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The Billionaire Bad Boy Club: A Bad Boy BDSM Holiday Romance

Page 4

by Michelle Love

  He watched me as I dressed then I picked up my heels and turned to leave. He didn’t say a word as I touched the door knob. I was sure he didn’t mean to let me leave before the 24 hours was up. I half expected him to come up behind me and drag me back to his torturous bed. Instead, I saw him out of the corner of my eye, lie down on the bed, on his side. He was watching me.

  When nothing came from him, I turned the knob and opened the door. I don’t know why I didn’t just make a run for it but I didn’t do that at all. I turned back and looked at him.

  He looked right back at me with those dark eyes shining at me from behind his black mask. I had so many questions I wanted to ask him. But I knew he wasn’t about to be that man. That man who would suddenly change his nature and be boyfriend material.

  That man was anything but the kind of man you took home to meet your father. My father would’ve killed that man. In a heartbeat!

  Chapter 6


  As she left the room that day with obvious confusion. I felt as if maybe she wanted something more. Something I didn’t have to give. Whatever it was she desired, I could only fulfill sex and control. But I had enjoyed the sassy beauty as she ranted about belonging to me.

  That night I wanted to set the rules down but I couldn’t or she would’ve definitely walked away before I really got to know her. Dani had given me Natasha’s cell number. But she wasn’t responding to any of my messages or calls.

  I was beginning to think she liked to be punished. I let her leave that warehouse but I had no intentions of letting her go. I thought she understood that.

  With no other choices after a week without her, I went for my backup plan. Like I said, I wanted her. I get what I want, no matter what.

  “Nicholai, are you listening,” my father yelled across the board table.

  “I hear you, Father.” I looked over at him as I played with the ink pen, still thinking about Natasha.

  “So you will close this account by the end of the month! Catch a flight to Bangkok first thing!” he shouted, pushing the client portfolio to me as he got up and walked out of the boardroom with his stakeholders behind him.

  My assistant sat at my side as everyone else left the board room. “Jen, get a list of interns so I can have some help around here. We need some fresh faces. Make sure this one is at the top of the list.” I handed her a sheet with a list of names and Natasha Greenwell was the top priority. I wanted her. I wanted her right under my nose!

  I sat making business calls the rest of the day before going down to the warehouse for the company. Grimm Defense and Technology was my family owned company and I had been elected as CEO just a year after graduating.

  I hated working for my family and I hated the business we were in. I put on my hardhat to walk through the warehouse with the supervisor and line manager. “We’ll have the back orders out by the end of the quarter but we have another problem,” Chris, the warehouse supervisor said, turning toward me.

  “Yea, what's that?” I asked.

  They both looked at one another then Chris said, “The FBI has been lurking around here.”

  So it seemed we had fallen under the FBI’s radar for the umpteenth time. “Alright, I’ll handle it. Just don’t make that the gossip of the warehouse.” I said sternly, giving them back the hardhat before I left.

  I had an idea just who was lurking around the property and I would be paying them a visit as soon as I had the time to do that. My father didn’t need to get wind of any of that. He’d blame me for certain. He always found some reason things were my fault.

  My father, Nicholas Grimm, was a hard, controlling man and as much as I couldn’t stand him for it, I found myself being that way many times too.

  I grew up under his rule and it wasn’t the best as my mother was a definite mute when it came to him. When I began working at the company my grandfather, my father’s father, had started when he came here from Germany, I became a part of the BBC which was a club my grandfather helped orchestrate.

  I found out about my father’s many affairs. I loved my mother, no matter how my father felt about her trapping him as she was a BBC newbie he’d never planned to marry.

  My father was anything but faithful to my mother. He told me many times, monogamy was not a human way. I had begun to believe him as I’d yet to find one woman who could hold my attention for any length of time.

  It was Natasha who already filled my head more than any other ever had. I knew I needed to get her out of my system and fast.

  There was no other way to handle it!

  Chapter 7


  It had been almost two weeks since I’d seen Bill, or whatever his name was, and I was kind of tossing up the idea of giving into him. He had been calling and texting, which I ignored.

  He also sent gifts with messages that spoke of how I belonged to him. One message was attached to a gorgeous flower arrangement in a very expensive vase. It was explicit with details of how he’d make me cry with a need for him to fill me again. Which I did feel when I read the words. But I’d yet to indulge in anything with him, as bad as my body was in need of his rapture.

  Dani explained to me what was in her contract and how she had fallen into such a ridiculous agreement. But some part of me still felt like she should’ve warned me about what it was I’d be getting myself into by going, including the branding rule. Maybe she was just doing what was demanded of her and it was all a part of her contractual arrangement. I didn’t care at that point. I had effectively gotten away from the spoiled man.

  I grabbed a piece of toast as I headed out that day. Headed to class to turn in a research paper. It was my last year and I was ready to be done with the tedious workload.

  I had found another box sitting on the counter when I ventured out of my bedroom. The resident hall manager had to be on the man’s payroll as he secretly delivered the boxes to our dorm suite every single day.

  Instead of opening it, I took it to my room and hid it away in the closet. I would go through the boxes and see what he had sent me, eventually. As far as I was concerned, he was still on my bad side and no gift would change that.

  When I got on campus I noticed a job fair was going on and a recruiter was scouting for interns. I had a few minutes until my class started so I went to see what companies were there.

  There weren’t any I was interested in so I walked through the crowd of students and headed on to class. Once I got to class and took a seat, I looked through my emails, noticing three more came during the night from Bill. I deleted them without opening any of them.

  Professor O’Hara came into his classroom and made a B-line for me. “Hi, Professor O’Hara.” I gave him a smile as I put away my cell.

  “Good morning, Miss Greenwell, I’m guessing you brought your research paper.” He took a seat a few chairs away.

  “Yes, this time, I finished it.” I chuckled at him because that midterm paper was never turned in and this was a makeup paper.

  “I wanted to see you because you have an internship offer and I gave them a recommendation for you. It’s not my ideal company but it gives you at least something since you do need experience,” he told me.

  I knew I had to find an internship before graduation. But none of the companies I saw outside stood out to me as anything that would help my future career.

  “Where?” I asked after a moment of thinking.

  He cleared his throat. “Grimm Defense and Technology. Here are the internship application and a little background on the company.” He sat it on the desk and walked back down to the front of the class.

  I ran my eyes over the application as a girl named Sara, sat next to me. “Hey, I just spoke to the recruiter for that company you’re holding an application for. Are you going to apply for the internship?”

  I had barely paid any attention to it until then. “I don’t know. I never considered the defense industry.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “Well, I hope you do so I’l
l at least know someone there,” she whispered as the lecture had begun. “The recruiter signed me up already.

  “I’ll apply then. What department did you get assigned to?” I asked her.

  “The IT department, so apply for that one too.”

  At the end of class, I turned my internship application into the professor and headed to my next class. The damn boxes kept coming to my mind for some reason. All throughout that day, they kept popping into my head so I made a decision to end the curiosity and open them all when I got home.

  When I got home that afternoon, I put a frozen TV dinner in the oven and changed into a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt. After I pulled all the boxes out the closet, I sat Indian style on the floor in my bedroom and went through the things.

  In the first box was what looked to be crotchless panties and a matching bra set with a note, ‘You belong to me. So I’ll wait, Natasha, until you make the move. But every ignored letter will result in a punishment.’ I balled the letter up then tossed it into the trashcan.

  By the time I finished opening the boxes and finding naughty pieces of near nothings, I was wanting him in the worst way with an empty bottle of wine next to me and my dinner burning in the oven.

  After taking care of the ruined dinner, I made a decision. I was done holding out on the man. I felt an urge to feel his hands on my body again. I’m sure it was the wine and lack of food that had me so ready to get back to him. I knew there would be punishments for how I had ignored him.

  But that brand was still on my shoulder. That ink must’ve had henna in it or something because it never washed off. I looked at it every night when I got out of the shower and something inside of me didn’t care if he spanked me, I could let that happen. I needed to feel him again.

  I looked through my closet for something kinky to wear. I had a red bandage dress and I added a pair of black heels. Under that, I put on a nude bra and crotchless panty set he’d sent me.

  I put on smoky eye makeup and candy apple lip stain with a Venetian mask, he’d put in one of the boxes too. I straightened my hair until it was bone straight.

  When I was all put together, I grabbed my keys. I was heading to the BBC warehouse. I knew he would be there. It was Friday after all. The same night I first met him.

  I was going back to him, ready to accept my punishment and him. I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

  To be continued…

  The Bond

  A Bad Boy BDSM Holiday Romance

  Book 2

  By Michelle Love


  After holding out for as long as she could, Natasha sought out the man she knew as Bill at the BBC warehouse.

  When she found him with another woman, it stirred jealousy in her.

  Vowing to stay away from the man, Natasha found herself being invited to apply for an internship.

  Nicholai was ready for her to come back into his life and he was certain she’d come to an agreement with him about how he wanted things to be with her.

  Natasha’s strong will was being overridden by her strong attraction to the dominating man. But could she really become what he was asking of her?

  Chapter 1


  My adrenaline was rushing as I sat in my car, outside of the building I was pretty sure, my man, Bill was inside of. The parking lot was full of expensive cars, it was Friday night and the bad boy billionaires were on the prowl.

  Gathering my courage, I went to the door and knocked three times. The same guy opened the little door and he peeked out at me. “BBC entertainment,” I said.

  “Greenwell.” He smiled and opened the door, giving me a different stamp this time. I walked down the same dark dank stairwell to the red door and knocked four times in the top corners. The door opened, surprising me. There was a different woman there that time. “BBC sex.” I gave her the code.

  She smiled lightly and checked the stamp on my hand then gestured for me to go inside without a word said between us.

  I walked through the room as eyes peered at me from both the women and the men. But my focus on was finding Bill. He wasn’t at the poker table or any game table for that matter.

  I walked toward the hall that the rooms were down, opposite the bathrooms. The first room was empty as I opened the unlocked door.

  Then the second door was also unlocked and I found two men and a woman inside of that one. The woman was being mounted by one of the masked men while the other watched. I shut that door in a hurry and opened the third door.

  My heart stopped as my eyes ran over his muscled body. I could smell his distinct scent from where I stood, quiet as a church mouse.

  There he stood in front of a woman who was spread eagle on the bed. His back was to the door. Both of them were oblivious to my presence as loud music filled the room.

  My heart thumped as I felt a small twinge of jealousy nagging at me. But I quickly let that escape me as I watched intently as he toyed with the blindfolded woman. I closed the door behind me, silently and leaned up against the dark wall, watching them.

  His sweaty upper body glistened in the red lighting. His black pants were on but he wore no shirt or shoes. His face was surely covered by a mask as I could see the string from it running around the back of his dark head.

  His hand raised and I saw a small whip in it. It came down on her soft mound and her entire body quivered with the lash. My legs fell slightly apart as I yearned for it to be me he was punishing.

  He picked her up and turned her over, pressing her body to lie back down, flat on the bed. Leaning over her, he kissed down her spine as he placed his fingers inside her. “Are you ready for me?” he asked her.

  I heard her moan and he took that as a yes. When he turned to put the whip down on a small table, our eyes met. He was surprised to see me at first but then a sense of anger filled his mask covered eyes. I’m guessing he didn’t like to be watched.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked with a hushed tone as he came to me.

  My eyes shifted as I took my mask off. “I wanted to see you.”

  He stepped closer to me. His hands ran up and down my arms. I moaned in his ear as I flicked my tongue at his neck. Yet he stood still as a statue, only his hands kept moving.

  I could tell he wanted me as he stood in front of me, his breaths were slow and steady. “Why now? I’m in the middle of something.” He eyed me and I knew he was looking for something. Jealousy perhaps, or maybe an offer to join them.

  The truth was, I did feel jealous of that woman who was lying still, waiting for him on that bed. So I did what any jealous woman would do. I baited him. “Maybe next time then.” I grabbed my mask and turned toward the door.

  He grabbed my wrists, swinging me around until my back was against the wall. Inhaling my scent like a bloodhound, he held my body between his and the wall, nearly crushing me.

  I was throbbing for his penetration but he took his time with me. Licking the side of my neck as one of his hands grabbed my breast. “I’ve missed you, Bill.” The words slipped out even as I knew that was grounds for punishment. And I knew I had some coming for ignoring him for two weeks already.

  But he only pulled his body back and looked into my eyes. “I’ve missed you, Natasha.”

  He kissed me passionately, like he had a purpose. One I think he even knew was breaking the rules. I moaned softly as his hands roamed my body and his tongue found my breast as he pushed my dress down.

  “You have it on?” he looked at me with desire and a bit of surprise as he fondled my breast through the nude bra. The bra had a place sown into it to put something small in it. I had placed a spare key to our dorm suite in it to give to him.

  “Yes, it was the best gift out of all of them,” I said as I showed him the key that was in my bra.

  “You have to go, Natasha,” he said, taking the key away from me. “I have things that need tending to.”

  He turned away from me as I watched him place that key in his
pocket. He went back to the woman and ran his hands over her plump ass. With one hard smack, she seemed ready for him again and my stomach turned.

  He was leaving me in a sexual rage. He didn’t look back and I quietly went to the door, leaving him and that woman, who I noticed did not wear his brand on her body, to the elements of the room.

  I went home in an annoyed mood. Why had I inflicted that on myself? I shouldn’t have just shown up. I knew what kind of a man he was after all. He wasn’t my boyfriend. I didn’t catch him cheating on me. But it hurt like that just the same.

  Once again I had been shamed by his coldness, jolting me back to the reality of his unrelenting dominance. What he did was part of my punishment for ignoring him. Of that I was certain. What I was uncertain about was if he was done with me.

  Chapter 2


  I was no longer into Amber as much as I was before Natasha showed up. Amber was a little upset when I told her to leave without any explanation. But if I wasn’t into a woman or the situation any longer, I couldn’t and wouldn’t force myself.

  As bad as I wanted to fuck, I could only think about Natasha and the red dress that hugged her curves. I dressed and went out to find she had left the club entirely. I didn’t mean for her to leave the club.

  She’d caught me off guard. The way I reacted to seeing her wasn’t a thing I had ever done before. I had to fight myself not to run to her and take her in my arms and kiss her, for God’s sake!

  I wanted to throw her ass on that bed and take her the way I’d fantasized about the last couple of weeks while she ignored me. And I suppose it was her treatment of me that had me the most bewildered about how I felt.

  I fingered the key in my pocket as I drank from the glass filled with straight whisky. The night had been dampened. My libido was raging but only for her.


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