Book Read Free

Perfect Pairings

Page 13

by J. A. Armstrong

  “Yeah. Well, I guess it made sense for me to blame her back then.”

  “What’s changed?”

  “Nothing. Maybe that’s the point. Carrie, Kit’s life has changed, his strange relationship with the truth never has.”

  “Go on.”

  “Leigh told me they had slept together. They weren’t together. He was sleeping with two other people she knew of.”

  “And, you believe her?”

  “Yeah; I do.”

  “Why would she tell you this after all these years?” Carrie asked. “Just to drum up drama?”

  “I don’t think so.”


  Devon turned and looked at Carrie. “She was a lot closer to Dar than either of us realized; I think.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just that she considered Dar a friend— a real friend. Sounds like they confided in each other about a lot.”

  “She knew…”

  “No, she didn’t know Dar was sick. I think that hurt her too. I don’t know, Carrie. I saw a different side to her today. We talked for two hours.”

  “You’re kidding.”

  “No. She thinks a lot of you.”

  “Of me?”

  “Yeah, and it wasn’t bullshit.”

  Carrie looked doubtful.

  “I know what you’re thinking.”

  “Do you?”

  “Yeah, I do. You’re thinking she wants something.”

  “And you don’t?”

  “I think she wants friends, Carrie.”


  Devon giggled.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “It just feels a bit like role reversal.”

  “What do you mean?” Carrie asked.

  “Usually, it’s you giving someone the benefit of the doubt.”

  “Devon, I don’t dislike Leigh. I’m not sure I trust her either. After everything with Dar…”

  “I know, babe.”

  “You want to try,” Carrie surmised. “To get to know her.”

  “It’s more that I think I was unfair.”

  “Devon, what were you supposed to think?”

  “I love Kit, Carrie. I do. It wasn’t just when he was on drugs. Sometimes, he stretches things—manipulates them. He still does it.”

  Carrie was aware of Kit’s past, and she was aware that he often tested Jillian’s patience—even now. Kit was funny, and he loved Devon beyond words. Carrie had listened to more stories about Kit from Jillian than from Devon. “I’m sorry. I know how much he means to you, Dev.”

  “Part of me wants to get in his face and ask why he did that. I felt like shit for years.”

  “And the other part of you?”

  “Knows it’s a waste of energy. He’ll deny it or make up some pathetic excuse.” She chuckled. “Leigh thinks he wanted to protect me.”

  “But you don’t?”

  “Protect me from what? From Leigh Matthews? Come on, Carrie. Leigh might be a player, she’s hardly threatening. I can take care of myself; unlike my brother.”


  “Let’s just say I want to keep an open mind where Leigh is concerned. Besides, I think she might like Bruce a little.”


  “I know; right? That’s crazier than a two-dollar-bill.”

  Carrie laughed. “Maybe Bruce will finally get laid.”

  “Please,” Devon cringed. “No talk about Bruce and sex while we’re in bed.”

  Carrie’s eyes twinkled. “What would you like to talk about?”

  “Are you coming on to me?”

  A heated kiss was Carrie’s reply.

  “Oh,” Devon breathed.

  Carrie’s hands wandered inside Devon’s shirt and found her breasts. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered.

  Devon closed her eyes and savored a deep breath. It’d been longer than she cared to acknowledge since she and Carrie had made love. She’d held Carrie close. Carrie had held her. They’d shared gentle caresses and even a few passionate kisses. The final weeks of pregnancy, birth, and adjusting to the presence of a newborn had placed lovemaking on the back burner of life. Devon’s hands moved to the sides of Carrie’s face as their kiss deepened.

  “I’ve missed you too,” Devon said. She let her hand fall and a fingertip trace Carrie’s breast through the light T-shirt Carrie wore.

  Carrie sucked in an uneven breath. She grabbed Devon’s hand, stroked it gently, and placed it at Devon’s side.

  “Carrie?” Devon questioned.

  “Just let me make love to you, Dev.”

  “Babe, I’m not worried about any…”

  Carrie smiled. “I know.”

  “I want to touch you.”

  “I want you to touch me,” Carrie replied. “Give me a couple of weeks.” Devon’s downcast gaze tugged at Carrie’s heart. She lifted Devon’s chin with two fingers. “I love you, Devon.”

  “Did I do something…”

  Carrie silenced Devon with a kiss. “I look forward to you making love to me,” she said. “Tonight, just let me love you.”

  Devon sighed.

  “Devon,” Carrie cooed. She played lightly with Devon’s nipple. “Just feel me.”

  Devon fell away under Carrie’s gentle touch. She wanted to protest. She could wait until Carrie was ready, until Carrie was comfortable being touched. Who was she kidding? She could wait. She had no desire to.

  Carrie grinned at the expression that crossed Devon’s face. She could imagine the thoughts that warred with Devon’s body. She sought to silence all of it. She lifted Devon’s T-shirt and surrounded a pink nipple with her lips, sucking gently then firmly, toying and playing until Devon began to moan continuously. She loved to feel Devon move against her; to feel Devon writhe in desperation. Devon was becoming more desperate by the second. Carrie could hardly blame her. She was enjoying the faint quivers erupting in her core as she touched Devon. It was unusual for much time to pass between them without intimate touches or passionate lovemaking. Carrie had missed Devon. More than she missed Devon’s hands and mouth on her, she had missed touching Devon, tasting Devon, feeling Devon fall away.

  “Carrie,” Devon whispered hoarsely. She was struggling to keep herself from grabbing Carrie’s hand and placing it where she needed it most.

  Carrie’s lips claimed Devon’s with an ardent kiss, then descended over Devon’s throat sensually. Her fingers dropped and lowered the shorts Devon wore. Her heart fluttered in an off-beat rhythm. She suppressed the urge to let her lips wander ever lower to taste the woman she loved. Tonight, she needed to see Devon, to look into Devon’s eyes when Devon finally let go. Two fingertips greeted the warmth of Devon’s arousal and Carrie groaned. “You feel so good, Dev.”

  “Please,” Devon begged. “Babe, please.”

  “Shh.” Carrie kissed the bridge of Devon’s nose and then each of Devon’s eyelids. “Open your eyes, Dev. Look at me.”

  Devon took a ragged breath and complied with Carrie’s request. Carrie’s fingers were stroking her softly, circling her clit tenderly—over and over and over again; never lingering long enough to bring her the relief she craved. “Please,” Devon requested as she searched Carrie’s eyes. “I need you.”

  Carrie smiled and granted Devon’s request. She’d hoped to make this last longer than a moment. Devon needed her. Devon needed to connect to Carrie in the way only lovers could. And, truth be told, Carrie needed it too. She slipped a finger inside Devon, sighing at the warmth that hugged her finger.


  Carrie thrust gently.

  Flutters immediately gave way to thunderous waves, pounding through every inch of Devon’s body. “Carrie!”

  Carrie pulled Devon closer, bringing their lips together softly in an attempt to gentle the violent eruption that carried Devon away. She felt Devon cling to her as Devon rose and fell a second time. Her fingers danced gracefully over Devon’s center as the raging storm of Devon’s orgasm ga
ve way to faint ripples like those in a slow running stream. “Shh,” Carrie cooed again.

  “I love you so much,” Devon professed. “So much, Carrie.”

  “I know. I love you too, Devon.” Carrie laid back and pulled Devon into her arms. She kissed Devon’s temple and let her fingertips play with the waves of Devon’s hair. “Thank you for letting me love you.”

  “I think I should be thanking you. I’ll make it up to you, babe.”

  “Make it up to me? Devon, believe me; there is nothing for you to make up. But I will look forward to a repeat performance.”

  Devon giggled. “Noted.” She sighed contentedly. Her eyes flew open. “Oh, God, what if your parents heard us?”

  “They’ve seen the movies.”

  “You did not just say that.”

  “Sure did. Ford found their collection when we were in the eighth grade.”

  “Oh, God. I’d be scarred for life.”

  “Nah, only for about ten years.”

  Devon laughed. She yawned and tightened her hold around Carrie’s middle.

  Carrie’s thoughts began to drift. They spiraled to Leigh Matthews. How well had Leigh known Dar? Carrie had never given it much thought. Had they been friends? Was it more than just a passing fancy for Darlene as well? Why would Dar choose to spend time with Leigh instead of Carrie, knowing she might not have much longer to live? Carrie tried to banish the whirl of questions in her mind.



  “Do you really think Leigh is sincere?”


  “What makes you so sure?”

  “Besides the fact that she looked sad? It was something she said.”

  “What was that?”

  “You’ll think it’s crazy.”

  “Devon, you’ve met my family; there is little that I find crazy.”

  Devon snickered. With a sigh, she decided to tell Carrie something she never had. “I never told you why I knew DJ would be a girl.”

  “You said you had a dream.”

  “Yeah, but I never told you about the dream.”

  “I figured you pictured a little girl.”

  “No. Actually, the dream was about Dar.”


  “Yeah. I had it the night before we found out you were pregnant.”

  “You had a dream about Darlene?”

  “Not that kind of dream.” Devon laughed. “I walked into your office hoping to find you, when the chair swiveled, Dar was sitting in it.”


  “I was ready to leave, and she told me to, and I quote, sit your ass down.”

  Carrie giggled. Sounds like Dar.

  “Anyway, she said a few things.”

  “Like that I was having a girl?”

  “No. She told me to take care of you among other things. When she was leaving, she said, And, Devon? Expect the unexpected; and, not just from your daughters. That caught my attention. She said daughters.”

  Carrie listened without comment.

  “I yelled after her in the dream. I asked her why she was telling me all of it when she didn’t even like me. She laughed and said, what people appear to think and what they actually feel aren’t the same thing. Leigh said the exact same thing to me today.”

  Carrie smiled and tightened her hold on Devon.

  “See? Crazy?”

  “Not at all,” Carrie said. “Not even a little bit.”

  “I love you, Carrie.”

  “I love you too, Dev.”

  Carrie let her thoughts travel back to the past; all the way back to one of the first arguments she’d ever had with Darlene.

  “You think I’m simple,” Carrie bit. “Just say it.”

  Dar held her breath. She’d never heard so much pain in Carrie’s voice. If only Carrie knew the truth. She took a step closer and wiped a tear from Carrie’s cheek. “Carrie…”

  “It’s obvious, Dar.”

  Dar wiped a few more of Carrie’s falling tears. “Carrie,” she said. “Sometimes, what people appear to think and what they actually feel aren’t the same thing.” She kissed Carrie’s cheek and pulled her into a hug. “If anyone’s simple: it’s me.”

  Carrie let her tears fall unrestrained. Not crazy at all, Dev. Maybe she’s watching over us after all. Carrie closed her eyes, and swore she heard Dar whisper in her ear. “Always.” Always.

  To Be Continued In

  Home Cooking




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