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Naughty Boys

Page 5

by Ashley Ladd

  Chrissie jotted down a few notes. “We don't have a strict policy against employee dating, but I don't know that I personally think it's a good idea. However, sometimes we can't fit our lives into what other people think is good or bad."

  Drew wasn't sure if she was okay or not with him. “So is it okay?"

  Chrissie gave a small smile. “Don't worry about it, and don't borrow trouble. I've not heard a word so hopefully no gossip will start. We try to keep gossip at bay, and should anyone get out of hand with it, let me know, and we'll deal with it. For now, just enjoy a Merry Christmas."

  Joy and relief flooded him, and he shook her hand. “Thank you. That's the best Christmas present I could get.” Well, one of the best. He'd had several wonderful ones this Christmas already. “Merry Christmas to you, too."

  He rushed back to tell Ryan the good news and called him right away. When Ryan didn't answer, he left a voice message to give him a ring.

  Feeling ten times better and able to breathe again, he emailed Angie. “We need to talk. Can you come here?"

  Moments later, Angie sulked in, her head hanging low. “You hate me, don't you?"

  His heart went out to the miserable-looking soul, but he was still leery of her, so he stayed in place. “Won't you shut the door and have a seat?"

  She eyed the door and the chair as if they were toxic but did as he bade. “Ryan told you about our conversation, didn't he? You know I know all about the two of you."

  He nodded. “Are you going to tell anybody?"

  "If you're not ashamed, why don't you?"

  That was a good question that reverberated in his gut. He mulled it over as he twiddled his thumbs. Finally, he got a rein on it. “We may, in our time. Our relationship is still new. Just to let you know, I told my boss, and she's okay with it. There's no company mandate against it."

  "Oh,” she said in a tiny voice. After a long pause, she looked up. “I guess I was raw after Ryan won first place then I found out about the two of you. I really had a crush on you, you know."

  "He said you were following me. That makes me uncomfortable. I don't want you to do that anymore."

  She pursed her lips and closed her eyes. “I'm sorry. I didn't really follow you. Not on purpose. I just happened to see you on my way home. I couldn't believe my eyes. It really threw me for a loop."

  He felt sorry for her, but he couldn't change the way things were. He didn't want to. He couldn't wait to take Ryan in his arms again and chafed that they still had three hours left of work.

  She rose from her chair and smoothed her slacks down her legs. “Please give my apologies to Ryan and my best wishes. Merry Christmas."

  Feeling much better, he nodded. “Merry Christmas."

  * * * *

  They were let out of work an hour early so Drew had more time to get ready. After he took a shower, he prepared the meal then vacuumed the house again. He sniffed appreciatively at the basting turkey as he mashed potatoes and boiled the corn. Then he whipped up a plum pudding and a batch of fudge.

  Blissful, he whistled and did a little jig as he cooked. Since he had extra time, he made a pie crust and peeled apples to bake a homemade apple pie. His mom had always said the way to a man's heart was through his stomach, and he wasn't above using every trick in the book.

  He programmed his favourite Christmas music, put it on continuous play then dimmed the lights and turned on all his lighted decorations.

  Knowing that Ryan was coming, he didn't feel so homesick.

  Although he hadn't asked, he hoped Ryan would spend the night so he changed the sheets putting on silky red ones that matched the bedspread.

  At seven sharp, there was a rap on the door, and Drew's heart almost burst. Excited, he ran to the door, then not wanting to appear gauche, he paused until he caught his breath and opened it with a casual smile.

  He fell in love all over again when his gaze fell on a dapper and debonair Ryan decked out in his Christmas finery holding out more gaily wrapped presents and a bottle of wine.


  Yes! his heart screamed. He loved Ryan. What he'd felt for Lonnie hadn't been close. This was the real thing.

  "You came."

  Ryan shouldered his way in and put the presents under the tree. “Of course, I came.” With a wicked smile he added, “I always come with you, too."

  Heat rushed up Drew's neck to his cheeks as he closed the door then followed his guest.

  "Everything smells delicious, most particularly, you.” Ryan gave him a big smooch on the lips then danced away when Drew went to draw him near.

  "I'm starved. I don't want you to burn the turkey."

  His cock already rock hard, Drew couldn't think about food. All he wanted for Christmas was Ryan, preferably in his bed. “I'm starved, too. For you."

  Ryan's eyes twinkled brighter than the Christmas tree lights that reflected in their gold depths. “Feed me first, and I'm all yours. You can have your wicked way with me, whatever you want. I heard how good of a cook you are so I didn't eat all day so I could indulge tonight."

  Conversely, Drew had been anticipating a night full of carnal love and so had been picking at his meal as he prepared it. He swaggered up to his man, put his arms around him, and nuzzled his neck. “The turkey's already prepared. I swear to you it won't burn or get cold."

  Ryan turned around in his arms and wantonly rubbed his burgeoning cock against Drew's. “Can you at least give me a little taste? Maybe we can eat in bed."

  Chuckles rasped in Drew's throat. “You do like your food in bed."

  A primitive growl arose in Ryan's throat. “Not as much as I love you in bed."

  Kissing and caressing, they made their way to the kitchen where Drew cut off a few slivers of turkey and fed them to Ryan. When Ryan sucked his fingers, he couldn't stand another minute without ravishing the man. “I'm so horny, and I can't wait ‘til after we've eaten a full-course dinner. I took pity on you. Will you take pity on me?"

  "Pity?” Ryan roared in laughter. “You don't need my pity, sexy man."

  Ryan plundered his lips and stroked his arms, then his butt, and then worked his hands around to his cock. “Um, you're so very hot and delicious. You taste like turkey."

  "So do you,” Drew replied against Ryan's lips. “I could get into this food play."

  "I think it'd be a natural for you as much as you love to cook."

  "We're a natural together. I love to cook and you love to eat."

  "What an aphrodisiac,” Ryan murmured as he slipped Drew's buttons out of his shirt and dipped his hands inside to splay against his chest.

  "Will you spend Christmas with me, too?” Drew asked, hoping he wasn't premature.

  Ryan pulled back and stared into his eyes. “You have to ask?” When Drew nodded, he continued, “There's nowhere else I'd rather be."

  Drew snuggled against him and kissed his neck.


  Drew's heart stopped. “But?” He hated the sound of ‘but’ and his breath caught in his lungs. “But?"

  "But a little bird told me you'd love to see your family so I have a very special Christmas gift for you."


  Special gift?

  "More special than the very erotic sex toys?” He didn't know how it could get better than that, except maybe a wedding ring, but they weren't quite there yet. Hopefully before the next Christmas...

  "Um hmm. I think you'll think so. At least, I hope you will."

  Drew couldn't stand the suspense and finally roared, “What is it?"

  Ryan laughed with glee and slipped his hand into his pants’ pocket and dragged out his wallet. Slowly, he pulled out two tickets and waved them under Drew's nose. “I found your mother's number in your address book and called her, and she'd love to see you and meet me, so she invited us to spend Christmas with her tomorrow and next week."

  "But how?” Drew's mind was boggled. Had he told Ryan about his wish to see his family? If not Ryan, who had he told? “I can't get vacati
on, and I don't have the money..."

  "Remember? I won first prize for best costume, so I bought you one final Christmas gift—a ticket. And I pulled in a favour to get us some extra vacation. Do you like it?"

  Tears of happiness stung Drew's eyes. He'd never been given so many wonderful gifts, had never had such a spectacular Christmas. He squeezed his lover tighter. “Do I? How can you ask? Of course, I love it. When do we leave?"

  "Seven in the morning so we have to hurry up and eat and get to bed. I'm already packed."

  "I'm not...” Drew started to panic, and his muscles spasmed.

  Ryan rubbed his back. “I'm here to help. Together, we can get anything done we want."

  The words were a balm to his ears. He blinked back happy tears. “I love you. This has been my best Christmas ever."

  "And mine. I'm so blessed to have found you. I'm so happy I drew your name for Secret Santa."

  "So am I. We're both blessed.” Drew let Ryan into his heart and knew the Christmas magic would last a lifetime.

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  About the Author

  When Ashley Ladd was 16, she made a wish to live in the paradise known as South Florida. She got her wish and for the past twenty years has lived her dream with fun in the sun.

  She's held many jobs besides romance diva, including accountant, customer service manager, and waitress, but the most notable is her stint in the US Air Force.

  She invites you to visit her blog and join in the daily discussion at: and to stop by her website to get the scoop on all her upcoming releases and new books at:


  Ashley loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and author biography at

  Also by Ashley Ladd

  Heart & Soul

  Submissive Dreams

  Liquid Heat

  Brit Party

  Wild Fantasies

  Confessions of a Nympho

  The Perfect Gift



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