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Daniel's Duty [Lords of Hawksfell Manor 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Josie Dennis

The unintentional double meaning of his words was lost on the woman, thankfully. He wouldn’t dare scandalize her.

  “He and his ward appear to be enjoying Hawksfell,” she went on.

  Again, the image of Daniel and Daisy filled his mind. “Yes, Mrs. Holmes.”

  She flashed him a kind smile. “Your work has been most satisfactory. Mr. Carstairs has said as much himself.”

  He inclined his head. “Thank you.”

  “I believe you have a bright future here, Vincent.”

  With that, she turned and made her way toward the stairs. Vincent stared after her. He waited for the relief and satisfaction derived from her words to fill him. To his surprise, he found himself less than pleased to think about staying on at Hawksfell Manor after Daniel and Daisy took their leave.

  “They’ve only just arrived,” he told himself.

  How long they would stay, that was unknown. Should he ask Daniel for the answer to that very question? No. They might be lovers, but Vincent still wished to keep his place.

  He sank down at the large table in the servants’ hall. “God, what a muddle,” he muttered.

  “Trouble, friend?”

  He glanced over toward Peter, who was seated across from him. “Nothing of import.”

  Peter crossed his arms and leaned closer. “Is handling Lord Winthrop proving too much?”

  That made Vincent snort. “Hardly.”

  “Well, if you need assistance, you only have to ask.”

  Vincent leveled a look at him. He knew what Peter was about. The young man wanted to move up the ranks. If Vincent couldn’t handle his duties as first footman, Peter would be more than happy to step in as valet to the earl’s guest.

  “I thank you for the offer but I’ve only just heard from Mrs. Holmes that my work is most satisfactory.”

  Peter sighed. “Mrs. Holmes told me to look to you for example.”

  Vincent softened his expression. “I’m sorry for that. Believe me, I do not consider myself an instructor.”

  “Yet you’re well-liked by the staff and the family.”

  “As are you.”

  “Maybe. Perhaps if another servant is swept off their feet by a visiting Hawk, we can all move up in rank.”

  Vincent’s brows rose even as his pulse tripped. “Do you believe that a possibility?”

  Peter shrugged. “It’s rumored to have happened in the past. The wife of the earl’s own brother was once a maid here.”

  Relief flooded Vincent. He knew this. He also knew one didn’t speak of the matter. Either upstairs or down.

  “Peter, if Mrs. Holmes catches you carrying tales, you won’t get the chance to advance. In fact, you’ll find yourself without any position if you continue.”

  Peter nodded, his face solemn. “I’m happy here, Vincent.”

  “As am I.”

  The other man gave a quick nod. “Good. I have no desire to rise to first footman, truth be told. As for valet?”

  Vincent could tell by the apprehension on Peter’s face that he wouldn’t overreach.

  “You’ve been here but a few weeks,” Vincent pointed out.

  “And you’ve been here but a few months.”

  Vincent knew he was fortunate in his employment. He also knew that, even if Peter wasn’t after his position, others most likely were. He had to make certain that no one learned of what he and Daniel had shared, with each other and with sweet Daisy.

  “Peter, please go see how dinner progresses,” Mr. Carstairs said from the doorway.

  Peter scrambled to his feet and bowed, hurrying to do the butler’s duty. Vincent rose as well, in deference to the older man’s position.

  “Vincent, Lord Winthrop has called for you,” Mr. Carstairs said to him.

  Vincent blinked. “Now, sir?”

  “Apparently he has dined with the family but declined cards and drinks afterward.”

  A tingle of anticipation slid down Vincent’s spine. “I’ll see to him directly.”

  The butler nodded with satisfaction and Vincent left the servants’ hall. Climbing the back stairs to the bed chambers, he tried to imagine just what awaited him in Daniel’s guest room. He’d yet to fuck Daisy himself, and didn’t dare hope he would have the pleasure tonight. Daniel had said he couldn’t wait to have her again and Vincent couldn’t deprive their girl of the one man she loved.

  A pang settled in his chest. She loved Daniel. He’d known that before the three of them began this, but to see her amazement as Daniel made her his? How could the man not see that the girl gave her heart when she gave her body?

  Nevertheless, he made his way to Daniel’s room and rapped on the door.

  “Come,” Daniel said.

  Vincent opened the door to find Daisy in the room with him. She wore only her chemise and her body was incredible in the frothy fabric. Her blond curls were loose and her color was high.

  She looked at Vincent and a sweet smile spread across her face. “Vincent.” Her voice sounded soft and welcoming. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

  He glanced at Daniel and saw that he had begun to undress as well. His shaft was outlined through the front of his trousers, however.

  “In a bad way, Daniel?” he had to ask, unable to keep a smile from teasing his lips.

  Daniel’s dark eyes sparkled. “Never mind. Just get over here and get us both naked.”

  Vincent allowed himself the freedom to let his desire show. He flicked his gaze from Daisy to Daniel as he removed his own clothes. By the time he was naked, he could almost feel their hands on him.

  Daisy licked her rosy lips and clasped her hands. “You’re so beautiful, Vincent.”

  Daniel’s gaze was as hot on Vincent as Daisy’s. They might not love him, but they most definitely wanted him. He’d known such passion. He’d also known abandonment.

  For the moment, passion would have to be enough.

  Chapter 8

  “Bloody hell, I’ll strip myself,” Daniel said, his voice rough.

  Daisy wanted them both naked and at her disposal, like they had been yesterday afternoon. It had been torturous waiting for them to have her again. Yes, she’d been sore last evening, and this morning she’d had some troubling negotiating the grand staircase in full view of the family. Daniel was so very large. He’d filled her to bursting, yet she’d still wanted Vincent afterward. Pity she hadn’t had him then. Perhaps tonight.

  “Finally,” she whispered, coming up to Vincent and kissing his full lips.

  She’d wanted to do that since watching him serve dinner last evening. He was just so pretty. She also couldn’t forget the feel of his lips and tongue on her…pussy. It was what they both called her woman’s flesh, and she reasoned she shouldn’t act the maiden now that both of them had touched and tasted her.

  Wrapping her hand around his shaft, she felt the silky strength of him. “Your cock is ready for me,” she said.

  He stiffened for a moment, then laughed. “You are a singular girl.”

  She beamed a smile at him, then faced Daniel. “Look how ready he is for us, Daniel.”

  Daniel joined them, his big body gloriously naked. She had to touch him, too. He was slightly larger, but both men were so masculine she was nearly overwhelmed.

  “Take her tonight, Vincent,” Daniel softly ordered.

  She gaped at him, then saw the heat come into Vincent’s blue eyes. Her body began to tingle as the two men exchanged a look she now knew meant incredible pleasure for all three of them. Vincent pulled her to him, kissing her as she’d kissed him. Daniel was at her back, his powerful body pressed so tightly against her buttocks. As she rubbed her breasts against Vincent’s chest, Daniel dipped a hand between her legs. She felt herself weep with need as he began to tease her.

  “You’re wet, love,” Daniel said as he nibbled on the side of her neck. “I think Vincent should take you from behind.”

  Her mind spun with the possibility. How would that work, precisely? She didn’t have long to mull this over, for her
men took her to the bed and she found herself on her hands and knees. They shared kisses with her, each of them caressing her and stopping now and then to kiss each other as well. There was nothing more exciting to her than watching the two of them pressed together. Then Vincent shifted to brace his knees between hers. He placed his hands on her hips.

  “You have a lovely backside, sweetheart,” he said, dropping a kiss on one cheek.

  She shivered and beads of sweat popped out all over her body. She could feel the dampness of desire now. Her pussy was swollen and ready for her second lover. Second lover! It was nearly beyond comprehension!

  The tip of his cock teased her, making her gasp as she trembled with anticipation.

  “Please, Vincent,” she breathed.

  He pressed forward, inch by rock-hard inch, until he was fully inside of her. “You’re so tight, Daisy,” he rasped, pulling back just a fraction before coming into her again.

  She squeezed her eyes shut as she moved back ever so slightly to meet his next thrust.

  “That’s it, love,” Daniel said, his face close to hers. “Take him. Deep.”

  She moved again, earning a moan from Vincent as he filled her once more. It was astounding, his taking her from behind as Daniel began to caress her. He came to kneel before her, using his fingers and lips on her breasts.

  Pleasure wound tighter and tighter around her as Vincent stubbornly kept his pace. She was nearly mad with the need to peak.

  “Are you ready to come, Daisy?” Daniel asked her.

  She bit her lip and nodded.

  “Me, as well.”

  She opened her eyes to look at him in question when he settled himself in front of her. His cock stood high and hard before her as he leaned back on his haunches.

  “Suck me,” he said.

  She shivered, earning a burst of pleasure from where Vincent continued his slow taking of her. With a mewl of delight, she engulfed the head of Daniel’s cock. He growled, a sound of decided agreement, as she sucked and nibbled. The deeper she took him in her mouth, the deeper Vincent came into her. She was barely able to support herself on her hands as she trembled. It was Vincent’s strong hold that kept her tight to him as he finally began to ride her faster.

  “Yes!” she cried, pulling her mouth away from Daniel for a moment.

  “Daisy, please,” Daniel said, his head thrown back.

  She returned to her task, licking and sucking as her own world rapidly focused on her pussy and her mouth. Daniel’s spicy taste and Vincent’s expert loving combined to drive her closer and closer to the edge.

  “I’m coming,” Daniel rasped, bucking as she sucked him.

  “I’m so close,” Vincent replied on a breath.

  Even if she didn’t have her lips firmly wrapped around Daniel’s shaft she couldn’t manage to find the words to express just how close she was herself. They hung together for several long, sharp moments before they all began to spiral upward.

  Her mouth flooded with Daniel’s cream as he shouted his release. Vincent’s movements were rough as he drove deep inside her and pumped his own release. She trembled and shook, and let herself feel every bit of her two men’s pleasure. In a flash, she joined them, shaking and sobbing as waves of pleasure coursed through her.

  Daniel caught her when she collapsed, cradling her on his lap as Vincent hugged her tight from behind.

  “You’re amazing, sweetheart,” Vincent said softly as he kissed her cheek.

  She murmured something, she wasn’t quite certain what, and closed her eyes. She could still taste Daniel on her tongue. She could still feel Vincent pulsing deep inside of her. As they both stroked her hair and gave her words of praise, she knew she would never forget being with the two of them.

  “I can’t wait until we take you at the same time, love,” Daniel said.

  She nodded, then her eyes popped open. “What?”

  Vincent chuckled near her ear as he withdrew with a sigh. “This was just the beginning, sweetheart.”

  She blinked, and then looked into Daniel’s eyes. “How can you both take me?”

  He placed a big hand on her right buttock and gave a squeeze. “You’ll take both of us inside of you, Daisy.” He winked at Vincent and gave her a smile. “I’m not quite certain which of us will be in your pussy and which will be in your very pretty bottom.”

  She gaped at him. She couldn’t help but do so, really. As she’d just been sandwiched quite deliciously between the two of them, was what Daniel was saying so unbelievable?

  “I trust you,” she said.

  Daniel lost his smile. The remote guardian was back and she felt a chill chase over her skin. Reality threatened in that moment. The undeniable fact that Daniel would never commit himself to loving her cut through the pleasant haze she’d found herself in after her release. The fact that Vincent would never admit that he could love someone above his station also niggled at the back of her mind. She knew she might very well end up alone. But at this very moment?

  She wouldn’t look toward the future. It would come whether she worried over it or not.

  * * * *

  Daniel kissed Daisy to keep himself from making a promise he sincerely doubted he could keep. Vincent seemed to catch the tension in him. He put on a pretty smile for Daisy.

  “I think you need some sleep, sweetheart,” he said, pulling her to him.

  Her big blue eyes searched Daniel’s face before she turned toward Vincent. Worry flickered over her features, an expression Vincent returned for the briefest moment. Then they shared a look of warmth that had more to do with than the shared passion they’d just experienced. There was affection there. Caring. A warmth from more than sexual heat. It was a pity that Daniel only felt colder still as he saw the growing feelings between his two lovers.

  “I’ll see you both on the morrow.” Daniel came off the bed and donned his robe. “Good night.”

  “And with that, we’re dismissed,” Vincent said with another smile.

  Daisy once more turned fathomless eyes on Daniel before giving a shrug he guessed was for his benefit. “No need to worry, Vincent. We’ll all be together tomorrow. Won’t we, Daniel?”

  He couldn’t deny that fact. No matter how much he longed to remove himself from the entanglement of her obvious affection, he wanted the two of them more. His throat grew thick.

  “Of course,” he managed to say.

  Vincent and Daniel dressed Daisy, and Vincent donned his own clothes even more quickly. Daniel saw them both to the door, then sank down before the hearth. “What am I going to do?” he muttered.

  He thought back to the incredible encounter they’d just shared. How could he not? Vincent’s golden, sculpted body easing into Daisy’s supple form was something he would never forget. He should put them both aside, however. He should do the proper thing and put distance between himself and Daisy. She was his ward, for God’s sake! His responsibility. His duty. As for Vincent? He was a dalliance. That was all.

  Even as the thought entered his mind, he dismissed it. There was a connection to that man he couldn’t deny. The first time he’d had him, his beast had been eased. Satisfied. Yet the desire for Vincent hadn’t abated. That had never happened before in all his blighted life. He would simply fuck and forget, and any man or woman he’d had was easily replaceable with any other. It was a disheartening truth, yet he hadn’t ever worried over it. It seemed to be part and parcel of his damned Hawk curse. He couldn’t love.

  He covered his face with his hands. That wasn’t true. He loved his mother. He kept her safe and comfortable and made sure she wanted for nothing. He did the same for Daisy, but for different reasons. It was expected.

  “No, damn it,” he growled, coming to his feet.

  He began to pace. What he felt for Daisy wasn’t just duty. He’d carried the burden for ten long years now, but that wasn’t what drove him to want her with such deep desire. Yes, she was bloody beautiful. Yes, she was bright and light and everything he wasn’t. She wasn
’t, however, the only pussy in Winthrop Hall. He didn’t have to take her, and had managed to keep from doing so for years now. He squeezed his eyes shut and again envisioned the image of the three of them on the bed in this very chamber.

  He couldn’t deny that loving them both was something he’d never surpass. Even if he went back to Winthrop and fucked every ass and pussy he could find, even if he went down to the stables and let all the grooms suck him deep and hard, he suspected he would never feel the ecstasy of loving Vincent and Daisy.

  It was a pity that he would have to learn to live without the both of them when this visit was over. Gabriel had told him he could stay for as long as he wished, but he didn’t want to trespass on the earl and countess’s hospitality overlong.

  “It would be the best for both of them.” He blew out a breath and stretched out on the bed. “Daisy might think she loves me, but she’ll learn that can’t possibly be true. I’m just the first man she’s ever had.”

  “Keep telling yourself that.”

  He sat up to find Vincent standing in the doorway. “I thought you would have gone up to the attics.”

  Vincent shut the door. “I was going to, after seeing a crestfallen Daisy back to her room.”

  Daniel scrubbed a hand over his face. “I didn’t mean to hurt her. Hell, I didn’t say what I know I should have.”

  Vincent narrowed his gaze on him. “I don’t know what’s driving you, Daniel. Quite frankly, I feel too damn good after loving her to give much thought to your motivations.”

  Daniel swung his legs over the side of the bed but stayed seated. “This life, this happiness, isn’t meant for me.”

  A smile curved Vincent’s generous mouth for a moment. “Happiness? I take it we made you happy?”

  Daniel found a smile himself. “Happy? The sight of the two of you together nearly made me lose my mind.”

  “She’s incredible, you know. She fit me like no one ever has. And she loves you.”

  “I know.”

  “You know?”

  “Yes, damn it!” Daniel raised a hand. “Forgive me, Vincent. Yes, I know she loves me.”

  “And do you love her?”


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