Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series)

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Front & Center (Book 2 of the Back-Up Series) Page 21

by A. m Madden

  “I know. Sometimes I have moments of panic, moments where I feel so connected to you that being apart for even minutes makes it hard to breathe.”

  I contemplate her words. I know exactly what she means. It’s sick, actually. It’s obsessive and fanatical, but it’s absolutely true.

  “No one would understand this. I don’t think anyone I know could relate to this. The constant need to touch you, to see you, to need you. I need you. More than air, or food or water.”

  She holds my face and strokes my eyelids, my nose, and my lips with her thumbs.

  “I understand.”

  She pulls me lower to join our lips once again. I need more now. I need all of her. I slide into her torturously slow. Her eyes widen ever so slightly as she inhales me in every way. She raises her knees to take me deeper…and still it’s not enough.

  We’ve never gone this slowly. At the moment, there’s no need to rush. We have the rest of our lives together and there’s no need to quicken this for any reason. It’s pure perfection. There have been times, and there will be times, when frantic and hurried sex will be our only option and we will still appreciate it. Today, we are savoring every rub, every caress, every kiss, and every thrust deliberately.

  We each bring the other closer with subtle movements or shifts. She moans in frustration when I hold back, because I start to feel the familiar tightening in the base of my spine. But I am now at the point where I need to let go and more importantly, I need her to let go.

  “Baby, please come for me.”

  She is right there, right at the edge, and my words are the gentle shove she’s been waiting for. Her arms and legs encircle me. Her fingernails mark the skin on my back. Her muscles constrict around me, prompting me to tremble inside of her.

  The more I quiver, the more she tightens her grip. She’s pulling every emotion, every sensation out of me, until there is nothing left.

  “I love you.” She says, staring into my eyes.

  “I love you.”

  Once we both relax from our climaxes, I collapse from exhaustion. What I just experienced crushed me physically and mentally.

  Murmurs and noises coming from outside our door wake me up from a sound sleep. Leila is sleeping beside me, while wrapped in my arms. I don’t even remember us moving positions.

  The voices I hear tell me it’s time for her next surprise. I watch her sleep peacefully before waking her.

  I kiss the top of her head, gently running my hands up and down her back. She stirs and slowly opens her eyes. “Hey, baby.”

  “Hey. You feel so warm.”

  “You too. I could stay here forever, but we need to get up for surprise number three.”

  She stretches in my arms, smiling shyly. “You are spoiling me.”

  “Not nearly enough.” I kiss her cheek and add, “Come, the next surprise wouldn’t appreciate us naked.”

  She looks up confused. Putting on my best poker face, I move around the room adding items of clothing as I go. She starts to dress as well, but her brow is still puckered in confusion. When we both freshen up and are presentable for company, I take her hand and lead her to the door. She can obviously hear the noises on the other side.

  She narrows her eyes suspiciously. “Will this be embarrassing to me?”

  “No…of course not. Ready?”


  I open the door to Hunter, Trey, Scott, Dylan and Oscar standing around talking casually and hiding in the back are Evan and Lizzy. Her eyes move around the room. It’s obvious when they land on Evan.

  She looks to me excitedly, while squeezing my hand. “Oh my God! I love you.”

  She runs past everyone else and straight into Evan’s arms.

  “What are we, invisible?” Hunter pretends to be offended.

  “I see you each and every day.” Leila quips back. “What are you doing here?”

  “Surprising you.” Evan states the obvious.

  “How long are you staying?”

  “Four nights. We are coming to your show tomorrow night.”

  “Hey, Lizzy. How are you?”

  Lizzy and Leila hug comfortably. “I’m great. Welcome to the family.”

  Evan remembers what occurred tonight and adds, “Oh, yeah. I guess congratulations are in order.”

  She pulls away to show Evan her ring. Lizzy looks at Leila fondly, before meeting my eye. She’s been great during this whole thing. I drove her nuts, and once again I owe her big time.

  Evan and I exchange a handshake and I hug my sister tightly. “Thanks for keeping this to yourselves.”

  Evan nods. “I’d do anything for her. Hey, I’m sorry I gave you such a hard time.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I understand.” I wrap my arm around Leila and smile. “Thanks for prepping Mr. Marino for me.”

  Leila looks up at me and asks, “With what?”

  “I called him to ask permission to marry you. Evan had a long talk with him beforehand.” We both look at Evan and I add, “I really appreciate it.”

  “No problem. He really does like you. He just worries about her.”

  “I love her more than anything.” I admit, looking down at her. She smiles and hugs me tighter.

  “We know.” Evan admits.

  During our slumber, the drinks and food I had arranged were delivered, and my band already took it upon themselves to dive right in.

  “Babe, do you want some wine?”

  “Yes, please.”

  I leave her with Evan to grab our drinks. One by one my band mates come to offer their congratulations.

  Hunter hangs back and is the last to approach me. “I can’t believe you’re getting married man. This is huge.”

  “It is.”


  “About marrying her? Not at all.” I take a swig of my beer. “I’m terrified of something happening to her.”

  “Nothing is going to happen. None of us would allow it.”

  “Hunt, I suddenly have a lot at stake. It’s scaring the fuck out of me.”

  “I get it. Things change, you know. What was once important isn’t so much anymore. Without warning, your thoughts get hijacked and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do about it.”

  His analogy is dead on. I turn towards my friend surprised by his admission. “Missing Mandi?”

  “You have no idea. That girl wrecked me.” This is the first time Hunter ever hinted what he truly felt about Amanda.

  Slapping him on his back, I agree, “Yeah, buddy. It happens to the best of us.” I motion over towards where Leila is standing. “She wrecked me too. I can’t imagine life without her.”

  He follows my gaze. “I’m really happy for you, Jack.”

  “Thanks, Hunt.”

  “Come here, you bastard.” He pulls me into a typical man hug. Over his shoulder I catch Trey’s eye.

  “Trey is watching us.”

  Hunter pulls away and levels Trey with his glare. “Don’t even think about commenting, I’ll have your nuts removed.”

  “Then I’d be just like the three of you.” Trey tilts his beer and takes a healthy mouthful.

  “One of these days you’re going to be licking a girl’s ass just like we do and loving it.”

  He shrugs and says, “Not before she licks mine first and my attached balls.”

  Leila shoots us all a look. “Guys, we have guests.”

  “Sorry.” Hunter mumbles quietly, but then shoots back at Trey in a much louder voice, “I have fifty that says you will fall the hardest of us all.”

  Trey walks closer and extends his hand. “I’ll take that bet.”

  “Count me in.” Scott volunteers. “Make mine double.”

  “You want in?” Hunter asks me.

  “Nope, that’s a sucker’s bet.”

  “You’re the smart one. These two are jackasses.” Trey touts, while shaking his head and walking away.

  Hunt and I exchange a glance.

  “He’s going down.”

“I’m not so sure.” I admit. “You just made it even more interesting for him.”

  “I just made it my mission in life.” Hunter responds arrogantly.

  Chapter 16 - Leila

  “So tell me everything that’s been going on.” I’ve monopolized Evan since the minute I saw him. This was an awesome surprise. I had no idea he was planning on coming out at any point during the tour. It feels like I haven’t seen him in years and not just weeks.

  He and Lizzy are so comfortable together. They sit close, his arm around her shoulders. Every so often, he kisses her head or she strokes his chest. He looks different. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s not just the happiness that’s written all over his face, it’s something else and it suits him.

  He admitted how much trouble Jack went through to make sure his proposal to me was perfect. It only caused the overwhelming love I feel for him to swell even more so.

  Jack comes over with my wine and sits beside me on the couch facing them. “Thanks, baby. Ev was just about to fill me in on the Hoboken dirt.”

  “I got here just in time.”

  “Where do you want me to start?”

  “How is the band?”

  “Good. Lori is truly a force to reckon with. She’s been working our asses. We played Granite last weekend.”

  “You didn’t tell me that. How was it?”

  “Awesome. I love that place.”

  “Nina is working out well?”

  “She’s not you. But she’s great. Her voice works well with Matt’s. Our fans are slowly warming to her.”

  “I hope they weren’t nasty.”

  “No, just indifferent. You had quite a following, you know that. They are very loyal to you.”

  “I’ll come by after the tour to see them.”

  “So, I decided to tell the guys about us.”

  I halt my wine glass half way to my lips. “You did?”

  “Yeah. They deserved to know. They took it well, after the shock wore off.”

  “You can’t blame them.” Lizzy offers. “It’s quite a revelation. Especially to them, they are practically family to you guys.”

  Evan nods at Lizzy before adding, “Lori claims she knew all along.”

  “She’s full of crap. I’m surprised she hasn’t contacted me.”

  “I made her promise not to. She wasn’t happy. She said our connection was a natural result of our circumstance.”

  “She doesn’t know what she is talking about.” I shake my head while smirking. “That girl is too much.”

  Evan laughs. “Joe is upset that you are with Jack. He said he would have loved to become my brother-in-law.”

  “Joe has a thing for Leila?” Jack asks with a raised eyebrow.

  “No. He just teases me constantly.”

  “He loves to bust on her.” Evan confirms. “He loves to make her blush.”

  “I still need to keep my eye on Joe.” Jack grumbles before taking a sip of his beer.

  I look up to stare at him for a few seconds.

  “What?” He asks, completely clueless.

  Turning my focus back to Evan, I ignore Jack and ask, “So has Dad been behaving?”

  Evan sneaks a look at Lizzy. “Um…”

  My heartbeat falters slightly. “What’s wrong?”

  Evan immediately shakes his head. “No. Nothing is wrong. Probably the opposite?”

  “Oh, thank God. You scared me. Ok, so tell me.”

  Evan scratches his head and makes a face, clearly stalling for time. After a dramatic sigh, he informs me, “He’s with someone.”

  My mouth drops to my chin. “You are shitting me.”

  “No. I wish. I, um, kinda walked in on them.”

  “Shut. Up” The image of my dad and a woman pops into my head. “Ewww, gross.”

  Evan rolls his eyes, “Yeah, tell me about it.”

  “Wait, you walked in on him at his house?”

  He shakes his head while smirking.

  “Do not tell me my dad was having sex in public.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, or I hope not at least. Ugh, I just got another visual.”

  “Do I know her?”

  He nods, but says nothing else.

  “You’re killing me. Who?”

  He can’t seem to get the words out. It looks like he’s physically not capable, as if they are lodged in his throat. After a subtle nudge from Lizzy, he mumbles, “My mom.”

  “OH MY GOD!” Jack chuckles at my reaction. “It’s not funny,” I scold through gritted teeth.

  “Yes, it is. It’s classic.” Evan shoots him a look and he adds, “Um. You’re right. Not funny.”

  Now it’s Lizzy’s turn to laugh. “I think it’s awesome.” She leans up and kisses Evan’s cheek. “You need to lighten up and be happy for them. I told you that.”

  Evan and I exchange an exasperated look. “They don’t get it. Their parents have always been doing it. Ours have no business having sex...again.” He grinds his palms into his eye sockets. “Crap, I can still picture it.”

  Jack lets out a deep belly laugh, until I wedge my elbow against his ribs. He then turns it into a cough.

  “How the hell did you walk in on them?”

  “I had to borrow my mom’s suitcase. I didn’t think to tell her, I figured I could run in and run out. No such luck. They were in the fucking kitchen!”

  “What did they do when they saw you?”

  “They were so involved, they had no clue I was standing there. I covered my eyes and when I tried to get the fuck out of there, I knocked over a lamp.”

  “Oh my God. Ev.” Now it’s my turn to laugh, and Jack starts shaking beside me trying to contain his mirth.

  “It’s really not funny. Anyway, they were mortified. Apparently it’s been going on for quite some time. They never asked me to keep it to myself. My guess is they knew I would tell you, sparing them the agony.”

  “How long, like years?”

  “No, they said it started right after our newsflash broke about being related. I guess the relief they felt opened the door to much more. I hate to admit, but they do seem happy. My mom is doing well, so I’d like to think it’s helping her recovery.”

  “I’m sorry you had to witness it, but I guess I am happy for them. I did want this for them years ago.”

  “Yeah, don’t remind me.”

  “Will you change your name to Marino?”

  His response is to throw his bottle cap at my head.

  “Well, I think it’s great. Good for them.” Lizzy looks up at Evan and leans in for a kiss. He complies readily, and Jack looks away.

  “Don’t like seeing your sister smooching?” I ask.

  “Um, not particularly.” He waits a few seconds, and once they pull apart he says, “Baby, do you want Liz to take the ring home with her? She can put it in the bank until we get home.”

  “Hell no!”

  He grins at my response. “You can’t wear it.”

  “I know. This ring is not leaving my body. I’ll pin it to my bra if I have to.”

  “Ok. Whatever you want.” He bends to kiss me when Hunter rudely interrupts us.

  “Hey, Lair. This party is lame.”

  “So leave.”

  “You don’t mind?”


  Suddenly my three band mates plus Dylan bolt for the door as if someone pulled the fire alarm. The door slams shut forcibly behind them.

  “Damn. I guess we were boring them.” Jack says irritably. “Oscar, do you want to leave too?”

  “No, I’m staying, unless you want me to.” He has set up shop in the corner with his laptop.

  “And you two?” Jack addresses Lizzy and Evan. They exchange a look. “What? Go. Don’t worry about us.”

  “I’m just really tired. It’s three a.m. in New York. Can we meet you for breakfast tomorrow?” Lizzy asks shyly.

  “Of course. I feel bad I took over your night.” I apologize.

  “Don’t be. We couldn’t wait to
get here.” She exchanges a hug with Jack before I walk them to the door.

  “I’m so glad you came out, both of you. Thank you.”

  “I’ve been plotting to come for awhile. Of course, I needed to see my baby sis on her rocking tour.”

  “Well, I hope we don’t disappoint you tomorrow night.”

  I hug them both goodbye. On my way back into the living room, the look on Jack’s face stops me in my tracks. “What’s wrong?”

  He hands me his phone. On the screen is a picture of Lizzy standing at a red light in Manhattan. “What is this?”

  “It must have come a while ago and I just didn’t see it. It’s from Danny.”

  Oscar takes the phone from my hand. “There’s no message.”

  Jack looks up completely dazed. “I think it’s loud and clear.” He sits on the edge of the couch and rakes his hands through his hair. “Fuck.”

  I have no idea what to say to him. My heart is in my throat. This man is scary as hell. The picture is in focus. He had to have been standing a few feet away from her to get such a shot.

  “Oscar, how the fuck do we handle this?”

  “Text that to Ace and me. We know Lizzy’s safe while she’s here. By the time she gets back home, we can try to figure out our next move.”

  “Can we contact the police?”

  “We can, but there’s no crime committed.”

  Jack stands and starts pacing the room. “I don’t care. At least they’ll know about it.”

  “I have a feeling none of this is coincidence.” He looks at me impassively. “You’re meeting with her tomorrow. Lizzy is here in Vegas. Tonight you get a text from Danny? It’s strange.”

  “Do I tell her? I don’t want to scare her.”

  “Before she leaves, you need to tell her.” Oscar responds.

  “Goddamn it.” Jack looks completely lost. I move closer to wrap my arms around him and he reciprocates.

  “Jack, we’ll figure this out. We have a huge support system.”

  “She’s right, Jack.” Oscar grabs his bag and adds, “You two are fine here. I’m going to go make some phone calls. I’ll be back in the morning.”

  As he walks by us, Jack places a hand on his shoulder. “Oscar, I really appreciate your help.”

  “I know.” He nods and leaves the room.


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