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A Wedding Affair (The Wedding Affair)

Page 49

by Lacey, S. L. A.

  back at me.

  “I’m sorry Oliver this is Cheswick”

  They exchange pleasantries, Cheswick is here I begin to ponder why? He has peeked my interest.

  “Oliver would you please excuse us?”

  “Sure I'll be in my office packing up your dress ” Oliver grabs the dress and walks past us no doubt about it it’s a wedding dress he leaves us.

  “Cheswick can I get you something tea, coffee, a drink?”

  “Tea would be nice” he and I walk over to the bar, I go behind and make myself busy with a teapot, hot water from the H2O machine I reach for a cup and saucer.

  Cheswick takes a seat on one of the cherry bar stools and watches me as I move about.

  I turn around he has taken his bowler hat off and placed it on the stool next to him. his smile is sincere and his eyes are kind, and I am curious as to why he is here.

  “So Cheswick what can I do for you?” as I pour him a cup of tea.

  “I'm here to see how you are doing Miss Aria.”

  “Really why?” as I take a sip of my tea he looks around.

  “You have done quite well for yourself my dear”

  I follow his gaze as he looks around the store and stops on the silver and black sign above the high end suits and formal wear, TRISTAN COLLECTION, his eyes return to me, and I am blushing I named my high end formal wear after you know who, he notices and I am curious so I ask the mother of all questions.

  “So how is Tristan?” I am curious to see how he is, I have not seen or heard from him in what seems like an eternity and considering he is getting married and all maybe he will give me some insight as to how all that came about enquiring minds want to know…well I do at least.

  “He is in love!” ok nice to know that the English can shock the hell out of me, wow I stop in midair and put my tea cup down, oh wow well I wanted to know he is going to tell me all about the slut-bag-ugly-whore who holds Tristan’s heart, damn him, damn me for asking, do I want to hear about the illusive women in Tristan’s life who probably fucks him way better than I did and who he is so in love with that he ran out and bought a damn Tiffany ring for goodness sakes shit, damn and hell, this is not my fucking problem as I am now flustered.

  “As a matter a fact this is the reason I am here” he seems very calm with his words as he reaches into the breast pocket of his very well-tailored suit, Brooks Brothers I have to say just by gauging the cut, and simplicity as well as the fabric, worsted wool by all accounts a must for any English butler these days, as I very slowly see him reveal from his pocket a Tiffany box and places it on the bar in front of me. My mouth goes dry, my head is spinning and I am totally at a loss for words and he helps me out by enlightening the poor shop girl who is mind boggled right about now.

  “This is what you mean to Tristan Bach.” I move my tea cup to the right and now I am intrigued and my nervous knots in my stomach are tightening around me. I manage to as a question

  “What is this?” as I look at the two by two inch blue box that looks like a trinket box I have on my vanity in my closet that I keep rings and jewelry in.

  “Open it my dear” I look up at him as he eyes me cautiously and he is looking for my reaction.

  he is smiling like he is delighted about something, his smile is genuine, he regards me with a warm disposition and kind words, I am puzzled what is this all about I am now fascinated as ever to get to the bottom of this both he and Tristan are very mysterious men.

  I hold the box in one hand and slowly open it with the other, and I gasp like I am being choked as my mouth goes dry and butterflies are in my stomach.

  “OH MY!” I put my hand over my mouth OH MY FUCKING GOD! In my hand is The Tiffany 5.2 princess cut wedding ring that I wanted with sapphires on each side. It’s beautiful, simply breath taking, any women would be so happy to have a man put this on her finger, my heart blooms as I see my dream ring in front of me. I only ever saw it in my dreams in my mind and here it is in all its loveliness a perfect picture of brilliance. I tear my eyes away from the ring and I have to find out what is going on here.

  I look up at Cheswick as he wears a slight smile as shock and confusion clouds my face I am at a total loss. I mean Tristan told Mark he was getting married, what is going on. I try to rationalize all of this in my mind as I try to make sense of, why I am holding this ring in my hand, he went and bought the ring I told him I wanted two years ago? I am so… words fail me, my thoughts are on this ring and Tristan and how this was my dream and ok Mark didn’t ask who the ring was for, and here it is in front of me.

  “I don’t get it, where did this…?” I can’t even complete a thought. I am caught off guard in utter shock and disarray. My thoughts are not making any sense. I mean who buys a ring that cost as much as a house for a women who is already engaged to someone else no less.

  “Aria I believe this is the ring that you wanted from Tristan all those years ago” Ok so the butler knows about my ring fetish, this is starting to make some sort of sense I guess, I look at him and he is kind and sweet like a father pleading for his son’s happiness.

  “Does Tristan know you are here?” I am shaking as this ring sparkles and dazzles me, it is an attention grabbed.

  “No Tristan respects your wishes and your choice you have made” Cheswick now knows I am engaged, yet he is here with the ring that Tristan bought for me, this could only happen to me.

  “And you? How did you get involved in all of this, might I ask?” and before he even answers I know, I look at the man in front of me very cautiously. He is here with purpose and intentions that are stern and becoming quite clear, he is here with father’s intentions of making his son happy.

  “I respect what I see, you two together, that was proof enough for me, that you and Tristan belong together.” My heart is breaking at his words, his words are my heart, his words are my dream, my feelings surface again for Tristan that I just tucked away this morning. They are all consuming and I feel so bad for Cheswick now because he too will have to bare this unhappiness as well as Tristan and I. I always realize that Tristan must have bent his ear, cried on his shoulder enough about us to push this man to come here with every intention of bringing me back for a man who he considers like a son.

  No fathers love would be more evident that what I see here today. Since Tristan is not here I have to set him straight and tell him what obviously Tristan was not brave enough to do, and come to think of it I would not want to hurt this man for anything, his kind blue eyes that are the sea of reality, a smile so endearing and his actions speak louder than words, how he must love Tristan.

  “Cheswick I admit I am very proud of what Tristan has achieved for himself he has turned whispered conversations and mindless chatter into a thriving business with all his heart and passion, but it’s just too late for he and I, you see I’m marrying someone else tomorrow” my voice goes low as if I am hurt as well, I have to tell him, right?

  “Miss Aria what Tristan has accomplished is because of you, his love for you, we have all tried for years to set him straight, and it wasn’t until he met you that he finally got his act and finally grew up and did something with his life, something that is meaningful to both him and the women he loves” wow he is a dad alright he knows how to pitch the disdain and make me see the error of my ways, all part of his English persona I take it, and I am now laced with doubt… beware of English men in bowler hats for they tell of my indiscretions.

  “Cheswick you’re too kind, you give me too much credit, Tristan is brilliant, he is a very smart man he would succeed at anything he takes on, sadly, I was just a muse someone who inspired him that’s all” I guess my inhibitions and insecurities had to poke their head out sooner or later I am not the savior he thinks I am, I am flawed and ridden with doubt and in utter turmoil here.

  “The man you see today is all your influence on him, he loved you enough to make himself worthy of you, don’t you see that my dear? Have you not worked that out by now?” I don’t know if I h
ave worked out anything. I have such a false sense of reality, it is heart wrenching to think of Tristan ever being more than what he was to me, mean and hurtful and always pulling something over on me.

  “Cheswick, what Tristan has manifested is amazing, I was delighted that he showed me, but reality is cruel and harsh, and the facts are he is determined and a knowing business man he would have achieved whatever he put his mind to with or without me”

  “Tristan has thrown himself into his work as I see you have, I see the same uncertainty on his face that I see on yours.” His words and tone make me nervous and he just reminded me of my own father if he were still here. I tell him something that I have told no one.

  “Cheswick, I have been dealt a hand of cards and I am trying to make the best of it.”

  “Miss Aria after seeing you today I realize that the one needing to be rescued is you!”

  Tears are welling up as I look at Cheswick as his words remind me yet again what my father would say if he were still here, everyone who sees me knows my heart aches and I still deny myself the antidote to my affliction.

  “You care a lot about Tristan don’t you Cheswick?”

  “He is a handful as you already know, but I believe your happiness now lies in one another hands.” The Englishman speaks the truth as he should he has lived with a heart broken man and has seen the wounds on both of us.

  I look down at the ring in my shaking hand this is what I wanted, I am happy with my ring that Ian gave me, it’s lovely, but this is the one that was my dream, right down to the cut, color and clarity, and the man that goes with it, as Cheswick stands and puts on his bowler hat, he looks at me and smiles sincerely.

  “Miss Aria, somewhere on the other side of that door is a man who you think will make you happy and a man who already makes you happy” a tear falls down my cheek I look up at him.

  “I can see why Tristan loves you!”

  “If you ever need proof that Tristan loves you I believe his life and that rings says it all”

  “I’m sorry but I can’t keep this?”

  “Miss Aria this is your ring, I am hoping that one day it leads you back to Tristan.”

  I come from around the bar and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles and touches his cheek, he is warm and charismatic, a gentlemen who cares for Tristan as a son.

  “It was nice to see you again Cheswick”

  “You know everyone comes with baggage, I believe Tristan has found that someone who loves him enough to help him unpack, he has said you told him that” he tips his bowler hat, smiles at me with kind eyes as he walks towards the door, he never looks back and he leaves me with my hands full and a heavy heart.

  A nauseated feeling, develops, well at least I do know for sure the truth, that Tristan still loves me and I what a fool to think that Tristan just came back to fuck me, with a ring on my finger and a ring in a box, I am brought back from my thoughts as Oliver calls my name and I am in a days.

  “Aria…aria… ARIA?”

  “Who was that?”

  “I need some coffee do you want one?”

  “No I’m good” I don’t know what to say I need to go see Mark, I definitely am in need of Tiffany’s.

  I grab my purse and head out in need of some answers. I make my way through the sea of stiletto wearing crowd toting their designer shopping bags; gosh they are out in droves today. I pull on the heavy brass and glass door that is Tiffany’s and Company, I walk pass the loss leader items you know like bric-a-brac that are simply novelty items of course. I see the cases upon display cases of diamonds and they do seem to beckon one to come look at me and normally on any other day I would be more than happy to ogle them, but today I have one of their own and I have some questions.

  I reach the back counter that is all trimmed in brass and glass Mark is on the telephone and the store is busy with customers and sales associates I wait patiently which feels like an eternity for Mark to complete his phone call and he is motioning to me about how they are chatty, I nod with a stern look at him and he now sees that I am mad, nervous and anxious, he finishes his phone call and hangs up, he looks at me with those baby blue eyes.

  “Hey Aria what’s going on, are you ok, what can I do for you?” I put the ring down on the blue velvet diamond pillow in front of him.

  “What is this?” he clearly sees that it is a Tiffany box, he slowly opens it and looks at me and he knows damn well who bought this ring.

  “Aria I don’t get it how did you get this ring?” he looks puzzled and confused as well.

  “So this is the ring that Tristan bought?”

  “Yes I’m sure of it I remember it because this was a special ordered from our flagship store in Manhattan he picked it up last week, what’s going on, how did you get it?” I can’t get into this with Mark he is a great guy but I will fall to pieces right here in front of him.

  “I gotta go, thanks Mark” I take the ring back and put it in my purse I turn towards the door to leave.

  “Aria wait! Does Tristan know you are getting married tomorrow?” he is speaking loudly to get my attention.

  “Yes he damn well knows and bought this ring anyway!” he smiles at me, and the one thing about Mark he is a hopeless romantic, he use to run the gambit with Tristan back when they were chasing the ladies and hitting the nudie bars and now that Mark has found love with Reese he is a changed man.

  “Aria he is playing for keeps you gotta know that” he sounds so desperate and knowing I don’t need to hear this, not today.

  “Well I don’t want to play anymore, this should have never happened” my words make him shake his head.

  “I agree with you totally this should have never happened” as he points to the ring on my finger

  that Ian gave me, oh God not him too with the marriage advice.

  “Mark don’t”

  “Stubborn, you both are the same, even after all this time, what else does Tristan have to do, to prove to you he wants you?” he shakes his head with a leery smile

  “Mark please don’t, I thought Tristan was marrying someone else, and now to find out he bought this outrageous ring for me is too much to process”

  “Aria he loves you, you love him, it’s done, process of elimination you marry him!”

  “Mark you know I love you and not because you handle my Tiffany fix”

  “Looks like Tristan is handling it from now on sweetheart wake up smell the diamonds, this is not a crackerjack ring, he is fucking playing for real”

  “Mark you’re a doll, you know I love you but this is…”

  “Aria I have not seen the man in two years and he makes you a priority in his life, face the facts sweetheart, don’t make a mistake you will regret”

  “There is no arguing with a diamond man, Mark you always dazzle me” we are good friends he comes from behind the counter and hugs me he is six feet tall blond and blue eyed and he knows his diamonds.

  “Biggest sale I ever got Aria, that ring was a miracle we even got it, that diamonds is not even kept in stock, it was crazy that they even had it, to set it. Read the inscription”

  “I gotta go, the rehearsal dinner is tonight will I see you and Reese?”

  “Yes of course” we look at one another, we both look hurt.

  I put my Chanel bag over my shoulder as I cross my arms and walk out the door down the corridor pass the Louie Vuitton store, The Chanel store, passed Lord and Taylor towards the fountain where we had the fashion show, normally it is set up like a street scene in Paris all little tables around the huge water fountain.

  At the top of the steps is a man playing the piano I get in line and order my hazelnut coffee with a double shot of espresso, the familiar melody in the distance haunts me as the hair on the back of my neck stands at attention. I recognize it, The Rachmaninoff piano concerto no 2, I ask myself with an aching heart can this day get any worse?

  I am stopped in my tracks, the goose bumps that are invading me in the middle of summer are cold and unwelcoming, as a shu
tter comes over me. I take a seat at one of the bistro tables and try to collect myself. I sip my coffee, as the music lingers in the background. Well at least Tristan is not marrying the slut-bag-ugly-whore, no the self-centered egotistical bastard that I loved so much went and bought me the damn ring that I wanted, two fucking years ago.

  Who ever said dreams don’t come true has never lived in Cleveland, Ohio.

  I pull the ring out from my purse and open the Tiffany box again and just look at her brilliance, it is beautiful, I pull it out and place it on my left hand next to the ring Ian gave me, Rubies and Sapphires, the two rings fight for my attention, they are both brilliant, beautiful and choosing one over the others hurts like hell.

  Alone they are both a perfect fit in more ways than one. Together they are a disaster waiting to happen as they represent two totally different futures. I smile at the notion that Tristan’s ring comes with all that I want and all that I have dreamed of and I am in shock How could he have done this? Why did he do this? Why didn’t he show up before Ian? Why didn’t he tell me that he wanted me?

  All this time I never knew that I was the one for him. The ring just dances, it is a perfect diamond, just flawless in color, the clarity is magnificent and cut of the stone is a princess cut because because he always called me one, the two sapphires on the side of the diamond are his birthstone, they must be half a carat or more they are triangle in shape, the platinum setting is just beautiful, it is heavy in weight, strikingly brilliant, sheer perfection and it is exactly what I have always wanted from him.

  Tristan was my dream and this was my wish, but all of that is in the past, it doesn’t change the plans I have made, the events that are to take place in my life, this beautiful ring is just a reminder of what will never be. I know what Tristan meant to me, I finally faced the truth as painful as it is, I have admitted it to myself I love him, so what, his actions will not make me hurt Ian, I sigh and collect myself and come to the conclusion it’s too late for us.

  Hello there Miss Macy wow that sure is a pretty ring, somebody must love you a whole lot to buy you that”


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