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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

Page 4

by Lacey, S. L. A.

The guest list for this wedding is about a hundred or so, mostly family and a few close friends, the manager Mark is a good friend of mine, he and I go way back to when we were in sales together but now that he is with Tiffany and Company I wonder why he left the firm, he was a lady killer as well. Mark is attending the wedding, so he didn’t have a problem when I asked to borrow the earrings for my big day…and for the traditional blue… I decided on a blue garter simple and serves its purpose.

  I grabbed my sewing box from behind the counter, I better figure out how to bustle up this train so it hangs properly, a train on a wedding gown has loops at the edge of the dress.

  For the ceremony the train of the dress is the dramatic effect of the whole dress, the prominence, it evokes as the bride is walked down the aisle, it makes a statement and really gives them something to oohs and aahs at. This exquisite silhouette makes the bride stand out and demand all the attention that is what I am looking for.

  For the reception the train is then bustled up by loops at the hem to the buttons at the waist, in the back so it lies properly.

  Just seeing this dress before me it is the reality that hits me that this is all really happening, like I said I was never the girl who wanted to marry so to have all of this is a bit overwhelming. Wow talk about taking a breather, to take it all in, a month ago I was single and working and just living my life and now I am engaged, making my wedding dress, getting married in two weeks.

  This is the first moment I have had to myself since Ian asked me to marry him, to really reflect on all that has happen in a months-time superb and tremendous are what comes to mind as I look at my dress before me.

  As I recollect all that has occurred, Ian has changed his whole life to make a life with me, so who cares that it took us twenty years to get here, some wait a lifetime and never get here. I sip my vodka and look around as all of this the store, my life, this dress, what is next for me it is all just so shocking and amazing that I have it.

  I Aria Macy am engaged to my best friend, and I am working on my wedding dress. Life doesn’t get any better than this. Oliver said my smile has not diminished in weeks, I just never knew this was going to be my happily ever after, my mind wonders as George Michael plays in the background, the lyrics ‘kissing a fool’

  I just keep pining and working as I gather up the three foot train so I know where to put the buttons and the loops.

  The door chime…


  Letting me know that someone has come through the doors

  “Hey Oliver sweetie, did you forget something?” I have straight pins in one hand, I am kneeling with my back to the door, and I have the train of my dress is in my other hand I move slowly around the back of my dress as I pin and gather it up.

  “Aria…” a deep voice says my name and I am lost, goose bumps run up and down my spine. A voice that I find equally part soothing and arousing has just said my name in that oh so familiar tone.

  I stop dead in my tracks as the hair on the back of my neck stands up. That deep velvet voice, which is etched in my brain as notorious and chilling is not Oliver at all… I drop the edge of the train and I very slowly stand up from my beautiful ivory wedding gown, I turn around slowly my eyes meet his…

  I gasped…as our eyes lock onto one another “Oh!...”

  I swallow hard, there are hazel eyes, and then there are hazel eyes that mesmerize and hypnotize these are the latter, not to mention a head of thick tousled raven hair which frames his die hard exterior, he is a sight for sore eyes, in a sharp black suit that says it all without uttering a word. My eyes follow him as he etches closer till he is towering over me.

  I am literally stunned, brought to a halt, tall dark and handsome has nothing on him as he stands very territorial and dominating, his shadow drapes over me and I am frozen instantly, he is so close that I can smell a hint of his Chanel Egoieste, my heart is racing, I am in shock, he touches my chin with the tips of his fingers that bring the blood to the surface of my face he kisses me softly with familiar lips so soft so warm and so inviting he pulls me into his arms and I fit like a glove, pins go flying everywhere, as I hear them spatter and ping as they hit the hardwood floor. I lose myself in his luxury he presses his body close to mine, and I feel every muscle beneath his jacket and my nipple harden immediately as my body comes to attention. My lips take what they should not have as they are ignited in his pleasure, the sparks between us light up my face I feel my cheeks radiate and permeate as he pervades my every sensation. Saturated by his infusion he fills me with that familiar sensation I have been missing. His all-knowing lips that mold perfectly to mine, make me smolder for the forgotten, he caresses my face as his finger gently glides down my cheeks and they heat and bloom from his sweet and tender kisses. Without a second thought he is bold and daring as he slides his audacious tongue pass my teeth claiming my mouth, his brash tactics work on me still as intrusion is just one of his many talents he taste my longing which is bitter and sweet, my heart rate quickens, my blood tingles, he moves his hands into my hair caressing and holding me to him as my body betrays me and reacts to his advances my thighs burn for him as something happens that has not happened in two years, he just got me wet, his hand move to the small of my back and he pushes me into his erection and it is then I realize who he is, what the fuck am I doing kissing a fool! I pull away quickly with all my might and fight the God like man before me. Steading myself as I realize what I am doing, mindful not to step on the pins that are scattered on the floor beneath my bare feet and I feel as if it’s an allegory how he has always gotten me in sticky situations, as memories flood my mind of the countless pins and needles that I have endured over this man. I walk on my tippy toes as I amble away from his impending glares they rain over my every move. His over-powering dominating tendencies have always commanded attention and at some points have scared me half to death, my reaction to his assault has left me barefoot and lack of restraint when said ex show’s up looking unbelievably sexy with indecent intent.

  Chapter 4


  I’m breathless, mindful of the situation I calm myself. I don’t know what I’m doing, but what I did needs to not happen again. I try to pull myself together as I check the buttons on my blouse and make sure they are still buttoned.

  My nervous fingers cascade over my bruised and tender lips as I try to acclimate and pull myself together. Being man handled and surprised two things I hate most, but that kiss brought back memories, memories that I should not be having.

  Truth be told his kisses are the ones that come once in a lifetime, you know what I mean, the ones that knock your socks off, the ones that are out of the ballpark fantastic. My eyes lock onto his face, he is breathless as his index finger is touching his lips, his hazel eyes are deep and smoldering the color that should scare me away, not make me what to kiss him indecently, he gages my reaction to his wicked display as he catches his breath. I can’t take my eyes off of him, he is my one weakness.

  Soon my traitorous intruder is his usual, calm, cool and collected self. Oh dear God in heaven that face that I have not seen in two years, it is my worst fear, it is him, the guy I saw at the bar when Ian and I were leaving the restaurant a few hours ago, the intrusive son of a bitch comes here kissing me the way he use to all those years ago. What is going on? What am I doing? This is the heartless swine who broke my heart! Who wounded my spirit and left me a wreck. This indiscreet, cruel beast that stands before me is none other than Tristan Bach, womanizer, self-absorbed bastard among men and sadly the love of my life.

  Without a doubt the one person I swore never to mention again, never to think of was standing in front of me, in my store, while I’m working on my wedding gown! My whole demeanor has changed, I am nervous, anxious, filled with desire, shit those lethal kisses of his as I touch my lips they are still tingling with sensation and want I am anything but calm around him.

  I manage to pull myself together for appearances sakes, on tip-toes I walk
back to the counter and grab a magnet from a drawer and began gathering the pins up and put them back in the box. I need to start speaking; he is just gazing at me, I slide up my pencil skirt a bit so I can kneel down and retrieve the straight pins that have scattered about.

  I stand and my long chestnut haze of curly tendrils fall back. He flashes me his sexy smile, those eyes aren’t giving anything away he has mischief on his mind as he parks his feet firmly in place. He smells the way I remember him that cologne, that Chanel Egoiste I recognize it immediately and not to mention in a killer suit…bad combination for me! I push my hair behind my ears as I try to collect myself to form a thought.

  “You know... You um…yeah.” Ok now I can’t form a sentence jeez I’m in more trouble that I thought.

  Tristan is breathing anxiously, he fumbles with his watch as I take a deep breath, let’s try this again shall I, he is rather sure of himself the cocky arrogant bastard that he is. Could he tell that he rattled me? Come on Macy pull yourself together I scold myself.

  “I thought that was you at the bar this afternoon” I manage to get it out in a very calm manner.

  “Aria I was surprised to see you today as well, I saw you leave when your car pulled away, I grabbed the check from your table and saw the name of the company on the credit card you used, so I Google Business as Usual and here I am”

  He walks around and looks from one end of the store to the other then his eyes are back on me.

  “Wow so this is you, you’re finally doing what you wanted to do with your life?”

  I push my sleeves up and try to articulate what to say next and decide that he needs to leave.

  “Well Mr. Bach you’ve always been very resourceful in locating me, so now that you have why don’t you just walk back out that door and act like this never happened?” I am proud of myself I enunciated every word perfectly clear, and deliver my sentiment with a dead stare.

  He is mulling over my statement, I can tell he is ready with a comeback, did I mention he is a prick, an arrogant bastard that manipulates women? Just thought you might want to know what I’m dealing with here.

  “I don’t mean you any harm, or any disrespect, I just wanted to see you, it’s been a long time since we’ve been in the same room together.”

  “It’s not been long enough for me!” I am stern and bitchy to him his proximity requires me to be.

  He has his hands in his pants pockets and he is rocking on his Gucci loafers, yes I notice he is well dressed indeed he fills out a suit like a no one else can and he uses everything he’s got to get what he wants.

  “I guess I deserve that, I’m not proud of the way we left things.” Ok now my bitch is personified as I go from zero to sixty faster than my Cadillac, the audacious beast shows up in my store he is damn well going to hear what I have to say.

  “Correction Mr. Bach the way you left things, I never abandoned you the way you left me that summer day…and what did you leave me for?…to go back to that whore who abused you since you were a teenager I was done, it was over for me, you walked out, but I decided to end it right then and there!”

  Tristan does not make a move he is frozen as I remind him of his behavior and his tumultuous past. I let him have a few choice words of my own, he is motionless as he watches me let go and speak my mind, he looks amazing in a well-tailored suit, a lovely black silk tie but the killer is the humble small collar on his crepe shirt that fits him perfectly, he is as breath taking as ever, the stubble on his face still eludes to the bad boy persona, maddening as he is, he is still the whole package and as ever, intoxicating.

  I mentally chastise myself I mustn’t think how handsome he is, his sexual innuendo and his erotic looks have always been my downfall they have always gotten me in too deep with this very troubled man before me. I tell myself this, I am a much stronger person now as I stand my ground and own my statement, he has always been quick with the sexual banter as he wiles his masculine charms with no gallantry, hell he came in here kissing me and we are both barely breathing what the hell is this fool thinking?

  I see him getting nervous, actually the arrogant son of a bitch is quite fidgety if I am seeing this correctly, and not as confident as he was when he walked in and stole a kiss.

  Tristan although he looks impeccable, I mean he is five eleven, built, with shoulders that are broad and have sharp corners and I should know as I have many scars from him brushing me aside and turning his back on me. He is your basic nightmare with a rock hard body the pecks and abs the whole package is a head turner and all he keep me was spinning until I was so out of control I was a wreck. Then to top off the whole package he has this jet black hair that feels like think spun silk and I always felt that once I ran my hands through it he had me in his clutches as I couldn’t get my hands out of it, it was like I got so entangled in him I couldn’t find a way to let him go. I try not to look into his hazel eyes they are a sea of confusion, he hypnotizes me with them and I can’t think straight or function in my own capacity. I would really have to say his only attribute that I find a safe comfort is his endearing smile, it is the first thing I noticed about him when we met and it is the last image I have in my mind of him until today, looking over him he is sharp, stubborn, head strong and my weakness.

  The funny thing is he is becoming as nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs, as I gage his body language I am puzzled, but I know the way he thinks, we’ve worked together for years I’ve seen him tear apart companies, devour CEO’s before noon and torture the innocent to protect the important, he was the king of merges and acquisitions, he was shrewd and domineering and we made a hell of a lot of money together, so part of me knows what he is capable of if I don’t keep my guard up.

  He feels for his tie and his eyes gaze at me from my bare feet to my eyes, and the dead giveaway is the nervous fumble with his watch, his tousled hair that flops over his forehead and the pulling of his left ear. Tristan is eyeing me to see if I am affected by him being here, the way he use to affect me, he would lace me with sexual desire and leave me wanting him, but the eyes I am looking at now are more than a dead giveaway, he looks very pleased to see me or pleased with himself, the self-centered bastard that he is, oh I know him all too well as I narrow my eyes at him.

  “Aria you have every right to be mad at me, I just don’t want this to be the way this ends…us mad at each other and not speaking again” oh does he think we are going to mend our broken fences and rekindle something that is too shattered to save, like my tortured tattered broken heart, what is this fool thinking?

  I cross my arms and I am mad at his statement he has no right to salvage anything between us, so I think I will let him know.

  “All things end bad or they wouldn’t end! There is nothing more to say, I have a great life no thanks to you! I am very busy so if you would kindly walk your ass out of my store and back out of my life again I will pretend like this never happened!” no smile just a direct stern look that stops him in his tracks as he was moving towards me.

  “Aria if it didn’t work out in the end then we didn’t see it through to the end we abandoned it don’t you see that it is not the end yet…” no this arrogant son of a bitch is not going to stand here and get philosophical on me and dictate anything, he is trying to make excuses and justify his adolescence behavior, it’s too late I don’t give a damn anymore, its two years too late and I’m too good for him I have always been.

  “Look Bach, I’m a good enough person to forgive you but I’m sure as hell not stupid enough to forget and take any of your despondent rhetoric again”

  “Aria please let me…” I cut the asshole off with a swift move of my French manicured fingernail

  “Tristan the time and place for all of this was two years ago, there is no use to try and salvage anything good day”

  “I deserve your harsh backlash I am not proud of how I mistreated you, I have hurt you and I’m sorry for that” his tone is deep and soft just as I remember him to be, al
ways calming and ready to strike, he is the killer, the annihilator when it came to tear down and destroy, and I was by his side through all the destruction we were the killing team back then and I am not going to let him tear down what I have built up.

  “Mr. Bach the day you walked out on me was all the proof I needed to finally believe how dreadful and truly awful you were to me.”

  Gosh just looking at the son of a bitch what did he expect, that I was going to jump into his arms and tell him everything is ok? He just stands there looking at me, funny if he would have looked like this years ago maybe things would have been different, stop thinking how handsome he is Aria shit! I’m my own worst enemy sometimes!

  I turn my back to him and continue cleaning up the straight pins from my sewing, the tension and energy between us is here I feel bad for yelling at him…like always …but now I am fuming I’m not the little naïve girl he can walk all over anymore.

  He grabs my arm and turns me around to face him, my heart is pounding as he touches me, the electricity runs right to my happy spot. Shit why is he the one who gets me hot and bothered?

  So the best defense is always fury and deny, deny, deny. What to do? Should I call security? Should I scream? No if he wants to stand in my presents and confront me, he damn well better take it like a man. I pull out of his grasp and nervously push up the sleeves to my silk and lace blouse and hold nothing back.

  “Look Bach what makes you think that you can just walk into my store and talk to me as if nothing ever happened? My innocence was putty to your ignorance; your obtuse manor hindered me from ever speaking to you again! You have used me, abused my trust, taken me for granted and I don’t want any of it! I’m done! It’s over!” ok so now I am screaming at him and I have never ever been this forceful with my words or my behavior.

  Wow that felt good to get that out, even if it is from anger, I feel the conviction of my words, shit where was I hiding all of this to show up at a moment’s notice?


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