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Anna Martin's Opposites Attract Box Set: Tattoos & Teacups - Something Wild - Rainbow Sprinkles

Page 54

by Anna Martin

  Drew took a deep breath and let himself lie back and feel. He ran his fingers through Cooper’s hair, rubbing through the dark brown strands. He didn’t want to push Cooper, not when what he was doing already felt so good, but the need to touch, maybe guide, was too strong.

  “Oh fuck,” Drew moaned. He gently scratched at Cooper’s scalp. “You’re so fucking gorgeous.”

  Cooper slurped off the head of his cock and grinned. “Tell me that again when your cock’s not in my mouth and I might believe you.”

  “You’re gorgeous. Are you going to fuck me?”

  Cooper shook his head, grinning as he gently stroked Drew’s dick. “Nope. I want round two.”

  Drew pouted.

  “Next time,” Cooper promised and pressed a wet, licking kiss to the head of Drew’s cock.

  It took all of his self-control not to touch himself or Cooper as Cooper rolled the condom on, then slicked Drew’s cock up.

  “Don’t you need,” Drew started as Cooper straddled Drew’s thighs and reached behind to grab his cock.

  “Nah. Still good from earlier.”

  Drew wasn’t sure why that was hot, but it definitely was, and his brain stopped working as Cooper arched his back and took Drew’s cock back inside.

  “Round two is good,” Drew gasped, arching his back off the bed.

  Cooper chuckled and rocked his hips tentatively. “Yes, it is.”

  Drew reached for Cooper’s waist, wrapping his hands over the gentle curve for something to hold on to, more than anything else. Above him, Cooper was moving in a slow, grinding rhythm, and despite this being round two, Drew felt like his stamina wasn’t going to be particularly impressive.

  He dared to open his eyes and blinked away the hazy sleep that lingered. Because like this, Cooper was one of the most beautiful things Drew had ever seen.

  His torso was long and lean. He didn’t have any definition in his pecs or abs, but his arms were impressively corded with thick muscle. He had a fine dusting of dark hair over his chest, darker and thicker over his belly. Cooper’s skin was softly tanned, like he spent time outdoors, rather than from actively trying to build a tan, and he had a cute, creamy pale butt that Drew wanted to sink his teeth into.

  And then, his slick pink lips, the dark eyelashes that fanned across his cheeks, the way his expression twisted with pleasure as Drew rocked into the next thrust.

  “Hey,” Drew whispered.

  Cooper bit his bottom lip, then grinned down at Drew.


  “Kiss me. Please.”

  “You don’t even need to ask,” Cooper murmured. He leaned down gingerly, aware of the shifting angle of Drew’s cock inside him, and Drew pulled him close as they exchanged soft, lingering kisses.

  He pushed his fingers into Cooper’s hair and licked into his mouth, swallowing Cooper’s cries of pleasure. It was all too good, too much, and Drew pulled away before he embarrassed himself.

  Cooper leaned back again, bracing both his hands on Drew’s chest as he picked up his rhythm, bouncing on Drew’s cock. He tipped his head forward so dark hair fell in his face, and the late afternoon sun coming in through the window lit him up like a halo.

  “Drew,” Cooper gasped.

  “You close, baby?”

  “Fuck. Yeah.”

  Drew grabbed his hips and used the leverage to thrust up, aiming for Cooper’s sweet spot. He grit his teeth, determined not to come before Cooper did, and was about to reach for Cooper’s cock to make sure they got there together when Cooper spilled over Drew’s belly, untouched and beautiful as he cried out.

  “Oh fuck,” Drew moaned, letting go and coming hard in deep, shuddering waves.

  “Oh my God,” Cooper gasped, falling forward and catching himself on his hands just before he face-planted onto Drew.

  Drew grabbed the back of his neck anyway, drawing him down into sloppy kisses. “We need a shower,” he murmured against Cooper’s lips.

  Cooper winced. “My shower is crap. And tiny. And crap.” He wriggled, and Drew grabbed his cock to make sure he could pull the condom off and get rid of it safely.

  He let Cooper pull him to his feet and refused to let go of Cooper’s hand as they stumbled through to Cooper’s—yes, tiny—bathroom.

  “You go first,” Cooper said, hitting the button to start the shower. “Don’t touch the temperature dials, you’ll fuck them up.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it,” Drew said and ducked into the water.

  There definitely wasn’t room for two in there. Drew tried to be conscientious and washed himself quickly with Cooper’s orange shower gel, scrubbing lube and come from his skin.

  “Here, switch,” he said, taking the towel that Cooper held out for him and wrapping it around his waist. Cooper brushed a kiss over Drew’s lips as they traded places, and Drew felt a new, unfamiliar rush of something in his stomach. After everything they’d done this afternoon, he was coming apart at a kiss.

  He decided to leave Cooper to shower in peace and went back into the living room to find one of the Cokes from earlier. When Cooper got out of the shower, Drew was dressed in his boxer-briefs, standing in front of the fan for the cool air.

  “I’m starving,” Cooper announced, throwing his towel over the bathroom door to dry and padding naked to his closet for clothes. “You wanna go get a burger?”

  “Sure,” Drew said softly. A few more hours with Cooper? “Sounds perfect.”

  The perfect didn’t show any signs of slowing down. Their dates were infrequent, often planned and changed last-minute due to Drew’s unpredictable work schedule as the summer season got underway. Despite all that, they still managed to see each other a few times a week. Cooper’s apartment really was too small for two people, but Drew loved that it gave them some precious privacy and time alone. He didn’t get that very often in his own house.

  There was something about dating a very hot, extremely wonderful guy that had seeped through to other areas of Drew’s life. It was like Cooper was lighting him up inside, and the warm, fuzzy feelings that came from spending time together carried on, even when they both went about their regular lives.

  “Okay, deep breath in, raise your arms above your head,” Drew stretched as he spoke, eyes closed, totally focused. “Bend forward from the waist, grasp your ankles or calves, hold it there.”

  He wasn’t yoga trained, and this wasn’t really yoga. He was established enough in the Disney hierarchy now to lead the daily warm-ups that all character actors attended, and it was a part of his job he really enjoyed. Each of his colleagues took a different approach to the warm-up routines. Some of them were fast-paced and fun, some people liked taking a more theater-style approach with vocal warm-ups and lots of hand shaking, and Drew liked running sun salutations and stretching every last muscle out.

  They ran through the routine a few times, then Drew went to the keyboard in the corner and picked out a few notes for their vocal warm-up. He wasn’t much of a musician, but his years in musical theater club in high school meant he could bash a few keys and make something of a pretty noise.

  “Have a great day, everyone!” he said, dismissing the group, then took a few extra minutes to loosen up the tense muscles in his shoulders before wandering through to costuming.

  Unlike the girls, Drew didn’t have to put on layers of makeup in order to transform into his character. He always did a quick sweep of powder and covered up any blemishes if he had any, but that was it. Hair took a bit longer, depending on which character he was going to be for the day.

  “Hey, Maria,” he called, waving to his favorite costume attendant and leaning against the counter.

  “Hey, sweets. Who are you working for today?”

  “Bert, please.”

  She frowned. “Huh.”


  “Nothing. Scheduling probably changed, is all. I’ll go grab that for you now.”

  That was the first fuck-up of the day.

  It went downhill from there.<
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  Scheduling in a place like Disneyland was complex, to say the least. Park hours meant employees didn’t work a regular nine-to-five job; there were regular crossovers during the day to make sure the right number of people were on shift at any one time. It was a little different with characters, who were needed in different areas of different parks at all times, balancing meet and greets with character meals and parades.

  Somehow, Drew had been scheduled to work two jobs at the same time on the same day. That meant frantic calls back and forth while someone higher up decided if they could pull someone else in to work last-minute (apparently not) or what could be cut (painful, but not impossible) or if Drew was just going to have to run around like a maniac all day.

  Yeah, the third option was the one that won out. What a surprise.

  He changed from the relatively comfortable Bert costume into the ridiculously hot Kristoff from Frozen costume—seriously, Frozen was set in Norway; it didn’t translate well to summer in California. In his first meet-and-greet session of the day, a kid threw up on him. Not just a little bit of puke, but full-on, all-out, covered from the waist down in vomit.

  Drew loved kids. He hated puke.

  Less than an hour into his shift and he was trudging backstage to change into one of the spare costumes, feeling sorry for himself and the poor costume supervisor who’d have to wash the first one.

  After lunch, there was an all-out war between two managers Drew only vaguely knew. Part of him was secretly pleased he was so well regarded among the higher-ups; the rest of him was straight-up annoyed that no one could make up their minds about the company’s damn priorities.

  He ended up dashing back and forth between California Adventure and the Disneyland park, agreeing to work a double shift to cover the later parades and skipping out on his second break to meet some Make-a-Wish kids. He never objected to that part of the job. It was one thing he’d always pitch in the extra hours for.

  All that, and his day had started so well. He’d woken up in Cooper’s bed, with Cooper snoring and drooling while draped over Drew’s chest. It was adorable. For at least thirty minutes, Drew had just lain on his back, arms wrapped around his boyfriend, and drifted.

  It was after midnight when he finally got home, sweaty and exhausted, hungry, gritty-eyed, and not sure which of those things he wanted to address first.

  So of course, of course, tonight would be one of those nights where a dozen of his colleagues had been invited back to the house for beer and Dance Party on the Wii.

  “Hey,” Drew said, sticking his head into the family room and waving. He didn’t want to be a dick.

  His housemates, plus the extras he recognized from work, were sprawled over their three sofas and onto the floor. There were enough empty beer bottles around for Drew to guess it had been going on for a few hours.

  “Drew! You’re home!”

  He laughed and leaned against the doorframe, folding his arms over his chest. “Yeah, I am. Is there any food around?”

  Trevor hauled himself to his feet and came over. “Leftover pizza if you want it.”

  “So much.”

  “Come on.” Trevor shoved him gently toward the kitchen. “Sit down. I’ll fix it for you. Rough day?”

  “I got puked on.”

  It was a good opener. Trevor would sympathize. “Geez, dude.”

  “And I pulled a double to get someone out of a hole.”

  “Grab a damn beer.”

  Drew didn’t drink much. It hadn’t ever been his thing. But tonight was one of those nights when a beer sounded pretty perfect.

  He got two from the fridge, popped the tops off both, and handed one to Trevor, who was reheating the pizza in the microwave. Trevor was the most recent addition to the household; he’d moved in after one of the other girls had taken a job out in Vegas. Drew was secretly relieved to have another male housemate—living with four girls had been a challenge. Now, Trevor had become one of his closest friends.

  They had a tiny dining table and chairs shoved into the corner of the kitchen, and Drew took a seat, propping his tired feet up on one of the spare chairs.

  “Wanna talk about it?” Trevor offered as he brought the pizza over to the table and flopped down opposite Drew.

  “Not really. Thanks, man. I appreciate this.” He grabbed a slice of pizza and took a big bite.

  “No problem. Wanna talk about whoever it is that’s got you checking your phone like a horny teenager every five minutes?”

  “Jesus,” Drew said, almost choking on his pizza.

  “So it is a someone,” Trevor teased. He tipped his beer to his lips, exposing the dark line of his throat. Trevor wasn’t gay, and for the first few weeks after he’d moved in, Drew had worked hard to overcome his crush. Dating a housemate, let alone one who was a colleague too, would have been a bad idea.

  “Yeah. His name is Cooper. I know him from this ice cream place he works at near my gym.”

  “The Dreamy Creamery?”

  “You know it?”

  “I drive past it twice a day. Takes all my damn self-control not to go in there all the time.”

  “Well, when you have a crush on one of the guys who works there, it doesn’t help with the self-control.”

  Trevor laughed. “So, what, you dating him?”

  “Trying to,” Drew admitted. “He’s so out of my league.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Drew pulled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it, then found a picture of Cooper and passed it to Trevor.

  “He’s cute,” Trevor agreed with a shrug.

  “He’s gorgeous.”

  “Not out of your league, though.”

  Drew huffed a laugh and took another bite of pizza. After the day he’d had, it was pretty fucking perfect.

  “I’ve never actually dated a guy before,” Drew admitted, making a snap decision that he could trust Trevor with this kind of information.

  “I thought you were out.”

  “I am. I mean, I’ve been on dates before, and I’ve slept with guys before, but I’ve never had, you know… a boyfriend.”

  “Aww,” Trevor teased.

  “And he’s so pretty.”

  “He is. That doesn’t mean he’s out of your league, though. You’re pretty hot stuff yourself. You know. If I were interested in men.”


  And oh God, that little crush Drew had had since Trevor moved in wasn’t all the way gone. There was part of him that would always find his friend attractive. Those things didn’t stop just because Drew had a boyfriend now.

  It wasn’t like he couldn’t have had a boyfriend before, if he’d wanted one. There had been opportunities. Drew knew he wasn’t an unattractive person. It was just… there had always been other things in his life that seemed more important than a relationship. In college, when he’d come out, he was determined to get good grades and the experience he’d need to break into an industry that was notoriously fickle. His parents were cool with his sexuality, to the point where they bugged him about bringing a nice boyfriend home.

  And at work? Well, it wasn’t exactly hard to find another gay guy at Disneyland. It was, however, a bad idea to date coworkers. Living with three other girls and watching their personal dramas unfold had taught him that much.

  So, despite being a young, healthy, objectively attractive gay man, Drew had never had more than a “fuck buddy” arrangement.

  Drew finished the pizza and washed it down with his beer. “I’m scared of fucking this up.”

  Trevor shook his head. “That means he matters. It’s not a bad thing. Just take it easy, enjoy the ride.”

  Drew laughed. “Thanks, man.”

  “No problem. You joining the dance party?”

  “Not tonight,” Drew said, taking his plate to the dishwasher and stacking it neatly. “I’m going to bed.”

  “All right. Night.”

  After a blissfully long shower, and with his bedroom door closed, Drew thoug
ht he was tired enough to block out the noise from downstairs and get to sleep. He plugged in his phone and turned off the lamp on his nightstand.

  A second later, he rolled over and turned it on again. He grabbed his phone and typed out a quick text.

  Good night, gorgeous.

  Now he could sleep.

  Chapter Five

  Can I take you out for dinner?

  Sure :)

  Amazing. You free after work tmrw?

  Yep. Where we going?

  Surprise ;)

  Give me a clue here Drew. Do I need to wear a tie?

  Haha no. Just something nice.

  OK. Call me latr?

  Will do x

  Something nice.



  After more angst than Cooper would ever admit to, he settled on a denim shirt and gray shorts. His scruffy beard was just starting to settle in, partly due to his late start that morning and forgetting to shave. He decided to leave it.

  Drew’s car was in the garage, so Cooper took his battered truck over to Drew’s place, following the directions he’d plugged into his phone. It was a fairly nondescript family house in a nice neighborhood—quiet, at this time in the evening.

  With a deep breath, Cooper decided to be brave and go knock on the door instead of calling Drew from the car. They had been dating for a few months now. He could handle meeting Drew’s housemates.

  A pretty girl with big eyes answered the door, looking Cooper up and down, blatantly checking him out.

  “Hey, Drew, your superhot boyfriend is here,” she yelled into the house. “Hi,” she said, turning back to Cooper. “I’m Lauren.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said with a laugh as Drew appeared behind her.

  Lauren ducked under Drew’s arm and disappeared into the house.

  “Hi,” Drew said, leaning in for a soft kiss. “You look great.”

  “Thanks. You too.”

  Cooper found himself being tugged into the house, so he guessed he was doing the meet-the-family thing. He passed a large family room, where Lauren and a few other girls were watching some reality TV show. The kitchen was at the back of the house, and an attractive black guy was sitting at a small table with his laptop. He stood when Drew and Cooper walked in.


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