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At the Billionaire's Pleasure 4 (Love's Price) (BDSM Billionaire Series)

Page 4

by M. G. Morgan

  "Who do you belong to?" Her voice held the slightest hint of an accent that I couldn't place.

  "Who, who do I belong to?" I repeated her phrase in a stuttering voice. She looked at me, her expression quickly turning to one of irritation.

  "Are you stupid? You obviously belong to someone who is it?"

  "I don't belong to anyone." Indignation rose in my throat until it hit me. For one week I belonged to David. Obviously this was the lingo used and I was clearly making a complete fool of myself.

  She tutted and muttered something under her breath before once more talking to me. "You are new? Who did you come here with?"

  I nodded as I finally understood what she meant. "David Ashcroft."

  An emotion flitted across her face that intrigued me. It appeared David's reputation proceeded him. Everyone seemed to know who he was. And they all seemed to know far more than I did.

  "You are a very lucky girl. There are many here who would do anything to belong to him. You should be careful. When I say anything I do not say it lightly."

  I could here the implied threat in her voice but I could also sense that she intended to warn me more than do me any harm.

  "You must be very special. He has never brought anyone here with him before." She eyed me up, her gaze taking in every aspect of my body, face and attire. It made me a little uncomfortable to be constantly under such scrutiny. But I was slowly becoming accustomed to it.

  However, her admission that he had never brought anyone here surprised me. David had dated many beautiful women. I had certainly seen no end of supermodel-esque beauties traipsing into his office late in the evening. Oddly though, now that I thought about it I hade never once seen David leaving with any of them.

  My brain wanted to continue mulling over what I had just discovered but the woman before me continued to talk.

  "I can see why he would choose you." She smiled at me and it softened her face.

  She caught me eyeing her collar and her smile widened. "It is a collar but I do not wear it because I must. I wear it because I like it. Some enjoy wearing rings, others enjoy beautiful collars." She fondled the diamond studded metal as she spoke and I could see the fondness that filled her eyes.

  I turned to follow the line of her sight and spotted a man heading in our direction. Everything about this woman screamed sheer sex appeal. But for some reason all of that faded away as the other man approached. She was still beautiful and sexy but the feeling of love and adoration that rolled off her skin was like a perfume. It coated everyone nearby in its heady scent and I found myself smiling along with her.

  When the man reached us he took her hand in his and pressed his lips softly to her palm. The look of adoration and love that I had seen in her eyes was mirrored in his. It was beautiful to see two people look at each in that way. I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. I was intruding on a very private moment and it was the last thing that I wanted to do.

  "Who's your new friend?" His voice held the same accent that she had.

  "We haven't formally introduced ourselves yet." She beamed up at him before turning back to me. "My name is Isabella, Isabella Cline. And this is Marcus Cline."

  I held out my hand and Marcus took it in his. For a moment I wasn't sure if he was going to shake it or kiss it. But he quickly made up his mind and decided to shake.

  "I'm Carrie Grant."

  Marcus looked confused for a moment. "I don't think I know any Grants. Do you my love?" He relinquished his grip on me and wrapped one protective arm around Isabella.

  She smiled, "No, Carrie here is with David Ashcroft. She is his."

  Marcus turned large surprise filled brown eyes back to me. "David, 'eh? Now that is something you don't hear about everyday."

  "It was lovely meeting you both but I am already late to meet David." I wanted to just find him and have him wrap his strong arms around me. I was tired of answering questions and have people looking at me as though I was some unusual creature that had wandered in out of the sea.

  Isabella looked shocked and ushered me away. "Go, please go. I would not have you late. I know how important punctuality is. Please do not keep your Dom waiting on our account. If you would like I can send my apologies and have Marcus explain that it was my fault."

  She seemed genuinely upset and I regretted opening my mouth and announcing I was late.

  "No, it's fine. David will understand." Isabella looked at me, confusion written all over her face. Clearly Marcus was not very understanding when it came to being late.

  "If you think so..." She trailed off and Marcus squeezed her shoulders.

  I smiled before making a hasty retreat. Escaping through the front doors of the hotel I breathed in the night air. It was heavy with the scent of tropical flowers and I could taste a hint of the warmth that I had experienced earlier, on the back of my tongue.

  I followed the path down to the beach and stood on the white sand. It quickly filled my sandals so I decided to take them off and carry them. It just seemed like the best idea. I was quickly mesmerised by the constant wash of the waves on the shore. It drew me and it wasn't until I felt the water lap up around my feet that I realised how close I was to the edge.

  Strong arms wrapped around my waist making me jump. He pressed his lips to my ear, "I was looking for you." David's voice instantly made me happy. My body tingled as he tightened his grip on my waist and tugged me back against the hard contours of his body.

  "I was hoping to surprise you in bed, but when I got there you were gone..."

  I nestled my body back against his. "And how were you planning to surprise me?" I asked. My voice barely above a whisper.

  He spun me around in his arms. "I wanted to surprise you with this." He leaned down and kissed me, hard. His embrace was almost bruising but I loved it and wanted more.

  I whimpered against his mouth as he bit down on my lips. His hands wandering my body, squeezing and fondling every piece of flesh he could get his hands on. The water continued to lap around our feet as David's kiss deepened. His tongue probing mine, like life imitating art, showing me what he would soon be doing with another part of his body.

  His hands pulled the skirt of my dress up around my waist, freeing my legs seconds before he lifted me into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he carried me further up the beach and away from any possibility of prying eyes.

  I could feel the stiffness of his erection pressing into me through the fabric of his trousers. I wanted to feel him enter me. Although it hadn't been long since he was last inside me I missed him. Missed the feeling of completion as his body joined with mine.

  Reaching the sand dunes he lowered me slowly to the ground. His mouth still on mine his hands still searching just as eager as I was. I fumbled with the front of his trousers finally releasing him. He groaned a quick need filled sound as he discovered that I wasn't wearing any panties.

  He discarded his trousers and sat on the ground before lowering me on top of him. I could feel the tip of him just pressing against my entrance and it made me impatient. This time felt different, we were both anxious and excited. Neither of us in control we were led more by our need to feel pleasure in the others body.

  I arched my back as his shaft pushed up into my body. He dragged the bodice of my dress down until it was bunched around my waist and he had access to my breasts. From this angle he gripped one tightly in his hands and lowered his lips to the sensitive nipple. I cried out as I moved my hips, rocking back and forth on his hard cock.

  He buried his face in my neck and bit down on the soft skin. His hands moving to my hips he lifted me higher before slamming me back down on his cock. The rhythm changed as David took charge. It became intense almost animalistic. I clawed at the skin on his back leaving little red lines. Marking him the way he would mark my body as his. My body tightened, pushing me ever closer to the edge of ecstasy. I wasn't going to be able to hold on for much longer. I couldn't help but wonder if by orgasming would it cause David to lose cont
rol too?

  David leaned into me his voice a strained whisper. "When I cum in you, I want you to cum too. I want to feel your body tighten around mine as I fill you."

  I moaned as he rolled his hips beneath me, his fingers digging into the cheeks of my ass. I went with him, my mind narrowing down to just that one point of pleasure. The feel of him as he moved in and out of me. The way he moved deeper inside me with each undulation of his hips. The only sound, our gasping desperate breaths and the slick wet sounds our bodies made as they tumbled over the edge into the earth shattering pleasure.

  My body became one giant nerve ending, screaming with pleasure. I tightened around David's cock as he erupted within me. Heavy warmth filled my womb as with a kiss we swallowed each others cries of release.

  Breathless and a little shocked at such an intense reaction I finally found my voice but I didn't want to open my mouth and destroy the moment we were having. David squeezed his arms around me and dragged my head down to meet his. We sat like that, not speaking just staring into each others eyes as we regained a sense of decorum once more.

  David was the first to break the silence. His smile lit up his face, opening him up and revealing the man I knew that hid beneath his facade. Seeing him so happy and relaxed made my heart skip a beat. Was it possible to have him like this always? Was he developing some of the same feelings that I seemed to have? I shivered.

  "Are you cold? Perhaps we should return inside?"

  I nodded and kissed him quickly on the lips. It was a fast fleeting gesture, I hadn't even thought about it until I was actually doing it. David's expression changed to one of surprise and I couldn't help but giggle.

  "Has no one ever kissed you before?" I asked, half teasing.


  His answer shocked me a little. It certainly wasn't what I was expecting him to say. To me it sounded impossible. David was one of the most desirable men I had ever met. To hear that no woman had ever kissed him, that he had always been the one forced to initiate did more than surprise me.

  "But why?"

  David shrugged and lifted me off his lap. His shoulders had tensed and I could see his lips pressed into a thin grim line. I had blown it. It was a conversation he didn't want to have and I had pushed it.

  Anger built in my chest. I could read it all over his face. For the first time he had left his guard down and I could actually get a glimpse into who he was. I could see the hurt, the betrayal. It was a set of emotions I was all too familiar with myself. But there was no way I could push it any further. He needed to talk to me when he was ready not when I wanted to hear him talk.

  David was a fine balance and the last thing I wanted to do was tip him off kilter. I could be patient. I would wait.

  I reached out to him and took his hand in mine. He looked up at me once more, his face open and vulnerable. "Let's go to bed." I said. I watched the relief cross his expression and he helped me to my feet. He helped me fix my clothes before dressing and we headed back to the hotel. I had plenty of time to figure out David and in the immortal words of Scarlett O' Hara, Tomorrow was another day. I suppressed a giggle and followed David to our bed.


  I awoke the following morning to a note on the pillow. David had business to sort and he had arranged the dreaded business dinner with Robert for that evening.

  I had the entire day to prepare. I spent the day fretting about the upcoming dinner. What would Robert do? What if he had an ace in the hole against David? Could he possibly win and take the business. If he did it would devastate David.

  I hoped and prayed that Aaron and David had come up with a proper strategy to ensure they came out on top.

  The other aspect of the dinner I worried about was what would Angelica do. I had watched the way she looked at David. As though he was a life buoy and she was drowning. I had a feeling that if given half an opportunity that she would attempt to get rid of me in order to get closer to him. It wasn't something I was willing to tolerate. If she was with Robert then that was her problem.

  It niggled at me that Isabella had warned me that many here would do anything to get their claws into David. It was the anything that made me feel nervous. Would Angelica stoop to anything? If she was desperate enough what was she capable of?

  By the time David returned I was dressed and ready for the dinner. The dress I wore was similar to the one from the night before but this was black and far more elegant. I was standing in the middle of the room when he entered. He paused. his eyes raking my body up and down before he let out a low whistle.

  I blushed as he strode over to me and I caught sight of the twinkle in his eyes. "You look amazing." He gathered me against him and pressed his face into my hair.

  Playfully I slapped him on the arms and struggled in his grip. "You'll ruin my hair and I spent ages getting it just right." I grinned up at him.

  Within seconds the twinkle in his eyes had disappeared to be replaced by a hungry predatory look. I could feel the sexual tension in the way he tightened his grip around my body. One of his hands slid up my back. The second his hand touched my bare skin I shivered and closed my eyes. His hand paused at the base of my neck and he closed his hand around it. Holding me tight he pulled my head back until I was forced to look up into his eyes.

  "Don't ever deny me, Carrie. I can't help the way I feel about you. Sometimes it's too much. There is a part of me that wants to consume you to possess you. But I can feel that same need in you. I know you want what I want..."

  I opened my mouth but the sound of the door buzzer startled us both. The moment was gone. He continued to hold me. Neither of us moved. It was as though if we stayed perfectly still then whoever was at the door would simply go away. They didn't.

  The buzzer sounded again. "It's Aaron. He said he was going to meet us before hand. He wants us to go in as a united front and knock Robert's confidence." He released me from his grip and tucked an errant lock of hair back behind my ear.

  "But I'm certain that the one thing that will knock Robert's confidence is you. I don't believe any man will be capable to function in your presence."

  I smiled shyly at him. The buzzer rang again and David let out a frustrated sigh. "That man has no patience." He grinned at me and made his way to the door. The second he opened it Aaron burst in the door.

  "This is going to be a piece of cake." Happiness and relief seemed to pour out of every fibre of his being. He spotted me standing in the centre of the room and his smile grew even wider. "Carrie, you seem to get even more gorgeous every time I see you."

  "Flattery will get you nowhere, Aaron." I teased him it seemed to be the best way to treat his easy teasing style.

  He lifted his hand and placed it across his heart. "You wound me."

  David moved past his brother and stalked over to me. Possessively he wrapped his arm around my waist and drew me with him across the room to the door.

  "It's time we went down to dinner. I know what my brother is like. Given half an opportunity he will attempt to charm you right out of my arms."

  I was a little stunned. This was the first time I had properly witnessed David's jealousy. The last time I had glimpsed a possibility of it was when Robert had tricked him into believing we had slept together.

  Suddenly the tension in the room was raised by several notches. Aaron's face had gotten darker and I could feel the anger vibrating through David's grip. I touched his hand that lay around my waist and he jumped. When he looked at me it was as though he had been asleep and was only just waking up. He seemed to be looking at me as though for the first time.

  "We should go." Aaron turned on his heel and made his way for the door.

  With another touch on David's hand I made to follow his brother but David held me back. He tilted my face up towards his and brushed his lips against mine. There was something in the kiss that let me know I was very close to finding out some of David's secrets. That he was indeed deep and that he had a darkness within him that I had yet to properly see. />
  "Now we go." He whispered the words against my lips before taking my hand and heading for the door.

  Once in the lift the atmosphere seemed to relax. Aaron remained silent for the trip down to the lobby and I fidgeted nervously. If I could have avoided going to this dinner then I would gladly have done so.

  The doors opened in the lobby and I caught sight of Angelica and Robert standing by the sofa at the far wall. From what I could make out they seemed to be arguing. Angelica was waving her hands about and her face was contorted in rage. Robert was as cold as I had ever known him to be. He jabbed one finger in Angelica's direction as we exited the lift.

  Angelica's face changed the moment she saw David. It instantly softened and she lit up like a christmas tree. I watched as Robert dropped his neutral facade into place. He seemed to know by Angelica's reaction that we had arrived. He spun around, a smile wreathing his face.

  "David, Aaron. So lovely to see you. Carrie..." His voice turned husky as he addressed me, his eyes taking in each curve of my body beneath the black satin of my dress.

  Angelica's reaction to me was far less warm. Her gaze left David for a second, flitting over to me. The look of adoration fled her face and was replaced with a grimace. Looking at her if I wasn't mistaken then it actually pained her to see me. I wasn't the only one who noticed this look. David squeezed my hand in his and I broke eye contact with Angelica to look up at him.

  As though to prove a point he lifted my hand and pressed his warm lips to the back of my hand. The gesture sent warmth flooding down into my belly and turned my legs to jelly. There was a promise in David's eyes. A promise of what would come when this meeting was over and done with. He had started something tonight and who knew where it was going to end.

  "Walk me into dinner, David?" Angelica's soft breathy voice floated through my haze of lust and broke the connection between David and I. He turned startled eyes to Angelica. But the look quickly turned to one of disdain.


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