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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

Page 4

by A. m Madden

  Ace the bouncer, and his wife Cindy had their baby boy. They named him Justin, a suggestion from their daughter Paige, who at the age of three is already a huge Justin Bieber fan. Ace is off the wall excited and shows off tons of pictures. Evan said Justin looks just like Ace, baldhead and all.

  After hanging up with Evan, I called Lori, but she wasn’t able to talk. I told her to text me when it was a good time and she promised she would. I can’t wait to hear what the hell is going on with her and Matt.

  The guys got back a few minutes ago. Although we still have a few hours before rehearsal, it’s pouring out, and we all decide to lazily hang in the bus. As my mind wanders from paternity tests, to my Internet haters, to Lori hiding things from me, I’m pulled out of my reverie by something flying through the air. It looks like a pair of boxers, and they land right on Hunter’s head.

  “Waa tha fock?” Hunter says around his Blow Pop.

  Jack is standing near the kitchen fuming. “If I find one more pair of your fucking underwear lying around this bus, I’ll make going commando the least of your problems.”

  At first I think Jack is joking, until I see the look on his face. He is dead serious. It’s true they are slobs, but Jack included. It’s only been recently that he has been much more cognizant with keeping the bus clean. Mainly because he hates seeing me clean up after them. It’s adorable how he’ll pick up after himself, yet always making sure I know it. The neater he is the more he gets lucky. Since he’s made this breakthrough, he expects his band mates to as well. He doesn’t seem to understand that he benefits from being neater. His band mates do not.

  Hunter calmly pulls the boxers off his head and the pop out of his mouth and says, “You can suck my dick.”

  “You seriously need to get laid dude. I’m sick of you and your walking hard-on.” Jack responds without sympathy. He quickly looks over at me and says, “Sorry, babe.”

  I throw him a look and say, “Knock it off.”

  “Thanks for reminding me. Actually my problem is, I haven’t gotten laid in way too long and it pisses me off that you are.”

  Jack shakes his head at Hunter and says, “That’s a mother-fucking-shame.”

  Hunter gets up and wordlessly walks past Jack to his bunk. A few seconds later, we hear his music playing and a dull thumping.

  Hunter’s choice of heavy metal music is the last thing I want to hear right now, his being alone in his bunk is the last thing I want to think about, and the sound effects he has added are making me want to throw up.

  Jack calls out, “Shut the fuck up!”

  “Jack, he’s going to pummel you.”

  “He can bring it.”

  “Stop picking on him…please.”

  “Fine. Only because you asked me to.”

  I can’t blame the guys for their moods. We have claimed the bedroom as our own, and since Scott or Hunter didn’t have their companions, there were no arguments. Regardless, it’s still unfair that Jack and I get to sleep somewhat comfortably in a bed, while they are cramped in their little bunks. Jack said it’s not the bunks that are making them irritable, but the lack of females in them. He further explained they are both horny and annoyed that Jack isn’t. I guess he was dead on…Hunter just confirmed the exact same issue.

  Jack has little patience and wants them to stop bitching about it. At the time he said, “It is what it is, and they need to deal with it.”

  Trey watches quietly. We all know he isn’t horny, since he has been getting his fill backstage after our shows. He suggested Hunter and Scott should help each other out, and then they’d feel better.

  The sound effects increase in tune to Metallica. Usually I escape to my room when they all start ragging on each other. The only reason I’m not in my room now is because I need an empty outlet for the laptop. I quickly decide to tune them all out and put in my ear-buds to watch my favorite movie.

  Jack slides into the booth next to me. He pulls a bud out of my ear and inserts it into his own. “What are we watching?” he asks cheerfully, like he just didn’t flip out on Hunter.

  “I’m watching The Notebook.”

  “Again?” He rolls his eyes and gives me an -Ah hell, but ok, I’ll watch it too - kind of look.

  Ignoring him, I start the movie.

  “I don’t get your obsession with this movie.”

  “You mean besides Ryan Gosling?”

  “Ppffit. He’s got nothing on me.”

  “You’re right, he doesn’t.” Kissing his cheek I add, “It’s just a sensational love story. They are meant to be together and nothing stops them. Destiny…I believe in it.”

  “I’m your destiny, baby.”

  “If your band mates don’t kill you first.”

  Jack doesn’t argue and leans back in the booth, laying his arm along my shoulders. My level of horniness progresses as the movie does. First Jack traces patterns on my neck with his fingers. Then his hand finds my thigh as he slowly moves it up and down, getting closer to my crotch each time. Next his lips find my ear, tugging on my earlobe. My moan tells him that he’s completely distracting me from a shirtless Noah.

  “Let’s forget the movie and make out,” he whispers into my ear.

  Trying my best to ignore the onslaught of ear nibbling, I concentrate on the tiny laptop screen.

  “So, is that a no?”

  “Jack, before they kill you they may castrate you, and that would be extremely upsetting to me.”

  He glances at me for a few seconds and blinks. “Good point.”

  The thought must be sobering and scary, because he immediately tones down his efforts. Soon enough Ryan Gosling is able to suck me in. I start to lose myself in the movie until I feel his chest rising and falling. He is passed out, his lashes fanning his cheeks, his lips parted slightly. He is so beautiful.

  I pull the plug from his ear and put it back into my own. Jack shifts and leans his head against my shoulder. He smells so damn good. I can feel his soft hair brushing up against my cheek and it makes me want to run my fingers through it, but I don’t want to wake him.

  A little while later, Hunter walks back out from the bunks. I’m guessing his mood hasn’t improved, because he scowls at Jack and asks, “Can you plug his nose and mouth and do us all a favor?” He says this with such complete seriousness that it causes me to laugh and my shoulders to shake.

  Jack wakes up disoriented and sees Hunter positioned in front of the table aiming a pair of boxers at his head.

  “Go ahead, I fucking dare you,” he challenges.

  “You two fight like an old married couple. Why don’t you finally do each other and do us all a favor. I’m sure Scott and Leila wouldn’t mind.” Trey privileges us with his words of wisdom.

  “He’s fucking getting on my nerves!” Hunter barks out. “He isn’t the first person in love. At least he gets to be with his girl. He’s right, I am horny as hell and I miss Amanda. I don’t need constant reminders.” Hunter grumpily sits on the couch next to Scott. “Let’s play Call of Duty, I’m in the mood to kill someone.”

  “Instead of playing those stupid games, why don’t you guys do something productive, like cleaning up your messes?”

  Hunter and Scott look like they want to slit Jack’s throat.

  “Fine. Forget I mentioned it.”

  “Smart move, Lair,” Hunter barks.

  “I don’t know what your problem is, Hunt. You’ve gone longer than this without sex.”

  “Jack,” I scold, as mediator mode kicks back in.


  Hunter releases a stream of curses. “I’m envisioning your face on each and every one of these dead motherfuckers.” I’ve never seen Hunter so agitated.

  Jack ignores Hunter’s admission. After a few minutes, he instigates again. “Maybe Trey is right and Scott should help with your situation until Mandi meets up with us in Chicago.”

  “You’re fucking hilarious, Jack.” Now it’s Scott’s turn to be annoyed. A round of gunfire blasts through
the bus, prompting Hunter to laugh and Scott to lose it. “FUCK! Stop killing me you dickhead.”

  “Blame Jack,” Hunter says triumphantly.

  “Stop busting their chops.” I nudge him with my elbow.

  He shrugs sheepishly. “Fine.” Turning towards Hunter he adds, “Sorry, man.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Scott, is Patti able to meet us in Chicago also?”

  “Not sure yet,” he responds, as his body ridiculously makes the same motions his hands are making on the video controller. “Damn it, Hunter…I quit!”

  “You’re such a pussy. Man up and fight back.” Hunter says, as he simultaneously unleashes another round of gunfire, taking Scott’s last life. Hunter bursts out laughing when Scott throws the remote at him.

  “Fuck off.”

  Their crude comments no longer faze me in the least.

  Scott gets up off the couch and slides into the booth across from us. Shaking his head at Hunter, he finishes his earlier statement. “Patti’s work schedule is nuts. She’s hoping to meet us in Chicago, but won’t know for a few days.”

  I feel for him. Touching his arm across the table, I try to make him feel better. “I’m sorry, Scott.”

  He blushes and shrugs. “It sucks, but iChat comes in handy.”

  Trey stands and announces, “You assholes are driving me crazy. No offense, Leila.” Trey leaves the bus and doesn’t look back.

  “What the hell is eating him?” Jack asks Scott. Trey is a man of few words, but something is definitely bothering him.

  “He’s been going through some crap. He won’t say, but we think it has to do with Lori.”

  “Really, how do you know?” I wonder if Lori admitted anything to Trey regarding Matt.

  “He was on the phone with her yesterday and it didn’t end well.”

  That girl has a lot of explaining to do.

  “Leila, do you think she would come out and meet us?”

  “I don’t know, Scott. I can ask her.”

  I pull out my phone and quickly text Lori.

  Still want to talk to you. Also can you meet us anytime soon?

  My phone immediately buzzes with a response.

  I’m too busy. I’ll text you a time we can chat tomorrow.

  “Um, she is crazy busy with Cliffhangers and can’t get away right now. She said she’ll talk to me tomorrow.”

  Jack watches me skeptically, but doesn’t comment. Leaning down, he whispers, “Wanna take a nap?” He pulls my earlobe between his lips to convey his true intentions. Throwing him an exasperated look, he responds with an innocent, “What?”

  “We have less than an hour.”

  “So, it will be a quick nap.” He quips.

  I glance at Hunter and Scott. Jack follows my gaze and argues, “They don’t care. They probably rather we disappear.”

  “They’d rather you disappear.”


  “Quit acting like we can’t hear the two of you. Jack’s right, get lost.”

  Jack shrugs and says, “See?”

  “This tour will be our demise, because they are going to kill us.” I nod towards our unhappy band mates.

  “It’ll be worth it.”

  Sliding out of the booth and pulling me with him, he announces, “We are going to go take a nap.”

  Hunter looks up from his game and smirks, “Just keep it down, please.”


  Lying in bed, I thought Jack dozed off, until he suddenly asks, “What’s going on with Lori?”

  “Why?” I ask, confused.

  “You looked like you knew something out there when you texted her. I can tell.”

  “Really?” I ask, looking up at him.

  He nods, “I know your faces.”

  “Lori broke it off with Trey the night of our opening show. She didn’t want to pine away for him while he was traveling the country. Plus, Lori was dead set on getting Cliffhangers discovered and is not taking her role as agent lightly.”

  Watching me closely, he adds, “I get that…and?”

  “And what?”

  “There’s more.”

  “Jeez, how do you know?”

  Shrugging, he waits for my response.

  “Matt is chasing Lori.”

  “Matt is chasing Lori? When did that happen?” he asks, looking completely shocked.

  “I’m not sure Trey knows about that part. Lori has wanted Matt for years. After I broke up with him she asked if I would mind, which of course I didn’t. The problem was Matt wanted nothing to do with her in the romantic sense. It took a while for her to finally move on. Trey actually helped her with that. A couple of days ago, Evan informed me that Matt broke up with the girl he had been seeing and is now pursuing Lori. Lori has been tight lipped about the whole thing. I don’t know if she is playing hard to get or if she’s truly moved on.”

  “Wow. That’s quite a bit of gossip. If Trey is really into Lori, this is not going to be good.”

  “I’ll try to get some info out of her or Evan.” I sit up and decide to let him know what I’ve been meaning to do. I decide this is as good of a time as any to enlighten Jack about my brother.

  “It’s time to tell Evan about us.”

  “Really?” Jack fails to hide the excitement in his voice.


  “Finally.” He regards me for a few seconds. “You miss him, don’t you?”

  I nod and smile, “Yeah, I really do.” As I look away, Jack takes my chin to turn my gaze back to his.

  “You’re doing it again. You’re hiding something.”

  “Do you remember the day I came to rehearsals late and then cried my eyes out?”

  Jack simply nods, his expression shows he is clearly worried about what I’m about to say.

  I hold his hand and take a deep breath. I begin to unleash my one biggest secret to my other biggest secret.

  “Evan and I had just found out the day before that we are brother and sister.”

  A myriad of emotions pass through Jack’s eyes, first relief, then confusion, and finally sympathy.

  “Well, that’s not what I expected you to say. How?”

  I explain the friendship between Barb and my dad, Doug’s role in Barb’s unhappiness, Mom ending it with Dad and his turning to Barb for comfort. I describe what happened that fateful night between Barb and Dad. I tell him about Barb harboring her secret to protect my father, my mother, and Evan. I explain Barb’s motives for keeping her secret from my dad, but reluctantly had to tell him the truth once Evan became sick. I tell him why Doug left and why Barb didn’t want my mom or anyone to know, and the only reason she told Evan now was because she was battling breast cancer and wanted him to know who his real father was. I finally end with my dad’s determination to build his relationship with Evan back to what it was, or better than what it was before. I happily admit I think Evan is finally coming around and is slowly forgiving his mom and my dad for what they did.

  During my entire rundown of that significant day, Jack takes it all in quietly, never breaking our eye contact.

  Still holding his hand, I wait patiently for him to process all the information I just dumped.

  “Holy shit”, is all he says while looking away for the first time. “Babe, how did you feel about all of this?”

  “I was stunned. After the shock wore off, I slowly began to understand why Barb lied and why she wanted to protect my mom. I get why she wanted to protect all of us from her secret. Now, I am just thrilled to be related to my best friend. We always considered ourselves brother and sister and there’s no disputing that. You are the first person I told. Evan wasn’t ready to tell anyone and I’m not sure if he has changed his mind yet.”

  Jack pulls me into his arms and hugs me tight. “Thank you for telling me. I wish I was there for you when you were going through it.”

  “You were. You were really great that day. You allowed me to release without asking questions. It was exactly what I needed from y
ou. Besides, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.”

  He kisses me sweetly and runs his thumb across my cheek. “I’m here now and every day from now.”

  My heartbeat quickens from his declaration. Caressing his beautiful face, I place a chaste kiss on his lips. “I know.”

  Chapter 3 - Jack

  “Your name sir?”

  “Mr. & Mrs. Sated,” I respond, without looking at Leila.

  “Ok, Mr. Sated. You are in room seven-fifteen. The elevators are on the right.” The blonde points down the lobby as her eyes focus on my ring-less finger. “Enjoy your stay.”

  “Thank you.” Taking our overnight bag in one hand and Leila’s hand in the other, I walk with her through the lobby towards the elevators.

  “Mr. & Mrs. Sated?” she asks, smirking adorably.

  “Well, aren’t we?” Bending to kiss her, the arrival of the elevator stops it from becoming our normal make-out session. The minute the doors close, I push her up against the elevator wall.

  “I’m completely sated. But I have to warn you, I do have a huge appetite.”

  “Really, I hadn’t guessed that yet. Speaking of, I was hoping to eat because I’m starving. I was also hoping to catch up on some sleep.”

  “We have plenty of time for that, after I fuck you. Then I’ll feed you and then I’ll devour you. After all that you can sleep.”

  “You’re so accommodating.”

  “I know.”

  “We need to have our laundry done too.”

  “We will. I already warned the guys to not bother us, call us, or seek us out until rehearsal tomorrow. We are not leaving this room.”

  “Do I get to pee during this time?”


  “Ok, sounds like a plan.”

  I’ve been bouncing off the walls in anticipation of our first night off in a hotel. During our show last night in Albany, my mind wandered so much with thoughts of Leila and I in a hotel room that I honestly don’t know how I managed to sing the lyrics to our songs.


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