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The F-Word

Page 23

by Jesse Sheidlower

  fucking well adverb

  very well; absolutely; (often used for emphasis). Compare similar use of bloody well.

  1922 T. E. Lawrence The Mint (1955) 80: She’ll stay as she fuckin’ well is. 1931 J. Brophy & E. Partridge Songs & Slang of the British Soldier (ed. 3) 17 [refers to WWI]: By adding -ing and -ingwell [to fuck] an adjective and adverb were formed and thrown into every sentence. 1939 A. C. Bessie Men in Battle 177: God send the—day when we’ll—fuckin’ well march no more! 1939 in Southern Folklore Quarterly XL. 104: Look at the people, furkin’ well cryin’;/Isn’t it nice to be furkin’ well dead. 1945 E. Hemingway in Selected Letters (1981) 590: If he doesn’t take care of you he better never fucking well run into me. 1948 R. Lowry Find Me in Fire 143: You’re fucking well right he had his pension—and they had his leg. Did he have to keep reminding them of the bargain? Or did they feel they were being cheated? He could fucking well assure them they hadn’t been. 1952 J. Kerouac Visions of Cody 201: You got the whole thing fuckingwell summed up. 1952 in M. Russ Last Parallel 13: I was behind the wheel of a fuckin’ Diesel truck before you ever learned to fuckin’ well drive.… 1965 S. Friedman Totempole 267: You better fucking-well believe it! 1971 H. Selby Room 42: You’re fucking well right he did. 1973 P. Maas Serpico 200: Get this fucking-well straight. 1974–77 A. Hoffman Property Of 166: I fucking well do not know, all right? 1986 W. Gibson Count Zero 148: So you can fucking well buy me some clothes, okay? 1993 I. Welsh Trainspotting (1994) 110: Whair ur ye fuckin well gaun?—That’s fir me tae ken n you tae find oot. What ye dinnae fuckin well ken they cannae fuckin beat oot ay ye, ah sais. 1999 H. Fielding Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason 57: Cannot believe he still hasn’t fucking, fucking, fucking well rung. 2000 M. Atwood Blind Assassin 346: Do whatever you fucking well feel like doing. 2006 M. Amis House of Meetings 103: Violence and escalation. You know fucking well what’s going to happen.

  fuckish adjective

  eager for copulation.

  a1890–93 J. S. Farmer & W. E. Henley Slang & Its Analogues III 81: Fuckish…wanton;…inclined for coition. 1969 “Iceberg Slim” Mama Black Widow 246: Dorcas is fuckish as hell. 1992 W. Kennedy Very Old Bones 172: Does your stripper make you feel fuckish? 1992 K. Amis in Independent (London) (Apr. 12) (“Review page”) 37: If you wanna make me fuckish/get your ass into some lingerie & smell good. 1999 J. L’Heureux Having Everything 84: And so he was on Route 93 to Boston, dressed for the occasion, feeling fit and fuckish. And why not? He was a young man in his prime.

  fuck job noun

  an act of victimization; victimization.

  1973 U.S. Air Force Sgt.: Someone’s always tryin’ to do the old fuck job on me. 1988 Southern attorney, age 36: I tell you, the fuck job never stops. 2003 J. Heywood Chasing Blond Moon 253: “This is a fuck job,” Tavolacci said. “One more word and you are in contempt, Mister Tavolacci.” 2006 J. Maberry Ghost Road Blues 306: You know, when I got up this morning I had no idea how much of a total fuck job this whole day was going to turn out to be. My team gets shot up, we get chased by the cops, crash our car, [etc.].

  fuck-juice noun

  semen or vaginal fluid.

  1973 “D. H. Love” Dial-a-Dick 33: He ground his ass around to feel every spurt of fuck juice from Ken’s weapon. 1975 Ribald (Sydney, Australia) (May 29) 15: My wife began to suck him madley [sic], licking all of Brad’s and Trudy’s mingled fuck juices. 1976 J. Vasco Three-Hole Girl 10: Clear fuckjuice oozed from the slit at the tip of the huge member. 1988 N. Zedd in B. Stosuy Up is Up, But So is Down (1996) 297/1: I slurped away at her quivering clit, oozing fuckjuice and sweat. 1989 First Hand (May) 103/1: I let out a huge load of thick, creamy fuck juice, all the while pumping his ass good. 1998 A Fivesome Story, on Usenet newsgroup (July 2): Her fuck-juice covered my face and hands and I smeared it all over her ass. 1999 J. Fletcher trans. A. P. de Mandiargues Portrait of an Englishman in his Chateau 113: I bit her pubes which were smeared with female fuck juice and alcohol. a2000 P. Califia No Mercy 71: She pulled away from Mack, curled up on her side, and was asleep in half a second, her thighs glued together with overworked lube and fuck juice.

  fuck-knuckle noun

  Chiefly Australian. a stupid or offensive person.

  1981 A. Loukakis For the Patriarch 155: You stay outa this fucknuckle! 1994 in Macquarie Dictionary files: Don’t worry about him, he’s a fuck knuckle. 1997 Sick Puppy Comix (Sydney, Australia) (No. 6) 5: It’s been such a long time since I’ve been to the beach, I’ve forgotten what an oily, muscle-headed, fuck-knuckle looks like. 2001 T. O’Farrell Behind Enemy Lines: Australian SAS Soldier in Vietnam 12: Right fuck-knuckle, get into those dixies over there. 2007 A. Theroux Laura Warholic xlvi. 740: What is it with these fuck-knuckles in rock that girls seem to like so much?

  fuckless adjective

  lacking in sexual activity.

  1955 J. P. Donleavy Ginger Man 41: I’m hounded fuckless through the streets, beaten to the wall, scratching up pennies. 1967 N. Mailer Why are we in Vietnam? (1988) i. 19: Don’ ask if it’s Navaho, Apache, or any of those Jew shit questions, you anthropologist manqué, you fuckless wonder listening to the sex’l habits of all us mule-ass Texans. 1970 L. Gould Such Good Friends 8: It was the most beautiful solution a man could devise for keeping a fuckless marriage intact. 1974 U. K. Le Guin Dispossessed vi.145: As far as the eye can see the infertile desert lies in the pitiless glare of the merciless sun, a lifeless, trackless, feckless, fuckless, waste strewn with the bones of luckless wayfarers. 1982 S. Hite Hite Report on Male Sexuality 353: All those fuckless nights in college. 1995 W. H. Gass Tunnel 51: In a future which is to be fuckless between us as furniture. 2004 M. Barrowcliffe Lucky Dog 151: Health and fitness are the concerns of the fuckless.

  fuckload noun

  a large number or amount of; “shitload.”

  [1978 “F. Pulsing” Whipped Cream 16: The combination drew the fuck-load from Ed’s shaking loins. He moaned and blasted. Ibid. 59: He gushed his fuck-load into the fink’s writhing mouth.] 1984 R. Meltzer in Whore Just Like Rest (2000) 324: I was struck by the fuckload of inner capacities the guy was perceptibly calling on. 1988 J. Ellroy Big Nowhere vii. 92 Him and Marty pulled a righteous fuckin’ fuckload of burglaries together. 1996 “Sublime” Caress Me Down (pop. song): I’m a star (with a fuckload of money ’cause you know I’m a star). 1999 W. Gibson All Tomorrow’s Parties 325: Those motherfucker bulklifters come drop a fuckload of water on it, got about a hundred firetrucks and everything here. 2006 G. Malkani Londonstani xxiii. 285: She was my girlfriend, we’d both landed in a fuck-load a trouble.

  fuck machine noun

  an extremely vigorous sexual partner. Compare fucking machine at FUCKING adjective sense 1.

  1972 C. Bukowski Erections, Ejaculations, & General Tales of Ordinary Madness 35 (story title): The Fuck Machine. 1979 S. Spencer Endless Love 346: “They all know, everyone does.” “Know what?” “That you’re you, who you are. Mr. Fuck-Machine.” 1981 H. Robbins Goodbye, Janette 244: He was nothing but a fuck machine. Her loins and anus felt swollen and aching. 1992 Q. Tarantino Reservoir Dogs (film): The pain is reminding the fuck machine what it was like to be a virgin. 1999 C. D. Wright Floating Lady Retablo #1 in Steal Away (2002) 45: I was your/Personal all purpose all weather fuck machine. 2000 G. Duncan Love Remains ii. 120: I just can’t face that lot tonight. Bloody Anthony with some nineteen-year-old fuck-machine. You don’t mind, do you? 2006 K. Lobe Paris Hangover 90: It’s a personal best on the pleasure meter. To be crass—no, very crass—Nico is a fuck machine.

  fuck-me noun

  in plural = FUCK-ME shoes.

  [1972 B. Rodgers Queens’ Vernacular 53: Come fuck-me’s…overly tight pants.] 1974 J. Mitzel & S. Abbott Myra & Gore 13: Shod in a pair of fabulous 1940’s-Joan-Crawford-fuck-mes. 1993 A. Adams & W. Stadiem Madam 125: In her garter belt and silk stockings and Blahnik fuck-mes. 2005 A. Miles Janet & John 152: I fastened stockings and slipped on a new pair of fuck-mes that I had recently invested in.

  fuck-me adjective />
  (especially of an article of clothing, typically footwear) intended to invite sexual advances; seductive, vampish, sexy. Compare CFM.

  1972 C. Ludlam Bluebeard in M. Smith More Plays from Off-Off Broadway III. ix. 406: She is completely nude except for her fuck-me pumps. 1974 D. Bowie We Are the Dead (pop. song): I love you in your fuck-me pumps / And your nimble dress that trails. 1989 P. Munro U.C.L.A. Slang 41: Fuck-me boots…mid-calf or higher boots worn under a miniskirt. 1990 P. Munro Slang U. 86: Fuck-me eyes…flirtatious stares or glances / I’m feeling some serious fuck-me eyes from that guy in the corner. 1992 Letters to Penthouse III 63: Her legs ended in a pair of “fuck-me” stilettos. 1997 G. Williams Diamond Geezers ii. 15: Cindy C wearing nothing but a pink fuck-me swimsuit, still wet from the ocean, her hair slicked back and dripping. 1998 N.Y.C. writer, age 70: I remember clearly in the 1960s when the niece of the then-editor of Vogue, Diana Vreeland, startled me by referring to her “fuck-me boots.” I am prepared to sign an affidavit that this happened in the ’60s. High boots were just beginning to be the style. 1999 Pi Mag. (Univ. Coll. London Union) Feb. 17/2: They look the part—all spiky hair and fuck-me swagger—and they talk the talk—all big ideas and glammed-up dreams. 2002 I. Knight Don’t You Want Me? xiv. 191: “And you’ve grown, I see,” says Frank, still staring, looking down at my fuck-me footwear, a narrow, black suede pair of pointy boots with killer stiletto heels. 2006 G. Malkani Londonstani v. 47: They were upper sixth-formers, meanin they’d binned their dark green school uniforms a couple a years back an were now struttin around in their best casual garms. Good desi girls, though, so no fuck-me clothes.

  fuck muscle noun

  Esp. Homosexuals. the penis.

  1977 F. Danton Fist Club 6: It was a big, thick, long thing that never quit, thirteen heavy inches of fuck muscle that any stud would be lucky to suck or take manfully up the ass. 1994 L. Eighner American Prelude 39: His muscles bulged—especially the fuck muscle in the middle of his slender belly. 2002 B. Vickery Cocksure 106: I’d love to fuck your ass right now. That is, if you think you can handle my throbbing gargantuan fuck muscle.

  fucknob noun [probably from nob ‘head’; compare FUCKHEAD]

  a stupid or contemptible person.

  1995 New Yorker (May 8) 76: Look who’s talking, fucknob.… Your whole life is fucked up. 1998 Re: Crows & Umpiring, message on Usenet newsgroup (Aug. 9): It’s not considered polite to call someone a “fucknob.”

  fucknut noun

  a stupid or contemptible person. Also fucknuts.

  1986 S. King It 199: “Why did you do that?” “Because I felt like it, fucknuts!” Henry roared back. 1992 Language in Society XXI. 283: Ugly male…dick, dof, drip, dwax, dweep, dweet, dwors, fucknut, fuckup, [etc.]. 1997 M. T. Sullivan Purification Ceremony 267: You fucknut, I should bust your ass right here, right now. 2002 A. Davies Frog King 188: I think you’re acting like a fucknut.… Say, “Evie, I’m sorry. Evie, I love you.” OK? 2004 Esquire (Sept.) 126/1: I don’t know anyone like the people on [TV family shows.].… I can’t relate to any of them. These people are all fucknuts.

  fuck-nutty adjective

  obsessed with thoughts of copulation.

  1942 H. Miller Roofs of Paris 32: Those fuck-nutty kids.

  fucko noun [probably influenced by bucko]

  = FUCKER, definition 2.

  1969 R. Thorp Dionysus 93: Well, fucko, I see you’ve made yourself right to home. 1973 A. Schiano & A. Burton Solo 76: Hey, fucko, what’re you following me for? 1974 S. Terkel Working 582: Hey, fucko, come over here.… You fucker. 1976 R. Price Bloodbrothers 247: No sweat, fucko. 1988 G. Gallo Midnight Run (film): My name’s Carmine, fucko! 1996 J. Díaz Edison, New Jersey in Drown 129: The boss wasn’t having it. You fuckos, he said. You butthogs. He tore us for a good two minutes and then dismissed us. 2003 A. Swofford Jarhead 50: I entered the room.… Someone said, “Fucko is here.”

  fuck-off noun

  Originally Military. a person who shirks duties or responsibilities; loafer or shirker; an incompetent.

  1948 N. Mailer Naked & Dead 229 [refers to WWII]: You think I’m just a fug-off, don’t you? 1953 W. Eyster Far from Customary Skies 141 [refers to WWII]: How come you fuckoffs waited to now to start this fussing? How come you didn’t pray none in calm water? 1961 E. Hemingway Islands in the Stream 356: Where you two fuck-offs been? 1964 H.S. Thompson Letter (Jan. 29) in Proud Highway (1997) 436: I have turned into a fuck-off as far as this journalism is concerned—one of those woodsy types who talks a good article but never writes it. 1968 “J. Hudson” Case of Need 271: The radiologist for the night is Harrison. He’s a fuck-off. 1969 P. Spector in Rolling Stone (Nov. 1) 29/3: It’s a lot different today. I tell you the whole world is a drop-out. I mean, everybody’s a fuck-off. 1978 W. Wharton Birdy 176: I hate to think of going into combat with fuck-offs like these. 1984 J.R. Reeves Mekong 76: You fuck-off! 1996 M. Arax In My Father’s Name 142: You know your Dad was a fuck-off. Then he got married and almost overnight he got serious. 2003 Prospect (Sept.) 45/3: Around me, sipping coffees, seven or eight faces were familiar, even though the eagerness in some eyes had dimmed. “The fuck-offs are worse,” said one teacher I remembered. “The lippiness. The low-level misbehaviour is worse,” said another.

  fuck-off adjective

  1. Chiefly British. dismissive; hostile; threatening; (hence) impressive; huge.

  1962 T. J. Scheff in Administrative Science Quarterly (vol. 7) 216: If there was shared role imagery on these wards, it was that of the cunning “gold-brick” who built what were called “fuck-off” kingdoms in the hospital. Within such kingdoms, treatment goals usually received lip service at the very most. 1993 R. Lowe & W. Shaw Travellers 12: Farmers’ll come up and say, “Why haven’t you introduced yourself round the village?”… That freaks us. We’re more used to fuck-off looks from people. 1996 Loaded (Sept.) 158/2: We had some fancy idea about making a few records, receiving a big cheque and all going off to live in a fuck-off mansion. 1997 “Q” Deadmeat 205: Goldie, a young man who had definitely put some of his money where his mouth was by coating his teeth in gold, pulled up in a devious black Mercedes with fuck off fat chrome wheels. 1999 J. Poller Reach iii. 8: Fuck fairies… Kids want sex, drugs, violence. Big fuck-off guns. 2001 K. Sampson Outlaws 7: He looked like one of them stereotype American tourists—big mad camera and that, all sorts of fuck-off lenses and fucking secret tricky bits built in. 2004 L. Sutherland Venus as Boy 36: I liked art. Double period last thing on a Friday. Mostly, it was still-life and handicrafts, but every once in a while they’d give you free rein to draw big fuck-off pictures of the sea and stars.

  2. lazy; shiftless; idle.

  1970 L. Bangs in Psychotic Reactions (1987) 47: Eventually I apprehended that the music on Fun House is neither sloppy (in the sense that a fuckoff group like Deep Purple is sloppy…) nor inept. 1975 W. Harrington Scorpio 5 38: Whoever managed to steal fifty feet of mag tape off a reel and carry it out through Alpha Gemini plant security was somebody too smart for any fuckoff small-town cop to ever catch. a1996 R. Aman in Maledicta (vol. XII) 47: The University of Wisconsin…shamelessly protected an incompetent fuckoff professor who was more interested in peddling real estate than in teaching and thus cheated hard-working undergraduate and graduate students out of a decent education.

  fuck off verb

  1.a. to run away; get away; make off. [Comparatively rare in North American English.]

  1929 F. Manning Middle Parts of Fortune I. iii. 37 [refers to WWI]: As soon as a bit o’ shrapnel comes their way, [they] fuck off ’ome jildy, toot sweet. 1939 A. C. Bessie Men in Battle 89: No one ever saw him again. He “fucked off” over the border, as the men expressed it. 1943 in American Speech (Apr. 1944) 108: You would say of a man who has absented himself at the approach of some unpleasant job of work, “Oh, he fucked off.” 1948 E. Hemingway in Selected Letters 640: The opposing characters will fuck off once the column shows. 1953 K. Amis Letter in Z. Leader Letters of Kingsley Amis (2000) 302: They all tho
ught it must be appendicitis…, but the medico was summoned, but he said it wasn’t. He gave me some filthy medicine…and fucked off. 1961 L. McMurtry Horseman, Pass By 58: “Fuck off,” he said. “You ain’t got no private milkin’ rights.” 1967 C. Aaron About Us 183: That wasn’t brave. I knew they’d fuck off. 1985 A. Sillitoe Life Goes On 171: I told him to…fuck off to Scotland, but he wouldn’t budge. 1999 The Score in M. Hunt Junk Yard 103: Me chips are done, so he sticks them in the bag and pours on plenty of salt and vinegar, just the way I like them. I give him eighty pence and fuck off. 2003 “DBC Pierre” Vernon God Little xvi. 170: Me, I snatch up my pack and fuck off.

  b. imperative. “go away”; “go to hell.” Also (emphatically) fuck off and die.

  1939 A. C. Bessie Men in Battle 91: “You’re talking through your hat.” “Fuck off.” 1944 in B. C. Bowker Out of Uniform 119: Another…use, exclusively intransitive, exists in combination with the preposition “off.” In this case, the meaning is “to leave hurriedly.” The most frequent usage occurs in connection with a request to stop annoying the speaker. Often it is followed by the words, “—will ya!” added for emphasis. 1948 E. Hemingway in Selected Letters (1981) 647: There is no substitute in English for the phrase “Fuck off, Jack,” if you mean it and will make it good. 1966 W. Manus Mott the Hoople 23: Fuck off, and quick. 1971 M. J. Harrison Committed Men 24: Oh, fuck off. 1981 “Dead Kennedys” Nazi Punks Fuck Off (rock song title). 1984 Maximum Rocknroll (Dec.), My reply is “fuck off and die!” Why don’t you do something original for a change? 1987 B. E. Ellis Rules of Attraction 224: Rip the pen that’s hanging off her door from the string it’s connected to and also a piece of paper and write “Fuck Off and Die” in big black letters. 1988 J. Cleese A Fish Called Wanda (film): Tell those pigs to fuck off. 1986–91 B. Hamper Rivethead 21: I…told everyone to fuck off. 1995 P. Roth in New Yorker (June 26) 117: He could have told her to fuck off, of course. 1999 S. Rushdie Ground Beneath Her Feet 463: You’re nothing in my life, Rai, you mean even less than this punk, so do me a favor, fuck off and die. 2006 K. Slaughter Triptych 81: “Fuck off, asshole!” the hooker screamed, slamming her hands into Ray-Ray’s chest.


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