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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

Page 11

by A. m Madden

  Jack left the room for a few minutes. While he was gone, my cell phone buzzed with a new text. My sexpot of a boyfriend took a picture of his family jewels and sent it to me with the message - you own this…find me.

  And find him I did.

  We had a quickie in one of the empty dressing rooms.

  Overall it was a really great night. The drinking until the wee hours when we had to be at the radio station by six-thirty in the morning was not so smart. So now we are all hurting. The upside is once the interview is over, we are free for the rest of the day and night. Even Jack conceded sleep is definitely in our plans today.


  As we all sit and wait while yawning repetitively, Gregory, the station’s morning producer, herds us into a large studio. I’ve never been to a radio station before. We are immediately fitted with headphones, given instructions on the red light, and a quick rundown of how the interview would flow.

  Dean and Diane are chatting with Jen and Krista in the adjoining studio. I Googled the DJ’s on WXLP, and I’m a bit star-struck. Diane and Dean are a team who have controlled the Chicago airways for years and are well respected in the Rock and Roll world. Dean looks like a well-aged rocker himself. He is extremely handsome and emanates a total coolness. Diane is a pretty woman with a trendy haircut and nerdy black-framed glasses. Except for the nose piercing, she looks more like a librarian.

  They’ve interviewed everyone from up and coming artists like us, to The Stones and Springsteen. I now have six degrees of separation to Springsteen. The thought makes me downright giddy. A small giggle escapes, and Jack looks over amused.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “I wonder if Springsteen’s ass sat in this chair.”

  Smiling, he leans in. “His ass would be lucky to sit in your chair.” Then he licks my neck.

  I’ll never get used to this man charming me. As I squirm my ass in the said chair, he smiles even wider and winks at me.


  He shrugs and says, “What?”

  “This is fucking awesome,” Hunter whispers loudly. “I am so excited, I could shit myself.”

  “Scott, switch seats with me,” Trey mumbles.

  The studio door opens and Dean, Diane, Jen and Krista enter. “Hi guys!” Diane boisterously says, like it’s six-thirty at night and not in the morning.

  Jack speaks first. “Hi. It’s such an honor being here.”

  Dean comes up behind Diane. “We love interviewing new talent. We love to gloat once success is met and tell the world we were there in the beginning. We’re not ashamed to say we also love to exploit your greenness.”

  We all laugh at his admission, while Diane says, “Shut it, Dean. You can’t keep telling everyone how calculating we are.”

  Dean admits while shrugging, “Why the fuck not? Which reminds me…get all your fucks and shits and douche-bags out now. We only run on a ten second delay, but sometimes the guys on the dump button fall asleep.”

  Diane dramatically rolls her eyes. “You can see who the classier one is in this team?” She moves over to her side of the control desk. Once she’s seated with earphones in position, she starts flipping some switches and my nerves start the stomach flutters and the leg jiggles to begin. Jack reaches under the counter and uses his hand to stop my jiggling knee.

  Diane looks over and smiles warmly. “I’m sure you are all nervous, and there really is no reason to be. So what if hoards and hoards will be hearing you? Pretend it’s just us. I know Shelly ran through the drill with you guys. We’ll start off with a casual chat. Then we’ll open the phone lines up to the fans. Finally, we’ll end the segment with your live performance of Committed. Sound good?”

  We all nod mechanically and Diane laughs. “Just like good little soldiers, right Dean?”

  “Naïve, trusting good little soldiers.” He smiles manically from his side of the control panel.

  I love these two.

  Jen and Krista sit in the corner talking quietly. I feel a bit better they are here and they are on our side. Correction, I feel better Krista is here and on our side. In the few hours I got to know her, I already trust and like her a hell of a lot more than Jen.

  After the DJ’s talk to us for a few minutes trying to loosen us up, the Producer’s voice comes over the speakers announcing sixty seconds to air. Jack takes my hand and squeezes it, running his thumb over mine. Looking over he smiles warmly and I return my own. This is a significant moment for all of us.

  The timer on the wall counts down from five and then the red light glows from the On Air sign.

  “Good morning Chicago. How are we today? I’m Dean Ratner here with Diane Jones, and you are privileged to be listening to the Dean and Diane Morning Show.”

  “Diane and Dean Morning Show.”

  “Whatever. Diane how was your dinner last night?”

  “I’m lucky to be alive. I think he tried to kill me.”

  Laughing out loud, Dean then asks, “Finally? I mean, how?”

  “Ha ha. He accidentally left the twine on the chicken and served me a piece that was wrapped in it. The Heimlich maneuver was required.”

  Dean laughs again and adds, “He meant well. You were the one who complained he never cooks for you.”

  “True. But I didn’t want it to be my last meal. I still have a lot to live for. I could see the headlines. CHICAGO DJ CHOKES ON CHICKEN TWINE.”

  “That would be classic. The only thing to shut Diane Jones up is chicken twine.”

  “Hilarious, Dean. Besides, talking is my job.”

  “And thank God you have the gift of gab.”

  “Why don’t you come over tonight and Luke will cook for you?”

  “No, thanks. I like my life.”

  “What life?”

  “Come to think of it, he did call me yesterday asking if I’d entertain changing the show to Dean and Luke.”

  “Great. I always knew my husband was jealous of my career. You all heard. If I turn up dead, Luke Jones for attempted murder and Dean Ratner as his accomplice.”

  “Whoa. I had nothing to do with the attempted murder this time.”

  This easy banter goes on between them for a few minutes as I silently sit wide-eyed, still awe-struck and nervous as hell.

  Diane is the first to reveal our presence. “Listen up, Chicago. We have very special guests here with us today. Jack Lair, Hunter Amatto, Scott Malone, Trey Taylor and Leila Marino from Devil’s Lair are in the studio. Welcome guys.”

  We all say a quick hello. Jack, as our nominated voice for most of this interview adds smoothly, “It’s an absolute honor to be here.” His sexy voice coming over my headphones is doing things to me. I’ve never seen him get nervous, not on stage, not now. Looking over at my calm boyfriend, I am in awe at how cool he is.

  “You are quite a good looking bunch. Yum.”

  “Settle down, Diane.”

  “Just sayin’. So, what’s new?” Diane asks in a singsong voice.

  We all chuckle and Dean says, “Spill it, Diane. Just get it out, because we all know what you want to know.”

  “Ok, I’m not shy. Let’s cut to the chase, then we can move on. Jack? Leila? What’s the story?”

  Jack laughs at her candor and looks over at me as my nerves go into overdrive. Jen watches like a hawk from the corner.

  “What story?” Jack responds candidly.

  “Funny. Did you take Dean’s smart-ass pills today? What’s going on with you two?”

  “Diane, please leave the kids alone.”

  “Oh puhleezee. You were the one in the hall asking, ‘So, how are you going to ask them? Huh? Huh?’ You’re such a gossip whore.”

  “I am not. I am asking for the listeners. You know, inquiring minds want to know and all that crap.”

  “Whatever, Dean. So, no one leaves here until you come clean. Spill it, you two.”

  Jack hesitates for a few seconds looking directly at me. “Um…well…Leila and I…um…yeah, it’s true.�
� He admits, smiling at me.

  “If the viewers could see these two right now. Oh my God, so adorable.”

  “Calm down, Diane. How do you guys feel about these two?” Dean asks.

  Hunter speaks first. “It’s annoying.”

  Laughter fills the studio. “In what way?”

  “I’ll paint a picture. Cramped messy bus, two horny…wait, can I say horny?”

  “Um, yes.”

  “Oh, good. Two horny rockers and a couple in love on a cramped bus. So much fun.”

  “We get the picture. Besides Jack, you boys aren’t getting lucky? Wait, there are three of you.”

  Scott, Hunter both respond. “Trey is getting some.” Trey shrugs.

  “Lucky, Trey. What’s his secret?”

  “He’s single. Our girlfriends haven’t been able to join us until yesterday.” Hunter admits.

  “Ah, so now the horniness problem is solved?” Dean says.

  “Yep, for now.”

  “Leila, how does it feel being the only woman on this bus?” Diane asks.


  Diane laughs and Dean asks, “And why is that? Don’t tell me you are horny too? Jack, do we need to have a chat?”

  “Really, Dean?” Diane chastises.


  “Ugh…anyway, why is it annoying?”

  “No, Dean. I’m not annoyed for the same reasons as Hunter. I’m annoyed because they are all a bunch of slobs.” My voice sounds a bit shaky through my headphones.

  “I’m not.” Jack admits.

  “You are the worst of all of us. Don’t lie.” Scott says defensively.

  “Well, I’m trying to change that.” Looking over, he winks at me and Diane lets out a loud sigh.

  Jack bestows Diane with his dimples and her eyes roll back in her head. “Oh my God! He has dimples. Jack, I’ll leave Luke if things don’t work out for you two.”

  “Diane…” Dean scolds.

  “What…he’s gorgeous. Sorry, Leila.”

  “I’m used to it.”

  Diane focuses on Trey in the corner. “Trey, how do you like traveling with this crew?”

  “Annoying. No offense, Leila.”

  “No worries, Trey.” I respond.

  “So the gist of Devil’s Lair tour is some of you are horny and most are annoying?” Dean asks.

  “Pretty much.” Hunter says arrogantly.

  “Except, Leila…on both counts.” Jack brags, smiling wide.


  “Sorry, baby.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet.” Diane says. “You two are just adorable together.”

  “Ugh…Hunter, I get your point now.” Dean grumps.

  Hunter shrugs. “Told you so.”

  The DJ’s get down to the real interview. The guys all visibly relax as they speak about their true passion. Their knowledge and love of music comes through with every word they utter. Their eyes glazed and their faces serene as if they were discussing a really beautiful vacation spot they all shared. They reply easily to all the questions thrown their way. Laughing comfortably, responding honestly. It’s a treat to watch, and it reminds me how lucky I am to have found this awesome bunch of men. Occasionally Dean or Diane will direct one question to me, as I try to answer with as much finesse as the guys. To my own ears though, I sound like a nervous wreck.

  Things become a bit tense when the phone lines are opened. The fans shamelessly ask all sorts of questions, from the exact moment we fell in love, to when will we be getting married, to whether the guys prefer boxers or briefs.

  Jack can’t resist letting them know Hunter goes commando, Scott prefers boxers with cartoon characters on them, (as he snickers) and he prefers briefs. Trey is still a mystery. When another caller asks what I prefer, I place my hand over Jack’s mouth just before he could embarrass me.

  A few calls are cut short the minute the DJ’s realize the callers do not have honorable intentions with their line of questioning. But all in all, it is a good interview. We end with a live rendition of Committed and considering the guys are working with borrowed instruments, we still sound really awesome.

  During a commercial break, Dean stands and says, “We’ll play High Life and Nothing to Gain when we return from commercial. Your agent also gave us a bunch of CD’s to gift to the listeners.”

  “You guys were awesome. We’d love you to come back again.” Diane moves around the counter to give us all hugs.

  Dean nods behind her and says, “By then it may be The Dean and Luke show though.”

  “You’re such an ass.”

  We say our good-byes before being ushered out of the studio. “Congrats guys! That was a great interview.” Jen says, as we all congregate in the lobby. “You can all go and relax. I’d like to meet up for breakfast tomorrow before you take off. Let’s meet in the hotel restaurant at check out. Band meeting, if you will.”

  “Are we in trouble?” Hunter asks, like he’s a four year old.

  “No…why would you think you are in trouble?” she smirks and leaves with Krista in tow. “Enjoy your day off people.”

  “We fully intend to!” Hunter yells back.

  Jack pushes the elevator button. Minutes tick by and no elevators appear. One by one we all look at each other and all dart towards the stairwell, laughing uncontrollably the entire time. We all have one thing on our minds. Sleep.

  Chapter 7 – Jack

  Yesterday, after doing our radio show, I realized two things.

  One…the evidence definitely proves our fame is exploding by the minute.

  Two…I’m really happy.

  Leila sleepily opens her eyes as I stroke her nipple with my fingertip. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” I smile back, clearly showing her my euphoria.

  “How can you be so happy in the morning?” She grumps adorably.

  “Because the girl I love is naked in my bed.”

  I pull her closer, trying to transfer my want for her through a kiss. My cell phone buzzes and it effectively interrupts our moment.

  “Damn it.” I pull away to retrieve the stupid device. “What!?” She laughs as I aggressively answer the call.

  “Dude, where the fuck are you? You’re late.” Hunter says through the phone.

  “I was just about to make love to my girlfriend.” I respond while she wraps her body around mine. I squeeze her tight, kissing the top of her head. She’s finally comfortable with our relationship in front of the guys.

  “Congrats, but you need to zip it in your pants, and get your girlfriend and your hard-on out here. You’re lucky it’s me calling you. Jennifer is about to barge into your room. There are some photographers outside, and Jen wants us to all leave together to maximize their efforts. Free publicity. So move your ass…now!" Hunter hangs up, and I look at the time on my phone. We’re not that late.

  “Damn he’s bossy.” Looking down at her, she looks totally freaked out. “What?”



  “Jack, it’s happening.”

  “The fact we are gaining fame? I know, it’s awesome.”

  “Yeah, there’s that and also all those people that heard our interview now know we are together and that we are having sex, thank you for that. The interview made it all so real, and it’s one thing to post words, but it’s another to say them out loud on a radio station that broadcasts to hundreds of thousands of people if not millions and millions, and it all just hit me and I really feel like I can throw up.”

  As she stops to take a much-needed breath, I tilt her chin up so she can stare into my eyes. “Baby?”


  “Shut the fuck up.” I bend to kiss her passionately with the intent to just distract her, but my lower half instantly gets the memo and comes to the meeting. Taking her hand, I place it over my pulsing dick. “Now look what you did.”

  “That’s from one kiss? I’m good.” She squeezes and smirks.

  “Well, you have to do som
ething about it.”

  “We can’t…we’re late.”

  “Your hand wrapped around it isn’t helping.”

  She removes her hand. “Ok, problem solved.”

  Regretfully, I pull away with my massive hard-on in tow. “Jeez, you’re such a buzz kill.”

  “Our agent is the buzz kill. Little Jack would hide if she came barging in here.”

  He considers my words. “First of all, not little. Second, it would take her at least four minutes to get up here.”


  “What?” She gives me a look. “Fine. You’re right. We need to get downstairs. We’ll boink as soon as we get on the bus.”

  “Boink? What are you eighty? Who says boink?”

  “Come here, smartass.” I attack her with groping, tickling and kissing. She giggles adorably, trying but failing to pry my arms and lips away from her body.

  “Jack…stop.” She gasps in between giggles. “Stop…we’re late.”

  “Yeah, yeah...I know.”

  I reluctantly let her go and she finds her clothes before disappearing into the bathroom. I should follow her in, but remembering what we did in there last night, following a naked Leila into that bathroom right now would be asking for trouble. I’m at full mast and there’s no time for a cold shower.

  I throw on my rumpled clothes in record time. Once I’m fully dressed and adjust myself, I then knock on the door.

  “Let me in.”

  “Are you going to be good?”

  “Yes, I promise.”

  We move around each other like we’ve been together for years and not merely weeks. As we stand side by side, doing mundane things like shaving or brushing our teeth, I want nothing more than to do this for the rest of our lives. It’s the normal, and the boring, that I most look forward to. I’m really not sure why. Maybe because I’ve never had someone to just exist with, to watch TV with, or make dinner with. I crave it now that I have her.

  She watches me in the mirror. “I think I love you smooth as much as much as I love your stubble.”

  “Yeah? Which way do you prefer between your thighs?” She stares at me and then rolls her eyes. “For the record, I know I love you smooth.”


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