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Say I'm Yours

Page 16

by Michaels, Corinne

  He slides down my body and hooks my legs over his shoulders. My head falls back as he swipes his tongue up and down. I can’t breathe as he starts to work me over. I grip his hair with my fingers as I shudder and squirm beneath him. It’s too much. His tongue circles, and when he presses against my clit, I’m gone.

  I writhe beneath him as he refuses to yield, driving my orgasm on and on. When he’s content that I can’t take anymore, he climbs back up so we’re face to face. “Look at me,” he requests.

  My eyes open, and I see it all reflected in his gaze. The love he has for me. The promises he intends to keep. The pain he endured from losing me. And the determination rolls off him in waves.

  “I love you,” he says as he lines himself against my entrance. “I want you to keep your eyes here, understand?”

  “Yes,” I say on a moan as he pushes into me slowly.

  Trent has always felt good, but here . . . right now . . . he’s giving me more. He’s giving me the piece of himself I’ve been missing, and it’s overwhelming. I want to close my eyes and bask in it. The need to imprint the feeling to a permanent place inside me flutters my eyelids, but I hold them open, trying to focus on his face. Watching the way his jaw tightens as he pushes deeper inside me. I relish in the fact that his control slips with every inch and how he’s the first to break eye contact when he’s fully seated.

  “Trent,” I whisper. “Love me.”

  “I’m going to, hold on, sweetheart.”

  And he does.

  He loves me with everything inside himself. He loves me enough for the two of us. He loves me like he’s never done before.

  After my second orgasm, I think I’m going to pass out, but he keeps me going. We make love for a long time, both of us are sweaty and out of breath but completely sated when we finally collapse. We lie here with our legs intertwined, and my head on his chest as I listen to the sound of his heart.

  Neither of us speak for some time. I’m in my own head thinking about how different that was for me. We’ve made love countless times, but this was like coming home. It was the same, yet it wasn’t.

  Trent’s hand plays with my hair, and I gaze at him. “That was . . .”

  He grins with self-satisfaction. “Yeah it was.”

  “Who knew that all we needed was a break.”

  Trent pulls me on top of him and kisses me before sighing. “I don’t think we should try it again.”

  “You missed me that much?” I say playfully. His look doesn’t have any humor, though. He looks sad and forlorn. “Honey?”

  “I don’t know how I lived through these last few weeks.” His eyes harden. “Seein’ you with him, it killed me, Gracie. You have no idea what it did to me.”

  I roll off him and turn so we’re face to face. “It wasn’t easy for me, either. I was wrestling with tryin’ to move on while still lovin’ you. I don’t want you to think it was a cake walk for me.”

  Trent shifts a little and runs his fingers against my lips. “I don’t think that. I just don’t think you can imagine what it would be like if I were datin’ Charlotte or anyone else. You want to beat the shit out of anyone who talks to you. You want to beat the shit out of yourself. It’s not easy, and it sure as hell isn’t fun.”

  “Why didn’t you ever try to give me more?”

  He rests his hand on my hip and gazes into my eyes. “Because I believed you’d always be there. I never thought you’d leave me. I was wrong and took you for granted. When I realized you weren’t mine anymore, that you’d given up on us and it was my fault, I woke up. I knew I had to find a way to prove what you’ve always meant to me.”

  My fingers make patterns on his chest. “I hadn’t given up, I had to move on. I thought if I could date someone else, I could finally be happy. But it was you I wanted. I wanted this,” my hand presses against his heart. “I want your heart. I want you to trust me.”

  His hand covers mine. “I’ll do everything I can to prove it.”

  “Just don’t pull away. Don’t go back to shutting me out.”

  While Trent has never been this open before, he was somewhat like this when Scarlett was killed. He was sweet, unguarded, and took care of me. I thought that was the turning point for us, but after a few weeks, he was back to not returning calls and disappearing. I don’t want that to happen this time.

  “If I start to drift, pull me back.”

  “I will.”

  His eyes drop as he starts to succumb to the exhaustion. I tuck myself against his body, and he cocoons me with his limbs. My heart feels light as I start to fall asleep in his arms.

  “Don’t let me fail you, Gracie,” he mutters against my hair. I turn back, but he looks completely out. I’m not sure if he said it or I imagined it so I turn back and try to calm my beating heart.

  I really hope he doesn’t this time.

  * * *

  “I ’m fine , Macie.” Rhett swats at her as she fixes his pillow again and fusses over him.

  “I want you to be comfortable. Your first round of chemo is in the mornin’.”

  Rhett looks at his wife with an adoring smile. “Okay, darlin’, if you need to make me comfortable, go right ahead.”

  Trent smiles and grabs my hand. “How are you feelin’, Dad?”

  “According to your mother, I’m uncomfortable.”

  “You hush,” she scolds him.

  We’ve stopped by the hospital the last two days to spend some time with his parents. The boys have devised a schedule that works for everyone so they can always have someone around just in case.

  The doctor was very honest and told us chemo is a long shot, but it would hopefully give him more time. The fact that we don’t know how much, is making everyone tense. It doesn’t help that Rhett is having problems with his red blood cells and had to have another transfusion before he was cleared for his first chemo treatment.

  Wyatt will relieve us tonight and take the next two days. With Angie finally feeling better, he’s able to be here more often. I think all the boys are trying to find their way of handling this, some better than others.

  Zach is still struggling. He and Trent were fighting on the phone last night, and he had to walk out of the house to get a grip.

  I tried to explain that some people pull back because they think it’ll ease their suffering, he didn’t care, which I understand as well. Trent is trying to get Zach to realize it isn’t about what he wants. That it’s about their dad and what he needs , but emotions are irrational things.

  “So,” Rhett clears his throat, “I see you got your girl back.”

  Trent smirks. “I sure did, Pop. You’d be proud.”

  “That’s my boy. I always knew we’d done something right with him.” He takes Macie’s hand. “I was a little worried there for a while, with him bein’ so hardheaded, but he smartened up. You make sure you keep him on the right track, Grace.”

  “Hey,” Trent complains. “I’m your son, shouldn’t you be on my side?”

  His father laughs. “I think because you’re my son I should sympathize with her.”

  It’s great seeing his father in good spirits. It’s weighed heavily on Trent. He doesn’t always say anything, but I can see the gravity of the situation in his overall mood. I love my father so much, and I know I would be broken if I knew I was on borrowed time with him.

  “I wanted to tell you something,” Trent garners our attention. “Gracie and I are going to move in together. I’m going to start bringin’ my things over to her place and we should be fully done this week.”

  Macie’s face illuminates. “Oh! Finally!”


  “Don’t ‘Ma’ me.” She slaps his shoulder. “We’ve been hopin’ you two would move forward. You can’t say it hasn’t been a long time comin’. I’m so happy I could cry.”

  “I know that was my first thought.” I shrug.

  Trent incoherently grumbles under his breath. “Women.”

  Macie asks a million questions about ho
w we got to this point. She almost falls out of her chair when I tell her how easy it came together. Her eyes brighten by talking about how happy we are. Rhett’s spirits lift as well.

  After a few hours, Trent explains we have a lot to do and need to get going. We say our goodbyes and promise to come back tomorrow.

  I already love being back around this family.

  “You all right?” Trent asks as we drive back to his place.

  I’ve been in my head since we left. Thinking about how Trent will be moving off their land. I’m not sure it’s the right thing with everything going on.

  “Are you okay with movin’ in to my place?”

  “Of course I am. Why would you ask that?”

  “Because your mom might need you now more than ever. Zach is on the other side of the property, and Wyatt is so busy with Angie, which will only get worse after the baby is born. It makes sense we’re around to help more.”

  Trent’s face brightens, and I can’t figure out what he’s happy about. His father is sick and we should be around if they need us, especially since he’s the firstborn. His mama is going to be dealing with Rhett’s treatments and then whatever complications might arise.

  “What are you smilin’ for?” I ask.

  “Because you said we should be around to help,” he replies unapologetically.

  “You’re a mess.”

  “Never said any different, sweetheart.”

  I laugh to myself and get back to the issue at hand. “You still want to move?”

  Trent places his hand on my leg. “I’m not letting you get away, Grace Rooney. If you don’t want me movin’ in, you’re going to have to find a better excuse than this. My father wants nothing more than for us to be happy. In fact, I promised him I would do everything in my power to make you smile.”

  “Okay, so you want to do this?”

  “Yes, of course I do. It’s not like your house is an hour away. Look, I want to live with you. I want to wake up beside you every day. I want to make you very happy, sweetheart.”

  I touch the side of his face as he pulls in to his drive. “Well, I can’t wait for all of those things. Maybe you should make good on that promise. I can think of a few ways . . .”

  Chapter 16

  T rent has been moving his things over without me saying a word, helping Macie get Rhett settled at home, and spending as much time as he can with me. Today though, is full on moving in day.

  He said he was done bringing things in drabs, he wants to build our life together and is tired of pussy footing around.

  After his first wave of belongings, I realized I would actually have to make room for his stuff. I don’t think I fully understood that part. Thankfully, Presley came over to help me downsize. She and I spent hours going through clothes, boxes of memories, and a bottle—or two—of wine. There’s now room in the closet for at least some of his clothes, and I cleared four drawers, which was a miracle.

  “Where should we put this?” Trent holds the deer’s head that he had mounted.

  “In the garbage?” I offer.

  He chuckles, but I’m not joking. There’s no way that ugly ass thing is hanging in my very well-decorated home. He can use his house as a man cave for all I care. He can smoke, drink, play cards, and hang his kills there because it ain’t happening here.

  “Oh, come on. It’s a great coat rack.”

  “No way.” I point outside. “It’s not comin’ in here.”

  Trent grumbles and carries it back outside. I’ve already agreed to the ugliest chair known to man. I don’t know where he was storing it, because I’ve never seen it in his house, but he marched in and said it had to stay or he was leaving with it. It’s made of the scratchiest wool I’ve ever felt, and we won’t even talk about the plaid pattern. Whoever made it took whatever colors of wool they had and went for it. It doesn’t match anything.

  And yet, here it sits in my living room.

  Aside from the ugly chair incident, we’ve migrated his things in pretty seamlessly. However, that dead deer head isn’t going anywhere in this house.

  I manage to help him unpack a few more boxes before he grabs me by the waist and throws me to the bed, saying we needed to christen the house now that he lives there. Who am I to protest?

  “You think we’re goin’ to regret this?” I ask as we’re lying in bed with only the sheet covering us.

  “What? Movin’ in?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  He moves in close and pushes the hair off my face. “Nope. There will be zero regrets from me. I wasted a lot of years and for the dumbest reasons. I don’t see a downside to us livin’ together. Besides, I get to see you naked a whole lot more this way. Just think of all the sex we’ll have now.”

  I smack his arm. “And think of all the things we’ll have to adjust to.”

  “We’ll figure it out day by day. If Angie has found a way to deal with Wyatt, we should be fine.”

  “I’m pretty sure your brother would say the same about you.”

  Zach and Wyatt are the closest of the Hennington brothers. Trent’s always been on his own. When they wanted to ride horses, Trent was out shooting. He didn’t have much interest in working on his family’s farm. I never understood it, but even in high school, he was looking at other vocations.

  Even after his daddy had a stroke and Trent had to help run things, he hated it and eventually chose to walk away. He explained that he knew what he wanted to be and didn’t want his family to waste their time. It was strange to me, but then again, Trent has always been a mystery to me.

  We get out of bed, toss clothes on—well, I do—and head in to the kitchen.

  “Friday is the Fourth of July celebration,” Trent mentions as he leans against the counter with just a pair of basketball shorts on. I think just knowing he lives here somehow makes him sexier.

  He snaps his fingers. “Earth to Grace.”

  “Oh! Sorry, yeah, Fourth of July. What are you workin’?”

  He always does. I’m used to it by now, I don’t think we’ve ever gone together. When you’re dating the sheriff, you get used to spending holidays alone, which is something I resigned myself to a long time ago.

  “I took off.”

  “What?” I ask with shock. Well, that never happens.

  “I figured we could go out on the horses and watch the fireworks away from the crowd, if you want to . . .” I rush forward and kiss him. His hands wrap around me, and he laughs as I assault him. “I take that as a yes?” he asks between my kisses.

  “You’re full of surprises.” I smile and press my lips to his again. “I would love to. You know that this is my favorite holiday.”

  “Okay, I want to help Mama a bit in the mornin’, but I’ll be back early enough to get to the spot I want to go.”

  “Keep this up, and you may get all that sex you’re hopin’ for.”

  His deep, throaty laugh echoes in the room. “All part of my plan, sweetheart. I can grab you here or meet you at your parents’ house. We need to ride to get where I want to go.”

  My horses are still at my parents’ house. I have a small paddock on my property, but it isn’t great. Plus, it gives my daddy something to do when he’s pretending to tinker in the barn.

  “I’ll meet you there.” I try to contain my excitement, but I fail. I can’t stop jumping around.

  “All right. I better get ready for work. You got any plans?”

  “I’m going to the store.”

  “Okay, I’ll see you later.” He leans in for another kiss. One that I’m all too happy to give him.

  I don’t remember ever feeling this happy. It’s been a long time coming, and I’m on top of the world. Everything feels so right. We’re living together, we’re happy, we’re in love, and there is nothing hanging over my head.

  Trent leaves for work, and I head off to the store. Today is always a busy day for us since it’s delivery day, and I cringe thinking about it. I have no idea what state I’ll find the place in wh
en I get there.

  When I push through the glass door and the tiny bell sounds, Mama is arranging some things on the shelf.

  “Mornin’, Mama!” I beam as I get close.

  “Mornin’, baby.” Her eyes study me. “You look different.”

  “Different?” I don’t know what she could be seeing. I haven’t changed a thing.

  “Yeah.” Her lips purse, and she tilts her head. “You look happy.”

  “I am happy. I told you the other day that Trent was movin’ in.”

  Something she was not happy about. She doesn’t think “kids these days” should be living together before they’re married. I think she’s convinced herself I’m still a virgin. I sure as hell haven’t told her otherwise. A few years ago, she gave me another version of “the talk” regarding the marriage bed. No matter how many times I’ve tried to forget the things that we said that night, my mind won’t erase it.

  “I’m glad to see that boy is finally movin’ toward a future, but he’s a little dense on the order of how this goes.”

  “Sure, Mama.”

  “Don’t you ‘sure Mama’ me,” she chides. “There’s a way we do things, and it ain’t like this.”

  “Presley and Zach lived together and so did Angie and Wyatt,” I remind her. She never had a word to say about that.

  “Well, Macie and Rhett may allow that in their children’s lives, but your daddy and I do not.” She huffs before tacking on, “I know for a fact that Macie laid into those boys about gettin’ married. Sometimes we raise our babies the best we can and they still screw it all up.”

  I can’t believe she’s still this old fashioned and judgy. Usually, their old lady clan complains about other people’s choices, not choices their own kids make. Lord knows they all thought Wyatt was acting like an idiot last year, but no one said a word about it. Now suddenly because I’m moving in with Trent, she has something to say?

  “No one is screwin’ anything up, Mama. We’re all adults.”

  “Actin’ like children.”

  I learned early on not to argue with her when she gets like this. She’s set in her ways, and there’s no telling her any different. I also know that she and my father were pregnant with Scarlett before they got married. The whole nine-pound baby that was two months premature didn’t fool anyone, but I let her have that secret.


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