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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

Page 15

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  I smile, I have never met a butler before but as butlers go he is a wonderful delight. I get the feeling he is more a father figure to Tristan- although he has a dad he grew up with, this man is far more involved in Tristan’s life.

  “Very nice to have met you Cheswick, thank you for lunch it was wonderful, I love baking bread as well”

  “Miss Aria, I look forward to breaking bread with you”

  he warms my heart, I glance up and our eyes lock, Tristan saunters down the stairs with a garment bag over his shoulder, his shaving kit in his hand and a smile on his face.

  Wow my heart just skipped a beat. That dark silky hair moves with every step he takes towards me. He is ever so handsome.

  Tristan hands his things to Cheswick, who puts them in the car, we leave out the front door, Tristan opens my door for me, I wave good bye to Cheswick, this is the only time I will ever see him. That saddens me as well.

  “Sir? Tickets” Tristan pats his breast pocket of his jacket smiling at Cheswick. He gets in the driver side and we pull around the huge fountain that is marble or stone, it is a sculpture of vines and grapes and the water flows in three tier, it is over twenty feet in height, and twenty feet round in reminds me of the fountain that Tristan and I use to drink by when we first met.

  I kind of want to sit on the edge and put my feet in, but the last time I did that Tristan and I wound up soaking wet. Shit shit shit what the fuck am I doing?

  Tristan pulls out into traffic and heads back onto I-90 West back towards my house. I turn my phone on to see if there are any message from Ian, no just regular email no missed calls, Ian doesn’t like to text, he would rather talk on the phone he has a cell but he is not the electronic person at all, which for me is good I guess.

  “Is he checking up on you?” I smirk at Tristan accusation.

  “Ian is not like that, he is not a text-ter or electronic guru”

  “Looks like I’ve got you all to myself tonight?” oh where oh where is my common sense? Shit where are my morals? Same place I left my brains, drunk at the bar!


  Back at my house I can’t deny it, I am excited about tonight I have a new dress that is dying to go out and shoes that match perfectly, oh yeah and Rod Stewart, this is going to be fun, I mean I spent all afternoon with Tristan and he didn’t try anything so I think I am safe.

  I feel wonderful, I'm showered, buffed and all my bits and pieces have been attended to.

  I have decided to wear my new Black silk taffeta cocktail dress, with matching wrap that is lines in white satin the contrast is just striking.

  The dress has tiny straps, the bodice is fitted the skirt comes just about to my knee, it hugs me in the right places and forgives me in the wrong places. I love Chanel that way.

  My lingerie drawers over flow these days, we finally have a lingerie store in Tower Centre, got to admit I went a bit crazy in there.

  I am dressed in thigh-highs in flesh color, a black satin and lace bustier and matching panties. I slip on my black satin Louie Vuitton heel and I am ready to see Rod, I hope this number gets his attention!

  I grab a black evening bag from my array of choices, this one is shaped like a tube of red lipstick. It was given to me by my dear friend Erika. One last glance in the mirror, my dark hair is blow-dried straight. It hangs down my back, my makeup is simple, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick in a natural shade of Chanel and very little blush, I’m flush enough today.

  Tristan is getting ready in the spare bedroom which is my old bedroom when I was a kid. I walk pass the room and he is not in there the door is open he must be downstairs.

  I find him outside he is on his cell having a cigarette.

  “Yes that is fine, It will be a late check in”

  He finishes up his call and turns to me, he pushes his phone in his pocket and walks over to me.

  “Aria, you are a vision!” I have to say he cleans up nicer than I, single breasted dinner jacket, dress shoes, just a hint of a white handkerchief at the breast pocket, this is gonna be an test of will over his sexing skills. And by will, I mean will I make it through this evening or will I succumb to his sexing skills…hmm

  “Thank you, Tristan and may I say 'there are dinner jackets and then there are dinner jackets, this is definitely the later,' nice very nice” I move around him and check him out thoroughly then stopping in front of him.

  “May I? Your tie…here” he takes my bag for me

  “chin up” God he smells great, he is clean shaven, in a tux and wearing my heart out. I fix his attempt and now his tie is perfect, I run my French tip nail through his black hair.

  “Very nice, you look very dashing”

  “A compliment from you Aria? The Gods must be smiling on me tonight” I shake my head at him this might not be that bad. We walk towards the car at the drive.

  “Come” the way he says it is suggestive, he holds open my door for me and we get into my car and head out.

  Chapter 12


  Severance Hall is home of the Cleveland Orchestra, I know this place all too well my father was a bass player for twenty some years here in this beautiful music hall before he died, not to mention his father was a bass player in the orchestra pits at The Palace Theatre downtown, when sound came out they all lost their jobs go figure. Musicians have always been in my family on both sides, so are steep in music.

  Our family has always attended concerts here. My brothers have all taken music lessons here at the Music School Settlement, we have always spent time here at University Circle, even I have spent many nights here with Tristan Bach walking through the park, and drinking at our fountain which is directly across the street mind you.

  It feels like New Year’s Eve, everyone is all dressed up, the crowd has gathered in the entry by the bar and we see a few people that we know, Tristan introduces me to some of his customers from the restaurant, interesting to see who Tristan associates with these days considering he was the player at the bars and clubs when I met him, never thought this was his scene, but he looks very comfortable with his hand at the small of my back, driving me crazy.

  I am not too sure if this is wise, but I see some of my clients from my store, they are mostly CEO’s, CFO’s and a lot of the faculty from the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, a few from the banking industry as well as Jacqueline Gerber from WCLV she is a hoot.

  “Aria darling who may I ask is this?” before I can say anything Tristan speaks

  “Jacqueline Gerber, Tristan Bach it’s nice to finally put a face to the sexy voice” see what I mean this is him at mock

  “Oh Aria he’s a keeper” yeah you keep him, just then she was hauled off for a photo op.

  “How do you know her Aria?”

  “We occasionally catch one another at things like this, she is going to have questions for me about you”

  “Hello Tristan” Tristan looks over my head to the long leggy blond who is behind me, he pulls me to his side and acts very territorial.

  “Elle Roberts”

  “Tristan didn’t think you were coming tonight”

  “Well I believe we have Miss Macy to thank for that, Aria Macy Elle Roberts” someone called her and was at her arm to haul her off, an older salt and peppered well-dressed somebody.

  “Who is that?”

  “A mistake waiting to happen” he is curt and coy all of a sudden.

  “Yeah I’m sure she would love to be your mistake”

  “Yeah but I wanna be yours” as he runs his hand up and down my back very seductively.

  “You already are Bach, you already are” the looks we are throwing one another are insane.

  “No wonder you are so edgy, sexual frustration” I give up as I smile and sip my vodka

  I do recognize a few clients but their names I can’t recall, and before I can even fade into the crowd I am spotted by one of my customers that has a tooth ache for me, he has been sweet on me for a few months now.

  “Aria, n
ice to see you this evening” Tristan has a firm hold on me as I say hello to a very handsome dark haired gentleman dressed in one of my suits.

  “Preston Langley, very nice to see you this evening, I would like you to meet Tristan Bach an old friend”

  They shake hands and exchange a small smile, jeez this is uncomfortable being out with Tristan like this?

  “Aria it is so nice to see you, you are beautiful as ever” I smile at him and Tristan is now pulling me close to him, not the place to be an ass Tristan jeez

  “You too, had no idea you a fan of the Orchestra?”

  “Now see you would know these things if you let me take you out once in a while, tell me how did you get her here?” Oh no he did not just do that. I smile and I am nervous this is getting crazy.

  “Took her keys, she’s been at my beck and call for past two days now” I am relieved maybe this will stop Preston’s advances. Tristan is sexy, sarcastic and smug I do love the bad boy in him.

  “I see, good to see you Aria, um Miss Macy and Mr. Bach” Preston sees his party wishes us well as he walks away.

  “Tristan I never witnessed a pissing contest before”

  “Get use to it”

  “Oh he’s harmless”

  “That fool fancies you”

  “I think you set him straight”

  “So I’m an old friend am I?” his wicked smile is nagging and it always makes me sarcastic.

  “Until you prove otherwise” I smirk back at him as I sip my glass of vodka.

  “I can see you are not going to make this easy for me are you Aria” he is sexy and seductive, which I have to admit he is always sexy and seductive, nothing new there.

  “Like you have ever made anything easy on me!” I feel anxious but I don’t know why.

  “Well Miss Macy you are as ever challenging, stimulating but challenging none the less, shall we take our seat?” I smile at him and take his arm as he leaves our empty glasses with one of the waiters. What did I always say about him

  ‘born to please and taught to tease’ now even more so sure of himself as I shake my head.

  Tristan and I are seated in the last row on the right there are several seat from the wall to the isle and we are the two on the isle, Tristan takes the aisle and I am next to him.

  “Aria this has been great spending time with you” he looks so sincere, I know he is up to no good, just look at him he is dressed to kill.

  “I have to say you are quite entertaining” I go for light banter, keep him guessing.

  “Does this mean you are having a good time?”

  “When have we not had a good time together?”

  He kisses my hand and places it in his lap, the hair on my neck is standing up, I feel his erection beneath my hand. Oh no! I am getting aroused myself, he knows exactly what he is doing this self-centered bastard. I try to remove my hand and he tightens his grip, he is not going for that. Oh what to do, well at least the house lights are low the concert master is going on about tonight’s festivities and what a great time we are in for, jeez he’s got that right! I’m pinned to my seat as sex for brains is a growing boy beneath my hand.

  Tristan puts his right arm around me and he pulls me close. We look every bit the adoring couple enjoying the show, as we cuddle and k-noodle.

  “See what you do to me baby” he is so bad, this sex crazed mad man sitting next to me.

  “You are just full of surprises tonight aren’t you Mr. Bach?”

  “I’m under your influence Aria” my attention is directed up front as Rod Stewart takes the stage and the crowd cheers and goes crazy for him he starts with Night and day I would applaud him but I have my hands full at the present time!

  The orchestra is wonderful as the melody fills the air and Rod’s raspy voice delivers, he is sexy in his tuxedo and sings as if he is making love, I can see how women fall for him, he is what in his sixties, wow, his sex appeal has not faded or diminished over the years, and then I am brought back to my sexy beast next to me… ok he wants to play I’ll play with him, I lean into the crook of his arm the music is a seduction its sets the scene as my fingers fondle Tristan’s ever growing erection. He smiles and we look at one another as the lyrics surround us both “Night and day you are the one” our unspoken words to one another. My lips are at Tristan’s ear, he smells divine.

  “Are you going to behave yourself this evening? Or am I going to have my wicked way with you?” His eyes light up and his smile is the same, enigmatic as ever, he always teases me with sex, as I feel his breath on my ear he whispers.

  “Oh I get a choice? I take option number two” I shake my head at him slightly, I don’t know what comes over me if it’s the music or him in that tux but I continue with my persecution. Tristan wanted to come here tonight so I think it’s fitting that he should!

  I am merciless in my assault on him my nimble fingers know no bounds when I am around him, he may have started it but I sure as hell will finish it.

  I lean over and nibble on his ear and I am relentless as I fondle him beneath my hand, his sexy smile says it all he is going to come tonight right here right now, I even get so bold as to tug his zipper down and suddenly he brings my hand to a halt and rubs my knuckles as he lifts my hand to his warm soft lips, he kisses my hand as he puts my pinky finger in his mouth and sucks on it, I am going to combust! Shit I may come before he does! Our eyes are locked on one another, it’s like we are in our own world, well naughty world that is.

  Was he surprised how audacious I have become? I lean over and whisper in his ear.

  “You know I would have made you come…” his lips are at my ear.

  “Ladies first” oh he is so playful and challenging.

  “You, naughty, naughty, boy ”I feel his smile against my ear

  “You are my Naughty Marietta” I smile up at him, he looks so beautiful and sexy, this was his name for me when he started with the sexual innuendo and I called him on it or challenged him or shocked the hell out of him, I was always his naughty Marietta.

  Tristan holds my hand as we compose ourselves, I know how I riled him up, he is putty in my hands so to speak but does he have any idea how he drives me crazy? Funny how he and I have spent hours listening to music together, he would find any reason to pull me into his arms, I smile as the songs that Rod Stewart croons are the melodies that he romanced me with all those years ago, is that why we are here? I just know I have never been as happy as I am right now.

  “Aria I have always found bits and pieces of you in the music that I love” ok now he is purposely driving me crazy as he tells me what I was thinking.

  Rod pulls us from our moment as the crowd roars with cheers and elations as he talks with the audience about how he started singing standards for about ten years or so, it was a project near and dear to his heart and I just love that he has introduced this music to a whole new generation, he starts Time after time the lyrics of these familiar tunes fill the air and echo off this magnificent hall, his arrangements are killer, the orchestra adds that wonderful fill from the violins to the brass section and hell when you have five basses delivering at the same time it is glorious, stupendous, the music just touches your soul, we finally calm and enjoy the rest of the concert.

  All of a sudden after a little banter with Rod and the orchestra as they joke about soccer and what not that is Rod’s passion I think, he starts his rendition of The nearness of you The Audience applauds, Tristan whispers in my ear something delicious.

  “Dance with me!”

  It is dark under the balcony he takes my hand and pulls me into his arms, as we disappear into the darkness. I go willingly, one hand on his shoulder the other he holds so dear. his lips are at my ear, my blushing cheek against his clean shaven face, he holds me tight and whispers the lyrics ‘it’s not the pale moon that excites me that thrills and excites me oh no it’s just the nearness of you’ He just hit my sweet spot, the sound of his deep voice, being in his arms, I have never been romanced like this before.
He holds me tight and dips me low, as his lips are at my neck as he kisses me so. I am exploding inside at his touch, I have wanted this man to show up for so long, now he is here and I want it all at once.

  The song ends he pulls away and bends down and kisses me gently, I don’t fight him, I don’t resist, I give him carte blanche and he deepens the kiss and pulls me close as he kisses me and kisses me and KISSES ME.

  “Do you want to get some air?”

  I nod as some version of yes and he takes my hand, the lobby houses the bar we grab a drink and head outside to get some air. The bustle of traffic fills the night air as cars race up and down Euclid Avenue, across the street is University Hospital, up from there is Lakeview Cemetery where all the infamous are buried, oh like James A. Garfield, Eliot Ness, and such notables as John D. Rockefeller and the list goes on and on.

  I take Tristan’s hand as we walk down the steps and stroll over to the grounds across the street where our fountain is. We walk arm and arm drinking vodka from plastic cups, we make our way to the fountain that is the center piece of the Cleveland Art Museum grounds.

  “Aria, remember how we wanted to go back in time and see Sammy, Dean and Frank”

  “Wow I can’t believe you remember that!”

  “Aria I think we were both born in the wrong era”

  “Yeah I always thought we were kindred spirits” we walk along the huge pond as the swans float on the water. This park is so beautiful with all the columns and stone work, the steps that lead down from the street, it’s like you escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, we always hung out here at night, it was dark, secluded we fell in love here.

  “Aria there was so much that we wanted to do, so many plans we made that never panned out”

  “I believe reality hit and damped all of that” he looks hurt that I shot him down, he says nothing as we walk up the steps to the art museum and gaze down at our fountain.

  “A flowing sea of memories”

  “Mr. Bach, too much for you to handle?” he smirks at my remarks as we gaze at our fountain.


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