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Tightening the Ropes [Dark Days Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 5

by Jenny May

  “Good. Ty,” Logan shouted. “Get in the driver side.” He never took his eyes off of Knox as he started shouting orders to the wolves. “I want two cars to follow behind us.” Wolves and people disappeared and he pointed to Lewis. “You first. Walk and get in the car.”

  Lewis’s face was emotionless. It was so surprising that Knox felt a new respect for him as he followed orders without a word.

  “You next, Knox. Get in the back with him.”

  A sigh came from his mouth. “I take it this is the Iso everyone keeps mentioning.”

  Logan smiled. “You’re correct. And I know you. You don’t want this mating, but it has to be done.”

  Knox looked down at his black combat boots. “I don’t understand why we can’t leave these two alone and let them live a happy life. Why do I have to be a part of it?”

  “You seriously think that’s what’s best?” Logan looked at him concerned. “You can’t believe that.”

  He nodded without hesitation. “I know it would be.” Knox looked into Lynna’s face. “Look at her, Logan. She’s scared half to death about what’s going on. She’s not cut out for this lifestyle. She’s…weak.”

  Violet disappeared as she narrowed her eyes at Knox. She jerked against Logan and he let her go. She stalked forward and reared her hand back. The slap stung Knox’s face, but he didn’t move or try to stop her as she slapped him a second time.

  “How dare you presume to know anything about me? I am not weak, or scared. You’ve been nothing but an ass since I first met you.” She gestured around. “These…creatures. Is this the human reference you were so kind to fill me in on earlier? Is this what you are?”

  “They’re wolves, not creatures.” Knox looked at Logan, but brought his attention back to Lynna. “But yes. This is who we are.”

  She bit her lip. “I’ve been called to scenes where wolves were reported, but I never saw one before. Prove it to me. Show me your wolf.”

  Knox looked to Logan, conflicted.

  “Do it.” Logan walked forward. “She’s already pulled to you. It won’t scare her. Take it from me. I wasn’t scared the first time I saw Ty change. I should have been, but I wasn’t. The fear will simply not be there.”

  Knox stripped down until he was completely nude. Her face was flushed as she took in his body. Her hand reached out and touched his chest. Knox gritted his teeth against the contact. He wasn’t used to someone touching him. How was he ever going to accept this and go far enough to let the bonding happen?

  Just when he couldn’t take it anymore, Knox jerked back and called his beast. The wolf shot through him hard and took over his limbs. Crunching echoed in his ears and it wasn’t seconds before the blackness from his wolf took over his vision.. He looked at Lynna though his beast’s eyes. Fascination filled her face. She lowered herself slowly and ran her hand down the length of his neck. Ecstasy had him leaning his head into her touch. Lewis climbed out of the passenger side, his eyes as wide as saucers. But Logan was right. Knox couldn’t detect an ounce of fear. Just amazement.

  “You’re so soft. I think I like you better this way.” She stroked down his back and Knox could swear he was doing something close to purring. He wasn’t a damn cat. She may have liked him in wolf form, but he didn’t want these feelings. Not in his beast, or in his other self. He quickly turned back into his human appearance.

  “Let’s get this over with. The faster we bond, the faster I can get back to work.” Knox picked up his clothes and began putting them on. He slid his leg in the jeans and hit the ground hard as Lynna pushed him over.

  “You’re such a jerk. I’m going to have fun breaking this part of you.”

  Knox looked up at her and for the first time in his life he fumbled over his words. “Breaking me? What is that supposed to mean?”

  She turned to Logan. “Do you have some rope?”

  His leader smiled and looked at him as if to say, oh shit, you’re in for it now. “As a matter of fact, I think Knox does. It was in the back of the H2 if my eyes were correct.”

  Knox growled and pulled his clothes on. “No one is tying me up.”

  Lynna kneeled and grabbed the back of his neck. Her eyes became level with his. “You will be tied up eventually. And I promise you. You’re going to like it. Before the night is over you’ll be begging me for more.”

  Her firm grip disappeared, and he watched as her hips swayed while she walked to the car. Knox felt more rooted to the ground than any tree he’d ever seen. This woman was something else. A smile came to his face. Oh, this was going to be fun indeed. Lynna had no idea who she was trying to dominate. She probably didn’t know the first thing about tying people up. But him…It was his specialty. Knox pulled his shirt over his head and walked to Logan.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?” Knox watched as Lynna crawled in next to Lewis. “I’m no good for them.”

  “That’s irrelevant. You know you can’t deny the bond. Now go join your mates. That’s an order.”

  Knox clamped his jaw shut. There was no use arguing with Logan. He climbed in and shut the door. Logan walked around and shouted something to the men pulling up in the two vehicles. It wasn’t until he climbed in and Ty took off that they followed.

  Silence filled the interior. They weren’t driving fifteen minutes before Logan made them all put blindfolds on. Knox couldn’t stand it. Uncertainty was taking over the longer they drove. To get his mind off of what was going on he decided to talk to Logan. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Shoot.” Logan’s voice was quiet as he talked.

  “When mates pull, is it normal for them to go along with this whole situation so easily? I mean, if it were me and I didn’t have an Alpha to answer to I would have fought to the death.”

  Logan laughed. “They’re human, Knox. Not stupid. They go because they’re compelled. They know this isn’t right, but the overwhelming feeling to protect each other and stay together overpowers the slight fear they may be experiencing.”

  “I’ve been wondering why I got in the car so fast, actually,” Lewis said. “I guess Logan is right. I know it’s wrong and crazy.” He paused. “But truthfully, I don’t care. I just want to get to know you two better. The feeling borders obsession. Kinda makes me uneasy, but I can’t help it.” He took a deep breath and Knox could hear the sound of friction as his jeans shifted against the leather seat. “I knew there was something going on with all of you. I’ve overhead the whispering. After a while the suspicion turned to curiosity. I still can’t believe it, though. This is crazy.”

  “Yeah,” Lynna agreed, and they all got quiet again. Knox reached out and took a hold of the driver’s seat as they began hitting a lot of deep bumps. Lynna’s hand clamped on to his thigh and Knox tensed. His cock was getting hard just by her touch and although he liked it, he couldn’t get over the uncomfortable feeling of her contact.

  The H2 came to a stop and he listened as his door opened.

  Logan’s voice broke through the darkness from a few feet away. “Grab Lynna’s hand, Lewis, and lead her out. Knox, follow Ty.”

  Pressure gripped his shoulder and Knox blindly walked with him. His heart was racing at what was about to happen. How long would they have to endure this, and if they ever made it out of Iso would he be the same?

  Cold air encircled him and a musky smell filled his senses. After some stairs and a short walk, Knox came to a stop. He heard footsteps and noises all around him.

  “We’re headed out. Since I’ve been here I’ve added some upgrades,” Logan said, laughing. “There’s food in the fridge, and if you get bored I’m sure you’ll find ways to entertain yourselves. We’ll be back periodically to check on you.”

  No one said anything and after a few minutes Knox pulled the blindfold off. His sensitive eyes squinted in the dim light. He looked around at his two mates, still blindfolded, and then took in the four cement walls.

  The room was small. The only thing that filled the space was a large bed, a nightst
and, and a refrigerator. There was a door off to the right and Knox could tell from the sounds of running water that it was a tiny restroom. The toilet needed fixing. Great. He laughed inside. If Logan upgraded this place, he sure as hell couldn’t tell.

  Knox took a step and felt his boot connect with something. He looked down and rolled his eyes at the pile of rope at his feet. Damn it, Logan. His Alpha sure did want this bonding to happen. Of course, what wolf wouldn’t? The act was cherished. It was a huge deal to everyone. Well, not him. The act itself was. Just as long as it didn’t include him, he was fine. He wasn’t good for anyone. Not really. Yet, it would seem he was stuck in this situation. He promised his leader he would do this. Knox looked down at the pile of hemp rope and sighed. If he was going to attach himself to these two people for the rest of his life, he might as well show them his true colors.

  “They’re gone. You can take the blindfolds off now.”

  Lewis and Lynna eased the thick cotton masks from their faces and squinted while they looked around.

  “Wow, luxurious,” Lynna said sarcastically. She smiled and began walking around. Knox had to admit, she was a bit more outgoing than a woman he’d usually go for. He tended to like them with a little less talk, and a lot more action.

  Her smile fell as she looked at him offended. “Don’t look so disappointed, beefcake. I’m not anymore happier about this than you.”

  “I didn’t even say anything.” Knox walked over to the edge of the bed and sat down. This was going to be a long process.

  “You didn’t have to,” she snapped. “Disgust is written all over your face. You can’t even look at me without your lip snarling. Do me a favor.” She walked up to him and kneeled between his legs. “Try to hold my gaze for more than thirty seconds. I bet you can’t do it.”

  Knox raised one of his eyebrows at her. “I don’t lose.”

  “Yeah? Prove it.”

  Violet instantly pulled him in. Uneasiness made him want to look away, but Knox never lost a bet. Ever. He kept contact with her stare and noticed she started to get closer to his face. A foot quickly diminished to only a few inches.

  “You want to turn away so bad. I can feel it,” she whispered, seductively. Still, she inched forward. Her sweet breath brushed against his lips.

  Knox was lost in her gaze. It was some mysterious place that kept pulling him deeper and deeper into the far reaches of her soul. Emotions he never knew he had weighed heavily on his heart. It was scary to be so vulnerable. And that’s exactly how he felt, weak, helpless, and exposed. What was happening to him?

  Wetness from Lynna’s tongue ran the length of his lips. Knox was so caught off guard that he felt himself jerk back. Tingling and heat erupted over the surface where she’d licked. Lynna burst out laughing.

  “I told you you wouldn’t last.” She turned to Lewis. “How long would you say that was?”

  Lewis tried to hide his smile. “Might have gone a bit over thirty seconds, but not by much.”

  Knox narrowed his eyes and climbed off the bed. “You’re a witch. I mean that literally. You’re doing something with your eyes.”

  “Me?” Lynna looked confused. “I felt it too, but I assure you I wasn’t doing it.”

  Knox grabbed the rope and began tying knots throughout the length.

  “What are doing?” Lynna looked at him confused, but Knox just continued. He didn’t need to explain himself.

  Uncertainty filled her face, and her hand shot out and tried to pull the rope. Knox grabbed her wrist and whipped her around, pushing her face down on the bed. She turned her head to look at him. “You do realize you’re making skin-to-skin contact, right?”

  He lowered himself until his lips were by her ear. “Not for long, darling. We’re going to get this mating thing over with as quickly and painlessly as possible. Now, would you like me to remove your clothing or would you like to?”

  “Mating? You speak as if I’m some type of animal.” The smell of her arousal hit him hard, but still she laid there stubbornly. Knox had to fight to stay I control.

  “Okay…” Knox didn’t wait any longer for her to answer. He reached under her waist and unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans. As he leaned over her, he rested his hand on the mattress, on the other side of her head. She pushed her weight against his forearm and grabbed the hem of his jeans by his ankle. With unimaginable strength she flipped him over her. Knox bounced on the edge of the bed and hit the floor hard.

  “Not okay.” She leaned forward and looked at him. “Don’t get me wrong, I’d love to mate with you right now, but the whole macho attitude really has to go.

  Knox felt his jaw drop. He stood up and looked over to Lewis who was leaning against the wall silently laughing.

  “You think this is funny?” The cowboy continued to laugh.

  “Damn right it is. You’re both so bull-headed. Why can’t we all just sit down and talk this out? Maybe then something will happen and this bonding with go through…how did you put it? As painlessly as possible?”

  Knox groaned. “Oh my God. You two are just—”

  “Awesome?” Lynna winked at him. He knew she was just playing. But he couldn’t stop from wanting to lash out. The bond meant he’d be tied to them for the rest of his life. It was so permanent. What about everything he’d tried so hard to lock inside of himself? He could feel them already working their way into the dark recess of his heart. All he could think about was trying to fight it, and that involved pushing his mates away. Unfortunately, for Lynna, he knew the perfect button to push.

  Knox shook his head. “And you’re a cop? Are you sure?”

  The amusement left her face. “What is that supposed to mean?”

  “Just that. You can’t be serious for one second. How are you able to do your job?”

  Lynna stepped down from the bed and glared at him. “I’m a damn good cop. Never question that. You got lucky today. If you wouldn’t have caught me off guard with your freakishly abnormal speed I would have had you in handcuffs faster than you could have blinked.”

  Knox smiled. “But you didn’t, did you? I think you were the one in the handcuffs. In the back of my car, no less.”

  “Okay, that’s it.” Lewis pushed from the wall and headed over to them. “I’ve had enough of you two. Knox, apologize right now.”

  He looked over to Lewis, but Lynna’s pain squeezed at his heart. The whole reason he was here was because he wanted to save them. Yet, here he was, finding ways to hurt them. It wasn’t right. “I’m sorry, Lynna. That was uncalled for. I’m sure you’re a good cop.”

  “I am,” she whispered.

  Lewis stepped closer to them. “Now clothes off. Both of you.”

  Knox looked at Lynna and they both turned their attention to him.

  “I’m serious. I’ve had enough. Clothes off.”

  Lynna put her hands on her hips. “How is that going to settle anything?”

  Lewis unhooked his belt buckle. “It’s gotta happen eventually. Maybe if we jump right into the sex then you two will be less likely to argue once we’re finished. If that’s not the case, then someone hasn’t done their job. Now, off with the clothes.”

  Lewis was the first to strip down. Lynna hesitated, but slowly, she started undressing. He had to admit, he was surprised. As he stared at his mates’ beautiful, nude bodies, Knox wasn’t sure he could join them. This wasn’t his scene. Everything sexual he was into was as dark as he was on the inside.

  “Well, Knox?” Lynna’s chest heaved, making her beautiful plump breasts rise and fall. Her pink nipples were tight. They called to him. He wanted to gently bite the tiny nubs between his teeth until she cried out in pleasure.

  “Yeah, I don’t think I can just…you know.” Knox wasn’t sure why, but he pulled off his shirt.

  Lewis looked back at the rope. “You need something more, don’t you?” He walked over and picked it up from the bed. “I’m game.”

  The looked wasn’t one that said he was down for some good ol
’ tying up. There was something deeper, more profound, in Lewis’s expression.

  “I’m not so sure you are.” Knox’s tilted his head and really took Lewis in. The guy was definitely fit. More on the leaner side, but the muscle defined his body beautifully, none the less.

  “Try me. It wouldn’t be the first time I’ve been in ropes.”

  The sex appeal about the cowboy was suddenly overwhelming. Knox had never been attracted to a man before, but out of nowhere his cock hardened at the thought of having Lewis bound and begging him for more.

  The end of the rope dangled from Lewis’s hand. “Show me what you got.”

  Knox held his eye contact. These were his mates, dammit. His. Possessiveness quickly took over as he realized how much they wanted him. His mind fought it, but the he knew the damage was done. He led Lewis to the bed. Over and over he wrapped the hemp around his male mate’s forearms, down to his wrists. From there he looped it to the frame of the headboard. As deep breaths made the cowboy’s chest rise and fall, Knox couldn’t break his stare. His, repeated again.

  “Not good enough.” Lewis shook his head back and forth. “Stop worrying about hurting me. Tighten the rope.”

  Chapter 6

  Lewis bit his lip as Knox pulled tighter. His arms stretched over his head until it bordered pain, but he suppressed the smile of satisfaction he felt. He’d never been tied up before, but Knox didn’t know that. And from the big man’s reaction, Lewis could tell he loved the control. Loved everything about what he was seeing.

  The bed shifted and Lynna moved in closer. Her pale legs looked beautiful against the dark comforter. “Where do I fit in?”

  Knox looked confused for a minute. Even Lewis wasn’t quite sure. All he knew was they needed to start something and then hopefully things between them would improve. But he knew one thing. If he took the power away from Knox, things would go downhill from here. He remained quiet and let him handle it.

  “I got it.” Knox loosed the rope and unwrapped Lewis’s arms. He pulled Lewis to his knees and spun him to face the headboard. “Lynna, lie down on the bed in front of Lewis.”


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