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Body Heat

Page 9

by Carly Phillips

  “I promise you no matter how much I want, I’ll go slow.” His finger stroked her cheek. Soft and sensual, he ignited her skin with a light caress. “I’ll go easy.” His touch feathered lightly down her neck and teased beneath the V of her spandex top. “Seductively,” he murmured at last. “And I promise you’ll enjoy.”

  She had no doubt he’d keep his word. Brianne had indulged in past affairs, knowing they could go nowhere. Yet she’d been so desperate for company, she’d accepted less than she’d wanted from life. But even in the midst of those relationships, brief as they were, no man had made her feel as desirable as Jake did.

  He wanted an affair. By its definition, short term. No strings. Safe, if she didn’t factor emotion into the equation. “You don’t ask for much, do you,” she murmured.

  “No more than I’m willing to give in return.”

  “What about our patient-client relationship?” she asked, and Jake recognized the last lingering doubt.

  She hadn’t rejected him outright, and he exhaled hard. “We’re alone, no rules or regulations binding us except the ones we make ourselves.”

  His fingers still lingered on her shoulder, and he savored the feel of her silken skin, wishing he had the freedom to taste and knowing he was a long way from gaining permission.

  “When it comes to therapy, I don’t fool around,” she said, an attractive flush staining her cheeks. “I mean, I don’t play games when it comes to rehabilitation. I take my job seriously.”

  He nodded. “Okay, then, no fooling around during therapy.” Damn, but he hadn’t meant to constrain himself that way. “I’ll take our workouts seriously,” he amended. As she’d said herself, therapy was hands-on and no way could he completely refrain from “fooling around” if she agreed to his suggestion.

  Though she needed persuading, he could see she was warming to the idea. She just had to put her inhibitions and professional concerns aside.

  “You’ll work out?” Those beautiful green eyes assessed his sincerity.

  “Diligently. You’ll give me your free time in between?”

  “I don’t have much,” she warned him.

  “Then, it’s a good thing my schedule’s a lot more flexible. And even better that we’re living under one roof. Are you saying we have a deal?” he asked.

  The seconds she hesitated were the longest of his life.

  Finally she nodded. “We have a deal.”

  She extended her hand for an awkward shake, but Jake had no intention of letting her off the hook that easily. He grasped her hand, her flesh a smooth contrast to his more roughened skin. “Then, we need to seal our bargain.” He pulled her close, and she came willingly.

  Her lips parted and her breath caught in her throat. He knew she was waiting for a kiss and he wanted to oblige her, yet as her lashes fluttered closed, he leaned forward and brushed his lips against her forehead instead. Unexpected tenderness washed over him, alien and welcome at the same time.

  But that was just the start. He met her wide-eyed gaze. “Slow and easy, remember?”

  Her hand rose to cup his cheek. “What happened to seductively?” she asked.

  “I think between the two of us we’ve got that nailed down, don’t you?”

  “Mmm.” Her voice came out like a purr to his ears and, drawn to her in a way that consumed him, he lowered his mouth to hers.

  Her lips were soft, pliant and willing, as he slipped his tongue inside. She tasted uniquely Brianne, feminine and warm. Delicious, he thought, and treated himself to a thorough exploration of the heated depths, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

  The soft sound was all it took for slow and easy to flare quickly out of control. Desire had been simmering for months, denied by distance and fueled by longing. Neither of them was denying now, and the kiss turned hot. What had been a gentle exploration now became a demanding acknowledgment of need. The powerful thrusting of his tongue mating with hers matched the powerful arousal nudging against his jeans, causing an ache only she could satisfy.

  He braced his hands on her shoulders, kneading the muscles with his palms and dipping his fingers beneath the front V of her tight top, caressing the soft skin on her chest and teasing her with low dips downward with the pads of his thumbs. Her back arched, lifting her breasts, giving him access should he choose to take it. And he wanted to. But his promise of slow and easy echoed in his head, as did her initial hesitance in agreeing.

  She’d given him what he desired. And now that he knew what lay ahead, they had time. His body fought hard against that argument, demanding gratification now, but he didn’t want the desire between them to burn out too fast.

  Though a little voice in his head questioned whether he’d ever tire of Brianne, Jake pushed the notion aside and focused on her instead. But it was that voice, that dangerous thought, warning him against too much too soon, that gave Jake the strength to break the kiss first.

  Still, physical contact with Brianne wasn’t something he’d give up willingly, and he kept hold of her shoulders, drinking in her dazed eyes, flushed cheeks and damp, parted lips. “Seductively, like I said.” He drew uneven breaths, his labored breathing loud to his ears, evidence of the potent desire alive between them.

  She touched a shaking hand to her lips. “I enjoyed.”

  He couldn’t prevent a smile. “I always keep my word.”

  “I like that quality.” She smiled in return.

  “We’ll be good together, Brianne.” He squeezed her shoulders in reassurance.

  “Oh, you proved that.” She let out a laugh. “But we’ve got other things just as important between us, remember? And just because you tempt me doesn’t mean I won’t be tough on you during your workouts.”

  He wasn’t surprised she’d brought them back to business. After the searing kiss, her need to latch on to the familiar was understandable. “I wouldn’t expect any different.”

  She licked her lips, and his gaze followed her enticing and distinct reminder of what had just passed between them. But Jake sensed her action was more a nervous reaction than a deliberately seductive move.

  “Good.” Without warning she rose. “I think we both need to get some sleep.”

  She was back in protective mode. He respected this side of her as much as he admired her softer, more vulnerable side. He loved learning all facets of this woman, and she obviously had many.

  “As long as you don’t change your mind come morning.”

  “I won’t.” She looked at him, all seriousness, but it was the barest hint of vulnerability in her eyes that reached out to him and made him care more than was prudent.

  “Me, neither.”

  She gave him a hesitant smile before disappearing out the door.

  Long after she’d turned in for the night, Jake pondered the wisdom of his bargain, wondering if he’d solved his dilemma or merely complicated his life.

  BRIANNE PACED outside Victoria’s Secret on Fifth Avenue, wondering what had possessed her to ask Kellie to meet her here, of all places. She shook her head. She knew exactly what possessed her. Jake.

  Or rather Jake’s bargain. Her rapidly beating heart had warned her she was playing with fire by getting involved with the man on any level other than the professional. His kiss, the effects of which she still felt, had proven her right. And what a kiss it had been. Slow, seductive and persuasive, it had quickly flared into much more. The attraction had been obvious from day one, but she hadn’t been prepared for the heat they generated each time they came together. And next time, she felt certain, they wouldn’t stop with a kiss.

  Warmth still suffused her stomach and a pulsing excitement rippled through her veins and settled between her legs, leaving her empty and wanting. Wanting Jake. She’d put her life on hold for so long, and suddenly things had changed. She’d be embarking on an affair, she thought, amazed. And she was completely unprepared.

  Last night, Jake hadn’t been thrilled when she’d abruptly turned in for the evening, but Brianne had needed t
ime. Not only had his proposition and her own acceptance caught her off guard, but she’d never felt less attractive than she had in her workout clothes and disheveled hair. She wanted Jake to see her as an attractive woman, and she needed to feel like one, and so she’d promised to begin their…liaison—for want of a better word—tomorrow night instead.

  And today, she’d taken her first personal time off in ages to prepare. She’d head on back to work this afternoon, but this morning she’d devote herself to the task. And she’d begin by buying sexy underwear.

  Brianne glanced at her watch. Although she could handle shopping on her own, she desired feminine advice and company, and for that Kellie ought to be here any minute. Brianne wiped her hand across her damp forehead. The heat outside was getting to her and, after another glance at her watch, she drew a deep breath and entered the store alone. The distinct scent of lavender drifted around her as she surveyed the racks of lace and silk garments dangling temptingly from plush-looking hangers.

  The store was a feast for all the senses, making her wonder why she’d never ventured in here before. The obvious answers were money and time, two things she’d never had in abundance. But she did now, and she took in the selection of garments around her. The beautiful matched sets and vibrant colors put her utilitarian cotton panties to shame. She fingered a violet-colored teddy, cut low, and high, in all the right places. The silk slid between her fingertips, soft and sensual, like Jake’s touch. She trembled, realizing just what was in store should she be willing to release all her inhibitions.

  Slow and easy, he’d said. Seductively. He was letting her know she could set the pace, and here she was taking the plunge. The fire in her cheeks matched the heat outdoors, but she’d come too far to turn back now. When the bells on the door tinkled and her exuberant friend walked inside, Brianne knew her fate had just been sealed. Kellie wouldn’t let her back out even if she wanted to. She didn’t.

  Kellie waved, the silver bracelets on her hand jingling aloud. Kellie was a classic blond beauty with huge, blue eyes, a porcelain complexion and a body only every day in a gym would provide. No matter what she wore, men turned their heads and looked twice. Today she had on black jeans and a white fitted T, held together by a row of hooks up the center. It was time Brianne, too, acted more like a woman who intended to make an impression.

  “Getting started without me?” Kellie gave Brianne a brief squeeze hello. “It’s only been one night, but the place isn’t the same without you.”

  Brianne grinned. “I can’t say I miss the long hours on my feet, but I did miss you, too.”

  “As if you even gave me a thought, with you and the new guy living under the same roof.” Kellie rolled her eyes and laughed, obviously not the least bit offended. “So what’d you find so far?” She spread her arms, gesturing to the undergarments around them.

  “I just walked in.”

  “Okay, then, what’s this guy’s taste run to? The classic or the kinky?” Kellie shook her head. “Never mind. If he’s fallen for you, it’s classic.”

  “Are you calling me boring?” Brianne asked, feigning insult.

  Her friend shook her head. “You’re gorgeous. You just don’t take the time to make the most of it. Maybe this new job will give you more time for yourself.”

  “That’s the idea.” The money would pay off her brother’s tuition, and when the summer was over, her free hours would belong to her alone. There’d never been a time in her adult life when she’d had the luxury of sitting down, taking a breath and saying, What do I want to do now?

  “The first rule of thumb is if you wear sexy, you’ll feel sexy. So what do you have beneath those jeans?”

  “Underwear, of course.”

  “White, I suppose?” She didn’t wait for Brianne to answer. “High-cut and basic? I won’t even ask about the bra.” She let out an exaggerated sigh. “Looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me.” She grabbed Brianne’s hand. “Come on.”

  An hour later, Brianne had splurged on the kind of lacy, racy undergarments she had never before given a thought to wearing. She’d even left a set on beneath her clothing when she’d walked out of the store. Practice, she’d decided.

  And the idea had worked. With the silk brushing her skin as she walked and the knowledge that she wore sheer, sexy panties and a matching bra, Brianne noticed she felt more feminine and attractive. Her stride quickened and she lifted her head, glancing around as she walked. Men met her gaze. One leered, his lascivious stare lingering long enough to make her uncomfortable.

  But long after they’d left Bloomingdale’s behind—bathing suits and a couple of sexy, on-sale outfits bagged and ready to go—Brianne held her shoulders back a bit more, her confidence boosted. All things she could thank Jake for calling her attention to. Not that she’d tell him. The man’s ego was healthy enough. But she had to admit, freedom felt good.

  “Have time to grab an iced latte?” Kellie asked.

  Brianne’s throat was parched from the heat and all the walking they’d done. “Sounds great.”

  “Good.” Kellie nodded approvingly, and they walked in silence the few blocks to the nearest Starbucks. In the doorway, Kellie grabbed Brianne’s hand and turned toward her. “Clothing and underwear were the hard part. Now we can sit down and talk about sex.”

  Brianne started to cough, but instead forced a casual shrug. What the heck? she thought. It had been so long since she’d had any, she could probably use all the advice she could get. Her sexual history was minimal. A lukewarm relationship in college squeezed in between her classes and work, and a couple of other guys who’d given up when they realized her brother and her jobs had to come first—and that was it. None of those men had left a lasting or lingering impression. None had eased the loneliness.

  But the idea of sex with Jake aroused every nerve ending in her body. Her nipples puckered beneath the new silk, a warm heaviness settled in the pit of her stomach and desire dampened her panties. Though no one could look and know what she was feeling, she knew. The intimate, illicit longings were unfamiliar to a woman used to being consumed with work and worries. Being consumed with Jake was a novelty she intended to enjoy.

  She shivered in the air-conditioning, but the tremor had nothing to do with the recycled air. Shaking off the sensation, Brianne placed their order while Kellie found a table by the window where they could look out on the nearly empty streets of New York. As it wasn’t yet lunchtime, most smart people were inside, away from the oppressive outdoor temperatures instead of enduring the heat rising off the pavement.

  No sooner had Brianne carried the drinks to the table and settled herself into a chair than Kellie pulled a box of condoms out of her purse.

  Brianne glanced down and swept them under the table. “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure you cover all your bases. I know you’ve had little time for anything lately since you work all day and night—”

  “You manage to fit in plenty of extracurricular activity,” Brianne said wryly.

  “What can I say? I’m resourceful.” Kellie grinned. “Not to mention, I don’t work nine-to-five during the day. I’m serious. You can’t be too careful these days.”

  Brianne shook her head. “Of course I know that.” She glanced down at the box in her hand, shaking them. “There’s a lot of those suckers in there,” she muttered.

  Her friend glanced at her too innocently over her iced coffee. “So, use them.”

  Brianne’s skin prickled at the thought, a renewed awareness and memories of Jake’s kiss and searing touch arousing her all over again. And he was so good at that, she thought, mentally transported back to last night.

  “Hello?” Kellie waved a napkin in front of Brianne’s face. “I take it you plan to? Use the condoms, I mean.”

  Brianne blinked, focusing on her friend. “Are you sure you don’t want them for yourself?” A smile tugged at her lips.

  Kellie laughed. “Don’t need them. I’ve got my own collection at home. The
y’re latex and the best protection on the market. Plus they’re made for extra sensitivity and have lubrication. Believe me, you want to give one a shot.” She wiggled her eyebrows enticingly.

  Brianne glanced out the window, her thoughts on exactly what her friend had alluded to—making love with Jake. “Did I tell you the place where I’m staying has a private rooftop whirlpool?” She took a sip of the frothy, cold drink, hoping to douse the flame of desire.

  “No, but wow. You are in for one awesome summer,” her friend said.

  “Mmm.” One group of people, then another, walked past the window. Apparently lunchtime had come for the working people of New York, Brianne thought idly. But she wasn’t paying much attention—her thoughts were on herself and Jake on that rooftop.

  Suddenly a figure caught her attention, then just as quickly slipped out of sight behind some people exiting a building across the street. The figure wasn’t too familiar, since she’d only seen the man once before. It had been this morning, after she’d walked out of Victoria’s Secret. He’d been the leering one—the one whose gaze had lingered too long, as if he could see through her clothing to the new underwear she was wearing beneath. She’d brushed it off earlier, but what were the chances of her seeing him twice in one day?

  A shudder of uncomfortable awareness and revulsion rippled through her.

  “What’s wrong?” Kellie asked, following Brianne’s line of vision outside.

  “Did you…” Brianne started to ask her friend, then stopped. What was she going to say? Did you see that guy twice today? And if she had, so what? Victoria’s Secret was only a block or two from here. The fact that someone had seen Brianne two times that morning didn’t make him someone to watch out for.

  She shook her head and laughed. “Forget it.” Shadowy figures and fear. Brianne had to admit she rarely suffered from anxiety anymore, but sometimes it appeared in ridiculous ways. Her parents had died in a risky situation, a violent storm, but they’d always indulged in some situation or other that put her nerves on edge. She was so unlike her parents, she’d have thought she was adopted if she didn’t know differently.


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