveyed the area before her and bit her lip with indecision. She wanted to steer clear of the tables since she didn’t understand the games. “The slots I guess.”

  Dylan led her to a slot machine and handed over a twenty dollar bill. “Good luck.”

  Cait mentally added it to the running total she would owe him when she got back home. “I don’t need luck. I need a miracle.”

  Cait had watched Simon long enough yesterday to know what to do. She inserted the bill and waited for the credits to appear at the bottom of the screen. She hit max bet, which appeared to be seventy-five cents, and watched the reels spin.

  She held her breath as two red 7s appeared in the first and second screen. The third reel spun and landed on a bar. For a moment, she could almost understand the addiction some people had for gambling. But then she thought about actual money being spent, even though it wasn’t hers, and the excitement faded.

  “So close,” Dylan said with a chuckle.

  “Here, you do it.” Cait leaned to the side.

  Dylan’s arm brushed her cheek as he leaned past her to push the button.

  The reels lined up three bars and made a dinging sound as fifty credits added to their balance.

  “Cheater.” Cait stuck out her tongue at the machine, causing Dylan to laugh.

  They continued playing until the twenty dollars was gone. Cait stood up before Dylan could give her more cash. “That’s enough. We’re just wasting money.”

  Dylan stepped back, so she could slide off the stool. “I’m shocked. I thought you would catch the gambling fever.”

  Cait balled her fist and lightly punched him in the center of the chest. “I work too hard for my money to waste it on a silly game.”

  “Ah, but we’re not wasting your money. We’re wasting mine.” Dylan grabbed her hand and led her to another machine.

  He handed her another twenty. “This one is lucky. I can feel it.”

  Cait rolled her eyes, but she inserted the bill. “Yeah, sure it is.”

  She hit max bet and watched with disinterest as the reels spun. They seemed to stop all at once, and a tinny melody began to play. “Oh, my God. We won?”

  She looked over her shoulder at Dylan. “We won!” She whooped and jumped out of the seat to throw her arms around him.

  Dylan chuckled, but he didn’t try to move away. “Calm down, Cait. It’s only sixty dollars.”

  Cait unwrapped her arms from his waist and turned back to the machine. “We still won.”

  She hit the cash out button and handed Dylan the voucher that printed out. “Winners know when to quit.”

  Dylan tucked the slip in his back pocket. “You don’t quit if the prize is worth the fight.”

  Cait sucked in a breath at the hot look that crossed his face. She’d sworn she would flirt back when he did it again, but this went beyond mere flirting. The look Dylan gave her was meant to break down defenses and melt any resistance. The only trouble was she had no resistance in the first place.

  Cait put her hand in the center of his chest and slid it up to his shoulder, slipping around to curve her palm against the back of his neck. “Kiss me, Dylan.”

  “Here?” His lips curved into a sexy grin.

  She nodded. “Here.”

  Her fingertips shifted and pulled him toward her as he bent his head. Dylan stopped a mere breath before their lips touched. “Decided to play with fire after all, Cait?”

  “Are you saying you will burn me?” Cait’s eyes slid closed, and she waited for him to kiss her.

  “Only in a good way,” Dylan answered, and then his lips claimed hers.

  Their lips pressed together, seeking a deeper connection. She opened her mouth, and his tongue swept forward in a bold motion. He stroked her tongue with his, coaxing her to respond. Cait had been kissed plenty of times, but never before had a kiss stirred her soul. This was Dylan, the boy she’d grown up with. He knew her in a way none of her boyfriends ever had. He’d known the skinny, knock-kneed Cait who had been bullied in school. He’d been there when she battled acne the year she turned thirteen. He’d even been there when her first boyfriend had taken her virginity and dumped her the next day.

  Dylan knew everything there was to know about her, and yet he still wanted her. The self-conscious part of her she kept hidden, the bossiness she couldn’t hide no matter how much she tried, none of it seemed to matter to him.

  Dylan was bold with his kiss and held nothing back, despite the fact they were in public. His hands lifted and cradled her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks as his kiss gentled. Instead of branding her, he wooed her with soft flutters of his lips against hers.

  He pulled back just a little. “Cait, you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.”

  She was caught in a haze of desire, one she had no intention of trying to escape. “Why didn’t you?”

  He’d ended the kiss, yet their lips were close enough to brush against each other as they spoke.

  Dylan sighed, and his breath caressed her face. “You weren’t ready.”

  Was she ready now? Cait thought she was, but flashbacks of their past worried her. Dylan was her closest friend. Would being with him change any of that? Could they be physical and then return to what they’d had? She really, really hoped so.

  Dylan kissed her again, nipping lightly with his teeth. Cait held her breath as he gently bit her bottom lip and then laved it with his tongue. Oh, fuck! Why did every decision in life have to be drawn out? She wanted Dylan. He wanted her. That was all there was to it. She would do it and face the consequences tomorrow.

  She pulled back and gave him what she hoped was a seductive look. “What do you want to do now?”

  Dylan’s hands slipped to her waist and caressed her hips through the thin material of the sundress she wore. “It’s your day, remember. What do you want to do?”r />
  She stepped closer. An erection strained the flap of his jeans. She moved her body, so it would hide her hand as she cupped him through the denim. “I want to go upstairs.”

  Dylan pressed into her hand. His teeth clenched as he let out a hiss. “Cait, if we go upstairs it’s not for talking.”

  She moved her fingers along his zipper. “Who said I wanted to talk?”

  Dylan bent down, pressed a kiss to her throat, and slid his tongue up to her ear. He nipped the lobe. “What do you want to do then?”

  “I have my hand on your cock, and you have to ask?” Cait whispered.

  “Oh, dirty talk. Cait, you surprise me.” Approval gleamed from his hooded eyes. A flush stained his cheeks. “Let’s go then.”

  Cait twirled on her heels and headed for the elevators. She hoped her determined stride hid the quiver of her knees. She was nervous it would turn out bad, no matter how much she wanted it.

  As luck would have it, they were the only ones in the elevator. Dylan was on her as soon as the doors closed. He backed her into a corner and pressed his body fully against hers. Cait lifted her foot and ran it teasingly up his leg. Between frantic kisses, they groped each other.

  The ride to the eighth floor was over in a matter of seconds, but it was enough for Cait to become mindlessly aroused.

  When the doors opened, Dylan pulled her off the elevator and hurried her to their room. Cait stumbled over her heels trying to keep up with his pace. Dylan dug in his back pocket and pulled out the key card. He unlocked the door, pulled her inside, and slammed it shut.

  Nerves gripped Cait. She’d agreed to this, but the sheer power of her attraction to Dylan frightened her. What if she embarrassed herself?

  Dylan snagged her about the waist and pulled her in close for another kiss. It soothed Cait’s worries. It wouldn’t be bad. Who was she kidding? Dylan was sex on a platter. He was the entire package—smart, sexy, funny, and kind.

  Cait tugged the hem of his black T-shirt from the waistband of his jeans. She tried to pull it over his head, but she wasn’t tall enough. She leaned backward, so Dylan could pull it off and toss it aside. She had seen his chest before, so the tight abs and lean waist did not surprise her, but it was different because now she could touch him.


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