Rat Island

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by William Stolzenburg

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  James, Helen F., and Storrs L. Olson. 1983. Flightless birds. Natural History 92 (9): 30–40.

  Jansen, Paul W. 2006. Kakapo recovery: The basis of decision-making. Notornis 53:184–90.

  Jones, Holly P., Bernie R. Tershy, Erika S. Zavaleta, Donald A. Croll, Bradford S. Keitt, Myra E. Finkelstein, and Gregg R. Howald. 2008. Severity of the effects of invasive rats on seabirds: A global review. Conservation Biology 22 (1): 16–26.

  Jones, Ian L. 1993. Least auklet (Aethia pusilla). In The Birds of North America, no. 69, ed. A. Poole and F. Gill. Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology

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  Jost, Christian H., and Serge Andrefouët. 2006. Long term natural and human perturbations and current status of Clipperton Atoll, a remote island of the Eastern Pacific. Pacific Conservation Biology 12 (3): 207–18.

  Jouventin, Pierre, Joël Bried, and Thierry Micol. 2003. Insular bird populations can be saved from rats: A long-term experimental study of white-chinned petrels Procellaria aequinoctialis on Ile de la Possession (Crozet archipelago). Polar Biology 26:371–78.

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  Keitt, Bradford S., Chris Wilcox, Bernie R. Tershy, Donald A. Croll, and C. Josh Donlan. 2002. The effect of feral cats on the population viability of black-vented shearwaters (Puffinus opisthomelas) on Natividad Island, Mexico. Animal Conservation 5:217–23.

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  Knowlton, Jessie L., C. Josh Donlan, Gary W. Roemer, Araceli Samaniego-Herrera, Bradford S. Keitt, Bill Wood, Alfonso Aguirre-Muñoz, Kate R. Faulkner, and Bernie R. Tershy. 2007. Eradication of non-native mammals and the status of insular mammals on the California Channel Islands, USA, and Pacific Baja California Peninsula Islands, Mexico. Southwestern Naturalist 52 (4): 528–40.

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