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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

Page 8

by Amanda Clover

  Xagon sucked her sweet juice with a grumble of pleasure. She was suddenly emptied as the tentacle slipped from her squeezing ass and the giant opened his saw-toothed mouth. He lifted Livia above it, dangling her from his tentacles as he opened wide beneath her.

  The giant dropped the princess's bottom and cunt into his maw so that she sat against the hot cradle of his tongue with her legs hanging out the corners of his mouth. His mouth closed around her, past her hips, and he slurped at her as if she were a morsel and he might suck the meat from her bones.

  Livia thought she might at least be swallowed or gnashed between Xagon's vicious teeth. Yet, somehow his sharp teeth did not tear her flesh and she felt only the soft insistence of Xagon's tongue pressing against her. Livia's new surge of fear was again swallowed by the sensation of pleasure as the princess poured her cum down the throat of the giant.

  Her orgasm had hardly subsided when Xagon lifted her from his mouth and dropped her drool-slick body unceremoniously onto the platform. His tentacles wrapped her ankles and flipped her onto her back with a jarring thump. The tentacles spread her legs wide apart and she was reminded of the beast that had attacked her in the cave. Xagon's red-black eyes flashed with intensity and he took hold of her shoulders with his massive hands. His giant strength could have torn her in half if he had wanted, but the Great One had other ways of splitting Livia open.

  She finally saw it, dangling between his legs like the timber of a pier, a full meter of purple-black flesh, not even fully engorged. It squirmed with unwholesome muscularity and Xagon pressed its drooling cap against her tiny quim.

  "Not possible," she gasped.

  She shook her head in fear as the giant lined up his monstrous manhood to claim her womb. If Xagon understood her words or her gesture, if he noted her wide-eyed terror or the tremble of her pert breasts, he did not acknowledge. Instead, he slithered a tentacle around her waist to further pin her down and pushed his cock into her with the force of a ship's ramming prow.

  Xagon's massive cock ruled Livia's body in a single, ruinous stroke. Her cunt opened up around him, stretching impossibly to accommodate the Great One's cock. Her distended belly was so taut against his invading cock that the ridges of his member were visible through Livia's pale flesh. She watched in horror as it reached nearly up to his breasts. Only the magic of the orange jelly saved her life and allowed her tight cunt, so recently virginal to stretch inward and flex around Xagon's mighty member.

  "Aaaaaaaahhhh!" cried the princess, for she knew pain more exquisite that childbirth. Her inner body was thrust into her chest and she could hardly breathe as Xagon fucked into her. His weight seemed to crush the life from her and the hot, skewering pole of his cock dominated her body and mind. She was breathless, simply struggling to breathe beneath him as he shook the chamber with his first roar of pleasure.

  The tips of his tentacles flicked at Livia's nipples. It was such a tiny gesture to her pleasure, it was almost comical, but it worked. With each stroke of his cock she began to isolate the pain and focus on the pleasure. It began with her nipples, still swollen, quivering atop her pert breasts with each thrust of Xagon's cock meat.

  The young princess ceased to be amazed that she had simply survived his cock and began to appreciate the weight of it and how it delved into her in a way that was terrifying and new. Her channel clenched around him as tight as a stocking. Xagon let out a soft grunt of pleasure with each shunting drive into Livia's cunt. His hands tightened around her shoulder. The prickling cups of his tentacles sucked at her straining nipples.

  "Fffffuck me!" she cried in a voice that seemed to echo from leagues distant.

  Xagon growled and pummeled her with his cock. Her words were an invitation; her body an offering upon his perverse alter. Livia's desire had been twisted to conform to the Great One's urges and she craved his release. Nothing had ever mattered more in her entire life than pleasing the gray giant that used her body as his fucktoy.

  The Great One's cock swelled impossibly within her body. With each thrust Xagon's member actually bent into her stretched womb, as flexible as one of his tentacles, and curled back around onto itself. Despite the bewildering crush of the giant's cock, Livia could feel the hot coil of her own pleasure tightening around the swollen cock.

  "Yes! YEssssss!" she cried. She threw back her head as her mouth fell open in a deep, wordless scream of ecstasy. Xagon answered the petite princess with a roar of pleasure that temporarily deafened her. His huge cock throbbed and kicked against her and she felt a sudden pressure as it began to pump her full of the Great One's scalding seed.

  The giant's hot cum poured into her in quantities to match the immense size of his cock. It spurted out around his intruding shaft with each stroke and distended her belly with the sheer volume of his spunk. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she descended into a sort of madness, her lithe body convulsing against Xagon's cock. Drool fell from her parted lips. Surges of spunk spilled from her drum-tight cunt and pooled beneath her ass.

  But her ordeal was hardly over. Having claimed her cunt and spread his seed into her fertile womb, the Great One demanded her ass, and he took with force to equal that he used upon her cunt. He slammed her body face-down onto the cum-smeared floor and rooted her ass with the gentleness of a typhoon. He roared and thrust obscenely into her, his purple cock pounding up her impossibly stretched ass and his smooth flesh colliding with the firm globes of her ass.

  Livia could not even form words. The pain was mind-altering and quickly supplanted by an oddly distant sort of pleasure, as if her nerves were communicating it to her from another room. Xagon's weight bore down atop her and his cock felt as if it might burst into her throat and emerge from between her lips. Somehow, it did not, and with a body-shaking howl, the Great One packed her bowels with another load of his hot seed. It burned inside her, a glowing ember of pleasure that radiating out to the rest of her body.

  Without tenderness or fanfare, it was over. The huge cock slipped from the princess's gaping ass with a raunchy slurp and coiled back between Xagon's muscular legs. The Great One turned and leaped from the platform and back into the dark pool of water beneath it. He was gone. Stuffed full of his cum, Livia hardly felt empty.

  Tala appeared over her. The lovely handmaiden cradled Livia against her large breasts and stroked the dark locks of the pale princess.

  "Have I done well?" asked Livia.

  "Yes!" cried Tala, tears glistening in her eyes. "You have taken the seed of the Great One. Already I know it has worked. You carry within you the future of our race."


  The fetch fish slid onto the shore at the water's edge and it opened its huge catfish mouth. Two figures crawled out of the fish's slimy belly and waded ashore. The morning mist clung to the shoreline and hovered above the water. The women were bare breasted and wore only loincloths to preserve any modesty.

  "Do you think we will find someone?" asked Tala, checking that her knife was still in her belt.

  "The fishermen always come at this early hours," said Livia. "Surely there will be..."

  She stopped as she saw the shadow of a hunched man at the water's edge. He was only a silhouette within the fog, but Livia knew they had found their first fisherman.

  "There is one now," whispered LIvia. "Let us get closer to him."

  They advanced out of the water and began to creep closer to the fisherman. It had taken weeks for the princess to convince Tala to allow her to venture with her to the surface . In the past few days, Livia had proven both her loyalty to the Deep Dwellers and her skill at fishing.

  Livia did not question why it always had to be fishermen. Why only men could be taken when "fishing." She did not ask what was done with them once they had been captured.

  "You are showing," said Tala, watching Livia crawl on hands and knees.

  Livia ran her palm over the slight bulge of her belly. She smiled. The auguring of the blood was already done. She would give birth to twins. One would become
the queen and the other would be a great general. It was that simple to the red Deep Dwellers.

  "I am," agreed the princess. "They seem ravenous. I hope you keep your milk."

  "You'll have to stay on top of that," said Tala with a wink.

  They reached the rocky shore where the man was fishing. He was in his later years, a white-haired grandfather with a knit cap on his head and a long rod and large reel that he handled with practiced ease. Although they were hiding only a few feet behind him, he had not detected their approach.

  "Are you ready?" asked Livia.

  "Whatever must be done," said Tala.

  "Let us hope Saaaahhhhsshhs is observing us," said Livia as she crept out of the brush behind the fisherman. She very nearly stepped, barefoot, into the embers of a cook fire warming a pot of aromatic root coffee. She danced away from the hot coals and stepped on a twig.

  "Who is there?" demanded the old fisherman as he turned around.

  "Just two lost little girls," said Tala.

  "W-what?" The firsherman dropped his pole and got up from the stump he was using as his seat at the water's edge. His eyes were wide with shock at seeing two beautiful, bare-breasted young women approaching out of the mist. He raised his fingers in the sign of the sun. "Apparitions!"

  "No, we're real flesh and blood," said Tala and she took the old man's hands and pressed them against her breasts. He moaned in a shock as he felt the warm softness of her tits beneath his hands.

  "Ohhh, he has dropped his pole," said Livia, joining her handmaiden. "Don't bother, I'll pick it up for him."

  The princess crouched down beside the old man and ran her hands up the leg of his trousers. She felt his cock stiffening inside and her fingers deftly opened the drawstring. She wrapped her hand around the warm curl of his cockmeat as the stunned fisherman squeezed Tala's breasts and played her fat nipples between his fingers. The princess squeeze the fisherman's hardening cock and gave it a few strokes. It was thin, but quite long and left untrimmed by the priests.

  She squinted into the mists that hung over the water. Saaaahhhhsshhs was late again. Either that, or he was watching and enjoying forcing the princess and her handmaiden to work hard for their catch.

  "I cannot believe this," said the old man. "I must be dreaming now. Can I kiss them?"

  "Of course you can," said Tala and she pulled the old fisherman's grizzled face into her breasts. He began smacking his lips against her soft breasts and running his tongue over her nipples. Tala let out exaggerated cries of pleasure.

  Livia muttered a curse against Saaaahhhhsshhs and began to stroke the fisherman's stiffening cock. To her surprise, the old man grabbed her head and pulled her towards his straining red cock. She felt as if she had no choice but to open her mouth and wrap her full lips around his shaft.

  "Ohhhhhh," groaned the old fisherman. "So good. My wife never uses her mouth like that."

  "You know what they say," said Tala with a giggle. "Two are better than one."

  She dropped to her knees beside the sucking princess and together the two women began to lather the old fisherman with their tongues. Their mouths warred across the hot pipe of his cock's shaft, their tongues fenced over the head, and they took turns licking and sucking at his balls.

  "I'm going to lose my seed if you two beauties keep that up," said the old fisherman, watching them work his petrified pole.

  "Go ahead," giggled Tala, waking him over her pink tongue. "We love to taste cum."

  Livia rolled her eyes. Tala was behaving as if she'd given herself an injection from one of the witch stinger quills.

  "I want to feel your cunts," said the fisherman. "Quickly, both of you, bend over these rocks. Yes, just so, like that. Ohhhh, look at those lovely bottoms. Yours is so big and soft and yours is so small and firm. I don't know witch I like more. I guess I'll"

  "Oohhhhhh," cried Livia as the old man stuffed his hard cock into her slick folds. She was immediately reminded that she was in a bit of an aroused state herself. The early weeks of her pregnancy had been blessed with many joyous mating with the males of her choice. They were all eager to please the mother of the future queen.

  "So tight," marveled the old fisherman. "I bet you've never had a cock this big before."

  "Ohhhhh no, it's so big," cried Livia. "I don't know if I can take it. Please, be gentle."

  Tala could not suppress a giggle. The old man gave her a swat on her bottom.

  "I'm not going to go easy on either of you!" he said.

  The spindly old man slapped his thighs against Livia's bottom with each stroke. The wispy hairs on his balls tickled against her throbbing clit. His cock teased her at the edges of her lust, but he dragged his cock out from her depths before she could approach her climax.

  Tala let out a cry beside Livia as the old man gave her a turn with the crimson root of his cock. The busty handmaiden flopped and pushed her plump ass back against the fisherman. Her huge tits bounced wildly and dripped milk out onto the stones at her feet.

  With one hand between her thighs, playing at her clit, Livia crawled beneath the rutting pair and began to lick from Tala's fat clit to the old man's swinging balls. Both cried out with pleasure as Livia swiped her tongue from one to the other.

  "Ohhhhhh, I'm going to...I'm going to...aaaaaaaahhhhHH!" The old man howled with pleasure and spurted out his gooey load into Tala's hot groove. The shapely handmaiden thrust back against him and rocked her hips. The old man trembled at her mercy as she squeezed out every drop. As his cock came out, Livia dipped her tongue into her handmaiden's spunk-stuffed quim. The taste of a man was so salty compared to the sweetness of the Deep Dwellers.

  "That's so beautiful," marveled the old man at the sight of Livia lapping and Tala's creamed channel. "Give me a moment and I'll be ready to give you another--OOF!"

  At last, Saaaahhhhsshhs struck, clubbing the man over his head and knocking him into a silver-threaded net to be carried down to the abyss.

  "Please," said Saaaahhhhsshhs in his language. "Do not stop for me. I was enjoying your performance."

  "Get over here and enjoy this," said Livia spreading her thighs and inviting Saaaahhhhsshhs to have a turn at her blushing cunt. "I need a hard cock to satisfy me."

  "I have just the thing," he said as he untied his loincloth.

  "Yes," cried Livia as he slid his blue cock into her. "Yes! I love it!"

  As depraved as it sometimes felt, Livia could not even conceive of a better life than the one she had. Not even married to a handsome prince of Shaddobar.

  Book 3 - Ravenous Slimes

  The scribe stumbled into the clearing and scrambled to her feet. Her prim braid of scarlet hair was in disarray and her stockings were torn by the brambles. She was a slender, fair-skinned girl with big blue eyes and a small mouth she ordinarily kept closed. It wasn't closed at that particular moment.

  She cried out in fear, "Help! Help me! They've almost got me!"


  The brigand laughed as he emerged into the clearing. He might have been handsome if it weren't for the disfiguring scar that crossed from one corner of his scalp down to his jaw. The scribe began to back away, her hands raised, a pleading, terrified expression on her face. The brigand's two companions joined him in the clearing. One was fat and the other was skinny and hook-nosed. One carried rope and the other a sap to knock the scribe unconscious if she didn't become more cooperative.

  "I already told you," cried the scribe. "I have no gold! I don't have anything you want!"

  "That last bit isn't true at all, my lovely." The scarred brigand edged closer. "And when we're through with you, I know an orc slaver who will pay a fair bit of coin for a delicate bit of cunt like you. But first, we have to pluck your flower..."

  The white charger emerged slowly from the woods. On the horse's back was a figure in plate and chain. It cocked the mechanism of a crossbow and took aim at the brigand. The startled brigand froze in his tracks, allowing the scribe to flee to the side of the
war horse.

  "Far enough," said Claudette Chevalier.

  "A woman?" muttered the fat brigand.

  Claudette raised the visor of her helm. A lock of hair so blond it seemed almost white drifted out from beneath her mail coif and caught the breeze like smoke. She was young and beautiful, possessing intense gray eyes, full lips, and a strong jaw inherited from her mother. The gold lion of House Chevalier was molded into her armored breastplate.

  "I am Claudette, daughter of Gerard of the House Chevalier."

  "The king's daughter?" moaned the skinny brigand. "I thought she went off to study magic in the black tower."

  "My older sister is the mage," said Claudette. "I am trained in arms. Now, these are my father's lands you have preyed upon and this hamlet is under his protection. Surrender to me."

  "You can only shoot one of us," spit the scarred brigand.

  "I will shoot you," said Claudette. "And then I will draw out my sword and run down your two friends."

  She let them judge the seriousness of her words before continuing, "You are accused of three rapes, three robberies and the theft of a horse. You have waylaid travelers and terrorized these woods. If you surrender now I will suggest the leniency of hard labor rather than the gallows."

  The scarred brigand went for his sword. Claudette fired the crossbow and felled the man with a shot through his heart. His two comrades took only a moment to decide that Claudette was not to be trifled with. They surrendered and allowed the scribe to clap shackles on their wrists and ankles.

  "Well done, Gwen," said Claudette to the young scribe. "I wanted them to get out into the clearing so they would not have a chance to flee into the woods."

  "Being bait was exciting," admitted the scribe. "Another couplet to add to the epic of the Fair-Haired Princess of Justice."

  Claudette blushed at Gwen's flattery. Her mother had insisted upon bringing Gwen along on her exploits through the countryside owned by the king. She had said that a princess who chooses to become a knight was a rare thing, and if it was truly the life Claudette sought, then her tales must be recorded. Princess Claudette Chevalier had brought Gwen Ingspot along reluctantly, but since leaving the castle they had become close friends.


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