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At the Billionaire's Pleasure 4 (Love's Price) (BDSM Billionaire Series)

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by M. G. Morgan

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 4

  Love’s Price

  BDSM Billionaire Series

  By M.G. Morgan

  Copyright 2012 M.G. Morgan

  Other Titles in this Series

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 2: Bound By Him

  At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 3: For Love or Lust?

  To learn more about this series and upcoming titles by this author contact her on

  Kindle Edition

  The sound of a zipper opening made me stir. Bleary eyed I struggled to sit up in the bed. I vaguely recalled the night before and what had occurred between David and me. The way he had made me feel... The juncture to my thighs grew wet at the memory.

  I pushed my hand down into the soft mattress and realised that it was no longer tied to the other. When he had released me, I had no idea. I could only assume it was at some point during the night. Glancing around the room I caught sight of David standing near his closet. A large suitcase lay at his feet.

  The moment I moved the covers he turned towards me, a smile curving his lips. Without thinking I tugged the bed sheet up and covered my breasts. David's warm smile immediately disappeared.

  "What have I told you?" He asked. His voice low and filled with the promise of what he would do to me if I answered wrong.

  "That you want to see me?"

  "See you how?" His voice had dropped by another couple of octaves. The sound sent shivers running down my spine.

  "Naked..." My voice came out as barely a whisper.

  He moved slowly towards the bottom of the bed. His entire body hummed with energy and I fought the urge to scurry further up the bed. The way David made me feel inside was an enigma. How could I possibly feel safe and nervous all at the same time. It didn't make any sense. Butterflies started up in my stomach and I swallowed several times in quick succession. My throat felt dry, but the rest of my body quivered with anticipation. I knew how it would feel if he touched me. Even if it was to punish me I knew how good it would feel.

  He paused at the end of the bed and gripped the sheets in one hand. Carefully he pulled them. He did it painfully slow. Almost as though he was testing me, daring me to show some resistance and hold onto them. But I didn't. I couldn't. I wanted to give this man what he wanted. And if that was to see me naked then so be it, I would let him have it.

  The satin sheet slid sensuously down over my skin. It brushed across my breasts, hardening my nipples and causing me to lick my lips. I wanted it to be David's fingers brushing across my nipples, not the sheet. He moved the sheet a little faster, tugging it lower over my abdomen revealing an area of my body that I was particularly self-conscious about.

  Every fibre of my being screamed at me to stop him. To not let him see my flawed form. I didn't want him looking at my rounded tummy. I didn't feel it was worthy of his gaze. But almost as though he sensed my reluctance and fear he paused. His eyes travelled over my body. They started by holding my gaze and travelling down. His eyes lingered on my round full breasts with their pink nipples fully erect and begging to be caressed.

  But it was when his eyes moved down to my tummy that I really began to feel uncomfortable. My hands itched to grab the sheet and pull it back over myself. I could handle him looking at my breasts but my stomach was a sensitive area. Thoughts flooded my mind sending me into panic mode. What if he didn't like what he saw? What if he found me repulsive? Would he ever want to touch me again? Would he ever want to make love to me? The thoughts ran in circles in my head.

  "What are you thinking?" He asked. His hands still holding the sheet but not moving any further than he already had.

  I shook my head as tears threatened to choke my voice. I didn't want to draw attention to my flaws. I already knew that he had seen them, but maybe if I spoke about them he would really find them disgusting... Find me disgusting.

  "Carrie. Tell me what you are thinking." His voice had taken on an edge of authority. His eyes had darkened and I knew that if I disobeyed him, if I insisted on locking him out of my head that he would punish me. He would get the words out of me somehow. I had always been a locked box, closed up tight. But David had the key and that frightened me more than any threats he might have.

  I sighed one long shaking breath as a lone tear trailed down my cheek. I opened my mouth and closed it again.

  "Carrie." That one word, the way his voice caressed it told me everything I needed to know. I had to tell him. It was better if I did it on my terms.

  "I'm afraid you'll find me repulsive. That you will look at me and see all of my flaws. I'm afraid of you realising that I'm not good enough for you. That I'm not your type..." I trailed off.

  Tears streaked silently down my cheeks. David's face was a mixture of horror and surprise. He released the sheet and moved around the bed towards me. I turned my face away and scrubbed at my cheeks with the palm of my hands. I was weak, the last thing I wanted was for him to see me as such a mess. And yet lately all I seemed to do was cry.

  "Carrie," His voice was gentle as he tilted my face back to him. "How could you think such things? If I did not find you attractive I would not have shared with you what I have. I would not crave your body nor would I want to spend my time touching your skin. If I found you repulsive I wouldn't have proposed that you give yourself to me wholly and completely for one week. It wouldn't make sense."

  "But I'm afraid that you'll change your mind... That you'll wake up one day and realise what a terrible mistake you have made and that really I'm not attractive at all."

  "I don't want to hear you talking like that. I have seen you naked. I knew even before you were naked that I wanted you. Your body puts thoughts in my head... Such wicked thoughts. For you to suggest otherwise is an insult to me. I know what I want I know my own mind and what I want is you." He growled out the last words and pushed me back on the bed. His body hovering over me, pinning me beneath him.

  He lowered his head to my breast his eyes never leaving mine. Taking one nipple into his mouth he rolled his tongue around it. When his teeth nibbled the sensitive bud I lost my breath. My back automatically arching up to him, pushing my breast further into his mouth. Releasing the nipple he moved lower, his mouth trailing fiery little kisses down across my abdomen.

  He found one of my flaws, a small stretch mark that I spent my time trying to conceal. I had spent years buying special oils and creams in the hopes that I could completely get rid of the ugly little marks but nothing worked. Until now. David's lips moved across the white mark. The sensation was odd, a mixture of embarrassment and pleasure. He used his tongue to run up and down the length of it, tasting my skin and raising little goose bumps across the rest of my body.

  His free hand found the wet centre of my body. I was primed and ready for him. The merest hint of his touch on my body was enough to turn me on but this was different this was something entirely new.

  His fingers danced across my clit, rubbing and swirling around the nerve hub. I moaned and called out, my words incoherent. My fingers found David's hair and I ran them through it, tightening my grip on his scalp as he pushed me closer to the edge of ecstasy. He was going to make me cum.

  His mouth continued to nibble and lick across my abdomen, finding each flaw and caressing it. His fingers danced across my pussy. He slid one inside me, opening me up and making me moan louder. My breath was frantic and all my earlier thoughts and fears had dissipated with his ministrations.

  Reaching the bottom of my stomach he bit down as his f
ingers gave one final spiralling touch. I opened my mouth and screamed, my body reduced to one heaving mass of nerve endings. The orgasm washed over me in waves, crashing into me and leaving me breathless.

  With one final shuddering breath I grew still. My eyes were still closed and I could still feel David's fingers buried inside me. He didn't move, holding his position until I slowly opened my eyes and let the room once more come back into focus.

  "Do I need to keep proving to you how much I want and find you attractive?" His voice was low, little more than a murmur against my stomach.

  I shook my head before finally finding my voice. "No. I believe you."

  I bucked and closed my eyes as he withdrew his fingers from me and sat up. The feeling had been intense and my body was super sensitive, even the brush of the sheet against my arm felt like someone trying to electrocute me.

  Opening my eyes I looked up into David's face. He smiled at me, just a small hint of a smile but it was enough to send my heart soaring. "I love the way you react to me. With such abandon. You're not like other women. Most hold back, they worry about how they look or they only do what they think I will like. But you... You're so different. You hand yourself to me on a silver platter. Your trust is the most amazing part of it... I..."

  I had never witnessed David lost for words before. He was David Ashcroft for goodness sake. He was the type of man who was unfazed by everything. Even in the most brutal of business meetings and negotiations I hade never seen him to lose his footing, until now.

  I sat up slowly, letting my body revel in the after glow of my orgasm. I wasn't sure how he did it but the way he made me feel was something I wished I could bottle. Tentatively I reached out to him, my hand brushing against the side of his face. He held perfectly still and it reminded me of a frightened animal. It was as though no one had really touched him before. Not sexually, not in a business like manner, not because they thought it was what he wanted. But just because he could be touched.

  David released his breath in one long whoosh. The cool air blowing across my skin and making me shiver. That was it. The look on his face was gone and he pulled away from my touch. I watched the shutters come down once more and all of the vulnerability vanished. It was gone, as though it had never been there. Except I knew. I had seen the look in his eyes and it had made my heart ache.

  I wanted another glimpse of that man again. I wanted to see him open up to me to show me the real David Ashcroft the one he kept hidden from the rest of the world. I would do whatever it took to get that back. I would make him open up to me. I had to. The more my heart became entangled in this situation whatever it was, the more I needed to know where it was going. I had to know that he felt something for me. It didn't have to be love. But it was important that he felt something.

  "What's the suitcase for?" I asked stretching slowly in the bed.

  "A trip." David's voice was once more all business. My curiosity however now was piqued. I wanted to know what he had planned for me. I had agreed to one week and my mind was desperate to know what that entailed. Perhaps I should have been a little more insistent when he had spoken about the deal. Perhaps I should have pushed it a little more and asked exactly what he had planned instead of accepting blindly.

  "Won't you tell me?"

  David smiled, a small movement of his lips that briefly lit up his face and opened him up to me once more. But it was gone in an instant replaced by the blank unreadable expression I had come to know him for.

  "You'll find out soon enough. At least allow me to have some surprises. You should shower, your clothes will be here soon."

  I looked at him and I couldn't keep the surprise off my face. "Clothes? You got my clothes from my apartment?" Part of me wanted to feel violated but after everything that had gone on between us I just couldn't manage it.

  "No. I've sent out for clothes. I've had some of my favourite designers send over whatever they have."

  Shock made my body numb. Designers? Sent out for? Expensive custom made clothes? There had to be some mistake. There was no way that any designer clothes would ever fit my curvy frame. It just wasn't possible.

  I recalled the humiliation of the last time I had attempted to buy some designer clothes. Nothing had fit. I wasn't a size zero. I wasn't even close to being a size zero nor would I ever be. Panic thrilled through my body. I would be humiliated all over again and this time it would be in front of David.


  The doorbell finally rang and I jumped. It felt as though I had been waiting forever. After showering David had bundled me into a large fluffy robe and left me sitting in the living room. That was if I could call it a living room. It was one of the largest and most opulent rooms I had ever sat in. The couches were a combination of cream and black leather. The walls were tastefully done in cream except for one signature wall which was also black. Swirls of silver were laced throughout the wallpaper giving it a rich tone.

  There was nothing overly ambitious in the room. I just had the impression that everything was picked out by a designer specifically to compliment everything else. I could see nothing of the real David in the room. In fact everything smacked of the cold hard exterior that he liked to portray. It was a facade, nothing more and nothing less.

  David answered the door while I stood in the middle of the cream rug on the floor. Part of me had wondered if I should have answered the door myself but if I was honest it would have felt a little weird answering the door to someone else's house.

  A young woman bounded in the door. Her blonde hair was cut short and curls framed her pixie like features. Behind traipsed several other young women all carrying clothes bags. I swallowed the lump back in my throat as I watched David greet her.

  Her small dainty hand lingered on his arm as he turned to me.

  "Rachel, this is Carrie. The woman I was telling you about. I trust you will be able to help her pick out some suitable outfits."

  Rachel smiled up at David but the moment she turned her gaze back to me it changed. The smile remained but it had hardened onto her face like a mask. I knew she did not like me.

  "Of course we can sort something out." She moved over to me and took my arm in hers. Her fingers dug into my skin as she manoeuvred me towards the bedroom.

  "David, I'll let you get back to organising your business and I'll tend to her. Don't you worry about it I'll make sure she has an outfit for everything that you asked for."

  David smiled at me in encouragement. I couldn't blame him, he was being so kind and generous how was he to know that the woman leading me into the room wanted my guts for garters.

  Once the door was closed behind us she dropped her facade entirely. "So you're the new one? My but he does have some strange tastes sometimes."

  "What is that supposed to mean?" My voice had gone icy. I was tired of being treated like I was a lesser human. I didn't deserve it. If David didn't want me then he could tell me, the last thing I needed was someone else telling me I wasn't worthy.

  She smiled at me but it didn't reach her eyes, it was more a barring of teeth and it reminded me of Robert and the way he had smiled. "Shall we get down to business. We don't want to waste anymore of David's time."

  I nodded and let her get to work. She pulled out outfit after outfit and I was shocked to discover how many of them fit. There was nothing that she had brought with her that was too small. In fact it was as though everything was tailor made for me and fitted the curves of my body perfectly.

  When we had finally settled on several outfits she held her hand out to me. "Nice working with you, Miss?"

  "Grant." I replied keeping my voice as aloof as possible.

  "Well Miss Grant, enjoy it while it lasts." She smiled once more before turning on her heel and flouncing from the room. The rest of her minions didn't even look at me as they followed her out. I sat on the edge of the bed. The skirt I wore was expensive linen and I knew it would crease but I just didn't care. Being with David was complicated enough without everything else
on top of it all.

  Why was there so much hassle? And what business was it of anyone else if David wanted to date me? Part of me wondered if Rachel was an ex of David's or perhaps she had hoped to sink her claws into him herself but failed. There was any number of reasons as to why she was so bitter to me. But it wasn't my job to understand.

  Standing I brushed my hands down the front of the skirt smoothing the creases that had already begun to form. I examined myself in the mirror and I had to admit I liked what I saw.

  The blouse moulded to my curves, emphasising the swell of my breasts instead of hiding it like most of my clothes did. The skirt was tight across my hips and ass before kicking out just above the knee. One thing I couldn't fault Rachel on and that was the choosing of clothes. She knew exactly what I needed to bring out the best in my fuller figure.

  Turning I caught sight of David standing in the door. He wore grey trousers and an open necked white shirt. Letting my eyes rake over him quickened my heart rate. He truly was the most handsome man I had ever laid eyes on.

  "You look good." He lingered over the word good and it sent shivers racing through my body. "The car is waiting for us down stairs, if you are ready to go?"

  I nodded my voice and throat completely dried up. Wherever he was taking me I would have no contact with anyone that I knew. He had taken my mobile phone and put it away, claiming that I would not need it for the week that I would be with him. Taking this trip with him required that I trust him entirely. I had never done that in my life. I had always relied on myself and trusting others was something I had considered to be a luxury that I could not afford. But that was changing. If I was to trust anyone, David seemed like as good a place as any to start.

  I walked towards him and slipped my hand into his. "Let's go."

  His strong fingers brushed against my cheek for a moment and I could see the pleasure in his eyes. It was hard to know what David Ashcroft wanted. But at that precise moment in time I knew he wanted me.



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