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Princess to Pleasure Slave Collection: The Forbidden Book of Monstrous Pleasures

Page 17

by Amanda Clover

  She was not wearing her instructor's robe. She was not wearing very much at all. The silky white slip hung from her shoulders by two small straps and the shimmering fabric draped over her breasts. Her hard nipples were clearly visible beneath the fabric. The slip barely covered Kelsey's plump bottom and her thick thighs were obscenely exposed.

  "In-instructor," stammered Yvette. "I wanted discuss..."

  "Yes?" laughed Kelsey, her hips swinging as she came closer and closer to Yvette.

  "What can can..."

  Yvette found herself unable to speak. Staring at Kelsey in the tight slip was having a powerful effect on her. She swallowed and tried to quiet her nerves. Her face was burning up with embarrassment. She did not even know where to look without feeling as if she was looking at something forbidden.

  At last, she recovered enough to blurt out, "Please, instructor, I must pass this exam."

  "You know, my dear, every instructor in the tower lusts after you." Kelsey circled slowly around Yvette. She reached out and trailed her fingers around Yvette's waist and across her flat belly. "You should hear them. The men are like beasts and they wager on how they will be the first to have you. Oh, come, don't look surprised. You must know the effect you have on them with those full lips, those exquisite royal features, and those breasts fit to nurse a legion."

  "I have received...some attention..."

  "Yes, you have, haven't you?" Kelsey stood behind Yvette and cradled the comely apprentice's hips. "I've watched you every class. I admire the way you move, as if you're in court, always so prim and proper, but with a body like a courtesan."

  Kelsey stepped back and rested her hands on her cocked hips.

  "I think you know why I have offered to help you, my dear. I can smell the flowers on your supple skin. I can see the way you've worn your robe. Your pretty smile will not be enough. Not for me to lie to Master Varminster."

  Yvette spun around and faced her instructor.

  "I will do what it takes," said Yvette.

  Kelsey brought up her hand in a perfect casting posture and said, "Vestis Arderet!"

  Streams of red light burst from Kelsey's fingertips and in an instant became a cyclone of glowing specks that swirled around Yvette and burrowed into every seam and hem of her robe. She gasped as she felt as if a thousand wriggling fleas had leapt into her robe. Her robe began to split open along its seams. The tiny grains of magic snatched at the cloth and lifted it from Yvette's breasts. They slipped the robe from her waist and shucked the lower half of the robe down from her shapely hips.

  "Ohhhhh," cried Yvette.

  She felt as if she might giggle as the tickling magic suddenly erupted into flashes of fire. The heat was not at all painful. If gathered along the scraps and threads of the unraveling robe until the garment burst apart in a shower of sparks and light. As the magical embers faded, Yvette stood completely nude before her instructor. The comely princess-apprentice stared wide-eyed at Kelsey. Her breasts heaved up and down with her stunned breathing and her long, shapely legs trembled with excitement.

  "Well, well, well," said Kelsey, taking in the sight of her naked pupil. "I thought you looked good in a robe. This is fantastical. Have you been magically enhanced?"

  "No," said Yvette. She pressed one hand and arm across her breasts and used the other hand to cover her downy quim. "I do not even know what you mean, instructor."

  "Enough with the instructor. Call me Uvana. And I'll call you Yvette."

  Uvana gently forced Yvette's arms down to her sides and smiled as she took in the full nudity of the lovely princess.

  "The others were sure they would have you first," whispered Uvana and brushed her fingers against Yvette's breasts and over her fat nipples. "They thought because your countrymen worship Tevos you would be afraid of a woman. You're not afraid, are you?"

  "No," whispered Yvette.

  That was a lie and the princess was doing a poor job of hiding it. She trembled as Uvana squeezed and played with the weight of her breasts. The middle aged instructor had a reassuring touch. She knew what she wanted and she was not afraid to claim it for herself.

  Uvana crushed Yvette's breasts in her hands and lowered her face to Yvette's soft mounds. She began kissing and licking her way over Yvette's soft titflesh. Yvette gasped as Uvana's tongue flicked at her nipples. The plump instructor's lips closed around a nipple and the warm suction of her mouth sent spurs of pleasure through Yvette's body. The princess could no longer deny her own lust. The heat in her body was no longer wine or determination, it was raw need boiling in her belly and glistening at the cusp of her delicate flower.

  "Uvana," she gasped and hugged the instructor against her breasts. "I feel...mmmmmm..."

  Uvana's lips traveled from the soft valley of Yvette's cleavage to the young princess's full lips. The instructor smothered her pupil in a steamy kiss. Uvana thrust her tongue into the sweet mouth of her apprentice. As Yvette shared her first kiss with a woman she realized that she did not care if Tevos damned her. It was worth it.

  "Manus invisibilis," whispered Uvana between kisses.

  Soft, invisible hands cradled the perfect roundness of Yvette's ass. They reached around her and squeezed her breasts so that indentations of fingers appeared on her yielding flesh. They caressed her shoulders and thighs and lightly stroked between her legs.

  "Oh gods," cried the princess as she was fondled by a half dozen pairs of unseen hands.

  The fondling was guided by the will of the beautiful older woman ravishing her with scorching kisses and deep strokes of her tongue. The invisible vices of fingertips pinched Yvette's nipples flat and plucked at her breasts. Fingertips spread her ass and she hissed into Uvana's kiss as they teased the tender drum of her anus. More fingers touched her delicate flower and her juices seemed to spill into the air and freeze as they slicked the translucent fingers.

  The hands shifted and pulled Yvette down onto the soft furs before the fire. She found herself staring up at her voluptuous instructor. Uvana gathered the hem of her silk slip in her hands and raised it up her thighs. She exposed her wide hips and plumps thighs and the furry thatch of dark hair covering her cunt.

  "Let us see if your tongue can work a better magic than your fingers," said Uvana and she lowered her steaming muff over Yvette's face. The young princess was overwhelmed by the heat and scent of the aroused cunt. She had never seen such a thing. A real woman's cunt, slick with Uvana's juices and within reach of Yvette's tongue.

  The princess's world was reduced to the confines of Uvana's thick thighs and the hot trench of her cunt. The fingers of one of the unseen hands laced into Yvette's hair and gently pulled her face towards the raunchy wetness of Uvana's cunt.

  "Lick it," demanded the instructor. "Taste the honey of a woman's loins."

  Yvette took a deep breath and savored the forbidden intensity of what she was about to do. She stared through the forest of black hair at the plump vulva and its fleshy labia so different from Yvette's own tiny flower. Uvana was a woman and her body was that of a woman. Uvana reminded Yvette of her own mother. Yvette hugged her arms around her instructor's thighs and leaned her face into the cove of Uvana's sex.

  "That's it," said Uvana, her voice barely a whisper. "I can feel your breath on me."

  Yvette turned her face and kissed Uvana's tender inner thigh. She moved her lips closer and closer until she felt the silky brush of Uvana's hair. It was soft and rich with the smell of her cunt. Yvette sought the heat of Uvana's opening with her tongue. She found the fleshiness of Uvana's labia, the heat of her slit, and the throbbing bud atop it. She teased Uvana with her tongue. Teased and licked and tasted until the plump instructor moved atop her face.

  "Now," hissed Uvana. "Fuck me with your tongue."

  Yvette obeyed and thrust her tongue between Uvana's velvet folds, plunging deep into the slick channel of her steamy cunt. Immediately she tasted the sour-tinged sweetness of Uvana's cunt. She buried her nose in the silky hairs and inhaled the
rich scent of her instructor's lust.

  "Yes, that's it," groaned Uvana. "You like that don't you?"

  Yvette's moaned reply was buried in the sweet folds of Uvana's cunt. The instructor rocked her hips forward and slid her hot groove against the princess's tongue. Yvette's mouth was flooded with Uvana's Juices. She lapped against the hard bud of Uvana's clit. It was not the tiny pebble of Yvette's own clit, it was a fat bullet with a distinct shape Yvette traced with her tongue.

  Uvana gasped and bounced atop Yvette's face. Her fat tits heaved beneath her clinging slip. She held the princess's head in her invisible hands and ground her straining clit against Yvette's lips and tongue.

  "Open those pretty little lips," demanded Uvana. "Yes, ohhhh, just like that. Now, you little royal tart, suck the juice from it."

  Yvette drank the sweet nectar of Uvana's cunt. The princess nearly suffocated beneath her instructors hot cunt in her eagerness to suck at her clit. As the plump woman used Yvette's mouth the princess hugged Uvana's ass tight and flicked her tongue against Uvana's fat clit. Sweat damped her hair and coursed down her cheeks. She didn't care that she could hardly breathe at all. She only cared about pleasuring her instructor.

  There was no doubt for Yvette of when her efforts brought her instructor to climax. Uvana locked her thighs tightly against Yvette's head and leaned forward, blotting out nearly all light for the smothered princess. Uvana thrust her hips in short, violent jerks and pumped her swamped cunt against Yvette's face. The cries of Uvana's pleasure traveled through her body and into Yvette's ears. Her face was completely smeared with cum and yet more flowed in a steady wave into her mouth. She sucked and licked and did not relent until the full weight of Uvana nearly collapsed atop her.

  "Yes, that's a good girl," said Uvana. Her thighs shook as she lifted her juicy cunt from Yvette's face. The young princess sucked in the fresh air. She was flushed and drenched in sweat. Uvana cradled her face and looked down at her with apparent affection. "You are far too beautiful to be a mage."

  "But you are beautiful," said Yvette.

  "Oh, a flatterer? Well I have ways of dealing with a flatterer."

  Yvette tried to form an answer and found herself distracted by the returning insistence of the Uvana's invisible hands. They stroked Yvette's hot channel, awakened the hard bud of her clit, pinched and twisted her nipples, and slid hot digits from her dewy slit to her tender ass. Invisible fingers pressed into Yvette's opening. They stretched her virgin channel and collided with her maidenhead. Yvette was afraid, but comforted by Uvana's smile.

  "It's alright," whispered Uvana, leaning her face down to the princess. "You won't need it where you're headed. Give me a kiss and it will be done."

  Yvette bit her lip, but nodded. She wanted this. It didn't matter anymore. Nothing mattered but Uvana's big dark eyes and her potential future as a mage of the tower. Uvana kissed her and Yvette's lips yielded instantly. Their tongues met in the hot chamber of their embrace. The instructor pressed down atop her and her invisible fingers drove into Yvette's virginal cunt.

  "Ah," she cried into Uvana's kiss. There was a hot pinch and a moment of aching loss as she gave herself up to the instructor. Then they kissed again and it was forgotten. Uvana's fingers moved inside Yvette, gently, but insistently. In and out of her tight cunt. In and out as their tongues danced and their lips smacked together. Soft cries of pleasure escaped from Yvette.

  Uvana's fingers drove the princess maddeningly close to an orgasm, but Uvana stopped short.

  "What's wrong?" cried the princess.

  "I could sense that you were close," said Uvana, stroking her real hand over Yvette's breasts. "Your body was tensing up. There is so much magic inside you, my dear. Let me show you your own power."

  Before Yvette could reply, Uvana slid away from her and the mage's invisible hands grabbed Yvette by her arms and legs and body and lifted her upright. Uvana pulled Yvette's leg up and slid beneath her, pressing her face between the princess's thighs. The invisible fingers began moving in and out again and this time Uvana pressed her hot mouth to Yvette's cunt and began to suck. She was once again thrust to the brink of ecstasy.

  "Oh my...Uvana...I'm..."

  "Mmmmmm, not yet," moaned Uvana into Yvette's tender slit. "Hold out your hand."

  Yvette extended her hand and the invisible fingers quickly forced her fingers into a perfect casting posture. Yvette's eyes went wide and she cried out in shock as she felt the tremendous, throbbing presence of arcane energy. It was the power trapped within her own body, churning like a sea of lava beneath the earth's crust.

  Uvana's tongue worked around and around the throbbing bud of Yvette's clit. The princess's entire body was being fondled and caressed by the invisible hands, but most notable her cunt and her tender anus were both being fucked by at least two fingers each. Her breasts seemed to mash and deform against nothing, her nipples stretching out as they were tortured by the unseen hands.

  "Aahhhhhh! I can't take it!" Yvette grabbed Uvana's head with her free hand and thrust her aching cunt against Uvana's mouth. "I'm...I'm..."

  Electricity crackled between Yvette's fingers. Her throbbing clit felt as if it might explode in her instructor's sucking mouth. She glanced down and saw the wanton lust in Uvana's eyes and it was all Yvete could take. Her cunt and ass squeezed around the invisible fingers thrusting into them. Her mouth fell open in a wordless wail of pleasure. She ground against Uvana's mouth and exploded.

  Blinding light burst from her fingertips. It was pure, wild magic without any scholarly spell behind it. Yvette screamed, her concentration only on pleasure, as the magic blasted from her fingertips with enough force to throw open the window, extinguish the fire in the hearth, and tear Uvana's slip from her body. Somehow, the instructor kept her magic fingers sawing into Yvette's tender hole and kept her mouth against Yvette's clit as the orgasm tore through the young princess. The light from Yvette's fingertips pulsed in sympathy with her orgasmic spasms. The magic throbbed and slowly diminished.

  Yvette finally collapsed into Uvana's arms. The princess was trembling and covered in sweat. She had made herself cum before in the bathtub and grinding against a pillow. She had even once been touched by one of the servant girls with her lovely long fingers. Those orgasms had been nothing compared to this and all the young princess could do was hug tightly against Uvana's naked breasts and shower them with her kisses.

  "I was going to pass you for your exam," said Uvana. "But I feared you would fail as a journeyman. Now I see that you might be one of the greatest mages the tower has ever produced, but your magic is locked deep. You must learn to summon it and control it."

  Yvette lifted her face from Uvana's breasts.

  "Can you teach me?"

  "No. But I think I know who can. Master Varminster is always in need of help in his laboratory. It is difficult work and it can be dangerous. He is...demanding. Few will volunteer for the job of helping him. But could learn."

  Yvette knew of the master of the Black Tower. He was ancient and extremely powerful, but also eccentric and feared, even by the instructors. They rarely spoke to him unless their job required it and there were rumors of more than one apprentice disappearing in his laboratory over the years.

  "What would he want with me?"

  "That is for him to decide if you accept spending your leisure break working in his laboratory." Uvana smoothed the hair from Yvette's face. "If you refuse, you will fail as a journeyman. I am sorry, sweet princess, it is inevitable."

  Yvette had no time for sorrow or insult. She threw her arms around Uvana's neck and kissed her passionately. Their breasts met in a warm mash and Uvana's leg slid between Yvette's thighs.

  "Thank you," cried the princess between deep kisses. "I will do whatever it takes."

  "Good," said Uvana. "Being open to new experiences is critical to your development. On that matter, I have several more experiences for you."

  Yvette's cries of pleasure echoed through the Black Tower late i
nto the night as the young princess learned her instructor was capable of conjuring far more than just invisible hands. The next morning Uvana made the introduction to Master Varminster.

  The great wizard was quite vigorous for such an old man. He seemed well over a century, with a great white beard and eyes that hid beneath his bushy eyebrows. He was very skinny beneath his vermillion robe decorated with golden brocade, so skinny that he seemed frail, yet he leapt about his laboratory with the ease of a ranger.

  "An assistant, you say?" Varminster jumped down from the steaming contraption he was tinkering with and looked Yvette over. "Yes, she certainly possesses qualities I can, erm, appreciate. What do you say your name is?"

  "Yvette Chevalier."

  "She has untapped potential," said Uvana.

  "Yes, she does have a lot of potential," agreed Varminster as he paced in a circle around Yvette. "Very well. I'll consider you, since you come recommended, but I think you'll need to prove your enthusiasm."

  "I am afraid I'm not much of a good caster," said Yvette.

  "Doesn't matter. I only require enthusiasm, not skill with magic."

  Varminster plopped his scrawny bottom on a three-legged stool. He bit the stem of an oversized pipe between his teeth.

  "Go ahead." He waved the pipe. "Show me how you intend to make yourself useful."

  Yvette was stymied. The huge laboratory comprised a twisting rotunda of ancient magic texts piled up several stories, a number of strange contraptions, magical distilleries, and teetering shelves stuffed with reagents. There were vials of potions, cages containing magical experiments, chalk boards strewn with symbols, and bubbling cauldrons over fire pits.

  Yvette looked from this overwhelming chaos to the old wizard, who sat atop his stool and chewed his pipe as he waited for her to somehow prove herself.

  Uvana offered no insight. Her hands were folded across her breasts and she gave Yvette a curious smile.

  What does that smile mean? wondered the princess.

  She realized that she had only one quality to offer someone like Varminster. She had to do something that just a day earlier would have been unthinkable. She swallowed her fears, repressed her shame, and began to untie the robe. Varminster pulled the pipe from his teeth. He raised one bushy eyebrow.


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