The Secret Wife of Louis XIV: Françoise d'Aubigné, Madame de Maintenon
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Marsilly, Marie-Claire de
Marsilly, marquis de
Martel, Judith de
Mary, Princess of England
Mary II, Queen of England
Mary of Modena
Mascaron, Père
Maurile de Saint-Michel, Père
Maximes (La Rochefoucauld)
Mazarin, Cardinal (Giulio Mazzarini); death of; in exile; nieces of; in procession celebrating Louis XIV’s marriage; reprisals against frondeurs taken by; Scarron’s tirade against; uprising against policies of
Mazarinade (Scarron)
Medici, Catherine de’
Medici, Marie de’
Melo, Don Francisco
Mercure Galant news-sheet
Méré, Antoine Gambaud de Plassac, chevalier de; letters to Françoise from; on Françoise’s marriage to carron; at salons
Merle, Louis
Merry Rolle, lord of Gourselles
Mignard, Pierre
Milton, John
Miramion, Madame de
Misanthrope, The (Molière)
Mississippi River
Molinos, Miguel de
Montalembert family
Montausier, Charles de Sainte-Maure, duc de
Montbrun, Marie Valentin de
Montbrun-Boisauroux, Philippes-Rose
Montchevreuil, marquis de
Montchevreuil, marquise de
Montecuccoli, Count Raimondo
Montespan, Françoise-Athénaïs de Tonnay-Charente, marquise de; becomes mistress of Louis XIV; convent visited by; children of; death of; and death of Marie-Thérèse; and departure of Louise de la Vallière from court; departure from Versailles of; extravagance of; flaunting of relationship with Louis XIV by; and Françoise’s relationship with Louis XIV; gambling of; at Grande Divertissement; as lady-in-waiting to Marie-Thérèse; during Louis XIV’s surgery; as maîtresse déclarée; marriage of; and marriage of Françoise and Louis XIV; obesity of; and poisons affair; pregnancies of; religious influences at court as threat to; at siege of Besançon
Montespan, marquis de
Montgon, marquis de
Montigny, Jean de
Montmorency, Henri II de
Montmorency, school for poor children at
Montpensier, Anne Marie Louise d’Orléans, duchesse de
Montrésor, Claude de Bourdeille, comte de
Montvoisin, Catherine (La Voisin)
Moreau, Jean-Baptiste
Mothe, Anne Lucie de la
Motteville, Madame de
Münster, Bishopric of
Mursay, château of; Françoise’s childhood years at; Françoise’s visits to Philippe and Marie-Anne at
Mursay, Philippe de Villete, comte de
Nantes, Edict of; Revocation of
Nantes, Louise-Françoise, Mademoiselle de, see Condé, Louise-Françoise de Nantes, princesse de
Naples, Kingdom of
Napoleonic Wars
Navailles, Philippe de Montault de Bénac, maréchal-duc de
Nesmond, Sansas, de
Netherlands; English alliance with; French wars with; goods imported from; Huguenots in; navy of; slave trade of; Spanish, see Spanish
Neuillant, baronne de; Françoise claimed and brought to Paris by; and Françoise’s conversion to Catholicism; and Scarron’s courtship of Françoise; and Paris salons
Nevers, duc de
Newton, Isaac
Nijmegen; Peace of
Nine Years War (1688–1697)
Niort (Poitou region); charity in; governor’s mansion in; Huguenots in; prison in; Ursuline convent at; see also Mursay, château of
Nivers, Guillaume-Gabriel
Noailles, Anne-Jules, duc de
Noailles, Cardinal-Archbishop Louis-Antoine de
Noailles, Françoise-Charlotte-Amable (née Aubigné), duchesse de
Noailles family
Noisy, school for poor children at
Nôtre-Dame, cathedral of (Paris)
Nôtre-Dame, church of (Niort)
Nova Scotia
Oeillets, Mademoiselle des
operas; at Versailles
Orange, principality of
Orbay, François de
Orléans, Alexandre d’
Orléans, Françoise-Marie de Blois, duchesse d’
Orléans, Gaston Jean Baptiste de France, duc d’
Orléans, Marie-Louise d’
Orléans, Philippe, duc d’ (Louis XIV’s brother; Monsieur); childhood of; death of; homosexuality of; James II presented to; marriage of Liselotte and; Versailles apartment of; victory at Battle of Cassel of
Orléans, Philippe, duc d’ (Louis XIV’s nephew; formerly duc de Chartres)
Oudenarde, Battle of
Palaiseau, Angélique-Céleste de
Palais de Justice (Paris)
Palais du Justice (Niort)
Palais du Luxembourg (Paris)
Palais d’Orléans (Paris)
Palais-Royal (Paris)
Parabère-Pardaillon, Monsieur de
Parabèrem, comte de
Parallel Lives (Plutarch)
Paris; Archbishopric of; architectural transformation to modernism of; ceremonial entry of Louis XIV and Marie-Thérèse into; charity in; Constant in; convents in; food in; Fronde in; gambling in; hospitals in; Huguenots in; Jeanne in; Marais district of, see Marais district; Marie-Thérèse mourned in; Ninon’s early life in; observatory of; Parlement of; poisonings and witchcraft in; police force of; public executions in; regency government of d’Orléans in; rejection as center of power of; revival of arts in; rioting in; royal residence in; Saint-Germain district of; salons of; starvation in; tradesmen in; Ursuline convent in; Villette cousins in; wedding of Françoise and Scarron in
Parliament, English
Pascal, Blaise
Paterson, William
Patin, Gui
Paul, Saint
Paul V, Pope
Pavallavicino, M. de
Pellison, Paul
Persia; Jewish captivity in
Peter I (the Great), Tsar of Russia
Petit-Charité convent (Paris)
Phèdre (Racine)
Philippe, Prince
Philippe Auguste, King of France
Philippsburg, siege of
Pibrac, Guy du Faur, seigneur de
Piennes, Olympe de
Pignerol, fortress of
Place de Grève (Paris)
plays, see theatre
Plessis-Bellière, Suzanne, marquise de
Poincy, Philippe de Longvilliers de
Pointe-Allègre (Gaudaloupe)
poisons affair
Poitou region
Pontchartrain, Chancellor
Port-Royal, Jansenist school of
Portocarrero, Luis Manuel Fernández de, Cardinal-Archbishop of Toledo
Poussin, Nicolas
Précieuses riducules, Les (Molière)
Protestantism; childhood exposure of Françoise to; Constant’s shifting allegiance between Catholicism and; English; in Netherlands; in Scotland; see also Huguenots Provence
Pyrenees, Treaty of
Quatrains (Pibrac)
quietism affair
Quinault, Philippe
Rabelais, François
Racine, Jean
Rambouillet, Catherine Vivonne, marquise de
Rambures, Mademoiselle de
Ramillies, Battle of
Reflections on the Mercy of God (Sister Louise of Mercy)
Reformation; see also Protestantism
Reformation of Justice, council for
Regency Council
Religion Prétendue Réformée (RPR)
Renaissance: architecture of; Italian
Retz, Jean François Paul de Gondi, Cardinal de
Rhineland Palatinate
Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, Cardinal-duc de
Richelieu, duchesse de
Rijswijk, Peace of
Rio de Janeiro
Rochechouarte de Mortemart family
Rocheford, Lydie de
Rochefort, maréchale de
Rocroi, Battle of
Roman Catholic Church, see Catholic Church
Roman Comique (Scarron)
Romans, ancient
Rouville, Jean-Baptiste Hertel, seigneur de
Royal Bodyguard, Captains of
Rubens, Peter Paul
Rueil: Peace of; school for poor children at
Rueil-en-Vexin, château of
Ruyter, Admiral Michel de
Sablé, Madelein de Souvré, marquise de
Sablière, Marguerite de
Saint Bartholomew’s Eve massacre
Saint-Amant, Marc Antoine de Gérard
Saint-Christophe (St. Kitts)
Saint-Cloud, château of
Saint-Cyr, Maison royale de Saint-Louis at; aristocratic background of students at; construction of; establishment of; Françoise’s death at; Françoise’s grave at; Françoise’s retirement to; Guyon’s influence at; marriages arranged for students at; opening of; pedagogic approach at; problems at; during Revolution
Saint-Denis, cathedral of (Paris)
Sainte-Chapelle (Paris)
Saint-Évremond, Charles de
Saint-Germain, château of; birth of Athénaïs’s children at; gambling at; James II at; marquis de Montespan at; as refuge for Louis XIV and Queen Mother during Fronde; remodeling of; royal residence moved to Versailles from
Saint-Gervais, church of
Saint-Hermant, Marie-Marguerite de
Saint-Hermant, Pierre Tiraqueau, baron de
Saint-Hermine, Louis-Henri de
Saint-Hermine, Madeleine de (née Villette)
Saint-Hermine, Marie-Anne-Françoise (Minette) de, see Mailly, Marie-Anne-Françoise, comtesse de
Saint Joseph, convent of
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de; Bourdaloue’s sermons admired by; on dauphin’s death; exclusion from Marble Trianon gatherings of; on Fénelon admired by; on Françoise’s death; Françoise’s relatives denigrated by; on Liselotte’s reconciliation with Louis XIV; on Louis XIV’s death; military service avoided by; and Orléans regency; on Sévigné’s death; snobbery of; in Spain
Saint-Simon, Gabrielle de Dufort, duchesse de
Sales, Saint François de
Sarrazin, Jean François
Saumaise, Claude
Scarron, Anne
Scarron, Françoise
Scarron, Louis
Scarron, Paul; correspondence of Françoise and; death of; family property inherited by; Fouquet’s patronage of; and Françoise’s relationships with women; Marais district home of; marriage of Françoise and; physical malady of; salon of
Sceaux, château of
Scudéry, Madeleine de
Segrais, Jean Renault de
Seignelay, Jean-Baptiste Antoine Colbert, marquis de
Sévigné, Marie de Rabutin-Chantal, marquise de; admirers of; on Bonne’s return to court; children of; on coffee; death of; on Franco-Dutch War; on Françoise’s relationship with Louis XIV; on gambling; on James II’s arrival in France; on Louis XIV’s mistresses; Marais friendship of Françoise and; on marriage of Marie-Louise d’Orléans to king of
Spain; Ninon and; on pleasures of widowhood; on poisons affair; on revocation of Edict of Nantes; on Scarron’s death; at Scarron’s salon
Short and Very Easy Road to Prayer, The (Guyon)
Socratic dialogue
Soissons, Olympe (née Mancini), comtesse de
Somme region
Sophie, Electress of Hanover (Liselotte’s aunt)
Sorbonne; Faculty of Medicine
Soubise, Anne de
South Carolina
Spain; American colonies of; French claim to crown of; French wars with; peace treaties with; Saint-Simon in; see also Spanish Netherlands
Spanheim, Ezechiel
Spanish Netherlands; French invasion of
Spanish Succession, War of (1701–1714)
Steele, Richard
Stromboli, Battle of
Stuart, Charles (“Bonnie Prince Charlie”)
Stuart, Henrietta
Stuart, James (the “Old Pretender”)
Stubbes, Henry
Surimeau, estate of
Sweden; Dutch alliance with; economy of; fleet of
Swiss Guards
Switzerland; Agrippa Aubigné’s exile in
Tallemant des Réaux, Gédéon
Tartuffe (Molière)
taxation; Colbert and; compulsory billeting of troops as form of; exemptions from; Fronde and resentment of; in Paris, “mud” and “light,” by royal decree; Te Deum (Lully)
Tellier, Père
Temple of Peace, The (Lully)
Termes, marquis de
Testu, Jacques
theatre: Parisian; pedagogic use of; at Versailles; see also specific plays and playwrights Thianges, Gabrielle, marquise de
Thianges, Mademoiselle de
Thirty Years War (1618–1648)
Tonnay-Charente, Marie-Madeleine de
Tonnerre, Mademoiselle de
Torcy, Jean-Baptiste Colbert, marquis de
Torrents of Pure Love, The (Guyon)
Toulouse, Louis-Alexandre, duc de
Tourreil, Jacques
Tour, Mademoiselle de la
Tours, Louise-Marie-Anne, Mademoiselle de
trade; British; Colbert’s control of; Dutch dominance of; Spanish disdain for
Tragiques, Les (Aubigné)
Treatise on the Education of Girls (Fénelon)
Trent, Council of
Tresmes, duc de
Trianon palace
Trimont de Cabrières
Triple Alliance
Tuileries palace (Paris)
Turenne, Maréchal
Tutchin, William
Tyrconnell, Richard Talbot, Earl of
United Provinces, see Netherlands
Ursins, Marie de La Trémoïlle-Noirmoutier, princesse des
Ursulines; educational philosophy of; in Niort; in Paris
Utrecht; Treaty of
Vallière, Louise de la; in Carmelite convent; children of Louis and; as maîtresse déclarée
Valliquierville, Charles de
Valois, Marguerite de
Vandam d’Andegnies, Anne-Thérèse
Vandam d’Andegnies, Marie-Henriette-Léopoldine
Vatel, François
Vauban, Captain Sébastien
Vaujours, duchy of
Vaux-le-Vicomte, châteaux of
Vendôme, Louis-Joseph de Bourbon, maréchal-duc de
Ventadour, Madame de
Vermandois, Louis, comte de
Versailles; Athénaïs’s departure from; charity at; entertainments at; equestrian statue of Louis XIV at; Françoise’s suite at; James II at; la Galerie des Glaces (Hall of Mirrors) at; Marble Trianon at; marriage of Louis XIV and Françoise at; meals served at; Porcelain Trianon at; Protestants at; religious conflicts at; remodeling and expansion of; during War of Spanish Succession
Vervins, Peace of
Vexin, Louis-César, comte de
Villarceaux, Louis de Mornay, marquis de
Villarceaux, Madame de
Villars, Claude Louis Hector, maréchal-duc de
Villars-Brancas, duc de
Villeroy, François de Neufville,
maréchal-duc de
Villette, Benjamin Le Valois, seigneur de; death of; Françoise’s childhood years with; Françoise’s correspondence with; Jeanne supported by; Protestantism of
Villette, Henri-Benjamin de
Villette, Louise de (née Aubigné); childhood of; death of; Françoise’s childhood and adolescent years with; Françoise’s correspondence with; Jeanne supported by; Protestantism of
Villette, Marie de
Villette, Marie-Anne de
Villette, Marthe-Marguerite de, see Caylus, Marthe-Marguerite, comtesse de
Villette, Philippe de; childhood friendship of Françoise and; conversion to Catholicism of; and daughter Marthe-Marguerite’s marriage; death of; marriage and family of; naval career of; Protestantism of; second marriage of
Villette, Philippe II de, see Mursay, Philippe de
Villete, comte de
Villermont, Esprit Cabart, chevalier seigneur de
Vincennes, château and fortress of
Virgile Travesti (Scarron)
Visconti, General Annibal
Visconti, Primi; on Angélique de Fontages; on Athénaïs; on Cassel victory; on Chambre Ardente; on Colbert rise to power; on dauphin’s governors; on dauphin’s marriage; fortune telling talent of; on Françoise’s relationship with Louis XIV; on Maréchal de Luxembourg; on marriage of d’Orléans and Liselotte
Visitation nuns
Vivonne, comte de
Vivonne, duchesse de
Westphalia, Treaty of
Wicquefort, Abraham de
Willem, Prince of Orange, see William III, King of England
William I (the Conqueror), King of England
William II, Holy Roman Emperor
William III, King of England (Willem of Orange); capture of English throne by; Condé eulogized by; death of; marriage of Princess Mary of England and; and War of Spanish Succession
Würtemberg, princess of
Also by Veronica Buckley
Christina, Queen of Sweden:
The Restless Life of a European Eccentric
There are several people whom I would like to thank by name for their help during my research for this book. Mlle Françoise Gillard of the Comédie-Française; M. Dominique Lelys, for guidance on the colonial period in the French West Indies; and M. Jean Raindre, for most kindly guiding me through the Château de Maintenon, its library, and the Noailles private family archive.
I must also extend my thanks to the staff of the following archives and libraries: Archives départementales des Yvelines; Bibliothèque municipale de Versailles; Bibliothèque-musée de la Comédie-Française; Bibliothèque nationale française; Bibliothèque historique de la ville de Paris; British Library; Manuscripts Department, Library of the University of Amsterdam; Österreichische Nationalbibliothek; Senate House Library of the University of London.