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Regency Romance: Loving The Reluctant Viscount (The Fairbanks Series - Love & Hearts) (Historical Regency Romance & Mystery)

Page 3

by Jessie Bennett

  “We are pleased that you chose Fairbanks as one of your prospective homes, Allan. Please call me Shawn. We would be glad to show you around the area. There are quite a few surrounding counties in this part of England. All in all, Fairbanks itself has eleven counties. I have given my cousins and relatives some counties to care for, such as collecting rent and keeping a census, so that I don’t have to make all the decisions.”

  The men laughed.

  “Wise decision, Your Grace.”

  “Did you see any territories you were inclined to move to at the other locations you chose?”

  “As I said, we have been to London and Midsomer but will not make a decision until we have looked at a few more. We spent some time looking around this area in Fairbanks – what do you call it?”

  “This is Fairbanks Green.”

  “An appropriate name.” Allan nodded. “I have…that is we have spent some time looking around today for any land that we might purchase and it is one of the loveliest areas of England I have seen so far.”

  “I appreciate that very much.” Shawn grinned. “My neighbors are friendly and welcoming.”

  Allan nodded again. “I noticed that.”

  “If you would like a tour of the land that is for sale tomorrow, I would be glad to show you and your sister around.”

  “That sounds wonderful, thank you, Your Grace.”

  “You are most welcome. Miss, are you comfortable? You look a bit troubled.”

  Allan shook his head, directing his gaze at his sister for only a moment before answering for her. “She is still getting used to traveling. We have not been away from home for so long before. The traveling has been tiring for her.”

  “That is a lovely gown, Miss Gray.” Elizabeth said.

  When Emiline smiled, Elizabeth was struck by the change it made to her face. Suddenly, she was stunningly beautiful. Elizabeth glanced at the men to see if they were thinking the same thing. She could tell by the looks on their faces that they were.

  “Thank you, Your Grace. My brother purchased this for me just today.”

  Elizabeth looked at Allan. “Excellent choice, Lord Gray.”

  Allan nodded. “I agree. The color brings out the blue in her eyes, don’t you agree?”

  “I do, very much so.”

  Emiline’s cheeks burned red and she dropped her eyes again. Elizabeth stood up. “Please allow me to introduce you to some of our neighbors. Even if you choose to purchase land somewhere else, it is always nice to make new friends.”

  She noticed that Emiline glanced at her brother, who nodded, before she stood up. “I’d be delighted.” She responded.

  “Wonderful!” Elizabeth moved around the table, sharing a smile with her husband before doing so.

  “I would like to reserve a place on your dance card, Lady Gray, if you are planning to dance while you are here.” Abe said, quickly before the ladies could leave.

  Emiline gave him a smile before nodding. “Thank you, Lord Montgomery. Yes, I would like to dance.”

  “I will take a place after him, if you would like.” Steven spoke up.

  Elizabeth tried not to giggle.

  “Yes, my lord, all right.”

  “I will remind you.” Elizabeth said, waving to her new friend. “Come along with me, I’d like to find my sisters and introduce you, if they are still here.” She looked out over the crowded dance floor. “If I can find them.”

  She and Emiline left the men behind and moved to mix in with the guests.

  “Your sister is lovely.” Allan smiled with Shawn addressed him. “I am surprised she has not married yet.”

  “Em is a unique woman. She has not been the same since we began traveling.”

  “Oh? How has she changed?”

  Allan glanced to where Emiline was following Elizabeth through the crowd toward a pair of blond women who were obviously twins. “She has been distant. She is much quieter than she used to be when we were growing up. Frankly, I am surprised that her personality has changed so drastically. She has always been vibrant and strong-willed. Now she appears shy and insecure. That is not the sister I remember growing up with.”

  “Do you suppose the traveling has caused her withdrawal?”

  “It is the only thing I can think of that has changed since we left Melbourne. I have had to make some decisions for her that I expected her to make for herself. I will not speak ill of her, as we all have trials and tribulations we encounter that change our demeanor. I cannot recall anything that has happened that would cause this change, however. Perhaps she just needs time to adjust.”

  “If there is anything we can do to make her more comfortable, please do let us know.”

  “I will, thank you, Your Grace.”

  “And how have you been fairing since you left your homeland?” Abe asked, nodding at the serving girl who set a plate of ham and potatoes in front of him.

  “I am enjoying myself. I have met many fine people and seen some of the most beautiful parts of this fine world we live in.”

  Shawn lifted his hand and waved to the girl who had brought the food to Abe. He flicked two fingers in the air, gesturing at the empty place in front of Allan. “Have you eaten? We have some fine roast, ham or chicken to offer. We have vegetables, potatoes and biscuits. You are welcome to whatever you choose.”

  “Thank you, Your Grace, I appreciate that. I haven’t eaten since lunch and I must say I am close to starving to death.”

  “Ah, but you look strapping and healthy.” Shawn grinned at him.

  Allan laughed. “It doesn’t feel that way on the inside.”

  “Do you think Emiline would like to eat?”

  “When she is hungry, she will come back to the table. It looks like she is having a good time with the Duchess. Are those her sisters?”

  “Why yes, they are.”

  Allan nodded. “They all look alike.”

  “They do. The girls are twins but Liz shares their blond hair and light complexion. Liz has a third sister, Katherine, who is the only one with dark hair.”

  “I imagine Em will smell the food soon. I am quite sure she is as hungry as I am.” Shawn was amused by the fact that though he seemed to be speaking to the three men in front of him, Allan was still looking at Liz and her sisters. “Are both of the Duchess’s sisters married?”

  “No, as a matter of fact, Miss Janelle is not.”

  “I’ve danced with her, Lord Gray,” Steven said. “She is quite lovely and charming. You should ask her for a spot on her card.”

  “I will do that.” Allan turned back when a plate was brought to him. “As for this moment, however, please excuse me while I fill my stomach with your delicious food.”

  “I plan to do the same myself.” Shawn looked at the girl as she lowered the plate in front of him. “Thank you, Mary.”

  “You’re welcome, my lord. Will you be needin’ anything else?”

  “Not for now.”

  “Yes, my lord.” She curtsied slightly, turned and walked back to the doors to the kitchen.





  From the first moment he began to dance with Janelle Dowling, Allan knew that he wanted to spend more time with her. Steven was right. She was charming and delightful. It was a change from the companionship of his sister for the past two months. Emiline was intelligent and a good conversationalist. But her soured mood had put a damper and a strain on their relationship.

  Janelle was interested in his stories. She wanted to hear about his travels, which was his favorite topic. He was glad she had accepted his dance request.

  “Tell me about your family, Lord Gray.”

  “Well, my sister and I are a few years apart. We are the only children in our family. Our mother and father are alive and well living in Melbourne. They have brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles…our family is very large.”

  “That is quite a coincidenc
e.” Janelle felt a slight breeze as Allan spun her in a circle. She was enjoying the dance quite a lot and hoped that it would not be a short song. If it was, she had it in her mind that she was going to stick close to him, perhaps close enough to get another dance. He was almost a foot taller than her but the difference seemed to have no effect. The tall heels on her boots made up for it some. It made her the perfect height for dancing. “My family is also very large. Well, I shouldn’t say my family, since I don’t mean my sisters and my parents. When Liz married The Duke, and became Duchess of Fairbanks, our family tree expanded quite a lot. They might not be blood-related to us but they are extended family in our hearts. Shawn has many delightful cousins and relatives. It enabled us to travel and meet many new people.”

  “That sounds wonderful. I must confess that I enjoy traveling more than anything. I am hoping that one day, should I marry, my wife will also enjoy traveling as much as I do. I would like to visit as many places on earth as possible.”

  A streak of excitement ran quickly through Janelle. She wanted to travel. It was something she had dreamed of for some time.

  “I do not want to sound as though I am ungrateful,” she said, enjoying the feel of his hand on her waist. “But I have taken advantage of the fact that Shawn is related to so many people all over England. Fairbanks is very large, with many counties and territories. I have traveled extensively in the years since they married.”

  “They seem very happy together.”

  Janelle smiled wide. “Oh they are, very much. To be honest, I did not see Elizabeth so happy before Shawn came along. They were in love very quickly.”

  “It’s not hard to understand why. Both are very delightful people.”

  “Yes, they are.” Janelle couldn’t get the thought that Allan was looking for a woman to marry who wanted to travel. She wondered what else they had in common. She was tempted to ask very basic questions, such as how he took his tea, his favorite fruit, his favorite color. She wanted to know everything she possibly could about him. His deep voice penetrated her soul. His accent made her want to listen to him talk for the rest of the evening.

  “Tell more about your family. My mother and father are very loving. They raised the four of us with great affection and concern.”

  Allan nodded. “That sounds very much like my own parents. We have always been a close family, often laughing about one thing or another.”

  “How is it, might I ask, that you are not married? You are a very handsome man and quite charming, I must say.”

  She was delighted to see his cheeks color slightly. “I have never met the right woman.”

  “There must be many women who have pursued a relationship with you in your homeland.”

  Allan grinned. “There were some. But I was not interested.”

  “That surprises me.”

  Allan raised his eyebrows, pulling away slightly so that he could look directly at her. They spun around in a circle and took a few steps, moving well together. They did not realize what fluid motions they were making together, but from afar, Shawn and Elizabeth could see it and remarked on it.

  “Why would this surprise you?” Allan asked.

  Janelle smiled at him. “You are very friendly. I cannot imagine how you could have evaded the clutches of a desperate unmarried woman considering her future with only fear and trepidation. I have known such desperate creatures in my time. I know they are on your side of the earth, as well.”

  Allan shook his head, remembering several of the “desperate creatures” Janelle was referring to. “It was not easy, I will admit. But when a man knows what he wants in life, it is easier to say no to something that does not fit in the plan.”

  “Does a woman not fit in your plan?”

  “My dear, I have already expressed my desire to find a woman, have I not?” One side of his lips turned up in a half-grin. The look made Janelle’s knees weak. She immediately stiffened so as not to drop to the floor. She had never swooned over a man. Looking at Allan, she thought she had ended that.

  Allan recognized what was happening when Janelle suddenly became heavier and he was almost holding her up. He saw her cheeks flush to a deep pink and thought he had never seen a more beautiful woman. She was, in his immediate impression, very close to the perfect woman. He was sure she would have flaws but just as sure, should they court, he would not notice what they were.

  Hope lifted his spirits. He felt light as a feather. They moved around on the dance floor with several other couples, though Allan and Janelle barely noticed them.

  “When I was in America,” Allan said. “I had the privilege of dining with their president.”

  Janelle’s eyes widened. “You didn’t!” She exclaimed.

  He nodded. “I did. It was wonderful. He is a well-spoken individual. He, his wife and three children were all in attendance at one of their events and I was invited. I sat next to him during the dinner. I was…so honored. I really was.”

  Allan spoke with great passion. Janelle could see how proud he was. It was glowing on his face. She felt her heart soften. She became aware of his hand holding hers, how close he was to her and how warm his body was. She wondered if she would make it through the dance without revealing her attraction to him.

  “I can tell. I would have been, as well. Do you have plans to go back to the United States? Are you also looking for land out there? I know that America is beautiful but I must say we have some of the most stunning landscapes on earth here in Fairbanks.”

  Allan licked his lips, gazing into her eyes. “Could it be that you do not want me to purchase land in the United States?”

  Janelle feigned innocence, at ease with his teasing. He could obviously tell she was interested in him and since the fact had already been revealed, she decided to be herself and see how he might react. “Whatever do you mean, sir? It was merely a question. I am sure Duke Worthington would give you a good price on a lovely bit of land, should you choose to stay near.”

  “Near to what?” Allan pushed on.

  Still aware of his body so very close to hers, Janelle felt her stomach explode with butterflies. “Why to those stunning landscapes I mentioned earlier.” She replied.

  Allan laughed, throwing his head back. “Miss, you are speaking in riddles. It is my belief that you have your own motives for urging me to buy land here in Fairbanks.”

  “I will not get a portion of the sale, if that is what you are thinking.” Janelle knew it wasn’t what he was thinking. They both knew exactly what they were talking about. That thought made Janelle feel giddy. She consciously kept herself from breaking into giggles that would probably be so severe, Allan might have to help her off the dance floor.

  She almost lost the battle against her laughter when she thought that his helping her might be a good reason to go ahead and collapse to the floor. Just dancing with him was enough to make her feel faint. How would it feel to be carried in his arms?

  She pulled in a sharp breath. Her eyes darted to his handsome face. He was looking at her. She wondered for a moment if he could read her mind. It was bad enough he could plainly see how attracted she was to him. If he could read her mind, she would have no defenses left against him.

  She didn’t want to defend herself against him. She wanted him to win the battle for her heart.

  The song ended and he stopped dancing but did not make a move to leave the dance floor. His hand was still holding hers up in the air and his arm was still wrapped around her waist, holding her to him.

  “Miss Janelle,” he said, softly. “I would very much like to take you for a ride in my carriage tomorrow afternoon, if that would be acceptable to you.”

  Janelle’s breath was shaky. She had wished for years that her blessing would come, that she would find a man who was as wonderful as the men her sisters had married. She hoped he didn’t feel her shaking.

  “I would like that, Lord Gray. Thank you for inviting me.”

  “It is my pleasure, I assure you.”

  They stared at each other for a few more minutes before Janelle whispered with a smile, “Shall we leave the dance floor? I do believe there is only one more song before the Finale.”

  Allan didn’t release her. He didn’t move. He continued to gaze down into her eyes.

  “I would like to dance with you again, if you are willing. At the many balls and dances I have attended, I have had the opportunity to meet many women. I don’t believe I have met any that strike me the way you do, Miss Dowling.” Janelle found herself unable to reply, her mind drinking in his words and not filtering back anything to say. “You are compassionate and kind, intelligent and witty. How is it that you are not married?”

  “I…I did not find a man who struck me as husband material. I have never been desperate, though I cannot lie. I have longed for a man to relieve me from the burden of spinsterhood for some years now. My sisters have good husbands. I did not want to settle for anything less that the best. They encouraged me to wait. They told me God would provide the right man at the right time and I only needed to be patient.”

  “You are a very patient woman.”

  Janelle’s smile was so soft it could barely be seen. “I am now. I had times of depression and fear. But I have waited. I knew the man would come when God wanted him to.”

  Allan licked his lips, wondering if Janelle realized she said she “knew” God would send a man, instead of “know”.





  Emiline could see her brother was preoccupied with Janelle. She had been to every party, ball and event in every country they had visited on three continents and she had never seen him so enamored with a lady. Janelle looked as though she were just as enthralled with Allan as he was with her. She frowned.

  “What do you think is going on there?” She asked Lord Steven Miner as he danced around the floor with her. Steven glanced at Allan and Janelle.


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