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Alpha Possessed

Page 6

by Olivia T. Turner

  “Where are your antlers?”

  He grabs a chewed-up tennis ball from the thick grass and drops it at my feet.

  “You want me to touch that?” I ask with a laugh when I look down at it. It’s covered in slobber.

  But he looks so excited that I can’t let him down. I pick it up, throw it as far as I can, and then wipe the slobber on the back of my jeans as he takes off.

  He grabs it and runs back to me.

  “Oh, no,” I say with a laugh. “You only get one throw from me. Do you know where Cameron is?”

  He tilts his head, trying to understand me.

  “Cameron. About this wide. A little bossy. Huge cock.”

  He drops the ball at my feet and wags his tail.

  “Ah, you’re no help.”

  He follows me over to the barn and then takes off running when he sees something that catches his attention on the other side of the field.

  I’m nervous as I walk in, looking around for my man.

  One of Cameron’s brothers is in there feeding the goats. He waves when he sees me.

  “Good morning, Mary.”

  “Easton is it?”

  He smiles. “That’s me. The middle brother.”


  I walk over awkwardly as a goat comes up to me and bleats out a weird noise.

  “Don’t mind him,” Easton says. “That’s Roger. He’s a bit of an asshole.”

  I laugh as he tilts his head and makes a screaming noise.

  “Get!” Easton says, throwing a carrot at him. It bounces off his shoulder and he grabs it and leaves.

  “Can I help?” I ask as I walk over to where he’s pouring a bag of feed into a bucket.

  “Sure,” he says. “Why don’t you empty those water buckets and fill them with fresh water from the hose.”

  “I can definitely do that.”

  Maybe I was a little too cocky about my water game. The buckets are big and I end up spilling half of the first one onto my shoe.

  “I’m really happy for you guys,” Easton says.

  I turn and look at him, but he’s focused on the feed.

  “Cameron needs his mate,” he goes on. “Maybe more than any of us, well, besides Jacob. I think you’re going to be good for him. You’ll calm him. He always was a hothead. Him and his bear.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  “That’s why we’re here. To start families. He’d never admit it, but I know that Cameron wants one so badly. He loves kids.”

  “Kids?!” I say, spilling the rest of the water on my other shoe. “I’m just here for work. A couple of days and then I’ll be heading back to New York.”

  “Right,” he says with a knowing nod. “Is that what you think?”

  “I’m going back home,” I say with a nervous laugh. Aren’t I?

  Why do these guys keep talking like they know something I don’t? Who knows more about my future than me? Certainly not these ranchers I just met.

  I’m going home and that’s that. Last night was just a bit of fun. Okay, a lot of fun, but I’m not going to change my entire life around because I had one incredible, earth-shaking night. It’s not going to happen.

  “It’s hard for shifters,” he goes on. “You know we can’t go dating or download an app to meet someone. We can’t just find a cute girl and try to make it work. We have to find the one. That’s a lot of pressure, plus think of the logistics of that. What if she’s not in your direct vicinity? What then? Should you travel to try and find her, but then what if she’s traveling through your home town while you’re looking for her on the other side of the planet?”

  I just stare at him as he rambles on. Clearly, he’s getting frustrated about not finding her.

  “It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, only the haystack has about four billion pieces of hay and could be on any of the seven continents!”

  “I hope you find her,” I say as I slowly back out of the barn.

  “And what if I find her when I’m eighty?” he says, not talking to anyone in particular now. “I’ll go crazy waiting all that time!”

  I sneak out and take a breath of relief as I continue over to the stables to try and find Cameron. Moose joins my side again, holding a stick this time.

  “Cameron?” I ask when I stick my head into the stables. “Oh, shit.”

  “I heard that.”

  It’s Jacob. He drops the shovel he’s holding and walks over, shoving his sleeves up his thick forearms as he stares me down.

  “I guess I deserve that after last night,” he says. “I’m sorry I was a bit of a dick.”

  I just stare at him.

  “Okay, a total dick. You just don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m a professional journalist,” I say in a firm voice with my chin in the air. “I know exactly what I’m doing.”

  Total lie. I’m always lost.

  He shakes his head. “Not with this you don’t. Those guys you’re messing with… They’ll kill you if you run that story.”

  “I’m not afraid,” I lie.

  “Well, I am.”

  “You’re afraid?” I laugh. “I thought you’d be happy if they made me disappear forever.”

  He runs a hand through his dark hair and sighs. Jacob is a gorgeous man too. All of Cameron’s family is. He’s got a big muscular body like Cameron, but he doesn’t have that look in his eyes that Cameron does. The one that always gets me going.

  “Look. If something happens to my brother’s mate, it will crush him. Like soul-ending crush him. There’s no coming back from that kind of pain for a bear shifter. Remember, it’s not just you anymore. You have him to think about too.”

  This is all so much to process. I haven’t even had a coffee yet.

  “I’m just here for a story,” I tell him, getting defensive. “I didn’t sign up for any of this.”

  “Yeah, well neither did Cameron. But this is where we are.”

  We stare at each other for a long moment until Cameron walks in. He has a big smile on his face when he sees me, but it fades when he sees Jacob staring me down.

  “What’s going on in here?”

  “Just having a chat,” Jacob says as he nods at me. “Your girl could use a coffee. Why don’t you hook her up? Right, Mary?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, a coffee would be great.”

  I head back to the house with Cameron, but I can’t get Jacob’s words out of my head. It’s got me thinking…

  Cameron didn’t choose this either. Fate did. Maybe I owe it to him or to myself or to the universe to try.

  “Are you sure there wasn’t something going on in there?” he asks as he glances back at the barn with a huff. “Was my brother being an asshole again?”

  “Everyone’s been great,” I say with a smile. “Except for Roger. He screamed at me.”

  Cameron laughs and I feel a warmth glowing in my chest at the sound. “Yeah, he does that. Come. I’ll make it up to you with breakfast.”

  He slides his hand into mine and for the first time ever, I think it’s possible that I might stay if he really wants me to.

  Chapter Nine


  Easton and Roman are barbecuing some ribs as Cameron and I swim in the in-ground pool. It’s been an amazing day, probably the best one of my life.

  We hiked through the ranch, up the mountain, and along the ridge. The scenery was spectacular—mainly Cameron’s sweaty muscular back—but also the old trees, the freshwater river, and the babbling brooks along the way.

  He brought a picnic lunch and we ate it by the river, having each other for dessert. It’s been amazing.

  I’m falling hard for this guy. He’s sweet and funny when he’s not being a possessive protected beast of a man. I’m not sure which side of him I like better.

  He swims over and pops up in front of me with that hungry look in his eyes. His hair is slicked back with water droplets spilling down his gorgeous face.

  I can’t seem to keep my lips off
him and I grab his cheeks and lay a fat kiss on his wet lips.

  “Mmmm,” he moans as he licks his lips and grabs my waist. We went over to my room at the inn to get my stuff after breakfast and I’m so happy that I had packed my bathing suit (my sexy black bikini, not my ugly green one thank God).

  I wasn’t planning on canceling my reservation, but Cameron made me give back the key and got the lady at the desk to refund the nights that I wasn’t using anymore. I guess I’m staying here with him. Don’t mind that at all.

  Moose comes running over and leaps into the water, splashing both of us. I laugh as I watch the huge dog swimming in circles like he doesn’t know where to go.

  “Are you having fun?” he asks as he watches me laughing.

  “Yeah,” I say as I run my hand along his hard round shoulder. I trace the lines of his tattoo with my finger as a swell of emotions starts to fill me up. “Is it always like this?”


  “The connection. Between mates?”

  “You mean does everyone feel like every cell in their bodies is so full of love that they’re going to explode?”

  “Yeah, exactly,” I say with a giggle. “It hasn’t even been twenty-four hours and I feel like we’re on the twentieth date. You know that sweet spot in a relationship when you’re committed enough to let your guard down and let love take over? When you can just let it flow through your veins without fear?”

  “I’ve never been in a relationship, Mary,” he says as his brown eyes soften. “Twenty dates or not, I felt that the moment I saw you.”

  “I don’t know either,” I say, feeling my cheeks start to flush a little. “I’ve only read it in romance novels.”

  “This is better than a book.” His hands tighten on my waist and I feel that throbbing begin to start again down there. “Because this is real.”

  He kisses me, but this time I open my mouth and let his tongue in. I’m getting really into it, but his brothers are right over there and I don’t want to make a scene so I’m thankful when Moose swims between us, smacking us both in the face with his wet tail.

  “You stay away from me,” I say with a grin when Moose swims away. “I can’t seem to keep my hands off you.”

  He grins as his sexy eyes darken. “I know just how you feel.”

  My neck has been tingling all day on a spot just below my ear and I touch it, wondering why it feels like it’s missing something.

  Cameron notices but doesn’t say anything.

  “Are you guys getting hungry?” Easton calls out from the barbecue. “Ready in T-minus five minutes.”

  “We’re coming,” Cameron says as he swims to the ladder. He scoops Moose out with his big arms as easily as if the huge dog was a tiny chihuahua. It always amazes me how strong this man actually is.

  Jacob comes wandering over as Easton and Roman get the food off the grill. He glances over at me but then quickly turns away.

  I think he’d prefer if I had never shown up here in the first place. Maybe he’d be happy if I left tonight to return to New York before his younger brother got too attached.

  Ugh. The thought of returning to New York makes my stomach churn. I really don’t want to leave. I want to stay with Cameron and see if this can be as great as I think it can.

  “After you,” Cameron says as he waits for me at the ladder. His huge hand is on my ass as I climb up, acting like I need his help, but really he’s just copping a feel. Good thing I don’t mind.

  Cameron is up the ladder right after me and keeps his possessive eyes on the guys as I wrap the towel around my body. They’re smart ones and don’t dare look at me while I’m in my bikini. They all know their possessive brother would make them pay for a glance.

  “What can I do to help?” I ask as I walk over to the patio table. It’s all set up with salads, cornbread, and a huge platter of delicious looking ribs. I haven’t eaten home cooking like this since I left my hometown in Arkansas two years ago.

  I’m only able to get home to visit at Christmas since it’s so far and I’m always broke, but I talk to my parents on the phone every week and I text my sister every few days or so, which reminds me, I have to send her a picture of Cameron. She’s going to freak.

  “You can pour the ice tea,” Roman says as he turns the barbecue off. “It’s spiked, so be careful.”

  I laugh as I grab the huge pitcher and start pouring it out. It smells strong but good. Everything looks great.

  We sit down and dig in. I’m beside my man and this place already feels like home as we gorge on the amazing food and laugh at all of the funny stories they tell me.

  Even Jacob seems to be easing into this. He’s not as standoffish as he was last night or this morning, and if I was so bold, I’d say that I’m starting to grow on him. Maybe it’s because he sees the way Cameron looks at me with such adoration or the way my man can’t seem to stop smiling when I’m by his side. Whatever it is, he’s loosening up.

  “So, your dads are twins?” I can’t eat another bite, but the guys are still going strong. The appetites of these men are astonishing. Maybe I should do a story on that.

  “Were twins,” Easton corrects. “They died a few years ago.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Shit, why did I have to go and ruin the festive atmosphere?

  “It was Burton,” Jacob says as he looks at me from across the table. “He went after them to get to us.”

  “Oh,” I say, dropping my eyes as my heart drops. “I’m sorry.”

  “Water under the bridge,” Easton says with a shrug. “It’s all over now. I threw the fucker off a cliff. Moving on…”

  Moose seems to have sensed that the mood shifted and he comes over to save the night. By trying to sit on my lap.

  “What is he doing?!” I shout as I squeeze the armrests of my chair. He weighs like two hundred pounds!

  “He thinks he’s a lap dog,” Roman says with a chuckle. “None of us have the heart to tell him he’s the size of a walrus.”

  “He’s crushing my legs!” I say with a laugh as he digs his wet butt into my thighs.

  Cameron comes to my rescue and grabs his collar. He pulls him off with a laugh and throws a piece of cornbread across the yard. Moose takes off running.

  My legs are wet but I’m thankful for the distraction. Easton starts telling funny stories about Moose and I half-listen as I watch Cameron. He smiles at me and takes my hand under the table. I can feel the love growing even more and I know that when it’s time for me to go, I’ll have a hell of a hard decision to make.

  The guys know there’s something bad about to happen before I do.

  Even Moose perks up.

  Meanwhile, I’m still laughing around the campfire with my third glass of wine in my hand as if nothing has changed.

  It’s only when Cameron stands up and tells me to get in the house do I realize that something is about to go down.

  “What’s wrong?”

  They don’t have to answer. The rumbling of motorcycles fills the evening air and fills me with dread.

  “Oh no…”

  My four new friends stand up and start ripping off clothes as they run over to the entrance of the ranch.

  Moose comes over and stands by my side. He’s growling in the direction of the noise with the fur on his back standing straight up.

  I just met these guys and they’re already protecting me against a deadly threat that I brought on myself. Even their dog is willing to fight for me.

  What did I do to deserve this?

  I put my wine down and rush over to where the guys are standing in their underwear, waiting. Moose follows me the entire way.

  “Mary!” Cameron snaps when he sees me approaching. “Get in the house now!”

  I shake my head and stand my ground. This is my fault and I can fix it. I’ll tell these bikers that I’m dropping the story. I’ll never mention it again.

  I don’t care about my job anymore or living in New York City. All I want to do is stay here wit
h Cameron. I want what he wants. To start a family. To stay together.

  I’ll try to find a job in town and maybe write books on the side like I’ve always wanted to. I’m not going back. I’m never going back.

  He rips his frustrated eyes away from me and watches as six huge men on motorcycles rumble into the ranch.

  They park in a line and I swallow hard, realizing that these four brave bear shifters are the only thing standing between me and a killer gang of wolf-shifting bikers.

  As if he can read my mind, Moose growls as he steps in front of me.

  Okay, four brave shifters and one really brave dog.

  The two guys from the other night—long hair and baldy—are back with four friends. They look just as terrifying and they’re all wearing a leather cut with a Lone Wolf Mercenaries logo on the chest.

  “You guys didn’t get enough of us in Alaska?” Jacob asks in a low deadly voice.

  “There were two dozen of you then,” Easton says. “You think you can take us with just six?”

  The guy who looks like the leader steps off his bike. He’s the biggest out of all of them with an ugly mullet, an eye patch on his left eye, and he’s missing a couple of teeth. He’s not a guy I’d want to cross on the street without any of my new bodyguards around.

  Moose growls as the man walks in front of the bikes.

  “You remember me?” he asks in a high-pitched voice that doesn’t match his look at all.

  “Should we?” Roman asks.

  “I’m second in command of the Lone Wolf Mercenaries now,” he says proudly. “Name’s Greaser.”

  “Greaser?” Easton repeats with a laugh. “On account of the greasy hair?”

  “On account that the only thing left of anyone who crosses me is a spot of grease on the pavement,” he says with a snarl.

  “Hmm,” Roman says with a shake of his head. “Not too catchy. What about Mullet Man? That would work better.”

  “Enough,” Cameron hisses as he steps forward with his shoulders back. “You should have sent your whole fucking crew if you thought you could get to my mate.”

  Greaser steps back with wide eyes when he hears the word mate. Fighting some bear shifters is one thing, but fighting a bear shifter who’s protecting his mate is a whole other beast. They’ll never give up. They’ll fight to the death to eliminate any threat to their girl. And Greaser looks like he knows that.


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