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The Sister Code (D.O.R.K Book 2)

Page 11

by Haley Allison

  Finally, Physics class arrives. My heart pounds when Gio flashes me a smile as he takes a seat next to me. We got here early, and there are seven minutes before class starts, so I guess it’s finally time for us to have a face-to-face chat. Technically, I’m not supposed to be talking to him because of Raven, but I can’t really avoid that being his lab partner, can I? Perfect excuse. I couldn’t have arranged this better if I had planned it.

  I clear my throat to get his attention, and his head immediately snaps around in my direction. I smile and proceed with caution.

  “Hey, thanks for what you said in the hallway. I’m still not happy about what you told him yesterday, but all is forgiven.”

  Gio grins widely, making his dimples deeper than ever. “I thought you might like my ‘fix it’ plan.”

  I tease him right back. “So I was the best you ever had, huh?”

  An air of seriousness comes over him. “For what I got, yes, you were.”

  My heart feels like a hand is squeezing it. My mouth goes dry and I have to swallow to wet my throat.

  “Thanks, that’s nice of you to say.”

  He leans in to look deeply into my eyes. “It was the truth.”

  For a glorious moment, his silver gaze holds mine and I let myself believe his words. I want nothing more right now than to just fall back into his arms, but sadly that isn’t my fate. I force myself to avert my gaze, tapping my finger on the desk next to my iPad.

  “Anyway…” I stop to clear my throat. “Since we’re lab partners, do you think we could let bygones be bygones? This will be a lot easier if we’re on friendly terms.”

  “I’ve been thinking about the same thing,” Gio admits. “Plus I’ve been getting owned on Battlefield lately. I miss my mentor.”

  I giggle up at him. “You really need me, don’t you?”

  “I really do.” He gives me a significant look. Panic rises inside me.

  No, no, no. Please don’t do this. Don’t tempt me to betray my sister and ruin everything I’ve worked on over the past couple of months.

  “Well, we can play games and study together. There’s no law against that,” I concede. I give him a stern look, like, That’s all it can be.

  He nods. “Sounds fair.”

  Class starts not long after that, but I find it hard to still my galloping heart. Gio’s making it pretty clear he hasn’t forgotten about me. I haven’t forgotten about him. We’re going to be spending a lot of time together this year, yet my sister will murder me if she even sees us together in public.

  Mission Survival might pose more of a threat than I ever thought possible.

  Chapter 17

  September 16, 2015

  Mission Survival Update

  Recent developments have forced me to revisit the terms of this mission. I need to remind myself of my boundaries and the reasons I started this in the first place. If Gio ever tries to get me back, I need to remember I can’t go back to him for numerous reasons, chief among which is that my twin sister had him first, and according to her, it’s against the “sister code” for me to have him now. Also, I really need Raven’s alliance now. It’s the least I can do to keep the terms of this deal since she’s holding up her end of the bargain and granting me her protection at school. I can’t even imagine how awful this experience would have been if Raven was against me too. People at school are scared of her, and I need to keep her on my side so eventually they’ll be scared to touch me. Most of them don’t seem very nice, with the exception of the friends I already had and Kiki and Chandler.

  So here are the terms of Mission Survival.

  Rule 1: Friend-zone Gio.

  Rule 2: Don’t steal her minions.

  Rule 3: Don’t fraternize with her enemies.

  Rule 4: Join a club with her.

  Rule 5: Don’t change my physical appearance.

  Rule 6: Don’t do stupid shit.

  This one was unspoken, but implied. She gets really pissed off when I embarrass myself in public.

  Speak of the devil…she’s calling me.




  I slide my phone screen to answer. “Hey Raven, what’s up?”

  “You let Giovanni Abate tell the school you were the best sex he’s ever had?” Her voice is enraged. She’s practically yelling through her teeth.

  My eyes roll up to the ceiling and I let out a weary breath. I didn’t even think about her reaction to what he said in the hallway.

  “I’m sorry. I can’t control what he says. Besides, it got everyone to stop shouting my virginity far and wide,” I explain.

  “Yes, well now everyone’s shouting your history far and wide. Is that better?”

  I shrug. “Not really, but what am I supposed to do about it?”

  “Madison, you have gotten into nothing but trouble ever since you arrived in L.A. When are you going to stop humiliating our family?”

  Tears well up in my eyes. She just struck the biggest nerve I have. It’s not that I care so much about what she thinks of me or the family name, but I am tired of being humiliated. I wish I knew how to stop.

  “I’m trying, okay? I didn’t mean to do any of this. Bad things just seem to…happen to me.”

  “Well, they need to stop happening. I’m tired of having to explain away my sister’s mishaps. One more major screw-up, and our deal is done. Do you hear me? Done.”

  “I promise I won’t screw up anymore,” I say, hoping I can come through on that promise.

  “Also, I heard from one of my assistants that you’re lab partners with Giovanni in Physics class. Did you even try to get that changed?”

  “Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. The teacher wouldn’t change the assignment.”

  Raven sighs, causing static in the phone. I can practically hear the wheels in her head turning. “Very well. Normally, I’d try to find a way to get you out of it, but with how busy the beginning of this school year has been so far, I’m afraid I haven’t the time. Have you chosen a club yet?”

  “I think I’m going to join SAB, Students Against Bullying.”

  “Good choice,” Raven says approvingly. “Let’s try to recover our strong image over the next two days, all right? By the way, we need to talk about planning a birthday party. I thought we could throw a big eighteenth birthday bash to build rapport with the students this year.”

  I smile. “That actually sounds like fun.”

  “Perhaps a Halloween-slash-birthday party?”

  “Yeah, we could have costumes and everything.”

  “Good idea! We’ll meet over the weekend to plan it. Mother’s been wanting to see you again, anyway,” Raven informs me.

  “Okay. Is Sunday lunch all right?”

  “Sounds perfect. We’ll look forward to seeing you then.”

  “Okay, see ya.”

  “Bye.” Raven hangs up without embellishment.

  I laid the phone on the bed, feeling a torrent of different emotions. One minute, she was steaming mad at me, and the next she was talking about planning a birthday party together. Having Raven Redinger as a twin sister is a roller coaster ride. I wasn’t expecting my feelings to get involved, but I guess that’s inevitable with family, even if they’ve been out of your life for seventeen years. For some reason, I really want her to be proud to call me her sister instead of embarrassed. Why do I even care? I don’t know why, but I do.

  A knock comes at my door. I mumble the words, “Come in.”

  Dad peeks his head in the door, smiles, and creeps inside. “You okay, baby girl?”

  I let out a shuddering sigh. “Sort of.” He asks me what’s wrong and I briefly fill him in on the events of the last three days. Dad sits down on the bed beside me and envelops me in a hug.

  “You just can’t seem to catch a break, can you, sweetheart?”

  “No.” A tear slips down my cheek.

  Dad wipes the tear away and kisses me on the top of the head. “Well, I came up here to show you something I t
hink might cheer you up. Can I see your computer?”

  “Yeah, sure.” I close out of my diary and hand Dad the laptop. He Google searches my name and shows me the results. I can’t help but smile when I see the headlines.

  Madison Daley’s real voice will blow you away!

  Video of Madison Daley’s Chorus audition goes viral!

  The drunk singing gene runs in the family…and so does the rock star gene!

  My cheeks hurt from smiling. Dad squeezes me so tightly it feels like our sides are fused together. I hug him back and start crying for a different reason.

  “Baby girl, no matter what happens, I am always proud of you, but right now I’m especially proud.” I hear the break in his voice. “You’re going to go on to do amazing things no matter what anyone says. Don’t let the world get you down. You’ve got so much life ahead of you to live. It’s not worth letting little high schoolers ruin it for you.”

  “I won’t, Dad,” I promise in a trembling voice. “What should I do now?”

  “Don’t acknowledge these headlines, first of all,” he warns me firmly. “You just pour your heart and soul into developing that band of yours. Soon enough, people will see your true talent. Don’t let anyone talk you into committing to something you don’t want to do.” I know he’s warning me against signing any type of solo deal. He doesn’t even have to say it. I nod against him and get lost in the safety of my dad’s arms. No matter what happens, he believes in me. In the tumult that is my new life, Dad is my rock.

  A new text message comes from Raven. I laugh wickedly at its contents.

  Raven: Just saw the headlines about your singing. I apologize for every harsh word I ever said to you. This is media gold.


  Over the next few hours, all my friends and some family members congratulate me on my newfound, finally deserved fame. Ana squeals over the phone at me for a solid minute until I finally tell her she’s hurting my ears. I pour out to her everything that’s happened over the past three days and she tells me she’s so happy things are finally looking up. She also tells me she thinks I should give Gio another chance, and I tell her she’s crazy. If I want to keep my head, which I very much do, that’s not an option.

  A little later, I get a text from someone I haven’t heard from in a few days.

  Logan: Hey Mads! Congrats on the headlines! It’s nice to know those other videos weren’t your real singing voice. I have to admit, that had me a little worried lol. I’m going to be in town on Saturday so we can hear potential bass players. Dalton and I figured we could set up auditions for then if that’s okay.

  I text him back while I’m watching The Walking Dead in the living room with Dad and Cass.

  Me: Hey Logan! Lol thanks! I probably should have shown you how I sing before now. I’m excited to have you in town. I think Saturday will be fine. Time to find our fourth musketeer.

  Logan: Right! Then we can finally get things rolling. I’ve been working on some new beats I can’t wait to show you guys.

  Me: Rock on! I’ve got some new riffs too. Good things are gonna start happening soon.

  Logan: Definitely. Hey, are you free tonight?

  Me: Unfortunately not. Got some homework to do after this show I’m watching is over.

  Logan: Bummer. We’ll be sure to play WoW after the auditions then.

  Me: Sounds like a plan :)

  Logan: Great. Gotta go, the GF is beckoning. Tty Saturday!

  Me: K ttyl!

  I smile, lock the phone, and slide it into my pocket. Good things really are happening. I’m not going to let some idiots at school get me down while all this greatness is going on.

  Homework might drag me down a bit, though…

  Chapter 18

  September 18, 2015

  Week One Update

  My first week at school is over. I officially survived a week in a high school after spending my entire life doing homework in my pajamas. I’m pretty proud of myself right now. I didn’t die, I made a couple of friends, and I showed the world just how well I can sing. Not too bad for a week that started out horribly wrong.

  My viral Chorus video has done even better than my drunk singing video. People really love my actual singing voice. I’m on cloud nine over all the positive comments I’ve been receiving. I don’t know if people even realize they’re pulling me out of a pit of despair with those comments. I feel like a real musician now that people have heard me and are asking for more.

  The only problem is Raven has it in her head I’d make a better pop musician than a rock star. I keep telling her I am never going to sign a solo deal, but she tells me I’m being stupid and that I could make a killing off being a pop star. No matter how much I tell her I don’t care about the money or fame, she doesn’t believe me. The only thing that gets her to shut up is reminding her Dad isn’t going to let me sign any contract while I’m still in high school.

  I’m a little freaked out about her insistence on this. Is it possible she could force me to sign a solo contract someday? I seriously doubt it, but I wouldn’t put it past her to try. I’ve committed to Dalton and this band against her wishes. She was already unhappy about it, and now she’s determined to change my mind.

  Her desire is to rise to the top in fame and fortune. My desire is to survive in Los Angeles and realize my dream of being a rock star. Can those two desires coexist, or is one of us bound to end up disappointed? A part of me was hoping we could actually connect on something, but so far I’m finding we could not be any more different where it counts.

  Right now, I’m going to focus on tomorrow’s auditions and unwinding with Logan after it’s over. He is a judgment-free, stress-free zone for me. Actually, this whole band is. I just need to get absorbed in my dream and forget all the drama.

  Can’t wait to find a bass player tomorrow so we can get this show on the road. Literally.




  Saturday morning, my family and I walk into the rehearsal studio with high hopes. Dalton and Logan are already waiting for us on the couches when we enter the room. Both of their faces explode into grins at the sight of me, and I soon find myself engulfed in two bear hugs. I giggle against them, loving the open, affectionate nature of the Jacobs-Caldwell family. I never have to doubt whether or not they like me.

  Dalton asked me to bring my guitar last night so we could play along with any candidates who impress us. The front of the room is fully set up with mikes, amps, and a drum kit. Seeing the setup we’re going to have for the rest of our time in this studio makes my eyes water. Every time we meet here, things get a little more real.


  Three hours into bass player auditions, Dalton, Logan, and I start to give up hope. Our ears are bleeding and we’re starting to lose faith in humanity. Not one of the people who responded to Dalton’s ad can even keep up with us. They sound fine on their own, but once we play together, it unravels into chaos. When the final unsuccessful auditionee leaves, the five of us burst out of the studio for fresh air, glad to finally be free from our torture chamber. We decide to go get some dinner downtown since we just wasted an entire afternoon and need a pick-me-up.

  We get out to the cars and I start to get in the Tesla with Dad and Cass, but then Dad shakes his head at me and points to where Logan is standing by his car.

  “Logan’s new in town,” Dad reminds me. “He doesn’t have anyone to ride with him. Why don’t you keep him company and make sure he gets to the right place?”

  My heart skips a beat. I’ve never really been alone with Logan before. I glance over at Logan, who stayed outside his car to listen to our conversation. A smile is growing on his handsome face. I return the smile and nod at Dad.

  “Okay, I’ll see you there.”

  I climb into Logan’s modest black rental truck and settle into the pleasantly warm, tan leather seat. He cranks the key and the engine purrs to life. I breathe in the new car scent that lingers in the air around us and sigh wit
h contentment.

  “I really like this truck,” I say.

  “Me too.” Logan pulls out of the parking space and follows closely behind Dalton’s restored ’69 Mustang. “Too bad I can’t keep it. I’ll probably have to settle for some piece of crap from a used car lot.”

  “Not if Dad has anything to do with it.” I watch him as he focuses on the road in front of him, squinting and furrowing his eyebrows in a way that could only be described as adorable. “Now that you’re one of us, expect to get spoiled like you’re his son. I wouldn’t be surprised if he bought a car for your girlfriend too.”

  Logan’s mouth bursts into a grin. “That’s amazing. I really can’t accept that, though. My mom taught me never to take handouts. I need to earn things for myself.”

  “You’re a real Momma’s boy, aren’t ya?” I grin back at him.

  “Well, she was all I had for eighteen years of my life,” he says in all seriousness.

  “I get that. Dad and Nana were all I had until I moved here.” I tuck stray hairs behind my ear, glancing out at the road. We’re getting into the downtown area but don’t quite need to turn off the highway yet.

  “That’s right, you weren’t always in L.A.,” Logan remembers out loud. “It’s easy to forget just looking at you. You look like you were raised here.”

  I shrug and meet his gaze. He glances back out at the road. “I had a lot of help getting settled here. Also my best friend is an aspiring model, so she and Cass made sure I looked the part.”

  “Gotcha.” He moves his hand down to turn on the radio, and then he grins as if he’s getting an idea. He pulls his hand back to hold the steering wheel. “Pick a radio station.”


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