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Page 8

by Kelsie Rae

  He raises his fist to knock, but before his knuckles can make contact with the stained wood, the door swings open revealing a very grown-up looking Bree. She shoves Luke out of the way before grabbing me in a giant bear hug. Bree must have the wingspan of a freaking NBA player because she somehow manages to reach all the way around me, and my massive stomach, squeezing me so tight that I can barely breathe.

  Just as I begin to see black dots, she finally releases me before practically squealing, “My Livvy Lou! Oh my gosh! Where have you been all my life? Ever heard of a freaking telephone?” Her grin is so wide I’m afraid her face might split in half. “And how are you, my little snuggle bum?” She bends toward my belly, practically cooing. “Have you missed your Auntie Breezy? I bet you have, haven’t you? When are you going to come out so I can hold you, my sweet little boy?” She starts rubbing my belly back and forth as if a genie might pop out.

  I laugh out loud, having forgotten how much this girl talks. Her chocolate-colored hair is piled on top of her head in a messy bun, slightly curled pieces framing her face. She and Luke have the same striking green eyes, although hers are accented with dark eye makeup. She’s as gorgeous as ever, and I secretly want to punch her for it.

  “Girlie, I have missed you more than you can possibly imagine,” I say, grinning right back at her. “How the hell are you?”

  “Great! Just graduated from the U, still living at home ‘cause that’s what all the cool kids do, and am now looking for a job. Very exciting stuff,” she smirks. “Just kidding! Well, not about the job part, ‘cuz waitressing is so not my forte, but I did just sign on a new apartment! It’s gonna be amazeballs!” Bree does a little happy dance to physically express her excitement. “What’s new with you? I mean, other than the bun in the oven, the new place to live, the new job, and the new roommate,” she says, sticking her tongue out at Luke.

  He shakes his head, grabbing Bree and pulling her into a headlock, because apparently, that’s how these two say, “Hello.”

  It doesn’t last long though, because Bree shoves her elbow into his stomach, knocking the wind out of Luke and causing his grip to loosen. She twists out of his grasp before thrusting her fists into the sky, proclaiming herself champion. “Still got it, big brother. Nice try, though,” she brags, walking backwards into the house. “Come on guys! We’ve got lots to catch up on and it’s too damn cold to do it all on the porch,” she yells, before turning toward the kitchen.

  I’m still laughing as I wait for Luke to catch his breath. He rolls his eyes at me and shakes his head. “Have I told you how grateful I am that you’re having a boy?” he says, exasperated.

  I snicker, secretly grateful I’m having a boy, too. I don’t think I could handle having a little girl like Breezy. She’s a blast to hang out with, and I love her to death, but I’ve never envied her parents. She must’ve been hell to raise. The girl reminds me of a hurricane, sweeping in and causing all hell to break loose. She’s powerful, loud, and impossible to ignore.

  Luke places his hand on my lower back, guiding me into his parents’ house. There’s a staircase on the right leading to three regular bedrooms, a bathroom, and the master suite. On the left is a short hallway lined with family pictures, leading to the kitchen and family room. The walls are painted a warm gray color, making the home feel inviting to visitors.

  As Luke leads me toward the kitchen, I pause to look at an old family picture taken before graduation. I can’t help the soft smile that comes to my face as I’m reminded of the first time I saw him after transferring schools.

  Everyone thinks I met Luke through Adam, and I guess you could say that’s true, but it’s definitely not the whole story. I’m pretty sure Luke would even tell you that Adam introduced us. And I guess he did, technically.

  But that’s definitely not my side of the story.

  I was hiding behind a curtain of my thick blonde hair, sitting at my desk in the corner of my first period class. My palms were sweaty, and I was praying that I had some dormant superpower that allowed me to melt into the wall so I could disappear, or at least become invisible for the next few hours.

  I felt the hairs on the back of my neck immediately stand on end, knowing someone was watching me. Curious, I looked toward the classroom entrance and saw him. A gorgeous guy with broad shoulders and unforgettable green eyes. I’m sure he was just curious about who the new student was, but butterflies immediately erupted in my lower stomach. My heart was racing.

  I quickly turned back to my notebook and pretended to doodle, attempting to ignore him. He was taller than most kids my age and definitely had an athlete’s build. His piercing gaze burning itself into my memory.

  I caught myself holding my breath, unsure if I should peek to see if the gorgeous stranger was still looking my way. Instead, I was a coward and continued to stare at my desk, fiddling with my pen.

  Just as I gained the courage to look at the beautiful male specimen leaning against the doorframe, the desk next to mine scraped six inches closer to me as a guy with sandy blonde hair sat down. He was attractive, too. He was a little shorter than the guy across the room, but still muscular, with straight white teeth and pale blue eyes. He leaned back in his chair, kicking out his legs like he owned the place. He smirked in my direction, like he knew a secret only he was privy to.

  I glanced towards Mr. Green Eyes again. His arms were folded over his broad chest, a scowl on his face. Mr. White Teeth cleared his throat, demanding my attention. My gaze bounced between the two handsome strangers before finally landing on the guy sitting next to me.

  I smiled shyly at him before biting my lower lip nervously. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention, especially from two ridiculously attractive guys. Was there a lottery I won that I didn’t know about?

  “Hey! My name’s Adam,” Mr. White Teeth announced enthusiastically.

  He held out his hand, waiting for me to shake it. I stared at it for a minute before remembering my manners. I quickly wiped my sweaty palm on my skinny jeans, feeling embarrassed, before placing my hand in his. He laughed good-naturedly, shook it once, then released it.

  I could tell he was a happy guy, and definitely someone who would be fun to be around. It’s amazing how telling first impressions could be.

  I peeked toward the door once more, confused as to why I was even looking for Mr. Green Eyes. His gaze nailed me in place, the butterflies swarming in my belly all over again. I held my breath for a minute, unable to move, before he finally looked away, shaking his head slightly back and forth.

  He seemed angry as he pushed himself off the doorframe. However, his face quickly morphed to one of indifference before he strolled toward the desk next to Adam. He pulled out his chair, sat down, and opened his notebook. He then began to write down the assignment that was written on the whiteboard.

  Effectively ignoring me.

  Which was fine.

  I guess he just had to assess the new girl then move on to more important things. Like homework.

  Adam cleared his throat again, gaining my attention. Had he said something?

  I could kick myself for getting so distracted. I shook my head slightly, hoping to dispel the butterflies and help me to focus on the attractive guy sitting next to me. My cheeks were a lovely shade of red from embarrassment. I wished Mr. White Teeth, I mean Adam, would repeat himself so I wouldn’t feel like such an idiot.

  He laughed warmly in my direction, obviously not offended by my lack of attention. “I asked you what your name is?” Adam repeated patiently, his blue eyes shining. I could tell he was genuinely curious and not just asking to be polite.

  I smiled nervously before answering,“My name’s Liv.”

  Adam leaned a little closer. “Well, Liv, let me tell you a little secret,” he whispered. “We’re going to have one hell of an adventure.”


  Luke’s warm hand lightly pushes me past the picture into the kitchen, scattering my memories from all those years ago like grains of sand in the
wind. He seems oblivious to my little walk down memory lane, which I’m grateful for. I quickly get a handle on my emotions as we make our way toward his family.

  The scents of warm vanilla and freshly baked cookies greet me as we enter the kitchen through the open archway. This house might be thirty years old, but Mrs. Jensen has always been good at keeping up with the latest decorating trends.

  The Formica countertops that I remember have been replaced with beautiful swirling granite, and the cabinets look as though they have been recently painted in a creamy white color. The hardwood floors remain the same warm mahogany that I remember.

  The house is cozy and inviting, making me feel right at home in a place that has never truly been mine.

  My mouth begins to water as I take in the freshly baked treats scattering the island. Chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, and gingerbread men cover the countertops. My manners seem to have left the building as I catch myself reaching for a cookie.

  Before I can grab one, I’m greeted by another warm hug as soon as Mrs. Jensen sees me. Apparently, I’m the guest of honor because, once again, Luke is pushed aside until I’ve been properly welcomed.

  I’m wearing a smile that splits my face as I munch on some goodies and take in this beautiful family who is kind enough to let me tag along with their son for Christmas. I know we were pretty close at one point, but it’s been years. And yet, as I’m surrounded by Luke’s parents and siblings, it feels like it was only yesterday.


  It’s weird having Liv back at my parents’ house. I can tell they’ve missed having her around. I can’t help but smile as I remember Bree and my mom practically attacking her as soon as she entered the freaking house.

  I’d forgotten how well she fits in with my family.

  Maybe a little too well.

  I have to keep reminding myself that I’m not bringing my girlfriend home to meet the family. That every time our eyes connect and her lips smile softly, it doesn’t have some hidden meaning behind it. That anytime her hand brushes mine or her knee grazes my thigh as we sit down to eat dinner, it’s just an innocent touch.

  I have to keep reminding myself that she isn’t mine, even though it’s starting to feel that way.

  Chapter Sixteen


  I’m sitting on the couch rubbing my ridiculously full stomach, as I let out a sigh of contentment. My legs are in Luke’s lap like always, and he’s giving me a foot massage as we watch Christmas Vacation together.

  His family is scattered throughout the house. Sarah, Luke’s mom, and Jim, his dad, are cleaning up the kitchen, and Bree is talking to her boyfriend in the other room. Apparently, his name is Henry, and he works in an office somewhere. They haven’t been together for long, but Bree seems super happy so I hope they work out. Luke’s younger brother, Jake, is in his room playing video games.

  I’m pretty sure I’ve just reached nirvana as I lick the last bit of frosting off my fingers. We have just finished dinner and, while the cinnamon rolls are technically for breakfast, I’m able to get away with sneaking one for dessert since I’m pregnant.

  Fun fact: Pregnant women can get away with murder.

  I smile mischievously, debating whether I should go grab a second one or not, but that would mean I’d risk cutting my foot massage short. And I’d have to stand back up.

  Did I mention how difficult it is to roll around when you’re carrying a twenty-pound basketball on your abdomen? I prefer to look like a beached whale as little as possible, thank you very much.

  Alas, I guess that means I’ll have to save my second cinnamon roll for tomorrow.

  I catch Luke examining me from under his thick, dark eyelashes with a smirk on his face.

  I look at him questioningly. “What?” I ask, hesitantly.

  Luke looks at me like this all the time. Like I amuse him somehow. Or that I’m being cute but not in an attractive adult way. More like in a toddler singing off key and running around the room naked kind of way.

  I catch myself feeling both annoyed and curious at the same time.

  “What did I do now?” I ask exasperated, rolling my eyes.

  He grins.


  I can tell he’s trying not to laugh as he slowly leans toward my face. My forehead creases, and I’m unsure why he’s all up in my bubble. I’m suddenly very aware of our close proximity.

  Pushing myself further into the cushions, Luke takes his forefinger and lightly grazes my lower lip. I’m not uncomfortable, exactly. More like I’m just confused about the feelings swirling inside of me.

  Where the hell did these butterflies come from?

  My gaze bounces between his eyes and his mouth before he slowly removes his finger from my face and shows me a small smudge of cream cheese frosting. His grin comes back full force as he places said frosting in his mouth, slowly licking his finger clean. My eyes zero in on his luscious lips, glimpsing his tongue as it swipes at the sugary icing. Time seems to slow down as I watch, mesmerized.

  Luke leans back again, squeezing my feet as he says, “You’re a hot mess, Liv. When are you gonna learn to eat without making a mess of yourself?” he teases before licking his lips again. “Although, I’m not complaining. I’ve been dying for a taste,” he smirks. I can feel myself blushing, again.

  Is it hot in here?

  And why do I feel like he might not be talking about the frosting?

  My gaze is glued to his as his grin slowly fades. He must’ve planned on me sweeping his comment under the rug like I usually do, but for some reason, I don’t want to this time.

  I might want a taste, too.

  I just hope this isn’t another stupid game of “chicken.” I’m not sure I’ll survive if it is.

  The tension is so thick between us, you could cut it with a knife. I watch his Adam’s apple bob up and down as he swallows thickly, licking his lips in anticipation.

  I’m not sure what’s happening right now, but I’m helpless to stop it. I’m not sure I’d want to, even if I could.

  However, just as I’m positive Luke is about to lean closer, Bree comes strutting into the room and falls precariously onto the love seat by the TV. She’s completely oblivious to the tension filling the room, and effectively breaks it with her presence.

  “So, what are we watchin’?” she asks.

  “Just our favorite guy making a fool of himself again,” Luke mutters.

  “Oh good! I love when Clark acts like an idiot!” Bree laughs.

  I clear my throat and take a peek at Luke. “I don’t think he always makes a fool out of himself,” I whisper, quietly. I have a feeling Luke isn’t talking about the movie.

  Thankfully, Bree doesn’t hear me. She’s completely immersed in Christmas Vacation, which is probably a good thing since I wouldn’t be able to explain my comment anyway.

  Chapter Seventeen


  Yesterday was spent baking, eating, watching classic Christmas movies, and snuggling by the fire. Oh, and did I mention eating? Because we definitely did a lot of that. And it was awesome.

  It was the perfect way to spend a holiday, and is exactly what I needed after a long ride in the car. My aching body definitely appreciated the break.

  Today, however, we’re heading to the Olympic Oval in Salt Lake. It was originally built for the 2002 Winter Olympics, but is now open to the public. I haven’t been here since high school when Adam and I had a double date with Luke and his flavor of the week. Bree had tagged along as well, unashamed of being the fifth wheel.

  We had spent the evening laughing, holding hands, drinking hot chocolate, and eating stale donuts from the gas station. I chuckle softly to myself, remembering Bree and I fighting over the last chocolate donut. Unfortunately, she won. She’s a scrappy little fighter, that one.

  It really was a perfect night.

  I smile fondly, remembering how sweet Adam used to always treat me.

  He was a really good guy.

  I know that
college was tough on him and our relationship, but high school was a completely different story. Well, the majority of it anyway. The last semester took its toll on Adam, too. He was always so hard on himself, trying to please everyone and trying to be perfect.

  Despite that, the guy waited on me hand and foot. He really knew how to make a girl feel like a princess. I know I was his entire world, just like how he was mine.

  I take a deep breath as we pull into the parking area, surprised that my walk down memory lane didn’t leave me in tears. It’s refreshing to think about my first love without breaking down afterwards. I think Adam would be proud of me. My eyes glaze slightly with the overwhelming feeling of peace that encompasses me.

  I know he would be.

  My soft smile is still firmly in place as Luke grabs my hand across the center console. He squeezes it gently, taking in my glossy eyes before asking, “You ready for this, Liv? You better be careful. I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen an eight-month pregnant woman ice skate before,” he teases, gently.

  I laugh, wiping under my eyes. “Bring it on.”

  We make our way into the arena, meeting his family by the area where you rent skates.

  Breezy comes bouncing over holding two pairs of skates over her head. “Gotcha covered, slow pokes!” she teases, while handing both Luke and me a pair. “Now, suit up, Ted!” she jokes, quoting How I Met Your Mother. “We’ll meet you on the ice!”

  Bree bobbles toward the rink on her skates as Luke and I take seats on one of the many benches scattered throughout the area to lace up. While attempting to bend forward and slip off my shoes, I hear Luke chuckling in my direction before sliding off the bench and kneeling before me. He grabs my moccasin-covered feet and slips them off. “Don’t hurt yourself, Liv,” he teases. “Let me you help out.”

  I roll my eyes, feeling like a toddler, but reluctantly grateful for his thoughtfulness. We both stay silent as he continues to tie my skates.

  Looking around the arena, I take in the fun atmosphere. It looks like your average skating rink, except bigger. There are flags hanging from the ceiling, along with the Olympic rings decorating the walls, and a running track surrounding the ice.


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