Rat Island

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by William Stolzenburg

  Pregill, Gregory K., and David W. Steadman. 2004. South Pacific iguanas: Human impacts and a new species. Journal of Herpetology 38 (1): 15–21.

  Pyšek, Petr, David M. Richardson, and Vojtěch Jarošík. 2006. Who cites who in the invasion zoo: Insights from an analysis of the most highly cited papers in invasion ecology. Preslia 78:437–68.

  Quammen, David. 1996. The Song of the Dodo: Island Biogeography in an Age of Extinction. New York: Scribner.

  Quillfeldt, Petra, Ingrid Schenk, Rona A. R. McGill, Ian J. Strange, Juan F. Masello, Anja Gladbach, Verena Roesch, and Robert W. Furness. 2008. Introduced mammals coexist with seabirds at New Island, Falkland Islands: Abundance, habitat preferences, and stable isotope analysis of diet. Polar Biology 31 (3): 333–49.

  Rapaport, Moshe. 2006. Eden in peril: Impact of humans on Pacific island ecosystems. Island Studies Journal 1 (1): 109–24.

  Ratcliffe, Norman, Mike Bell, Tara Pelembe, Dave Boyle, Raymond Benjamin, Richard White, Brendan Godley, Jim Stevenson, and Sarah Sanders. 2009. The eradication of feral cats from Ascension Island and its subsequent recolonization by seabirds. Oryx 44 (1): 20–29.

  Raubenheimer, David, and Stephen J. Simpson. 2006. The challenge of supplementary feeding: Can geometric analysis help save the kakapo? Notornis 53 (1): 100–11.

  Rauzon, Mark J. 2007. Island restoration: Exploring the past, anticipating the future. Marine Ornithology 35:97–107.

  Rauzon, Mark J., David Boyle, William T. Everett, and John Gilardi. 2008. The status of the birds of Wake Atoll. Atoll Research Bulletin 561, 41pp.

  Regehr, Heidi M., Michael S. Rodway, Moira J. F. Lemon, and J. Mark Hipfner. 2007. Recovery of the ancient murrelet Synthliboramphus antiquus colony on Langara Island, British Columbia, following eradication of invasive rats. Marine Ornithology 35:137–44.

  Ricciardi, Anthony. 2007. Are modern biological invasions an unprecedented form of global change? Conservation Biology 21 (2): 329–36.

  Risbey, Danielle A., Michael C. Calver, Jeff Short, J. Stuart Bradley, and Ian W. Wright. 1999. The impact of cats and foxes on the small vertebrate fauna of Heirisson Prong, Western Australia. II. A field experiment. Wildlife Research 27 (3): 223–35.

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  Robertson, Bruce C. 2006. The role of genetics in kakapo recovery. Notornis 53 (1): 173–83.

  Robertson, H. A., R. M. Colbourne, and F. Nieuwland. 1993. Survival of little spotted kiwi and other forest birds exposed to brodifacoum rat poison on Red Mercury Island. Notornis 40:253–62.

  Rodda, G. H., T. H. Fritts, E. W. Campbell III, K. Dean-Bradley, G. Perry, and C. P. Qualls. 2002. Practical concerns in the eradication of island snakes. In Turning the Tide: The Eradication of Invasive Species, ed. C. R. Veitch and M. N. Clout, 260–65. Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, UK: IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group.

  Rodionov, S. N., J. E. Overland, and N. A. Bond. 2005. Spatial and temporal variability of the Aleutian climate. Fisheries Oceanography 14 (supp. 1): 3–21.

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  Rooney, Katie. 2008. The top ten everything of 2008. 10: $150,000 for “Rat Island.” Time, Nov. 3. http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1855948_1863903_1863888,00.html (accessed Nov. 17, 2010).

  Rosen, Yereth. 2007. Biologists aim to wipe out “Rat Island.” Reuters, Oct. 2. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSN0129716820071002 (accessed Nov. 17, 2010).

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  Rowsell, H. C., J. Ritcey, and F. Cox. 1979. Assessment of humaneness of vertebrate pesticides. In Proceedings of the Canadian Association for Laboratory Animal Science 1978–1979, 159–249.

  Rudman, B. 2003. Latest twist in rat saga right up kiore’s alley. New Zealand Herald, May 9.

  Ruffino, L., K. Bourgeois, E. Vidal, J. Icard, F. Torre, and J. Legrand. 2008. Introduced predators and cavity-nesting seabirds: Unexpected low level of interaction at breeding sites. Canadian Journal of Zoology 86:1068–73.

  Russell, J. C., M. N. Clout, and B. H. McArdle. 2004. Island biogeography and the species richness of introduced mammals on New Zealand offshore islands. Journal of Biogeography 31:653–64.

  Russell, J. C., D. R. Towns, and M. N. Clout. 2008. Review of rat invasion biology: Implications for island biosecurity. Science for Conservation 286. New Zealand Department of Conservation, Wellington. 53pp.

  Russell, James. 2006. Overlooked damages. Conservation 8 (3): 46.

  Russell, James C., Brent M. Beaven, Jamie W. B. MacKay, David R. Towns, and Mick N. Clout. 2008. Testing island biosecurity systems for invasive rats. Wildlife Research 35:215–21.

  Russell, James C., and Matthieu Le Corre. 2009. Introduced mammal impacts on seabirds in the Îles Éparses, Western Indian Ocean. Marine Ornithology 37:121–29.

  Russell, James C., Vincent Lecomte, Yves Dumont, and Matthieu Le Corre. 2009. Intraguild predation and mesopredator release effect on long-lived prey. Ecological Modelling 220:1098–1104.

  Russell, James C., Jamie W. B. Mackay, and Jawad Abdelkrim. 2009. Insular pest control within a metapopulation context. Biological Conservation 142:1404–10.

  Russell, James C., David R. Towns, Sandra H. Anderson, and Mick N. Clout. 2005. Intercepting the first rat shore. Nature 437:1107.

  Russell, James Charles. 2004. Invading the Pacific: Biological and cultural dimensions of invasive species in the Pacific region. Graduate Journal of Asia-Pacific Studies 2 (2): 77–94.

  Safina, Carl. 2002. Eye of the Albatross: Visions of Hope and Survival. New York: Henry Holt.

  Sagoff, Mark. 2005. Do non-native species threaten the natural environment? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18:215–36.

  Samways, M. J., S. Taylor, and W. Tarboton. 2005. Extinction reprieve following alien removal. Conservation Biology 19:1329–30.

  Sanders, Mark D., and Richard F. Maloney. 2002. Causes of mortality at nests of ground-nesting birds in the Upper Waitaki Basin, South Island, New Zealand: A 5-year video study. Biological Conservation 106:225–36.

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  Saunders, A., and D. A. Norton. 2001. Ecological restoration at Mainland Islands in New Zealand. Biological Conservation 99:109–19.

  Sax, Dov F., and Steven D. Gaines. 2008. Species invasions and extinction: The future of native biodiversity on islands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (supp. 1): 11490–97.

  Sax, Dov F., Steven D. Gaines, and James H. Brown. 2002. Species invasions exceed extinctions on islands worldwide: A comparative study of plants and birds. American Naturalist 160 (6): 766–83.

  Schwartz, John. 2005. Rat on the run turns out to be marathon swimmer. New York Times, Oct. 25.

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  Şekercioğlu, Çağan H., Gretchen C. Daily, and Paul R. Ehrlich. 2004. Ecosystem consequences of bird declines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 101 (52): 18042–47.

  Sessions, Laura. 2003. Date with extinction. Natural History 112 (3): 52–58.

  Shaffer, Scott A., Yann Tremblay, Henri Weimerskirch, Darren Scott, David R. Thompson, Paul M. Sagar, Henrik Moller et al. 2006. Migratory shearwaters integrate oceanic resources acros
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  Shah, N. J. 2001. Eradication of alien predators in the Seychelles: An example of conservation action on tropical islands. Biodiversity and Conservation 10:1219–20.

  Sharp, Trudy, and Glen Saunders. 2008. A Model for Assessing the Relative Humaneness of Pest Animal Control Methods. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

  Sherley, Greg, ed. 2000. Invasive Species in the Pacific: A Technical Review and Draft Regional Strategy. Samoa: South Pacific Regional Environment Programme.

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  Simberloff, Daniel. 2000. Extinction-proneness of island species: Causes and management implications. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 48:1–9.

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  Stapp, P. 2002. Stable isotopes reveal evidence of predation by ship rats on seabirds on the Shiant Islands, Scotland. Journal of Applied Ecology 39:831–40.

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  Steadman, David W., J. Peter White, and Jim Allen. 1999. Prehistoric birds from New Ireland, Papua New Guinea: Extinctions on a large Melanesian island. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 96 (5): 2563–68.

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  Towns, David R., Richard Parrish, Claudine L. Tyrrell, Graham T. Ussher, Alison Cree, Donald G. Newman, A. (Tony) H. Whitaker, and Ian Westbrooke. 2007. Responses of tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) to removal of introduced Pacific rats from islands. Conservation Biology 21 (4): 1021–31.

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